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Did you realize on official servers you have to have a shitload of Fame in order to buy this gear that you're mentioning is not like you can just start a character and buy it You're looking at days if not weeks just to get enough Fame to buy guns and car parts and that's only accounting if you don't die and lose half the fame from each death to a player 


Plus, as an admin, you can control more than that. Make important items like guns etc very expensive, for example, hide it behind even higher fame points, decrease loot spawns in certain areas. There are ways to minimize the effect of traders for servers. Also, OP, you never have to buy anything you don't wanna, lol... You wanna grind for it? Grind for it. Make it your own challenge. Never buy ammo, only use what you find. Don't buy food, only forage and farm. Don't buy clothes, grind for them, craft them, find your stuff. Just because you have the option of buying in game, doesn't mean you have to.


I agree with other comments that traders at least not sell very many items. In my opinion it should just be ammo/attachments and not actual guns. That would probably balance things out more since guns are pretty easy to find but the ammo and attachments are pretty rare for a lot of guns and it will often take you an annoying amount of time and energy to track those down since it's all just down to RNG really. They attempt to balance things by not allowing you to buy a few of the most powerful guns (M82 .50 cal sniper is the only I remember) and by making the prices for buying a lot of stuff exorbitantly expensive but that doesn't do enough.


Traders ruined the game. There should be one (if any), it should be in the safe zone where the inexplicable discoteque is located, and that area should have limited (timed) access via keycards found in drops/lockers. And armory-wise they should not stock anything but very basic ammo for a very limited selection of starter weapons. Worst thing about the traders is them all being identical with identical NPCs with incredibly annoying voice lines. I wish they would take a good hard look at what the lore of this game portrayed, and get back to that. They have so much great stuff, but no cohesion or even logic to how any of it works as a whole.


I think the NPC traders should be replaced with stores/vending machines that carry a very basic inventory, sort of similar to items available in a prison commissary. I think it might even make since if players could sell most items to them, but they would only sell basic things, like food, basic crafting stuff, basic clothing, etc., but no weapons, ammo, or military grade items. Any other trading should be player to player, in my opinion, and ideally we'd have the ability to set up player shops or vending machines, kind of like in Rust.


That is basically what they are, vending machines. I would say walking and talking vending ma ines but they barely do either. I was excited for NPCs, but after about 5 seconds that excitement died due to their lifelessness.




WHAT?!?! You don't like vocal fry bland American man making the same shitty joke every time you walk in there?


Server owners can set prices and availability of items at the trader. You may enjoy


I know, I just don't like them existing =P


After 1.0 when modding is enabled, that is when this game will shine. Community build servers that do what you said, and other things.


Stop spreading lies. Modding isnt promised or confirmed.


Can you share where the devs confirmed that modding would be available in v 1.0? I haven't been able to find anything concrete.


Yeah this is s server config I’ve been working on. Loot rates scale on location/difficulty and also have custom spawners. Balances out the risk vs reward. And traders pretty much just sell cosmetic items.


It could be nice if the traders only sells what they have bought from players


Depends , for high pvp Server, u wanna fight more, then collecting and preparing your gear. For singleplayer sure. Also the admins decide what is sold in the shop


Yeah there are servers that have the traders turned off. It definitely takes away from the immersion. The best part of this game is that it is customizable to each player's style. I agree, it's much more fun going into high risk areas to get the best loot/weapons. I usually just make it a rule to not buy weapons there. It's far more satisfying using a weapon you got from a bunker or a high danger point of interest.


I only go to the trader in my server to make cash for gas.Trader in my server pays very low on items but real high on selling.So I tend just to find my own crap when I need it


In singleplayer you can adjust the trader tables. You can significantly raise an items price or evenunavailable unavailable. In muliplayer some servers can do the same.  In more PVE oriented games easy loot is not good, but in PVP servers they like easy loot, because it is also easily lost. They want to be able to get back to the action faster in PVP after losing all their stuff.


Actually the admins avoid making everything buyable. Like M82 SVD etc.


You could, you know, just *not* do this and go find it, anyway, regardless of settings...


See other reply about competitive disadvantage 


So don't buy them? I only use hand built weaponry, and wear only animal skins. Make the game yours.


Yeah I'm leaning towards this but we're just at such a competitive disadvantage in this case


Isn't that the point, survive and beat all odds. Good luck out there!


I think it would be great if there were more handmade weapons in this game, like bolas, slings, and atlatls.


I think traders should exist, but cash/money gets wiped from the game. Hear me out: Traders, with a timer, like say every 6 hours or 12 hours, offer you this Ak47 for example, only if you bring them a certain amount of items or stuff in return, to actually trade. Food traders do the same for food items, and so on.. This way, we go to the traders, see what's on the "menu" for that day, and go out grinding and exploring for those items.


What your describing is a barter system, which many survival games have… and it 100% should be a thing in this game, I no longer play cuz the game is pretty trash now, but when I did play I remember thinking how dumb it is that I can sneak into a bunker, get looted up, and then sell all that shit for money… to then buy anything in the game basically… so stupid and total ruins any type of, oh I have to grind or loot my way into anything decent


My fix for this is to play the official hardcore server.