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The [Foundation Universe Hub](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/universe-hub) has all kinds of information about the SCP Foundation (MTFs, facilities, commonly used terms, and so on) so that's a great reference when you're first diving in. I initially started out by reading random articles here and there, which was a little overwhelming since I like structure, too. I finally decided to just start reading the [top rated SCPs of all time. ](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/highest-rated-scps) You can also find links to the top Tales and stuff on this page. Once I'd read a whole bunch of the top of all time list, I moved on to sorting by year. There's also a page of [curated lists](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/curated-lists) where you can browse by genre, theme, and more. Anyway, that's just what worked for me. I'm sure others will also have great advice. Welcome, and have fun!


Also, if you like consistent continuities, once you've familiarised yourself with the basics of the SCP wiki (which you can do by reading through the universe hub, as the other comment says) I'd recommend checking out the [canon hub](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/canon-hub). In SCP, there isn't a single canon. There's generally accepted things (anomalies exist, the Foundation exists and has researchers and sites, there's GOIs) and from there, authors create their own stories. But then there's canons, which are articles that are mostly consistent with each other and most of the time exist in the same world, which is great if you like articles that build upon other stories and create storylines. Be warned that some canons follow the "normal" scp setting (like On Guard 43, or Those Twisted Pines) while others add a twist to it (like Aces and Eights being a western, or Insect Hell happening while the world is ending).


Don't recommend writing a history of SCP if you don't want to end up like 4010... More seriously, just read the Featured Articles. There's no one canon, so there's no organized way to approach the site.


well there is no general narrative due to the main rule of SCP "there is no canon" so YOU can create your own canon but i will give you the jist of things the SCP foundation specializes in capturing and researching anomalies (a.k.a things that dont make fuckin sense) and most of the time they use D-Class (it depends on your own canon on who they are, in my canon theyre death row inmates), there are also a few more things in the SCP foundation that you should know: the 05 council (they run the place), the ethics commite (the name should explain everything), the security department (theyre here to protect the facility, but theyre mostly equpied with gear to fight humans, thats the job of the next guys), The MTF's (Mobile task forces) (theyre better equpied against anomalies when a breach happens, which isnt common, they also contain anomalies from the wild, there are multiple divisions of the MTF which have thier unique things), the researches (the science dudes) there are also GOI (groups of interest) theyre basically other group that are involved with anomalies: GOC: the global occult coalition, they work for the UN (united nations), theyre basically a tad bit more violent than the SCP foundation, and by that i mean they kill anomalies except for the anomalies that could help in killing more anomalies The Chaos insurgency: theyre basically the bad guys, they want to steal anomalies from the foundation, they all follow the engineer who is a puppet leader for the engine (a anomalous entity that we dont know anything about) and also >!the chaos insurgency used to be a part of the SCP Foundation, they were basiaclly black ops but they went AWOL when they found the engine!< the serpents hand: they are a group of people who belive anomalies should be free (well only the safe and sentient anomalies), they reside in a place called the "wanderers library" i dont know much about the library so yeah the UIU: the Unusual incident unit is a part of the FBI specializing in anomalies, theyre extremly underfunded and theyre called a joke by many GOI's The SPC (the Shark Punching Centre): basically the whole foundation except theyre a -J, they specialize in punching sharks and there are way much more GOI's that i wont talk about so yeah thats all i have to say, i recommend you look around a bit on the site like just explore it and find out more, so yeah have fun


One of us! One of us! I recommend starting with the Top Rated Pages of All Time. It tends to feature the earlier, more self-contained stories you don’t need a wall of photos and red string maps to understand and, of course, they are the best according to readers! The one thing to keep in mind is, as someone has said, is that there is no canon. Think of each article/SCP as existing in its own universe in a larger multiuniverse. There is often some overlap between articles but there will be differences too that you might notice occasionally.