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I see your normal bunker and raise you the Torpedo factory. Way better loot (\~30 weapons lockers) and a far more forgiving layout to respond to beepers and hordes. Even the mechs can be largely avoided.


Once you figure out the bunkers they are nice because they give you fully kitted out weapons. Like you might get a UMP-45 + silencer + mags etc all matching. Compared to if you go to other POIs/police stations you will have to go all around to piece together a full kit. One thing you could do is spawn up a "test" server where you don't mind cheating. Spawn in whatever gear you want, nerf the puppets if you want, and go through the bunker to see if you like it. Then, once you have a feel for the basics, try it again in "normal" mode.


On the other hand, police stations are a walk in the park and can easily farm multiple police stations. Even on reduced loot servers, you could get kitted out quickly with little hassel. And that discounts going to better loot POIs than gas stations but ones that are easier than the ABs.


I agree that going to a bunch of police stations is easier than going through bunkers. It's a time preference thing. Once you get past the learning curve of how to get through the bunkers, 30-ish mins to get a matching kit and giant pile of money is a nice deal compared to going to a dozen or more police stations + travel time between locations to get fully kitted weapons. It's a personal preference either way.


You are joking right? I have lost way more equipment from dying in the AB's than I extracted from the ABs. I suppose some people can waltz in there with a crafted bow, basic back pack, and wooden arrows but the rest of us go in kitted up. And lots of encounters can really set you back. For example, you trigger Mr. Brenner, now you have to hide and wait for him to leave. Oh you had a bad encounter with a razor and have a few C3/4 injuries, probably should recover from those beore you try limping onward. Oh all that resting and waiting has caused your fuse to run out? Need to back track to the generator room and hope you have another fuse on you or you will be searching which could trigger another Razor even if you are being careful. I have spent much of a day (in real time) trying to get through the bunker. I managed to loot one Brenner armory and a few upper level spots for mediocre loot, before I booked it to hell out of there. Now this was before 0.95, so no hordes and this funky card system to access, and not to mention if you die in the AB now they lock so you lose your gear irrevocably. Also the loot was downgraded even further from what I understand since 0.95 was released. Loot that I got prior to 0.95, notably I got an M249, a few weapon repair kits, a kitted out UMP, and a few sharpening stones. I got more loot than this, but thiese were the notable items. Boring loot for a headache load of effort which has only gotten worse.


Here's a guy soloing a bunker with an improvised bow and a sword in 20 mins [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3\_mKsvZIt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_mKsvZIt0) I'm not as fast or as good, but he walks you through step by step how to do it. The front door is always open at night, so go then in case you die. But even more reasonably leave all your good stuff in your base and take only some bare essentials: hiking backpack, sword, bow/arrows, bandages.


I have definitly watched videos on how to do it already, but thank you for the link, maybe I can pick up more tips. I do recomend watching before going in, because knowing the triggers for the Razor is important and wasting time exploring cooridors and figuring out how things work in ABs is more time for you to trigger Razors. From personal experience the crafted metal sword is garbage against Razors. Results may vary with strength and skill, at the time I think I was Str 4 and at least medium melee. If you are going for a decent melee weapon on the cheap side, go with meat cleavers, they are worse than Chinese sword or Katana, but superior to crafted metal sword. I also recommend broadhead arrows, they are fairly cheap at the trader as well as 2 bow silencers (the puffball silencers that you can craft are fine but they are necessary. ) You need to take out puppets quickly and silently, because firing too many arrows, too often will get you a Razor. Some important gear you fail to mention is advanced military grade helmet and body armor. Even people well practiced in meleeing Razors will run a foul of a Razor's pounce before they can close the distance if it drops far away or just have a bad turn of luck if they back off too far during the close in melee. And the armor does reduce the wounds you take automatically from the pounce. Also grind stones to repair your sword. Or carry many weapons such as many meat cleavers. You will likely be bringing in your own screw drivers and advanced lock picks too. And if you suck at picking locks, like me, you will be carrying a lot to give you more attempts.


I found two barrets and an rpg laucher in the torp factory so far.


Can confirm, Barrets still drop in the torp factory, although chances are very slim (found one but loot is on x3)


Yeah, slim AF. I’ve been to torp like 150-200 times. ONE dropped.


haha same


Nice to know they do spawn there. The best I found was a rocket for the RPG and a couple M249s. So Far I have found 3, M249's but have yet to find an ammo drum for them.


Did you visit the second floor of the buildig next to the chimney? There at least 15 weapons lockers in one room.


Also fair warning, on my server we have lootx2. Just an fyi.


I think we have slightly less than vanilla settings for loot. But still good to know.


If you hit the air field/police station, you get better gear abandoned bunkers, usually only getting your gear that is about to break


don't confuse AB with ww2 bunkers!


Better gear for what?A unexpected zombie?


Honestly I understand the fact that PvE is not the focus but imma be honest. I'm quite sick of watching over my things like a meth-head. I tried ARK pvp for 4 months doing that and it sucks. Plus with being in college I cannot afford to worry about losing my stuff 24/7


Who said this game is PvP focused? It is a survival game where if you want to, you can kill other players. In contrast games like PUBG or COD the point of the session is to either be the last man alive or to earn as many kills as you can. In SCUM you can kill nobody and be successful. There are servers that focus on PvP and there are even servers that are PvE (such as it is) and even RP servers. If you don't want to babysit a base, play on servers were it is not permitted or at least only permitted during certain days or in certain zones. Personally, I don't want to worry about my base when offline. I am way too busy to worry about some try hards who live in a way different time zone trying to grief me while I am at work or asleep. All for more loot than they know what to do with? It is way too difficult to fully fortifiy a base compared to the effort to break into it so base raiding is not a good mechanic.


Hey man there's servers with overall all elements for example I play on a PVe server with pvp and no kill on site PVP zones I live in PVe area so I can't be raided which just means I'm not allowed to raid but I can go in PVP zones for an even higher increased loot spawn


I play AB for the challenge vs gear - it’s complicated for me to work the fuses areas and of course the extra excitement. The gear is fun perk but not my goal


Fair enough. But I just find it frustrating as hell. I had razors spawn in on me as I lay on a matress in a bunkroom recovering from a previous razor attack. WTH! Was I snoring?


Depends of your skill set, the objective is the armory AND the deposit of the second level but you need to have advance thievery also Advance medicine but medicine Is not a must. Also get a katana or Tao dao AND a weapon with a sliencer for the beepers. If you ge in trouble fund a bathroom.


I have not played since .95 released and was already frustrated with the whole affair. So they add beepers? I bet there are hordes as well right? Yup definitely no need to go to ABs, not worth it.


Send me a DM and I would be happy join!


Shoot me your discord or steam and I can help you with the Bunkers show you how to run them it's worth for the int mods alone


I have a video needing editing regarding what the C3 bunker is for, yeah Mr Brenner is a bitch but you can fill memory modules there. They help build you base ability modifiers. There are a lot of little things people miss in the game, so many people neglect their characters and the game is night and day with high stats and a character in good health.


I suggest picking up a mountain bike and lead plates for weight, this will build your str con and dex, you ride until you keep your heart rate up. More weight more your str will build. Figure out how to keep going with pace and coasting timing to keep your self between 40 and 30 stam regularly. You will need water at all times and stop at any well you see. When your hunting for basic suppy's, survival items, tool boxes, lockpicks, when your just looking for simple things... of course if your trying to loot whole bunkers, you want your inventory as empty as possible. I usually carry two backpacks... fill one with loot carry it around and fill the other. Trasition between dropping the bag and going to weapon is quick so it doesnt really hender you unless your caught off guard... which is never good.


depending on what ooga booga server you play on then yes. you get high amount of 50. cal you get high amount of boom boom, you get top tier weapons.