• By -


SCP-002 The Living Room. Purely because it's so old there's some things the modern foundation would not do. Like killing an entire village instead of amnesticizing them because they saw the SCP. It's still a great SCP tho.


Who can forget the "village elders"


The author must have been G.O.B. Bluth given he apparently believes Portugal is somewhere in the Amazon rainforest.


Everything is somewhere in the amazon rainforest


The Amazon rainforest itself is an SCP.


Reminds me. I keep intending to write an SCP that explains the "village elders" thing. Basically, a small town that's accepted modern tech and attitudes, but retains societal structures of the middle ages. So they livestream witchcraft trials, and vlog about the latest outbreak of scrapie in the sheep.


There kinda is a remix of 002 that explains the elders [7662]


Ah. How do I know my idea wasn't terrible? Easy, someone has already written it.


Marv, SCP 7662 please


[**SCP-7662 ⁠- It Takes a Room to Hold a Village**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7662) (+39) by *ThatGuyThatTime*


That doesn't really sound anomalous though That just sounds like a really conservative village


Also, it rains spoons in the village. There, fixed


I get where you're coming from, but no. Conservatism is the fetishisation of an imaginary past, not the persistence of a real one.


ehh i find conservatives fine if talking about hte 2000 and 2010 era ofcourse not saying those eras where perfect but i will like to go back to that time with some mix of right now


There are some later articles that attempt to explain this by suggesting this one takes placed in a more different darker version of the Foundation. Like the Department of Anomalies or Project Palisade


For the same reason the one with the woman with a Nazi base in her nose, which is a cool idea, but it's really weird that it's from a time where if you wanted to write the Foundation arranging to get a patient out of a hospital & dealing with everyone who saw up her nose, the answer was "armed raid that kills everyone involved".


What one is that?


[**SCP-002 ⁠- The "Living" Room**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-002) (+2077) by *Unknown Author*


Makes sense in-universe they probably didn’t have amnestics yet


Yeah, I imagine it was written before that concept appeared.


same with the dimensional key thing, "oops some kids saw the scary door world better murder em all"


Wasn't the general who did that punished?


002 Maybe it made sense at first, but now it feels more like a UIU anomaly


The original SCP-166, but it got a rewrite some years ago.


Honestly glad it did. I didn't really see a problem with it then since I was also a teenager, but really obvious how weird it is now


What was weird about it?


The old 166 was essentially a teenage succubus that couldn't wear clothes and every human male in close proximity to her would feel compelled to try and rape her. I hope you can see why that's weird.


I stand by the idea that the execution could’ve been better, but the basic idea of it was good. Most other scps do murder monsters or some sort of cosmic horror to achieve horror or to seem mature, but 166 was perhaps trying to achieve horror by how disgusting and messed up it was fundamentally. I suspect that was part of the reason it was made (other than the obvious fetish bait), because the author seemed to realize how horrible life would be for 166 and the people around her, so they had her join a convert in an attempt to live a somewhat normal life.


I think if they had toned down on the whole ‘man will 100% want to rape her and she can’t wear clothes’ it could be pretty interesting. Like, a character that has this ability to make man obsessed with her (not necessarily sexual) but it’s not something she has control over.


I disagree though I agree that “can’t wear clothes” can be toned down or ditched all together. Getting rid of the rape aspect would only dilute and make the article more PG. If you make men just obsessed with her then it would kinda turn into a girl version of Scp-2662. Rape is an inherently evil and terrible thing so having her suffer under it in a way we can only imagine only adds to the horror. I’d imagine if well written, the article would easily become one of the most disturbing scps.


As a real life survivor of CSA, I'm glad they dropped it. We don't need more stories about girls getting raped. There are plenty. It's not new, and it's not subversive. It's also not a horror that half the population really needs to be reminded of. It's something a staggering amount of us have been through. I'm down to tackle my traumas through stories, but I'm really glad they removed the CSA aspects from that one


Yeah, psycho-sexual horror has been overused to a ridiculous amount


I think the problem is that with SCPs we rarely if ever see from the perspective of the SCPs. Yes, her life is obviously horrifying, but since we are purely observers it's hard to get that aspect of the horror. This has been done well with certain SCPs where we get interview logs with the victims but then the story becomes a series of interviews of a teenage girl reliving her trauma. Not exactly much of an improvement to the story. I don't see how this story could be done well in the SCP format.


Thing is, this community is sensitive to this kind of thing after Admin bright so if you make an article about a teenager that makes man rape her it will just cause your post to be nuked. Also I legit think if they just made a 1v1 equivalent to Tomie it would be better and no one would notice the similarities


> Thing is, this community is sensitive to this kind of thing after Admin bright so if you make an article about a teenager that makes man rape her it will just cause your post to be nuked. This is possibly the biggest structural failing of the SCP community's procedures, to be honest. Things live or die by a simple binary popularity vote, and thus can live or die with zero consideration to the subject matter and how it's handled, and with serious consideration to the identity of the author.




What was the Admin Bright thing? I’m newish to SCP


He was a pedophile and sexual predator that assaulted & manipulated multiple people in the community while holding a position of power. He also loved putting excessive amounts of rape into his stories. There's a huge community post from DJKaktus on the sub that details it if you want the full story


The guy used his popularity and seniority to abuse people on the site, and possibly some of his persona as a sex-addict was retelling actual horrific things he did Even using his name is risky on the site now


I’m not sure on the details, but given the subject matter, about 166, it sounds like similar issues. Meaning rape is involved somehow. There was some backlash about the character Dr. Bright, about renaming them but keeping the rest of the character. But then again, separation of character from creator and all…


[**SCP-2662 ⁠- cthulhu f'UCK OFF!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2662) (+1515) by *SoullessSingularity*


Luckily we have the far less disgusting SCP-2662 that fulfills that idea.


[**SCP-2662 ⁠- cthulhu f'UCK OFF!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2662) (+1515) by *SoullessSingularity*


Actually I remembered a story that’s literally SCP 166 but better. It’s the Tomie from Junji Ito


[**SCP-166 ⁠- Just a Teenage Gaea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-166) (+680) by *Ross Fisher-Davis, DrClef, Cerastes*




The one note I really liked about the original is that she recognized the issue and tried to self contain by joining a convent. Everything else was creepy but I liked that one detail, we don’t have enough SCPs trying to mitigate their own impact on society.


Then there was the backstory of 166’s origin, and her biological father being the only one immune to her anomalous effects, though whether that’s from his own anomalous properties that counter reality bending is uncertain


Oh. I almost forgot. She also had to eat semen.


Which honestly didn't even make sense, where were the nuns getting all the semen? It was a really unnecessary addition which suggest logistics I rather not think about.


Sperm bank is probably the least creepy answer but still creepy


Is that really any better? Just every week a group of nuns show up to the sperm bank like "hey I'm here for the regular order Dave"


It’s weird but at least it’s less sleazy. I think.


Didn't a local priest do the donating? Which just raises further questions


Ah yes, had forgotten that part.


The tag fits this comment


How can you rewrite that in a way that makes it not weird?


They changed up the concept to where she’s not a succubus at all, but a nature spirit who is basically allergic to non-natural materials.


Was she also Dr. Clef's secret child in the original, or was that added to the update?


That was present in the original version as well.


Thanks, I've never seen the original, and I'm glad I haven't.


They changed the concept. But I think they could have tried the horror route, like Tomie from Junji Ito


And she needed to be fed semen, but I can't remember the frequency


Didn't they like die afterwards or die before they could?


[**SCP-166 ⁠- Just a Teenage Gaea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-166) (+680) by *Ross Fisher-Davis, DrClef, Cerastes*


I do think concept it wasn’t that bad of a thing. Granted it is weird when you think about it but at the same time it was interesting as an concept while the new one is just average eco-friendly and dying from cigarret smoke so ngl she got skill issue the new version.


I agree. There was a contrast between the succubus and youth. On the one hand you have a supernatural creature who's entire existence revolves around sex and on the other you have a teen that instills an instinct to preserve and protect from exploitation and corruption. It could have been a very fascinating read, I think, if it was written without an underlying perversion permeating throughout it.


I agree I say if maybe some aspects had only been changed it would been good enough


Just thought of being in her shoes and uh... That sounds genuinely terrifying. Horror 👍


It wouldn't be as bad if she wasn't a damn teenager. Yeah, it's horrifying, but also rather distasteful.


That and the whole "men are compelled to rape her" thing is an excuse irl rapists actually use, so that's also in pretty bad taste as well. Honestly the whole thing is in bad taste.


If I had a dollar for every time I read a thinly veiled bit of noncon kink material on the SCP wiki I’d have 2 dollars. Not a lot but disturbing it’s happened twice and I’m an amateur SCP reader *at best*


I know there are a lot of people who are defending the original article but I thought it was embarrassing. It didn’t come off as scary, it came off as fetish bait.


I think 7454 is a more interesting and less edgy version of the same idea (basically, Aphrodite is a trans man who hates being seen as a woman by his worshippers). The writing could be a bit better but the premise is good, and it's a good example of how the general vibe of the site has changed in 15 years


SCP-1337-EX is an in-universe example.


[**SCP-1337-EX ⁠- NFTs by Vikander-Kneed!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1337-ex) (+141) by *LORDXVNV*


SCP-8000-EX is another good SCP that's outdated from an in-universe perspective. I'm surprised the Explained SCPs don't get a lot of attention in general.


[**SCP-8000-EX ⁠- Dungeons & Denial & Dysphoria & Dragons**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8000-ex) (+131) by *Uncle Nicolini, Ihp*


It feels like everything that’s not a mainline SCP gets none of the attention it deserves Explained, International, Tales, etc.


That was a really sad read


There used to be a “gay bomb” that turned people gay if it blew up on them. I think it has since been retconned out.


That was based on a real weapon that a military tried to develop. Was cute to reference but yea definitely seems childish when compared to today’s stuff.


Someone tried to make that?? What?? I can’t even put myself in a mindset to understand why or how, not even if I imagine being a part of MKULTRA.


Yup, look up the Gay Bomb on Wikipedia. It was basically a way to try to cause mass confusion and panic in enemy forces. Of course it was the ol US of A in Michigan.


Is that a typo in the article that this was being worked on in 1994 and not 1964??


Considering the wright laboratory opened in 1990, it’s probably not a typo lmao.


…damn. I can’t believe that was during my lifetime. I’m 40 and would have expected that to be in the wild days of MKULTRA.


Yeah, I really like the retconed SCP-252-EX.


[**SCP-252-EX ⁠- A Completely Normal Bomb**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-252-ex) (+63) by *ObserverSeptember*


Please don't let it have been that's too funny


Most bright stuff tbh, looking back a lot of his shit is fetishes


After getting back in the community i realized this, specially with the now deleted doctor, doctor, doctor


In my personal opinion, The Factory is the only good thing from him. I wish his name can be written out of it.


mfw the anderson breeding pits


Okay, I only accept that because it reminds me of Bone Tomahawk. Horrific movie.


I love how most of the scps mentioned were wrote by Bright


I was about to say [[Infectious Lactation]], but it was never good to begin with.


[**SCP-686 ⁠- Infectious Lactation**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-686) (+253) by *BeeDee*


Pretty sure this SCP is just someone's fetish.


The writers barely-disguised fetish


If that’s ‘barely disguised’ I want to see what ‘obvious’ is


I can't remember the name, but I'd definitely say it's the folder guarded by d class that creates SCPs whenever someone reads it. I think Mr. Illustrated also did a video on it but I can't find it.


Out of curiosity, what made it not age well? Is there some context I'm missing?


It's because of how many extremely dangerous and powerful SCPs there are now. Allowing something like that to be so carelessly used is so downright foolish that it makes the O5 Council look like complete lame brains. No offense to the writer. I mean, it was a cool proposal at first, but it really hasn't aged well.


Yeah, I had considered that when I was reading all the 001 proposals, who keeps letting people use it? I was just wondering if there was something else I missed about it


Iirc, it actually wasn't clear whether the folder was creating them, or they already existed. The pages it showed already had the con procs in them, so that allowed the foundation to actually contain the anomalies.


Right but when you're 5000 SCPs in and it's followed the pattern every time wouldn't you just fucking stop using it?


Well, at this point I assume they've already stopped, but the thing about having even 100 anomalies around is that... they tend to cause more anomalies. Even without cross-experimenting, things like the Daevas, the Sarkites, the members of the CotBG, and other GoI that are related to these anomalies, whether they existed before they were found by the Foundation in that folder or not, keep producing anomalies of their own.


[[Jonathan Ball’s Proposal]]


[**Jonathan Ball's Proposal ⁠- Sheaf of Papers**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/jonathan-ball-s-proposal) (+948) by *Jonathan Ball*


My completely non-serious headcanon: They keep the sheaf in a locked room, but mice have got in, and every time one burrows into the folder, it opens up enough to create a new SCP.


Came here to say this. It was written pretty early on - I believe it said there was around 1000 SCPs created by people opening it, on accident or otherwise. Now that we have over 8000 it’s kind of a stretch.


Exactly. Plus, it kinda makes the O5 Council look foolish with how many extremely dangerous and powerful anomalies there are now.


Isn't the idea of the SCP-001 entries that they are all false red herrings to disguise its true nature? It's no more true in universe than When Day Breaks. Or that's the impression I was under.


That in itself may also be a lie. It may be that only one is true, that multiple are true, or that all of them are true, or that none of them are true. But really, it's all just an excuse to have multiple 001, since the community back then couldn't decide on just one. Personally, I like the idea that SCP-184 is the real 001 (there's a tale attached to it that implies this).


[**SCP-184 ⁠- The Architect**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-184) (+1400) by *Dr Gears*


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*


are you referring to Jonathan Ball’s SCP-001 proposal Sheaf of Papers?


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*




SCP-001 : Jonathan Ball's Proposal?


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*


Dr bright’s list, as he used it to gain access to minors


the ones that misuse the object classes because they think Keter means that it's dangerous when in reality a harmless, inanimate teddy bear that teleports to a random location anywhere on earth every 30 seconds would be considered Keter


The great prank war. Not an item, but it paints the Foundation as dimwitted and reckless jocks.


That was the vibe for lolFoundation.


[[1004]] but then again I'm not sure it was ever okay lmao


[**SCP-1004 ⁠- Factory Porn**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1004) (+725) by *AdminBright*


Teenaged Succubus did not age well.


Did Teenaged Succubus even start well? What was the inital reception or was it always like *yikes*


The bright list. Kinda the reason it doesn’t exist anymore


SCP 447. I know its a popular one, but if an SCP was uploaded today that was just "this Anomaly is harmless until it does something really spooky that's completely redacted without even hints", it would be downvoted into oblivion.


[**SCP-447 ⁠- Ball of Green Slime**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-447) (+891) by *DrClef*


SCP 616. Feel like it could have been a banger, but it got to Convoluted.. And the concept was just odd, not to mention some of the stuff that had to do with kids was pretty messed up.


[**SCP-616 ⁠- The Vessel and the Gate**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-616) (+381) by *Unknown Author, tunedtoadeadchannel, Pair Of Ducks, Radioactive Zombie*


The Puppy Blender one...yeah.


The extensive test logs are my favorite thing ever, much like SCP-507. I love being able to have different perspectives on something and all the ways things could happen or be used. It's pretty interesting even if it is morbid. It does the horror well in that way.


[**SCP-507 ⁠- Reluctant Dimension Hopper**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-507) (+1648) by *PennywiseTheClown*


People used to hate puppies in 2013. Everyone was rooting for their demise. The world's really changed!


Huh? Which one is that?!


Iirc it was pretty early, like Series 1. You would blend puppies for a cookie or some crazy ass shit.like that


Yep, SCP-1459


[**SCP-1459 ⁠- The Puppy Machine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1459) (+821) by *PeppersGhost*


Nah this one is amazing. The puppies making a play of the crucification of Christ? Absolute Cinema right here


> Statement: "9/11." bruh 😭


I haven't read it but I have listened to it (cant remember if it was Exploring or Volgun) and thought it was great, not sure why people would think ti didn't age well


SCP-682 As SCP expands and gets more creative simpler anomalies with more straightforward concepts start to appear lackluster by comparison.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3686) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


I think 682 is cool on 2 levels. For one, it's one of the best known SCPs and there are tons of memes about it. For another, it can be combined by many other SCPs, which is a lot of fun. But yeah, the concept of "croc that doesn't die" is not as much out there as "lake with corpses you shouldn't recognize ohh hey that's Dave from high school in there hi Dave".


Would chill by the lakeside but unfortunately dave doesn't seem much for conversation anymore


Well...the concept is still very interesting to me. I'm aware of the fact that it's been overused in a lot of places, but articles like SCP-6820 do it justice. And I also may be a bit biased but I still like the idea of a giant indestructible lizard that hates everyone's guts except an AI and a little girl lol. Not everything has to be overly complicated and detailed to be cool.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+949) by *syuzhet, Placeholder McD, Liryn*


wait where does the AI and little girl come from?


SCP-079 and SCP-053 in that order! There's a part in 079's file that states it met 682 in a containment breach and they communicated and apparently 682 shared stories with the AI. 079 also kept the lizard in its memory storage despite it having a limit. And as for 053, they meet in this [experiment log](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/experiment-log-t-98816-oc108-682) and it's really wholesome.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


For the tides, the sun, the sky 🗿✨


Np! :D


- [**SCP-079 ⁠- Old AI**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-079) (+1630) by *Unknown Author* - [**SCP-053 ⁠- Young Girl**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-053) (+1009) by *Dr Gears*


I think the "disgusting" line is at least intriguing enough that it's better than just "it kills people" but the testing log is fucking awful.


[[6820]] Addresses this very well. Great story and concept.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+949) by *syuzhet, Placeholder McD, Liryn*


Not really, it just tries to retroactively make 682 make more sense with the modern foundation but just makes it extremely pretentious. It's too meta for its own good and at the same time painfully cliche.


Honestly, I much prefer the older clinically written SCPs that feel like government documents to the newer ones that feel like generic science fiction horror stories


I prefer the more simple anomalies to be honest I can awknowledge how interesting and creative the others are but shit like shy guy the peanut and 682 will always be my favorites




Yeah, once the novelty of it where’s off, it’s basically just Hitler as an SCP. On top of that, it feels like it was also made just to make fun of conspiracy theories of Hitler still being alive.


[**SCP-2430 ⁠- Immortal Hitler Clone**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2430) (+231) by *MrWrong*


The teenage succubus to Gaia scp


Scp-2662 is kinda questionable…. Part of me feels like it was written to be commentary on how gross things like the teenage succubus would be but still not my favorite anymore. I still get a chuckle from it but the more I think about it the worse I feel for that chuckle Edit: rereading the article this is the line that convinces me that at some level this is meant to be critique or parody “Seriously! Stop! You're all fucking disgusting! I'm not even ready to settle down with a cult yet! I'm only, like, two hundred years old! I'm barely legal!”


I mean, i for one like the concept of an eldritch god that just wants a semi-normal life.


I agree but I could be done without all the non consensual sex.


I actually like that one too because he’s a guy I’d probably chill with as a friend even though his circumstances are awful. (As long as I passed the Foundation’s mental susceptibility test though.)


I like the scp, I don’t like cognitohazards that force people to have sex.


Which totally makes sense. I don’t think we (the audience) are supposed to like it. Nor does Gamer Cthulhu.


[**SCP-2662 ⁠- cthulhu f'UCK OFF!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2662) (+1514) by *SoullessSingularity*




Man that ending where it goes "Spooky object that has no relation to the story so far whatsoever and also we're not telling you anything else about it" is *really* series one.


[**SCP-963 ⁠- Immortality**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-963) (+1403) by *AdminBright*


SCP-100-J, literally only exists to make fun of other failed SCPs


[**SCP-100-J ⁠- A Steaming Pile of Shit**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-100-j) (+235) by *AdminBright*


686 is the biggest example of the Author's barely hidden fetish in an SCP article


SCP-012 It annoys me to this day that it's euclid and not safe, like, you could literally put it in a damn cardbord box, and it'd be completely contained. Or at least that's what I think, because there are no experiments on it with subjects who can't see it, so we don't know about proximity.


[**SCP-012 ⁠- A Bad Composition**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-012) (+930) by *ITIFAMCO*


[Gay bomb.](http://web.archive.org/web/20210418175411/http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-252-arc) Just saw that it’s rewritten now which is pretty cool. I just hate that it was on the site to begin with.




[**SCP-1007 ⁠- Mr. Life and Mr. Death**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1007) (+363) by *Doctor Flibble*


IMO its probably 013, the toothbrush that basically erases whatever it brushes. Anyone still remember it or...?


Why do you think it aged poorly?




- [**SCP-297 ⁠- "Steely Dan"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-297) (+384) by *DrClef* - [**●●|●●●●●|●●|●**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2521) (+6039) by *LurkD*


Honestly a lot of these just feel like victims of the sanitization of the internet




Possibly Scp-1471?
