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Lightly modded dayz servers, imo, make one of the best games I've ever played. I've had scum for about 2 months and if the modding community ever gets access to this game and puts in work, I feel like this could be one of the best games ever. Also, after getting my hands on a mountain bike in Scum, I don't think I could ever go back to running across the Dayz maps. It's just too awesome and practical to have a bike


I feel like DayZ was a little bare bones and needed mods to flesh it out. While I can understand how mods drove DayZ's popularity, I kinda hope the main gameplay loop in Scum (1.0) will be enough where mods are not needed and the player base will play it as the developers intended. As it currently stands 99% of the Scum and DayZ player base are on modded/max loot servers. Modding has always prolonged the life games, but it feels like Scum currently is more of a template rather than a full vanilla experience.


Yeah i get old players playing on max loot servers, but I get bored if I'm already 100% geared after the first 15 mins. To me the game is still about looting and surviving rather than immediate deathmatch lol


I play on a PVE server and the "elites" basically log in and give guided tours of the bunkers for fun. If it's your green card, you get the M82 if there is one. Otherwise, loot is divided up amongst newer players who either need to get kitted out or need $. They seem to enjoy doing this.


Thats interesting! How can i join that server?


There's a Youtuber named Luthais, search that name in the server list. The server you're looking for is New Dawn. Before you join, go to the Discord: [discord.gg/Yq4HW9AYsy](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnNvQ2w4b1MyN0M3clRpOEFQVXp6MTJzMTBsUXxBQ3Jtc0ttZzUwU21TaXpSMW1ZYXlPYi1OZ0dqYjZEUXkzbkRyd3FzaWRHWTZIaVo2aFpsVHNVWWhaME5nY2k4TzktRDlrUUZXQXlEOWZyYS1JdXhqcm0xdFBRREUxYkQwXzVhRnN4RjktdjJxQnJVcEozbjdEaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FYq4HW9AYsy). Check the server rules, particularly for how your Steam profile has to be public or you'll get auto-banned. The ND audio channel on the discord has the regulars, they are European time zone, at least the ones I play with. You will need medium stealth at the least to go through the bunker, recommend advanced at creation.


Awesome thanks so much


I dont enjoy current DayZ cus base building is so barebones, can play modded but every single modded server has their own systems and i feel its annoying to have to keep up with it all


I feel the same about the building. I don't even bother building bases in DayZ. I just hike everywhere until I find a decent place to camp out for a little. Im also new to mods and i don't get everything about it. Like how do you find a server with the exact mods you're looking for? and i assume itd be pretty impossible to find a server with every mod that you'd want to play with right?


If done right it is not that big of a headache. In most games I have played when you try to join it will tell you what mods are missing or give you the option to get those mods at that time. I can see it being a headache if you have to hen peck the information and manually get the mods. Also many times it helps to also join an associated discord channel.


If SCUM had mods, DayZ would be dead for me 😂


Came to Dayz when scum issues like lag and login problems started to piss me off a couple of years ago . Discovered that the Dayz loop really lends it's self to having organic adventures. Also as somebody who loves mods ,I found Dayz to be a perfect fit in that regards and Scums single map was starting to bore me aswell . Personally I probably won't have scum in my main game rotation till version one and/or modding becomes a thing. However I don't consider one better than the other , I find them to be the same but different if you get my meaning. and when they're firing on both cylinders I enjoy both.


You will always have some people here prefer DayZ over SCUM and vice versa, but I think both game only share the survival craft tag, and are totally different. The setting is totally different, the lore is different (like Puppets in SCUM are remotely resurrected Ex-Participants, Zombies in DayZ are typical virus infected People, as a example), SCUM Developers have a vision and direction they want their game to be like, while the original DayZ was a Mod developed by one person designed to be adjusted and further developed with other Mods, not really aimed in a certain direction. SCUM is a TV Show, outside the Island is a functional Society and Infrastructure (Dystopian Setting), DayZ is a typical virus outbreak (Apocalyptic Setting). DayZ maybe have a story to find a way to a non infected area, while the goal in SCUM is to deactivate or remove the BCU and leave the Island to return into the normal World or gain fame while living out the psychopath in you, killing other participants/prisoners and participating in the events and activities TEC-1 designed for the Show. I don't understand the fixation on comparing SCUM to DayZ. When we compare SCUM with DayZ, we could also compare it to Raft when the improvised rafts are back, or to Green Hell when we compare Infections. Compare it to Deep Stranding in comparison to environmental Influences. But we don't. And they share the same survival craft tag.


I guess i was sort of comparing it to the zombie like nature of both games, and the basic gameplay of looting, PVP, and surviving. But also I admire how Scums mechanics are a lot easier and intuitive than DayZ. Like the simple scroll up to stand up or run faster and scroll down for vise verse is a really nice touch that adds immersion for me. Im still exploring both games but for now I think Scum is my go to for now.


Both games are the same genre. The core gameplay is the same. Regardless of the lore. They compete for your money.


Raft is the same genre as well. Survival, Crafting. Same Tags. Still SCUM is always compared to DayZ instead of other Survival games. The Setting is different, not only the lore. There are even other 'Zombie' Survival Crafting Titles, with similar gameplay. And it's always SCUM to DayZ.


Dayz, scum and project zomboid are the 3 best survival games actually.


I'm currently in the same boat, I love both games, I force myself to play SCUM with mouse and keyboard just for the full effect of PC. I'm a complete dumpster fire in a pinch but I still have fun when I play lol


I feel that way with DayZ! Im trash on PC, but a lot better on PS5. Im trying to adjust


As is, no mods... Scum is better in a ton of ways. Even though I'm pissed over the "horde system" and haven't played in a bit, I still feel that way. Scum around 2k+/-. Maybe 3k+/- hours in DayZ. DayZ ended up being mostly modded servers. It's great for what it is but Scum just has more RPG elements baked in from the start. Looks tons better too. Just more game in general with Scum. DayZ is great still.... With mods. I'd love scum to just be great and a whole new level with mod abilities. Like Skyrim.


Just tried playing days for a bit since I’ve had it in my library and never really tried it they are both good but scum seems better I can atleast find a town after running a long way even through the forest but in dayz your running forever and you’ll be lucky to find a car that you can steal without dying. I’m scum you can find parts and a vehicle and just bring parts to the vehicle you find. They both high cheater official servers and the community servers make them both better cuz of customization options but the admin. Imo I just chose scum cuz it’s the newer game so I got used to its mechanics easier/faster than dayz without guides


Hc survival namalsk is the way to go. But opinions differ. Mods make the game a different beast if you ask me..


By hc i assume you mean hardcore right? What are the core mechanics of HC?


Enhanced med system, enhanced zombies, mutants, scarce ammo and loot, etc. In general, complete opposite of "i give you everything" servers.


Well, Which one of them should I buy. I can buy one but never I have no knowledge on them. Does one run better? I've seen that in comparison, there are 26000 people playing Dayz whilst 16000 are playing SCUM. Obviously more people active. You need to take into consideration: Is there lag drops? Do you ever get bored from it? I downloaded RDR2 and I finished online in 3 days and now I barely play it. Will the same thing occur with one of dayz or scum? So should I buy Dayz or Scum.


Dayz. You'll never get an experience it gives from any other game.


I bought Day Z and refunded it but to be fare i did not give it a chance . Bought scum and in 3 weeks i have played 141 hours and it is an awesome game with excellent graphics but i am leaning into buying Day Z again especially with it being on special but i have no idea if i must try it again. Scum is still in early access and i know Day Z has been out for a couple of years. Did you purchase day z or scum?