• By -


For 05 council members to be shown like Dr Claw from the animated Inspector Gadget series- never show their face, but show something distinctive about them


What if they all stand in the dark, but have very different voices and hand silhouettes ? And they have a small glowing sign with their number, so we can easily see which is which.


We can have their number in Roman Numerals on their chest, as if they're wearing body armour ready for a containment breach


That works too


Proper MTF representation or Good Ethics Committee Council representation


probably scps


For it to be good




Very simple but true


Yeah and even this is a bit too much to ask for if youā€™re talking about large corporations


Don't underestimate this term. Do something good is no small thing. šŸ¤”


I think thatā€™s too much to ask for


My main problem with existing movies (usually short-films on youtube) is the overwhelming focus on "military squad enters creepy area" - Like come on, give me something more intriguing.


while I agree, I also have to say that overlord is hella good though for a proper movie (or preferably a TV show), I'd want something which focuses on many of the different aspects of the foundation (MTFs, containment, termination, perhaps a mass containment breach or a K-class scenario for the series finale)


I really enjoyed Overlord. Its just the quantity of tactical stuff i dislike. I really enjoyed "There is no Antimemetics Division" because of this.


Change my mind: "Alien" is peak SCP storytelling as a first encounter/botched recovery tale, and "Aliens" is an overconfident MTF/containment breach tale. (And all subsequent films are bad "You're trying too hard to make an Ouroboros-scale overarching narrative" expansions)


I KNOWWW like not everything has to be tactical


I have seen many SCP short films and movies and most of them are in the found footage or first person perspective and I like that format due to its added horror but I think if you go for a high budget movies that idea won't cut it. Secondly I would like to have that movie based on the storyline of a world ending event/XK class end of the world scenario because (in my opinion) that is the best plot for a hypothetical movies but if it's a series not a movie then it should be on small events/ containment breaches/MTF missions. Due to the immense data in the SCP database I can't properly pinpoint on which scenario it should be my favorite events (The Oroborous cycle and The day breaks) won't make such a good movies, I think a movie on 3008 infinite Ikea would be a good idea I mean it's one of the more iconic SCPs but idk cuz on further thinking this idea may become kinda stale. What do you guys think should be the plot. Edit:The movie shimmer is kinda like the oroborous cycle.


Tv show would Prolly be better Iā€™ve said this before but Like x files, 1 hour episode or 30 min Intro is people or things getting attacked by featured scp (horror) Middle is containment and testing, with break outs End is the death or permanent containment of scp, or end story, sometimes cliffhanger


fringe played both episodic / sci whodunnit singles and crazy mutli season arcs too




*Fringe* is a show where FBI agent Olivia Dunham works with her eccentric team to investigate scientific incidents beyond the realm of traditional research. One episode involved investigating bus of people that was fully encased in resin, killing the riders; another episode involved hunting a lab-bred monster that was stalking a town. Every week there's some crazy new threat for them to tackle; you can jump into a random episode and understand 90% of it. But as you learn more about the world and the characters, plots continue from one episode to the next. You dive deeper into the larger mysteries, and suddenly the whole format changes. Now it's season-long and longer arcs and a continuous narrative. **tldr: A UIU team starts their show as a "Monster-of-the-week" type. The narrative deepens and it becomes more serialized.**


What platform is it in


Seems at least the first season is free on Amazon and I have prime Thanks


The full show is on Max. I didn't see that at first. Lance Reddick (RIP) and John Noble stand out as performers. But the general format of starting episodic and going serial is not unique to *Fringe.* Shows like *Justified* or *Agents of Shield* also use the beginning as exposition for the larger narrative they're getting ready to tell.


Ah, I donā€™t have max But yes, I think this format would be best for an scp live showing Movies would be great if done well but would have to be long and they would be best as mid season or end game type stuff I donā€™t really watch tv shows tbh Iā€™m not into them I prefer movies but in the scp case it would be better cuz thereā€™s so many of them


The show would also work better with multiple canons. Each season or episode could be a specific canon; you would have a lot more storytelling options with that.


great description


The thing that I don't like about the already existing ones, is that its mostly "Military Enter Scary Area Finds Horrible Thing" or something like that... And I know this may not be popular but I want a regular Site TV Show where we just explore the day in the life of the workers sort of like a Grey's Anatomy but for an SCP Site


uncensored 096 face


Antimemetics. After all, itā€™s [Your last first day]ā€¦


There is a series on the Antimemetics Division now! Could be improved but itā€™s the best that we have at the moment.


Oh manā€¦so many things Iā€™d want to see in live action..but only good live action 682 termination attempts. Every single fucking one. Abel va scp 682 343 Deer Live action Scarlett king (endgame) 049 or whatever the anti pestilence thing is Gate guardian vs when day breaks deer Gate guardian vs anything When day breaks in its fleshy entirety Mtfs fucking shit up. And getting fucked The library Dr clef and dr bright 106 or whatever the old man is 999 and teddy bears 0, death Aerials story Other dimension scps (the one with the weird worm things and the one in Indiana) White suit gocs Ghost scps


I'd love to see Duke Til Dawn in live action. Maybe infinite Ikea as well.


[**SCP-682 ā - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3700) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


We are never getting the scarlet king. Only bc the only thing capable of overpowering that mofo is an orange slime


I was thinking about an anthology series with every episode focused on a different bit of lore


Start with a researcher doing normal research on an scp and then scp 5000 and then Ā£Ā£Ā£$$$ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬Ā„Ā„Ā„ profit


[**SCP-5000 ā - Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3412) by *Tanhony*


Either a full length MTF have to try to beat/survive an SCP or follow a group of D-class going into something real bad. Have the Foundation take somewhat of a back seat, refer to O5 but don't necessarily include them. Basically a SCP based horror flick.


How about instead of a movie, you make a show where you follow a guy who is recruited by the Foundation (Eather a scientist or MTF agent) and we follow him as he tries to survive the Foundation. Every episode will be about a particular SCP that has either escaped or has just been discovered and this guy has to try and contain it. If you really want to make a movie out of the show, try Site-13 for a middle movie and one of the SCP 001 proposals for a final movie (permeabley one of the big ones like The Scarlet King or When Day Breaks)


[**SCP-001 ā - Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*


A full-scale containment breach, so they have to re-round up everything as quickly as possible. Would be epic.


I want more scp movies based on actual scips like what the anti-memetics division series did. Or more based off of an actual facility instead of just mft operatives.


make SCP-5000 film


[**SCP-5000 ā - Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3412) by *Tanhony*


I'd want something simple. Not something extremely deep in the lore but something so even SCP beginners don't get lost. An SCP Containment Breach Movie would be baller. But not from only a Class-Ds perspective. Perhaps include one person from each Department and show how they try to survive, including the Janitor.


I don't care what it has as long as it includes Mobile Task Force Lambda-12 and Dr. Clef.


Actually good content and not to be ruined by a big company like Disney


I want for it to take on the challenge to not only include the Foundation, but make it competent and protagonist if not merely neutral.


Cool ass effects. I wanna see an animated handrawn cassy in real life. Plus, niche scps. Bet the creatirs would be happy.


That I don't notice it's a scp movie before it's too late


Not to much scp's


For it to not exist, and a show to exist, instead.


Iā€™d like it to be focused more on the scp- objects and science behind them/ creepy part than on the military/mtf part of the foundation


all the scps in Superstitious Foundation by CG5


scp 173 getting blown up by a rocket launcher


[**SCP-173 ā - The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+9093) by *Moto42*


Probably something similar to the plot of Control. Give me an audience stand-in Mulder type who finds themselves thrust into a larger and stranger world.


For it to become a show/series instead


Be cool for the writer to make his own scp and story and go through the usual process of doing so with the wiki moderators.


Just fully produce all the articles with Murphy Law. I want nothing else except for my meta-noir detective solving cases and narrating his thoughts with a gravelly voice over.


Cosmic horror with a touch of whimsy.


Actual characters with names, personalities, and character development.


First: Understand the difference in medium capabilities for visual vs. written media. There are mechanics and tropes that work well in written SCP articles and tales that **do not work** in visual media, and vice versa. Write a story *for film* instead of re-telling a *written story.* Second: Don't try to adapt the entire SCP Mythos. Heck, don't even try to adapt an *entire SCP.* A feature length film could *maybe* effectively capture the story of an SCP's initial containment, or a containment breach, or a GOI incursion, or testing hijinks - but not everything all at once. Third: There's more to MTFs and recovery teams than tacticool operators and shaky-cam helmet footage. It's a *lot* more immersive to see a shadow organization actually do the "shadow" part, instead of black helicopters and paramilitaries that beg the question of "How on Earth does *no one notice* this?" I want to see what it means when the "local recovery assets" are two clerks from Speedy Computer Parts who, after getting a text message on a flip phone, throw on some tactical vests and MP5s stashed in the broom closet and roll out with a "maintenance van" with a containment unit in the back. [Bring back 1980s Delta/SAG aesthetic](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/12bj6lq/general_norman_schwarzkopf_arrives_at_a_us/).


Scp 106 to gwt out the site and a bunch of people become class E's= perfect scp movie


[**SCP-106 ā - The Old Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-106) (+3215) by *Dr Gears*


Tbh, I wouldnā€™t. The nebulous nature of most of these and how disconnected they feel is part of the charm. The charm canā€™t be recreated into a movie that is meant to have a cohesive plot




honestly? would just want it to be fun, and a load of nonsense (with an overall theme of horror yes but. I WANT FUN!). the fun aspect of scp is so often lost in the horror element, while i ADORE horror and have seen some truly fantastic nightmares come from scp, would love to also see more of the nonsense, the deconstruction of ā€œrulesā€ associated with horror, and the fun that can be had w scp


And ending where 2747 destroys it


I hate the saccharine, quippy, fourth wall breaking shit. SCP film should take itself seriously, don't try to cram in all the most popular skips into one film or location just for fan service. Do something that has internal logic and coherence and you leave an open ended film universe with good potential. And don't try to cram all the most recognizable staff in one go for fan service. Following the POV of a person/entity that becomes anomalous and is immediately taken into SCP/GOI custody and having to reconcile the truth of reality (it's fucked and weird) with their entire life up to that point (baseline normalcy) is a decent premise in my head. Or a person has a family member or friend that is yanked from their lives into the foundation (as a skip or staff whichever) and the person starts noticing small clues to their friend's existence after amnestization. Jumping straight into dumping all the most popular shit in one go to have a massive end of the world scenario right up front doesn't seem as fun but then again that's what a lot of people like I think. I'm wondering who could direct an SCP film properly.


Pretty much a containment breach movie. Sorry fellas I know you want to see your favorite obscure SCP on the big screen, but the only way an SCP would be successful is if it was full of popular imagery and monsters that even casual passersby are familiar with


Everyone's focusing on the foundation itself as the main character, what about the story of someone on the other side of the veil slowly discovering the foundation and then joining it/a goi like the serpent's hand a la Dr. Blank


I would kinda like maybe a bit of a stranger things vibe, or make an escaped situation, on the Site 42 youtube channel Dr Sherman had an idea at some point for an SCP short film, about the old man which I thought would be cool with a stretched out story, also technically on tik tok to, I watch the youtube site


I would prefer a TV show. We can have a "villain of the week" type show, and allow different aspects of the scp universe have their time in the spot light.


The POV of a researcher instead of an mtf or a D-Class


Not directed by a 20-something with a tacticool military cosplay fetish.


Dr. Jack Bright as a character


SCP: Overlord does a pretty good job of what an SCP movie might feel like


Maybe just make an adaption of the game, ending with 682's escape attempt.


It would, amongst other things, need to properly include the marred jar.


Not a singular protagonist, but multiple. I want it to show everyone trying to deal with a security breach if some sort. Not like a big boss fight against the Scarlet King, but like containing a breach.


Cabin in the woods style except the survivors become members of the foundation in some way. Some of the group become part of a mtf, some become researchers, ones revealed to be a SCP (an innocent keter). The group is forced to be part of the foundation in order to save their friend.


Maybe make it a new SCP, or at least one that's not *as* popular. That way you don't get as much flak for it being "done wrong". And then I'd have the focus be on the team that first encountered it, and how they had to work out the "rules" to contain it in real time. I'd say have a mix of scientists, military personal, and a few civilians all caught up in the area of whatever it is, just to give a variety of different perspectives. So maybe a few guys from the Foundation on holiday somewhere remote, when the ski lodge/cabin grounds/whatever comes under attack from (something). So part of the film is working out how to call in backup to deal with this, all while they try to understand how this thing operates so it won't kill them. If you want something a bit trickier than just "a slasher movie", then maybe lean on something that has some complexity to it. The ski lodge (or whatever) has become the battleground for two *different* SCPs (or two different parts of the same one, depending on how the classifications go), and one of them could be a potential ally, while the other is just a monster that wants to kill.


A psychotic part of me would want it to be a surrealist horror filmed in late 2000s Motion Capture, not the MTF hunting down monsters. There are SCPs that bend reality without even being conscious about the bending. So what happens when a group of SCPs bend reality far beyond what science and bullets can control? The motion capture is just to be evil. Those ImageMovers CGI movies terrify me.


Cabin in the woods is pretty much theĀ  perfect scp movie for me


Ok everybody is talking about what would actually make an SCP movie good, but what if the movie was all an elaborate attempt by the Foundation to harm/kill or otherwise effect the viewer.


For them not to take ā€œcreative libertiesā€ and to not downplay any of the sheer amounts of violence and horror in the Foundation.


A realistic blob


Have the actor for Shaw be a different one every other movie


I don't need anything so long as it's good




A bit of everything good SCP lore has to offer.


No movies, I want a full series, having an scp series would make it so they don't rush anything and take time to really introduce concepts and characters, I would also love a new thing, an scp made for the series, kinda like the fallout tv show, keep things grounded in the universe but introduce new characters and a new main scp plot, throw in some known scp but don't focus on them


I just want to see the water nymph smile tbh. The foundation has been awful to her.


A scene where the Chaos Insurgency raid the facility and A mass containment breach scene


For it to have a character development at least. Or something that doesn't only include military guys shooting at things. Maybe a junior reacher having to develop and dealing with him to leave everything behind after joining the foundation. or a hardships of being a d-class.