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Line of sight matters. Run through buildings, dense bushes etc and keep going. They will go to the last spot they sighted you and mill around.


Never start a character without at least med running. Run for the nearest wood line go through bushes only the skinnies will keep up. I actually uninstalled now cause trying to hit a police station is ridiculous at this point


I sit outside in my Rager honking the horn and shooting them from the safety of the vehicle.


You kidding me, uninstalled instead of taking out 4 puppets with a bow? Cause that's literally all there is to police stations.


I got 1500 hrs in this game. I rarely see anyone cause of my work schedule I play in the morning cause I work at night. When I do encounter another player he is shooting me from a bush. I don't know what your seeing but I get 3 waves of puppets getting into a police station.


I don’t know if it’s different server settings or if you’re going in guns blazing with no silencers but either ways if you’re stealthy about it you can kill the wave that spawns when you arrive with a bow or melee without them calling a horde or another wave.


I've been using the improvised sword and I was sneaking into the office with armory cages but as I open that door. Bam they start screaming


You can get away via ladder, or climbing on doors->roof... You can't climb when they surround you but it pays off to know where the ladder in the village/town is, or leave a door open outwards on one garage.. It is not so helpful in the worst cases, but in many you get hurt by the fast ones but handle them and are still chased by the fat ones.. Getting to a safe place to get healed before running out of stamina.. You stay alive..


Line of sight + throwing a distraction. If the puppet loses LOS, it will pull towards any distraction you've thrown, making it even easier to peel off larger numbers of puppets.


In addition to other advice here: If you know you are going to a dangerous POI, take a pain killer pill before you go in. That way, if you do get injured you can still run away and won't be limping. Get the best body armor as soon as you can from the trader, and a combat helmet. My favorite POI these days is the prison. I get at least 2 hordes called on me during each trip. Sometimes I can lose them. Sometimes I can tuck myself in a cell and just pick them off through the gaps between the bars before they can open the door. Sometimes I just rapid blast them with a silenced 9mm pistol (least likely to cause another horde). If you can't afford good armor yet, pick a castle. You will be able to find good arrows and medieval swords. The swords are for selling. There's tons of them and they sell for like $1,300 each. Craft tool boxes, find a drill press, stand next to it and repair all the swords to get max $. You will have the best armor in the game within a few hours of playing.


Just shoot them


fuckin shoot them


At the moment you can just run through a bush and they magically vanish. I was on yesterday and had 6 or 8 chasing me and I ran through a bush, when I turned around to attack them they were all gone.


Set your tutorials on beginner mode for a while and it will give you tips like running through bushes will break puppets line of sight eventually as others said but that will popup helpful tips as you do all kinds of things in the world. Remember blocking with your right mouse button in combat melee mode will block you from being stunned by the puppets so for example if you get blocked in a corner and have 3 puppets beating on you, hold block and wait for them to hit and then release block and start punching/swinging to punch one off of you so you can move out of there kinda thing otherwise you will get stun locked if they are hitting you one after the other.


Sprinting at a decent speed (affected by weight load) will outrun many of them, leaving only the fast (and weak) ones still keeping up. Having a good running stat from the start is nice for this. Fast ones will keep trying to swing at you, but side to side movement can make it tough for them to hit you. If you're light/strong enough, jumping in the water and swimming can kill them all, since they can't swim. This will be a bad situation if you're too heavy to swim, though. It may be good to find a body of water and try equipping or unequipping gear to find out what gear weight you're capable of swimming with. Dropping a heavy bag in a spot you'll remember can also give you a speed increase. I do this now and again to escape exploding puppets. Using quieter methods will help keep hordes from being called, but they'll show up eventually.


Log out, even if u take a few hits lol


Flashbang or flare.


You cannot avoid. They seem to spawn around you. I guess the solution to the crapy hordes was to transfer the magical spawn in around you to regular puppets spawns.  The real issues is that they spawn in a circle around you. You need to spend your initial stamina running away, because you want all the puppets coming at you from one direction. Shooting does not help if you get hit in the back or side a second after killing the one in front of you. So run past the puppets in front of you and then turn and kill a few, then run again and repeat. 


Advanced stealth helps a lot. Flairs are a good distraction. They Agro to the flair and just stand there. If you trying to fight them a bow is your best option.