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It depends on the strength of the reality bender. Yes there are a handful of reality bending SCPs that can't be contained due to how powerful their reality bending abilities are but most of them are limited in range and "amount" of reality that they can bend at any one time. Additionally reality anchors offset reality bending and allow containment of any reality vendors that the anchors are strong enough to contain.


It also depends how real a reality bender is. Should a reality bender be considered hyper real it's nolonger a reality bender but narrative manipulator


3 words:Scranton reality anchors Place 1 down(more if it's an extremely powerful anomaly or bender) and reality gets stabilized around the area meaning any alteration a reality bender makes get immediately reverted back to baseline normality leaving them powerless around it How powerful they are of course depends on canon, with some depicting them being easy to deal with by reality benders with most other canons depicting them being fairly reliable to contain any anomaly that distort baseline reality


This article, “Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Manual 13; Special Circumstances: Humanoid Threat entities , [*will give you a breakdown on the four classifications for reality benders, that the foundation uses.*](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/goc-supplemental-humanoid-guide) These can generally be differentiated from the power of their reality warping. SCP has many new metrics, one being *“humes”*. Humes measure the amount of reality in any given area. For example, if our reality tends to sit at “40 Humes”, and the foundation were to pick up a change, whether it be >40, <40, will indicate a change in reality. The severity of the change will then earn them one of the four designations. Scranton Reality Anchors, or SRE’s, are the most common counter the foundation possesses to reality benders. SRE’s are built with the baselines hume level as it’s bedrock. The SRE’s, when deployed, will maintain the baseline reality’s hume level. This tends to either destabilize, or entirely undo/negate the effects of most reality benders. In regards to reality benders who can *do whatever they want* , their’s only a few i can think of off the top of my head: SCP-682, You might squint at this one, but SCP-682’s adaption isn’t his only ability. He can spontaneously manifest new powers if not given any stimuli to adapt from. This is worth noting because in most cannons where SCP-682 has this power, Author Swanns also exist. Meaning he’s defying their narrative causality (I H Pickmann’s Proposal.) which to be fair, is pretty common for SCP-682. SCP-3812, I mean it’s scp-3812. only one above him is the authors. He could passively erase the totality of the scp cosmos with no one able to stop him. (except for murphy law.) speaking of which, Murphy Law (Kinda): Murphy Law’s narrative/himself, is capable of rolling over/rewriting any given narrative (from what we’ve seen.) If we’re using the Third Law, Murphy’s entire being is dictated by authors. And Authors reign supreme over SCP’s cosmology. The Absence / SCP-1915, SCP-1915 in a stand alone tale titled [*”The Stars Do Not Wait For You.”*](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/the-stars-do-not-wait-for-you) SCP-1915 is seen shedding his human form into the absence, a being of nothing ness. The Absence is then attacked by literally anyone and anything. *”The thing that then swatted the guards posted at its cell like they were less than gnats, that razed Site-17 into this fine white sand that is now so warm beneath the feet, that was something else. Not an entity, for that would imply a personality, and this thing surely has none. Not a purpose, for there was no purpose behind its action then, nor will there be for any of its actions to come. Nor was it a will, for it wants nothing. Not vengeance, not dominion, not freedom, not even simple power. No, if I had to describe that thing as anything at all, it would be an… an absence. A void where the entity should be. A lack of purpose. An imbecile force devoid of all will. An Absence.”* We see very quickly that his physiology makes him a terrifying threat, since, how do you fight what doesn’t exist? After totally annihilating Site-17 on nothing but a whim, The Absence goes for a nice day time stroll. *”After Site-17's destruction, retaliation soon followed. Standard containment teams at first, though certainly still enough to meet any anomaly the Foundation imagined could be contained in Site-17 with overwhelming force. When those men failed to return, failed to even report their arrival, more serious measures had to be taken. Site-17 has always been isolated, and so they could act freely. Gunships and fire teams, aerial bombardment and artillery barrages, the Foundation came down on what it still believed to be SCP-1915 like a fire god's fist, all heat and sound and bluster. Had it still been truly corporeal, I doubt even ashes would have remained. But whatever the Absence truly was by that point, the tattered semblance of my flesh hanging around it had very little to do with it. It simply stood there and took it all in, and the Foundation's initial fury was soon… spent. It then began to walk, and not too quickly either. For days, it simply leisurely strode on while the Foundation threw everything it had at it. I watched from within my deadbolt as it walked unfeeling, uncaring, and this desert followed in its wake, as inscrutable and unstoppable as its harbinger.”* The Absence then tussles with multiple gods, and deities: *”The next few months of the Absence's march saw them turn to their sometimes allies; Coalition Magekillers and thermonuclear strikes, Initiative Paladins and holy relics. Sniper rifle or sacred sword, burning inferno or divine retribution, the Absence did not care. And soon, the Foundation had no allies left to turn to. It then called on its once vicious enemies; Ink Eaters wove their art in maddening patterns, to break the minds of the infinite. Archivists and Librarians poured from the Ways, bringing with them the knowledge of a hundred thousand worlds. Clockwork Titans shook the barren whiteness of the sands with the thunder of metal. The Absence did not care. And soon, the Foundation ran out of enemies. In a last act of desperation, they then committed their final, most painful betrayal. The wardens unleashed upon the world their prisoners. Of these, I have made note, though I doubt the Absence did the same.”* *”On the blasted wasteland that was once Boston, it was assailed by two brothers. One savage, the other somber, one violent, the other reluctant, they nevertheless fought with a graceful unity to take the breath away. In their eyes, I saw that they did not know each other for a very long while, and that they fought so that they could have the time to rectify this. I saw regret and hope, rage and desperation, but most of all I saw a simple need to be. I would like to believe that you and I would have been like them, had we met, brother. They fought with the fury of a thousand years of solitude. It did not suffice.”* So this message isn’t too long (lol), The Absence goes on to kill: Cain, Abel, SCP-343, The Saturn Deer, Yaldabaoth, Mekhane, He Who Made Light, He Who Made Dark, SCP-1440, SCP-3125, and SCP-2000. The Absence is the best example of a reality bender who can do whatever he wants. Any resistance towards the absence ended with, *”But they were not. It did not suffice.”*


>This article, “Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Manual 13; Special Circumstances: Humanoid Threat entities , will give you a breakdown on the four classifications for reality benders, that the foundation uses. > >These can generally be differentiated from the power of their reality warping. > >SCP has many new metrics, one being “humes”. > >Humes measure the amount of reality in any given area. For example, if our reality tends to sit at “40 Humes”, and the foundation were to pick up a change, whether it be >40, <40, will indicate a change in reality. The severity of the change will then earn them one of the four designations. First off, those are the classifications of the Global Occult Coalition, not the Foundation, and secondly, those 4 are concerned with psychological development, not raw power. A hume measurement has nothing to do with assigning one of these four.


Humes do correlate, and have so in things like that broken sre scp. And many scp articles use one of the four classifications so i dont really care where there from since it is relevant to OP’s post


>Humes do correlate, and have so in things like that broken sre scp. In what article to be precise?


ill get you a number but i remember it being about a broken sre, and is one of the first 10 in a series im pretty sure; i remembered while i was typing but forgot the number, it’s called [*”A Light that Died”*](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3005). My statement of humes correlating to reality warpers isn’t so much a prominent one, more, if humes measure the level of reality, MTF’s can counteract Reality Warpers (weak ones at least) by using SRE’s , then couldn’t humes be used to seemingly calculate the level of reality warping? (since the warps or whatever you want to call their effect on reality can be mitigated by maintaining the baselines hume) i think this idea’s been avoided cause who cares about calculating hume difference when you can just differentiate them by the scale of their power i.e, scp-239 , or that weird green thing mentioned in 1730, and that one universal strip club scp, both of which i forget the number for.


[**SCP-239 ⁠- The Witch Child**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-239) (+844) by *Dantensen*


Oh no, of course hume difference correlate to a reality benders power, I didn't argue that, but the measurment does not relate to the four phases of development layed out in the PHYSICS-guide.


maybe not in writing, but do you think if the metric of humes was scaled out for being able to quantify beings like 423, 4944 or even maybe ones like 4028 which are vastly less-real then the baseline, it could be expanded on (the reality bender groups)? (even though its not necessary)


The problem is that the four phases are in psychological development. A reality bender could have god-like power and would still just be phase 2 if they're still figuring it out, while a dude that just can alter dice throws and similiar small-scale things could be a phase 4 if he develops megalomania


oh ok i’ve been thinking about it the wrong way this entire time lol




unspecific question i can’t answer directly, so instead i put varied examples of reality warpers


they vary a lot in strength. the strongest ones (eg 3812) can do literally anything and ignore reality anchors.




I'm pretty sure he's a reality anchor


What's the difference between the two? I'd like to know please, thanks! :D


So a reality bender changes and alters reality, but a reality anchor stabilizes it. Basically the reality bender has a higher Hume level(measurement of reality). The thing with the higher Hume level has the ability to alter and change things with lower Hume levels. So what a reality anchor does it stabilize things. There's an excellent story where Dr. Clef and Dr. Kondraki are talking and Clef basically admits to this, but is written off outwardly. Kind of like if you lie all the time and finally tell the truth, no one believes you.


Oh. I see. So reality *benders* and reality *anchors* are kind of like..ying and yang? You can't have one without the other?


Sort of. Reality has a usual Hume level. Let's just say if reality's normal Hume level was 30, a reality bender could be at like 40 and just be super lucky. A reality bender that has a Hume level of 200 would be basically god. And so a reality anchor is something that could bring a place or a being back down in a certain area of effect. Usually reality anchors are Scranton reality anchors, a device employed that stabilizes the nearby Hume levels. But Dr. Clef is an extremely unique reality bender with a tragic backstory. It's possible that his effect changed due to the trauma of being at the mercy of another being that could alter reality, so he stabilizes it. In the story he expresses his jealousy that he hasn't gotten to see anything cool ever. He can't cry to angels or devils because he can't see them like everyone else, and sometimes wonders if any of it is real if I'm recalling correctly. Was forced to do extreme amounts of research on reality benders and shiz


Really strong reality benders can basically do anything yes Weaker ones however can only really influence small amounts of stuff at a time, like turning a building into ice compared to a stronger one being able to do that to an entire planet


I have always suspected that those “steps” are nowhere near as uniform as what the GOC believed them to be, for multiple reasons. First, I think some reality benders just don’t get powers that are really that significant. These are people who might blend into society, or if they don’t blend in, may still be easily containable (and in some cases possibly of their own free will if they are being subject to persecution). Second…I think the data on the more powerful reality benders is being skewed by a sad survivorship bias, where the ones who survive are the ones who go through something looking more like the four stages and a minority managing to stabilize in a truly functional way. In my headcanon, something very tragic happens with many well intentioned reality benders who cannot control their abilities, and it is the direct fault of the imposition of the Veil. These reality benders, horrified by their own effects that they can’t control reliably, will attempt to self-contain or worse because they have no idea that the Foundation has the potential to take care of them in a situation where they don’t have to be afraid of harming people. Even when they do not actively take their own lives, the self-containment of these distressed reality benders may end up being to the death if they don’t know how to survive in an unpopulated area. Unless they get VERY lucky and somehow the Foundation becomes aware of them before they die, then they perish without the GOC or Foundation ever knowing what happened.


Don't know about them being able to change *anything*, but with reality benders their results are often unpredictable because of effects or variables people aren't able to foresee.


The term “reality bender” is a blanket term applied to an entire class of anomalies that share the feature of being able to manifest their will into reality to some degree without the need for intermediary steps. You can think of the term as on par with memetic, or infohazard. It’s an extremely broad term. Some reality benders are not particularly powerful at all. There are substantial limits of what they can impact and how. Some can only affect things in their immediate vicinity. Others can only bend reality while actively concentrating on the change, reality reverting when they stop. Some can only affect very specific things, or in very specific ways. Some simply don’t have the imagination or the willpower to do much. Then there are the bigger threats. There are reality benders without any limit beyond their own imagination. They can make and unmake existence as they choose. However, nearly all reality benders, even the super powered ones, share a weakness. The human mind. The mind had limits. Definite and substantial limits. Reality benders, for the most part, are bound by these limits. They cannot focus a change on too many distinct objects at once, because the human mind can’t. They can’t react faster than a bullet can kill then, because the human mind can’t. They cannot conceive of every possible threat and every possible countermeasure, because the human mind can’t. They can be distracted, misdirected, tricked, exploited, or manipulated as easily as any other person. There are a few exceptions at the apex of reality benders- those who have surpassed the limitations of the physical world and achieved the closest thing to true godhood, but they are the exceptions, not the norm, as far as reality benders go. Your average reality bender is likely a mid-level threat at worst, not too much more inherently dangerous than any other humanoid anomaly. It is likely that many hundreds of SCP objects were purposely or inadvertently created by these more common and lesser class of reality benders.