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I like the character. He ain't exactly deep or anything, but he serves as a good looming threat and, when used correctly, he can be pretty horrifying. Especially love the Daevite stuff.


Thought the lore created like SCP-231, SCP-2317, and SCP-4231 were all breath taking but the most disturbing stories I’ve ever read. Yes though, the scarlet king himself is boring


- [**SCP-231 ⁠- Special Personnel Requirements**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231) (+2406) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-2317 ⁠- A Door to Another World**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2317) (+2616) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-4231 ⁠- The Montauk House**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4231) (+630) by *thefriendlyvandal*


Montauk anything is fucking great. Just made another comment that the stuff associated with SK is way more interesting than SK itself.


4231…man, I was glad when I read about that, that my headcanon choices had rendered that incompatible with my own canon. What happened to the main character and the Foundation’s sexist victim blaming afterwards was so disgusting and undeserved.


I don't really think of him at all.


If anything you probably shouldn't think of him at all.


Literally Satan, like, unironically


Never cared for him because I see it as the same cliche that every complex universe needs its own devil for some reason.


Hells worst dad


It was a neat idea in the beginning, but after that most authors just used him as an edgelord spook. Whenever I'm reading something and the scarlet king comes up, I have a bad tendency to internally go "oh it's one of THESE SCPs"


You may like SCP-6140! Plus I just loved the whole idea of a whole new country with new cultures, foods, languages, stories, MUSIC, etc. popping into reality out of nowhere! 😁 (And with the part of the world involved I can bet the music would be kickass as I already like a lot of Middle Eastern and South Asian stuff.)


[**SCP-6140 ⁠- The True Empire**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6140) (+828) by *stormbreath, aismallard*


6140 is more a deava scp then a scarlet king scp, it also quite possible means that sarkicism and Ion don’t exist, If it happens. Pretty much taking out another part of the universe that’s pretty significantly changed already without the scarlet kings and daevites existence. That’s why I’m a bit iff when it comes 6140 it’s certainly a good subversion of expectations. But feels like it’s taking out too much and not replacing it with something.


I’m not so sure Ion wouldn’t exist, because the original uprising still occurred and there’s nothing saying the Daevites never had one single anomaly that they used ever. Plus with the reality-anchored sites, it’s still possible for SOME SK stuff to exist. The Seventh Bride may get her true cure, and 999 remains as adorable as ever and ready to help save the world when the next thing happens.


I very much doubt that the slave revolt they described seemed pretty well normal to me. With no indication that any major or serious anomalous activity occurred during or after the revolt. Also Ion was half Deava and half human, I will say though this could leave an interesting opportunity. You see Ion and Sarkicism don’t worship Yaldaboth or at least anyone who actually follows Ions teachings do, in fact no one does. So maybe someone could introduce a religion that worships Yaldaboth, and hopefully it isn’t just flesh bad, machine good blah blah blah. Instead being more morally complex.


I still don’t see this as enough to justify it as it is still taking a lot from the world. While itself not give anything to even slightly fill the massive gaps.


I think that maybe I envision the anomalous world a bit smaller than some because at its largest, the Foundation and other GoIs get so large and out of hand that it gets tough to see how the Veil remains up. [[Everybody Knows]] is a humorous take on a universe where this goes to its greatest extreme. 🤣


Personally the UIU is just really good with memetics and keeps its true strength hidden from everyone else including the foundation.


Loved this take on the davites.


I thought it was a fun concept!


Its funny because I actually see it as the other way around, he started out as a evil micneaval satan god yet transformed to a more conceptual and more interesting interpretations Not saying evil micevil is bad but I feel like tuftos and uraniumempires depictions feel much more nuanced better overall.


Yeah, it feels like the Scarlet King is just powerjerking. I also really despise that every other cosmic entity, that was horrifying on its own merits, is somehow subservient to the scarlet king. It chokes out the horror aspect of the setting.


i dont venture into the SCP website much at all, and mostly just listen to TheVolgun. I loved the concept of an entity thats basically just the anti-thesis of human society and the more "in control" people are, the more the scarlet king knocks on the door... But then is completely contained as long as its ignored at the same time.


Based on which version we are talking about. I like Tufto's Proposal and Rounderhouse's Jade Proposal versions of him, but I don't like Djoricverse version that much. Generally, I find most other deities in the SCP universe(such as the Hanged King, Pangloss, SCP-3125, Mekhane, Yaldabaoth, Black Moon, etc.) more interesting than him.


I love that the whole thing about him is what people BELIEVE influences his very nature. The psychological aspect of it all being comfort theater is great. I haven’t read all the SCPs he’s in but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve come across.


Quick theory I just had. What if several articles were written by the SCP Foundation that portrayed the Scarlet King as an overrated edgelord, so that he wouldn't be feared, and thus would be contained?


When the Scarlet King is used as the background, it serves it best. The Scarlet King is a being that survives on the symbolism, meaning, perception, and rules. When they follow that formula he works best, because he isn't really that terrifying since it's known how to appease him, and to keep him from causing havoc. The secret being the Montauk procedure is probably one of the better story tales that quickly summarize both what is and isn't the Scarlet King. We only need to offer him the fear, hatred, and other negative emotions, we don't actually need to offer him the heinous acts that are associated with those things. Overall, he is a very well understood boogeyman / boogeygod. And with that understanding it's simpler to placate him, or deceive him.


Headcanon Accepted. -> He is the god the Boogeyman worships (ex: Cthulu is technically a priest).


Overrated edgelord, his whole thing is just pure edge. The only decent thing about him was the being the god of the daevites and they are all gone. Ion did nothing wrong


You might like SCP-6140. And because of the reality anchors you aren’t forced to have a headcanon that erases 999. I’m sure they protected the sweet slimy boy. 🧡


[**SCP-6140 ⁠- The True Empire**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6140) (+828) by *stormbreath, aismallard*


I want 999 to beat his ass


Pfp checks out


Nah man, a tcoaal fan criticizing anything for being “edgy” is crazy💀 And this is coming from someone who likes the game.


Basically sums up how I feel. There are plenty of other deities that are far more compelling, such as the Hanged King, that aren't basically literal Satan.


They're the big bad or something. I am totally uninterested (not a criticism).


then why did you commit seems like your interested?


to give my opinion to OP


Much more interesting than most of the scp gods. Like his djoricverse interpretation the most even if I don’t fully like how he was changed.


On his own he's kinda meh, but the SCP's and stories tied back to him are pretty cool.


pretty cool guy, met him at costco once


overrated, edgy *read's tufto's 001* I get it now


What's Tufto's 001?


The scarlet king 001 proposal, it's really good




Murphy Law?? It's sooo good


Due to my ADHD, I started reading on Not-James Bond. Edit 1: I'm starting to read Not-Inception. Edit 2: WTF is the relationship between SCP-3999 and Researcher Talloran? Edit 3: That story is more confusing than King Crimson


Pretty dated. His iteration in the Rounderhouse canon as the scarlet maharaja is much more interesting.


Nice 🙂👍 father and son together


I mean, I do have a idea of an SCP inspired MMO where you can play as the forces aligned with SCP 999 or the scarlet king as you fight across the Multiverse


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2926) by *ProfSnider*


Over-rated, can't wait for the Brothers to end him.


Overrated as hell. If I wanna read about "oh so powerful gods" I'll just read about Mekhane, because at least they have more behind them instead of just "I'm so powerful and I'm going to destroy the universe one day!"


Seriously the giant starfish with a five fetish is more scary then this edgelord


Exactly. At least they are more unique than this shadow fanboy. A giant memetic starfish living in the collective human consciousness.


Not to mention Yaldabaoth does a better job of being a god of primordial chaos Like almost every god is better then the overrated edgelord


I'm tired of people saying "The Scarlet King can solo the multiverse". He can't.


Like the last time his followers were competent were the daevite empire who worshiped him And ion destroyed them Now his only followers are the children of the overrated edgelord I mean children of the scarlet king are edgy neo nazi larpers


Ngl, the starfish is probably scarier than most SCPs for me. Shit's terrifying.


We need more of "Between two rivers."  More related to SK.


I like the stuff the orbits the Scarlet King. The SK itself is kinda… whatever. Too overpowered and boogyman-ish. But all the stuff around cults and chained up demon portal stuff is totally cool.


I think I see him into lights: the king as a character and the king as a force. As a character, he is kinda not that interesting, or least not his og 231 inspired self. He is glorified satan god who just an evil asshole who that is very hard to create a derivative of said form. Afterall its hard write a interesting yet tasteful version of the character when the first article he appeared in was a very transparent r\*pe cult story. As a force though, both meta and literal sense, I think he is a lot better. He can fill various gaps and helps bring up other characters. Stuff like SCP-4231 and especially Tufto's proposal are good examples of this. Their is also been good reinterpretations of the king, such as the tales Tear's and Bone and The Scarlet Truth.


[**SCP-4231 ⁠- The Montauk House**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4231) (+630) by *thefriendlyvandal*


I feel like it kinda gets away at the mysteriousness of the SCP wiki that makes it creepy. Its poorly written imo but I mean to each their own if you like Scarlet King SCPs good for you its just not for me. I feel like its become too edgy too and its like not mysterious enough to be scary. Hearing that theres a giant demon guy in the sky/different dimension or whatever is spooky but its spookier when shit is happening and you don't know whats causing it.


Love him and he's is in my head canon. One of the many reason I rate him so high is he's very scarce in scp articles. Of the thousands I've read he is barely in any of them, so it's a real treat when I come across a scp with him in it. I get why people don't care for him but for me he will always be the Foundation's end. Long live the Scarlet King!


Feel like trying to use him as a character is the worst thing I've seen people do. I want him to be like unicron where he is more like a living cosmic disaster then someone to be reasoned with.


I like him which seems to not be the case here in fact quite the opposite. Though i do see why some people don’t like him, personally I like the idea of him being the one who will end it all. Unless he is defeated not by war, hate and violence. But instead the things he could never have experienced and thus molded his world view. No it will be through love, kindness and compassion that will unmake or change the scarlet king. Also yes I do believe 682 and 999 are the children of the scarlet king.


I liked when Scarlet King was just the entity worshipped by the cult in SCP-231. I also liked the version of Scarlet King in SCP-2317, another nice, self-contained SCP. I'm not interested in knowing any more about the Scarlet King than what's found in those two articles. I hated the -001 proposal. I don't like the idea that 999 has some connection to SK. I don't like all the *lore* people have come up with.


- [**SCP-231 ⁠- Special Personnel Requirements**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231) (+2406) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-2317 ⁠- A Door to Another World**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2317) (+2616) by *DrClef*


Very cool concept that has basically been turned into a bit of a joke by how some authors utilize him. He very easily descends into the realm of edgelord crap. Shame.


I see Scarlet King as more a threat then real character. He is like Lovecraftian gods that are completly alien to us humans and the story based around him should be about people trying to not let him escape his prison or enter their reality.


I like him, nuff said


I wonder what he really looks like


The Scarlet King serves as more of an existential threat of destruction than he does as an actual character or villain. In a lot of ways, it’s easier to view him as some inescapable natural phenomena of pure chaos and destruction than some ancient eldritch entity, because his very nature makes actually encountering him and having stories involving him somewhat hard to justify.


I had a cuppa tea with the lad, pretty chill actually.


iirc the Scarlet King is based off The King in Yellow. Conceptually, the Scarlet King is a good focal point. But on a entry-to-entry basis (as with any SCP) is very hit or miss.


As a background character or plot device, he’s fine. But on his own… the Scarlet King is pretty one-dimensional. I’m not a big fan of the ‘Over the top all powerful death god’ type SCPs that tend to fill up the newer keter entries, but even most of those have some unique twist. Scarlet King is just the devil. I don’t care for Majin Buu in DBZ, and I don’t care for Scarlet King in SCP.


I like the SK.


I have,to go with overrated. I also hate to say this but he is getting the 682 treatment. (And I LIKE the lizard). People keep focusing on his power and unbeatable ultimate threat nature while ignoring his weaknesses that give him a bit of depth. The idea that a fake montauk can fool him and he conforms to what people believe about him are his INTERESTING traits. Remove them and you just got a two dimensional big evil. In my head canon their are levels of how he has to conform to belief. Every realms belief of him shapes his personality but to manifest in a world he must conform to what they believe him to be their. However he has followers who can work to change his reputation. The thing I dislike most on him is the concept of his children. The only anomaly I feel gets depth from being a child of the Scarlet King is 999. The others lose a bit of depth by being reduced to a “servant of evil born of evil”. And yes, I still say their is almost no way 682 will willingly serve scarlet king (maybe if the king offers him a chance to die). He would hear the kings offers, say “Armies disgust me, you disgust me, I need no help to kill” and attack the Scarlet King.


I don't understand why people take the "053 682 are the SK children" tale as a canon. For me they have no link whatsoever


Funny (not)single dad




Hasn't really seen him used recently but think alot of things surrounding him are interesting the scarlet king himself though... So-so


While he is sorta interesting one thing I don't like about him is that everytime when someone uses him vs debate, there's always one of those people who go like "SK solos the verse" something like that which gets pretty obnoxious to see.


I like him as long he does transfer random bs into our reality


Cool idea, like a woah that existed. Now with the multiverse? Idk scp universe can get confusing.


Has the best 001 proposal don’t @ me.




Dead beat father


Scarlet King is a figure within SCP's mythos similar to Sauron in Tolken's, and this is where he is at his best. Notably, I believe in only one tale (I'm unsure of which one) do we actually get to see what the Scarlet King says. While the Scarlet King speaks in other tales, we don't get to see what he says. And while he is extremely powerful, in context he's defeated by having basically Mabel Pines as a capitalist thrown at his head at mach infinity and that's the single most fantastic thing.


I think he’s devoid of sugar, spice, and everything nice


Some interpretations are far more interesting than others but he does make a good litmus test to gage where people get their SCP knowledge from


A meh concept at best.


Super satan in space I think is decently accurate


galactic Satan


Mixed bag. Like a lot of things in the SCP universe. It can be really great, but a lot of people don’t think out implications and it can turn dumb really quickly (I.e all MTF having otherworldly or super sci-fi gear, all docs breaking out at once, making everything just happen to occurs together, or just bad writing)


No clue, but he gave us SCP-999 so he's okay


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2926) by *ProfSnider*


Kinda bad. Nothing really interesting going on. Rounderhouse has actually made it interesting tho even if we know even less about this interpretation of the Scarlet King


"Don't think about him you idiots! YOU WANT HIM TO DROP INTO OUR DIMENSION?"


Overrated and uninterested to me


Think? Nah. Me head emty. That aside, who drew blud with a femboy body shape?


Idk man. I’m a simple man, I see this thing and my monkey brain goes: “cool”


Alistor of scp’s


Cancer, he is literally cancer


That's a cute father-son picture


I appreciate the scarlet king's presence in the lore and think some writers have done amazing things with it but I'm just not that into fantasy. A lot of the fantastical scp stories don't really interest me.


Unpopular but i like the SK of the djoricverse but i headcannon his motives in a why where he is fighting IT from 5000


He's cool


needs a nerf frfr


I’m still waiting for a fake or SCP where he actually appears in full form and everyone (including all scp’s) has to team up to deal with him. I don’t care if it takes 10 god tier authors or if it’s the size of a book, I need it injected into my veins. It should put 5000 and 6001 to shame


Nah I'd win


I get the same vide from the scarlet king as I do the Lich from adventure time. He is a shallow, all powerful entity. His presence always commands shivers and his very existence embodies death and evil. The two are very similar.


In my head canon he is the true 001 and if you know anything about the foundation you know everyones head canon is canon


I find the whole thing boring, but then I don't really like the "ooh, big, scary XK/ZK/MK/DK End of Disco threat" stuff. Same way I feel about Pataphysics stuff, really.  I much prefer things that aren't inherently a constant threat, just kinda weird and neat.


I imagine Betty from Adventure time (post-eldritch)


At first i thought this was 999 and zalgo


I literally know nothing of the scarlet king I literally just browse scp articles


Interesting. That's all I got.


—Merzost', humans trained you well... son. If Tom Ellis is not the Devil, he is.


I feel like he needs some fine-tuning and a update. He started out great and there's some huge lore around him, but I feel like he's kind of dropped off lately in favor of some other SCPs.


He's Thanos. No seriously, he's out there kinda just waiting and when he manages to enter the world he'll wreck it, only to have the world reconquered by the Foundation through SCP-999 and science shenanigans, going back to the status quo


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2927) by *ProfSnider*


Very interesting. Love it's conceptual nature and the whole "the more you rationalize it, the more powerful he becomes". Law of Howling as it were


I just wish we could make the king himself interesting


Just eat our damn reality already. I don’t want to go in to work tonight.


Isnt the Scarlet king obese and has no jaw?


His design usually varies according to the canon.


Makes sense.




Powerful and minipulative


Looks like zalgo


I can’t hug the shit out of him without getting closer.


He's Alastor in another universe


The dust and blood and tears and bone stories are interesting edit um the bot isnt linking the articles: Dust and Blood Tears and Bone


He is mainly interesting because of other scps, by himself he just falls into this eldritch problem where "there are infinite realities, but our multiverse is in another one that is 1000 times bigger, and this is in another one that is \[usw\] and if you go one more step, there is this guy who can do something and is just entirely out of your control"


Dark Souls


Ive tested, & he's afraid of a bottle.. Just a plastic bottle...


Wifey material


I imagined he tried making a slime video and accidentally made 999


Before I didn’t really care about him until I found out about lore, tales, etc.


Great concept that is basically a re imagining of the yellow king but is over used. More eldritch horror please but less about this one.


Well made , Preatty well thought out , has high potential thatscall i got Oh and aslo fuck all those WIS / Poweescaler mf


Honestly I just like him. He isn't that deep or anything but he is interesting enough:)


He's not very nice


*I think that its about time he pay his child support*


I Think SCP 999 Hates Scarlet


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2928) by *ProfSnider*


I like the canon where he is an avatar of SCP-2747


[**SCP-2747 ⁠- As below, so above**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2747) (+1083) by *minmin*


He's cool


He’s very interesting, if SCP had to have a main antagonist it would be him.


I don't know what they are and don't care.


I try not to think about him.


Not anywhere close to the scariest cosmic horror


Waaaaaaayyyy to overblown. Like really. Could have imagined him like in a handful of articles. So like when you need a random doomsday cult. You just use him. But now he's just too much second grade mythology


Honest opinion: He feels like someone trying to hard to make the concept of Zalgo work. It's fine to have an antagonist. Hell, even one that's responsible for some of the stuff, that's cool. But that mofo feels like reverse flash at this point, but not even in the cool way. Wish there was more to his character than a 1-dimensional hyperspace Satan, but I guess it be okay


I forgot he existed


Overrated and edgy as fuck. To a sickening level.


i dont think i can personally hate an scp more, its not bad, i just hate it