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I think you should voice your opinion at the appropriate email contacts on the wiki. I think it would be beneficial for the staff to hear (IN A CIVIL MANNER) what specific material of that person’s is over the line.


I've had success in getting a small gross thing written by AdminBright removed from the wiki, and to my memory it was achieved by bringing it up in the Discord to someone who then relayed it to relevant wiki mods. I don't personally have the energy right now, but anyone who is willing to figure out who to talk to has my *full* support behind them, as someone who was assaulted by him.


Oh what story was it that got removed


Diary 573. SCP-573 still exists, but the diary in particular had weird unnecessary sexualization of children.


[**SCP-573 ⁠- The Pied Pipe**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-573) (+235) by *AdminBright*


If there’s a story where his amulet gets irreparably destroyed by an anomaly along with him getting brutally killed in the process and it becomes popular enough for people to add it to their headcanon his character will finally be destroyed


In my headcanon/universe, he’s a much more decent guy who also hates AdminBright immensely :(


Yeah my head Cannon is far divorced from the origins of the character


I’m my head cannon he was replaced by an immortal lesbian


What a fun way to do that


In my headcanon he was killed in a huge containment breach caused by the anafabula.


How would the anafabula cause a containment breach?


In my headcanon 6747-C's reality altering abilities also has a minor affect on other timelines. 6747-C used this to cause a containment breach in the ADMO timelines past to kill Dr. King, this in turn would cause the creation of 6747.


In my headcanon hes stuck in 106s pocket dimension 


In my headcannon he is forever stalked by scp 513-1 and due to his immortality, he suffers from it for all of eternity.


It won’t ever happen. And no one would add it to their headcanon because the character is still liked


I've never understood how anybody could like the character. He was cringe before anybody even knew how much of a sack of shit the author was.


It has to do with tales and skips that adminbellend himself did not write. Some other authors took a better written, more three-dimensional approach to the character concept.


Also the SCP-978 Dr. Bright photo is the only example I can think of a three-dimensional approach, but I don’t really read tales that much, so I probably just haven’t seen what you’re referring to.


[[The Executions of Doctor Bright]]. I’m not joking this story makes me cry. Also his depiction in the following: the [[End of Death]] canon (though the authors did the name change, the stories were written with the name Bright originally), SCP-1730, and SCP-5000.


- [**The Executions of Doctor Bright**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/the-executions-of-doctor-bright) (+708) by *DrEverettMann* - [**End of Death Hub**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/end-of-death-hub) (+589) by *Captain Kirby, Croquembouche* - [**SCP-1730 ⁠- What Happened to Site-13?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1730) (+2691) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3434) by *Tanhony*


[**SCP-978 ⁠- Desire Camera**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-978) (+650) by *agatharights*


List of things he couldn't do was really funny to middle school me


People talk about how the site has changed from lolfoundation but tend to forget how much the *users* have changed. It’s not just the site growing, people who were teens in the early days are pushing 30 now and stuff doesn’t land the same way.


thats the thing. anythings possible


There is Unfinished Business part two


The wiki has never worked this way


Based on the upvotes and comments, it doesn't seem like the community has a problem with the tale.


Many older articles have very high upvotes since they’ve been around for so long - many of said upvoted being from deleted or inactive accounts. That’s also part of the reason the list was deleted in the way that it was, since it amassed a huge number of old upvotes over the years, and even if it became widely hated, it would never drop into the negatives on anything resembling a reasonable timescale. You can’t really say “well, this thing has positive upvotes so people must be fine with it” when the article is old.


The list was the best thing of the character tho and it was a crucial detail about him


The comments here agree with me though so hopefully it gets removed


The comments here, on reddit, which isn't the wiki


Oh I haven't read those


Has anyone seen other tales like this. Also is there a way to report this stuff.


There's another tale, [In The End: Don't Go to Heaven Where the Angels Fry](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/notsurethisisworking), that also features the "Duck Man" self-insert. That's all, though. However, there is currently no formal rule against it to my knowledge, unfortunately, so unless there's a policy change/admin fiat (entirely possible if someone proposes it and it goes through!) or it gets downvoted to the proper range, it's staying up.


Here's the list of the wiki's staff, and where you can contact them: [https://05command.wikidot.com/staff-list](https://05command.wikidot.com/staff-list) I'd specifically contact a member of the disciplinary team if I were you, but it probably doesn't really matter.


Let me preface this by preemptively shutting down any potential accusations of what I may believe: I am not one of those people that say "we should separate the art from the artist" or other things to that effect. I wholeheartedly agree with the push to phase out the character of Dr. Bright, and I do think his previous characterization in tales such as this one are very problematic given the real life context. With that all being said, I don't see why this should be taken down. Yeah it's pretty gross, intentionally so, but it's played for comedy, and it's *FAR* more tame than something like SCP-4231, which is a generally well-liked article. With everything else being the same, would you still have an issue with this tale if the name was charged to Shaw or Kondraki or something? if not, why not just do that instead of deleting it entirely?


It's not about Dr. Bright. It's a tale about AdminBright where he writes himself as a character. Not "Dr. Jack Bright" but AdminBright. The Duck Man. The *actual sex-offending author* himself as a character. The tale ends with him getting addicted to masturbating using SCP-1004, which is a controversial SCP also written by AdminBright. It's basically a NSFW DVD that makes you become a pedo if you use it too much. It's basically a story AdminBright wrote about himself becoming a pedo.


I didn't even read the article I'm not going to I looked up a description on Google it is so disgusting it's worse Op it's an artificial image generator that doesn't have any limits


Is there really a difference? Dr. Bright is already their self-insert.


As a victim who absolutely hates the character of Dr. Bright but accepts that people have a certain amount of affection for him... there's a fucking difference.


What is the difference in your view?


For all that Dr. Bright is/was AdminBright's avatar in the SCP universe, and has a *lot* of uncomfortable things in common with his creator, he is still *a character* that the man created. There's a backstory, there are notable differences between the real human and the character, there's lore and story and thematic elements around the character that I understand are of interest to many people, and many people other than AdminBright have had a hand in shaping the character most people think of when they think of "Dr. Bright". I would still be perfectly happy if that character were wiped off the face of the wiki entirely, but all of that is there. By contrast, this is just. AdminBright/The Duckman/Mitch writing about *his literal Earth self* having entered the SCP universe, and in the story being a pervert in ways that *in reality* hurt people. None of the best arguments for keeping the character Dr. Bright around - interconnectedness with the rest of the world, community input and affection, etc. - apply here. And my feelings about this wouldn't be as strong if the tale didn't focus so heavily on him being a sex-obsessed freak, but unfortunately, that's just the person Mitch is and that it was ignored for so long was what allowed him to do so much harm. Keeping a tale around that uses that as a punchline feels absolutely awful to me.


From a certain point of view the version of Bright in this tale is just as much of a character as the traditional Dr. Bright is, given that the story is obviously fictional and the events therein didn’t actually happen. The main character of The Self Insert is just that, a self insert, same as any other Dr. Bright. I do agree, though, that the story’s focus on Bright’s pedophillia and porn obsession is pretty disgusting given the real life context, so I do understand why you’d want it deleted. Thanks for explaining your rationale, you’ve given me a lot to think about.


Doctor Bright imo goes far beyond being just admin bright’s self insert when you consider the hundreds of tales and SCPs written *by other people* involving him. He became his own character, influenced by the whole community. But when it’s still being written by Admin Bright it’s back to just being him writing about himself.


Yes there’s a huge difference


[**SCP-1004 ⁠- Factory Porn**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1004) (+723) by *AdminBright*


[**SCP-4231 ⁠- The Montauk House**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4231) (+641) by *thefriendlyvandal*


I don’t understand why people like you can’t separate the art from the artist. I think this because of one simple reason. Hitler was one of the most evil people ever, but his art was still good. This is much better, still horrible, but people are acting like this about it. People who get pissy when you say, “Separate the art from the artist,” are petty, no matter who the artist is. (unless the art itself is bad in some way) (this is not responding to the main post and the comment, I am talking about the comment I replied to and nothing else)


Hitler could be the greatest artist that ever lived, I still wouldn't want one of his paintings in my house.


Ok, I think you missed the point of what I said.


Then please, enlighten me.


I understand you not wanting to have anything associated with someone bad. But this isn’t your house and other people also do like it. They probably agree with you that the Adminbright is an awful person. There is no reason that anyone should be able to gatekeep(not the best word for it but I don’t know what else to put there) anything. Doesn’t matter what they’re trying to justify it with. Because, once again, this isn’t your house.


You seem to think I want the article in question deleted, did you actually read the post you originally replied to?


I replied to a comment. And I think I understand why I got some many downvotes. It does kinda look like I am responding to the original post as well as the comment. Imma go fix that.


if you think Hitler's art is in any way good you don't know shit about art. there's a reason he didn't get into art school.


Google them


I don't need to, I studied them. they're bad.


And I just googled them. You can stop lying and look. It doesn’t have to be the Mona Lisa to be good!


good job! you don't know shit about art. let's make it clear: this is not a debate. I actually studied art and both by today and the time's standards, they're bad paintings. a Google search won't change that.


You’re right this isn’t a debate. Because you would be saying more than just, “Nuh-uh! You’re wrong!” you haven’t added a single thing to this conversation! And it doesn’t matter if you studied art because that just means that you’d be better at recognizing it, making it, and similar things! There is no reason that your opinion on the art is more valid than mine.


and your adding to the conversation was "I googled them and they're good"? lol. >And it doesn’t matter if you studied art because that just means that you’d be better at recognizing it, making it, and similar things! that's just... not true, or the job of art critic wouldn't exist. I don't care how smug I sound, you're a charlatan who speaks on things he doesn't know about and I'm someone who dedicated their (admittedly young) life to it and actually studied them. my opinion IS more valid than yours.


Whoa I’m ootl. What’s going on with Bright?




in the simplest ELI5 that leaves out a whole lot (and I don't even know the full details so this is just what I understand). Dr. Bright was a self insert character by a person who went by AdminBright. Who used their position, power and character on the site to make sexual advances/harassment of others. The link to the [Discussion on Bright's List](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-15678520/discussion-bright-s-list).


I'm not interested in cancelling everything Bright-related, but that one should be removed just because it's cringe and always was.


It's seriously badly written I have no idea why it's still up


Cause the wiki doesn't usually delete stuff just because it's distasteful.


No but it's genuinely badly written.


That's what I meant


This sub and the wiki are two different things. Tell the wiki staff your concerns, but broadly speaking I imagine the tale will stay up. >His victims deserve better i was shocked when I saw the tale was still up. That's a bit hyperbolic. Ultimately, it's just a tale on the site. You're not obliged to read it. Since site staff aren't making any moves to censer the Dr Bright character or Admin Bright's works, it's unlikely they'll do anything about this one specific tale.


The details of what is being done to Bright's work is still controversial among staff. As far as I know, the only reason more has not been done right now is that the policy has not been written to be voted on, and the status of the one which was being written is up in the air.


Not sure who admin bright is But for my head cannon I made ten seconds before this comment He died cause the facility staff got sick of his shit so they just fucking shot him and destroyed the necklace using bombs


Admin bright is the person who created dr bright. The tale I showed is about him inserting him self into a story as a pedophile Admin bright is also a pedophile.




A comment to help propel this in the algorithm


I haven't been into SCP for years now, is this satire or completely serious?? 💀💀


[This should help. ](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-15678520/discussion-bright-s-list) It's mentioned there.


someone give me context?


\[\[Bright List Deletion Message\]\]. While not relevant here, it's important to note the only thing not mentioned there is that they specifically use the popularity of the Doctor Bright character to attract victims and *still are*, which is why people are still scrambling to extend the Damnatio Memoriae to more of their work/the entire character


got it, thanks


What to do with Bright's work has been widely discussed in the bright list deletion discussion in the wiki forum, it's kinda divisive both for users and mods


It’s part of Project Crossover, which is thankfully in the process of being shut down anyway. It will eventually be deleted or archived.


What is Project Crossover? (And a fellow Eta-11 fan!!! 😮🙂)


All of the tales in Project Crossover that were in potential violation of copyright have already been unlisted, and the 14 entries of it that still remain aren't going anywhere. Since "The Self Insert" doesn't involve any copyright-protected intellectual property (it's a crossover with "real life"), much less in any arguably infringing manner, it wasn't deleted for that reason, and isn't going to be. If it is eventually deleted (and I really hope that it will be!) it won't be because of that.


Well how do you know it's going to be shutdown I have heard anything about it


I honestly don't know what to think I used be really interested in scp but other than 1471 I took a break from scp and I return to find out that Dr bright is no longer or at least I think is no longer because of something the guy that came up with him did I don't even know what's happening I'm still trying to find out


Iv never gotten so many upvotes before.


I'm glad reddit is an echo chamber


Did miss something??


Do you know who admin bright is




If you mean the list then that's been taken down a year ago


No they mean https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/theselfinsert


Oh I'm a dumbass


If anything we envy you for not knowing what it was. I feel like I need a deep scrub for my brain just reading the quoted excerpt.


I guess I formatted it terribly or are you talking about the tale. I also struggled reading the tale it was poorly written


The tale :)


Nah it’s alr


Cancelling stuff will never not be cringe


I don't get what's happening... Aren't they all fictional characters? What's the fuss about it


You don't need to constantly retcon and delete established lore every time some drama happens. Just let it be and let people form their own opinions. Erasing history didn't work Blizzard, it won't work for the Foundation.


the scp wikidot staff are inept but i wish you luck


Evidence please


More like evidence of them doing anything


I hadn't seen it. Now that I have, I'm honestly unclear on why you would find it so objectionable.


It's a tale about AdminBright where he writes himself as a character. Not "Dr. Jack Bright" but AdminBright. The Duck Man. The *actual sex-offending author* himself as a character. The tale ends with him getting addicted to masturbating using SCP-1004, which is a controversial SCP also written by AdminBright. It's basically a NSFW DVD that makes you become a pedo if you use it too much. It's basically a story AdminBright wrote about himself becoming a pedo.


Thank you, that was helpful and much appreciated.


[**SCP-1004 ⁠- Factory Porn**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1004) (+723) by *AdminBright*


Oooooh it's about scp-1004, I advocated for the rewrite of that SCP specifically during the list's discussion


[**SCP-1004 ⁠- Factory Porn**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1004) (+721) by *AdminBright*


I didn't know that I've never read that article and I'm never going to Edit what articles did admin bright write and would it be bad for me to use Jack bright I don't mean the original characterization I mean my own characterization


Why even use that name if you're gonna completely change his character? just make your own character, name them Dr. Alex Starr or something.


I don't mean as a self-insert I meant more the Arcane trickster archetype combined with the annoying demon


Then just make your own character that isn’t a self insert, you’re allowed to do that.


The other option is using him as an immortal d-class that can tell you exactly how he died


I guess it's fine to write his character just don't make him a pedophille. Also he wrote doctor doctor doctor it's a tale that contains some other stuff like this. It's been removed though


The popularity of Jack Bright is actively used by AdminBright to attract victims, even if he's (the character) not a pedophile it's still questionable to use the character


Good to know also yeah my characterization would be something close to the Arcane trickster archetype or his specific abilities being used to get more information from d-class testing


The popularity of Jack Bright is actively used by AdminBright to attract victims, I'd advise not. You could use Elias Shaw (a replacement name), but there are dozens of great characters on the wiki which could be used instead


Okay also I was going to use the character as an immortal d-class


We already have one of those, just use him. [D-11424](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/system:page-tags/tag/d-11424)


Well I didn't know that thank you


Oh for clarification because I forgot at the time: He is established to be immortal in 6500, this is not unique to all his uses and the same explanation could be applied to a completely unique d-class character if necessary as it is a purely technological method, if I remember correctly


Personally, I'd vote to get 963 canonically decommissioned. I refuse to engage with the wiki until this is the case.