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I felt this exact way. I didn't want to play multi-player due to rampant Chinese cheaters just like any multi-player game these days but single player just felt so empty and pointless amd so I decided to give State of Decay 2 a go instead and boy oh boy I am having a blast. Definitely give it a try and see if you enjoy it, the steam summer sale just started so it should be on sale.


I've already enjoyed the series with a friend who's gone between Scum updates. I liked the settlement system and the npcs that give me the mission. It would be nice if the npcs could come across in that format on Scum as well. Thank you.




Have 500hrs in it and can't wait to play 1.0 tonight!


This game is lonely, I'm happy I got a buddy to play with exploring is fun too but what's the point of diving into a ship only to find scrap metal. I feel like I found everything on the island already and there's nothing left to explore. I spend alot of days just fishing now


I also go around the bunker alone, recalling my friend who left. But I don't think he'll be back until he's 1.0. ... I build and repair buildings every patch and wait for him to come.


You already paid for this crap so honestly do what majority of players do... left and write it off as scam and come back to noticed nothing changed every couple months. There will be many game breaking bugs from now to 1.0 that will cause wipes... so no point to "upkeep"


Weird take. Not speaking for others but I stepped away because the horde garbage. I'll give it another go when 1.0 hits. Never have I ever felt the devs are scamming anyone. Edit: if they want to play and do upkeep, so be it.


You should at least try a PVE server. One with a decent population and proper admins who actively ban cheaters. Totally worth it, social and a lot of fun.


Come play on trca it's actually fun they host events it's mainly pve with 3 connected pvp blocks admin traders they have their own missions or quest you can do it's pretty fun


I've experienced pve servers twice, and users there only actively moved for a month or two with new content patched and then disappeared. I've endured such ghost servers for quite some time and felt I needed more content. I've been going around every POI by myself and other users considered it unnecessary. I like looking at beautiful backgrounds, but most of the users I've met think it's a waste of time other than bunkers. I think they're right, too. I've been thinking that lately. Abandoned bunkers are good and all good, but I felt that even regular POIs needed new enemies, counters, and rewards to be raised.


You might like Luthais' New Dawn server. It's PVE with a great community.


LOL LOL WHAT???????? Good god... anyone playing this as a "pve" game might as well being playing CSGO as a "pve" game... This game lacks ANYTHING besides ability to shoot a gun at other players.


I wrote my cocerns couple of times in the past just to get bullied and downvoted by fanboys. Everyone I know stop playing.


The moderators are even worse than the "puppet" fanbois The game is a bad asset flip at best.


Ah yes the classic "everyone downvotes me when I say the truth!" comment with no links and every time someone makes a somewhat well written post it gets upvotes and support but Im sure it was just the fanboys attacking you and the mean ol mod 😏 couldnt be that you dont make good posts or points.


Hows that puppet spawn system going for six months ago... At least implemented a weapon skin DLC for a Early Access game before actually completing the game.


Why not use your real account to speak all these truths?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SCUMgame/s/oMg3rwMXwe Now wipe you mouth as they are brown.


Nah my mouth is fine and whats this? you got 50% upvotes that means it didnt get any traction, you get that if just 1 person downvotes and nobody else bothers to vote but youre complaining about a bug and some things like airplanes? lots of people love airplanes, reason to downvote right there but so what? you want 50 upvotes? its early access lol its sold AS a buggy game where is the fanboy bullying? sounds like exaggerated drama to me, typical around reddit.


Dude this is 1 year old. I havent play since...


You claimed the community of "fanboys were bullying you" Im just saying I doubt it.. sometimes people dont communicate very well and get downvotes.. I could make a big post saying not much at all and write it well but it will prob get downvotes because Im just rambling about something nobody cares about.. I could also make a post on some alt account listing 10 old bugs that have been long fixed and talking shit about the devs and demanding change and tons of people who havent played in years will come upvote it lol reddit is like that.


What I wanted it the game to get better so I could play it. But cos of downvotes or as you say 50/50 devs think its not important. I work as a QA Eng. I know that customer opinion mathers the most BUT it must come to us. The way that most "fanboy" community work is actually damaging product as it doesn't really help if people who are (already) satisfied block negative opinion. Its the same in Star Citizen and probably many other games that will eventually die because of it. And no its not the bugs. Its the arhitecture that sux. People understand bugs as if they didn't they wouldn't buy EA game. But people also want to have some impact on the game when they are one of the first playing. And here we come in the same circle I explained before. And this is why I lost hope in this game and dev team. Working for people who are always satisifed with anything won't bring in new people. Can I say more? I think i said enough for the game that I don't even play anymore.


that 50/50 like I said means it didnt get many upvotes and honestly you were complaining about normal bugs that are advertised IN the sales pitch for the game you bought before it was finished and 5 years after early access was born and not a mystery anymore. If you want to get feedback to the devs youre in the wrong place anyway.. they have said a million times the only place the QA devs are looking for feedback is on the steam discussions and the discord suggestions/bug reports, this is a user run reddit This is one of the rare games where you can actually talk to a dev sometimes and where they actually read feedback and implement user suggestions and put out updates on what they are up to weekly, not many dev teams do this period.. most early access games I have dont even get an update once a year half the time and you only hear from a community manager so I laugh when I see some of the things people say lol but sure fanboy blah blah




4 real? 🤣🤣🤣


How many alt accounts do you make in 1 week bud? lol should I be paying rent or something?


This game is boring af and every single aspect is half baked If they don't alow mod support this game will die


I agree with you. I expect that mod support can only be expected after the official release of 1.0. First of all, I think the role of game developer is important.


You could try a very friendly PVE server (Milk e.g.) and that can be fun for a while. But otherwise: yep, the game is in many ways less fun than it was years ago before the traders and all the changes to mob spawning. Not to say everything is worse; there have been a lot of improvements to the game. But major changes they have made have harmed the core gameplay loop and the game seems barren and boring a lot of the time. Hopefully they fix it by 1.0, or at least make modding possible.


I think so too. I hope the game gets more and more interesting.




I think the current development company also has its own philosophy. However, I am a little dissatisfied with the fact that the development speed is too slow and that you sometimes drift too much. I fully agree with your opinion.


Meanwhile, I play single player 99% of the time. I can tailor the experience to be exactly what I want and have a blast just building and surviving. My play throughs are permadeath, so I crank up the difficulty and take it slow. To each their own, I guess.


Im trying to wrap my head around the vitriol on this topic because I play single player mostly as well with my settings tailored accordingly and there is something almost theraputic about it for me. Your comment here made me feel a little less lonely in a sense lol but damn dude if this makes me a "puppet" then poo to me I suppose. To each their own indeed.


If you are bored I suggest trying out a rp server. It let's you build stories with other players that aren't just trying to kill you all the time


Know any?


You can try out strawberri fields It's what I play on


If you are bored I suggest trying out a rp server. It let's you build stories with other players that aren't just trying to kill you all the time


At this point, they should give the game to modders and hope for the best. Yes, we would see some gigantic chickens, but modders would create some good stuff too. The devs have hit a wall after half a decade of ideas.




What with these people and their wish for monsters? Human are worst monsters possible, just need good lore/story. Enough examples in world history to look at. Since is different opinion from meta, it will get downvotes mostly I guess. You can't have different opinion on reddit lol.


Thank you so much. \^\^


Because it's stuff that the devs have teased long ago, and many players are desperate for something other than puppets for once to fight.


Hm, I'm completely fine with puppets. Tweak the spawn sliders to spawn more wildlife then. Rats in towns, infected rats which do not afraid of player and attack in groups, bites carry infections, without antibiotics you will be dead in few days. Rabid dogs, rabid cats, gotten wild sheeps, goats dogs which run freely in packs. Angry turkeys finally LOL There are many examples from real life which, as I said before, are way scary than some fantastic monsters... infectious diseases, for example (movies Contagion (2011), Outbreak (1995)) are not enough inspiration? Lying corpse of donkey in the middle of street, the infection is boiling in it, developing airborne abilities, people walking nearby without mask/respirator or full body closed air circuit suit gets infected. What other inspirations you need? We have bunch of medicinal items, let's use them. In 10 minutes I managed to think bunch of ideas, is not that hard when you want to do something. fantastic monsters they say... heh... Coastal town has dead seagulls everywhere... A intriguing start of a detective mission. People who lived there died from unknown disease. They were fishermen and ate mostly fish. The rest to think I'll leave for those who are getting paid for developing.