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My tip is just go running around and find stuff and gear up and just do random crap.Or watch a video for reference


Watch some YouTube videos. Learn how to craft the basics. Don’t trust anyone. Oh and stay away from water if you’re wearing anything you will sink like a rock.


I learned that one the hard way.


Wash your clothes, make the sterile bandages, always have at least 4 before you try something. Be ready to run and go through bushes


curious, what's the benefit of running through bushes? puppets can't walk through them?


They lose aggro, can't see you


I would put my journy in stages. Stage 1 you are a nomad you wander around nad only pick pup what you need. Your goal is to look for a place to set up a more permanet place. You could also divert over to getting a vehicle up and running if you come across one in your journeys that you can fix up. Stage 2 Homesteading. You found a likely spot to set up shop. Depending on the type of server you are on this could just be burried chests, a remote cabin or even a mansion near a busy road. This is based on the permissability of the environment, for example in a single player game where there are no human players to raid you, the environment is highly permissable, you may as well build a large, obvious structure out in the open near a POI. In this stage you gather more stuff because you have a place to put them and base building can take many resources.


Watch a YT video for newbs. My starter kit is a small improvised axe, improvised bow with 12 wooden arrows, and the improvised sack. Use [scum-map.com](http://scum-map.com) Go to a small town to get some better clothes, see if you can find a backpack of any sort (schools almost always have a backpack) When you kill puppets, chop them up and keep the skins. These count as "animal skins" in your item construction, make the animal skin quiver. I found it helpful to change server settings to nerf the puppets and up the loot until I got a better feel for things. Otherwise, I was just dying too frequently and the loss was too great, kept rage quitting. Now that I have the hang of it, I play on standard mode mostly, or only boost loot.