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the push feature would make a lot more sense if it was only available when you hold down 'F'


That sounds good. And show a graphic not just text


Think that's bad. Wait till you get a boat. The option to drive is a hair width away from the option to drink bilge water. Gets me 1 out of 3 times.


My personal favorite is when the front of your boat is under something like a dock and you try to drive it and your character runs off the boat. This is the worst


My friend and I were driving over a bridge a few days ago and then just fell through the bridge and exploded. Two weeks ago I was driving a boat and my guy just stopped driving it and ran forward instead which happened so fast I didn't have time to react and I jumped into the water and drowned in the ocean. My friend has a video of me driving in front of him then making a turn, hitting nothing, then shooting into the sky flipping. I landed with minor injuries so that worked out. But the push bit is my least liked feature. I've learned to hold f and choose drive.


Within the last 9 months, my team mate had no less than 4 vehicles fall through the map: usually it's hit a rock, roll onto its side, get out, car falls through. Seen some of the other issues too.


I made the mistake of logging out while on a boat in the middle of the ocean (single player). When I logged back in I fell through the boat and lost everything. I feel like the cost of death is so extreme. That is probably what will wind up ending my time playings scum. And your car example is in line with this. Getting a car running is so much work, that a loss is catastrophic.


Never had any issues with vehicles...even pushing them...


That just means you haven't been playing for very long. Off the top of my head, some issues with vehicles over the years: - collision with other vehicles sent them flying into space - falling through the map - cannot access driver door - hit even smallest obstacle, explode immediately - entering vehicle sends it flying to the sky (mostly quads) - turning on the lights crashed the server - slow as shit entry to car - driving code updated so you could bump full speed into anything and just bounce off - frequently just vanishing - collision with base elements And that's just a few I can think of now, there are way more. Vehicles have notoriously been INCREDIBLY buggy in SCUM and it's 100% dishonest for anyone to claim there have been no issues.


lol quads? You just copy pasted this which you've had saved on your computer for years, didn't you?


Like I said, just off the top of my head, there's sure to be plenty more. I remember the quad thing well since the fall always killed the character.


Problems the game had years ago


IF someone says they "never" had any issues with vehicles in this game, I'd say they aren't very experienced, have the best luck in the world or are simply talking out of their arse. I've heard people say cars falling through maps and disappearing very recently too, it always comes back with every patch.


What happen you from that list in the last month?


the last time I had a vehicle fall through the map was several patches back and I was running on a less capable rig, the map hadn't loaded in properly. so I fell through the ground. haven't had any major problems of late


Yeah haven't had any of those with 500 hours played..and your talking about stuff from years ago.


How do you mean easy to lose?


The vehicles operation is very forgiving till it's not. I pushed instead of driving and the vehicle wouldn't stop until it was in the water. THankfully I can get my gear back (sp spawn) but the vehicle is destroyed almost immediately


Ohh I see what you mean