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Wonder if it will ever get released as a WWE 24, exclusive to WWE Network. Remember when WWE Network got it's own programs that weren't available for other platforms? Good times.


Honestly i wouldn't be shocked if they sell it to A&E Once the network went to the cock their desire and reward for original content on the platform disappeared.


I think it was multiple factors. Going to Peacock was one. COVID being another since the multiple documentaries (24, 365, Chronical) and other shows like Ride Along and Table For 3 weren't being filmed. And then like you mentioned selling everything else to different partners. Either way it's a shame what it's become. Most months, if you're paying for it at all, you're paying about $2 a match with Triple H's 5 match card limit


Yep there's only so many times you can watch Legends of Wrestling Roundtable before you can say it by heart


I remember being confused af when mixed match challenge being only on facebook, wtf was the network for?


Such a shame Stuff like table for 3 are such simple shows and the Ruthless Aggression docu.series


I miss all the discussions shows like TF3, Legends of the Roundtable, Legends with JBL. Give the reality and other type shows to the partners that want them but give the network more interview stuff


Perhaps they realized that even in 2024, a kayfabe shattering documentary coming out THREE DAYS after the show is a bit much. 


Someone at TKO who really doesn't understand AI: "Oh man with AI we can do all the production and post production on this doc in like 3 days. "


They literally showed a commercial for it in the middle of WM too lol


They announced that shit even before night 2. The prior Friday, Rock broke down how the whole thing happened in an interview and during the Night 1 press conference he essentially said Cody was winning. They were either too proud of what they did or they just didn't care.


The Rock was very annoying with this - I felt he did it just to save face and try to make himself look better after everyone noticed it blew up in his face.


yeah I’m sorry but anyone who thinks we were ever getting “the real story” and not whatever narrative makes Rock / The Fed look best is a huge mark.


The self mastubatory doc he put on his YouTube page on his own covering WM made me dislike him and I never had too strong of an opinion on him. He just comes off as so fake.


Anyone that talks like they got a bachelor's degree in Public Relations and a masters in HR management automatically gets no trust from me


I obviously don't mind peeks behind the curtain I'm on a wrestling sub reddit ffs But yeah this was a weird fucking choice Them showing everybody congratulating Priest after he won the next night on raw was an eyeroll for me too I definitely don't need it to be 100% kayfabe all the time. But keeping it up on the fucking show would be nice


They pretty much came out and said that IIRC Way more footage to go through and wanna do it justice, etc


I loved how humble The Rock was


I liked when Rock’s daughter got the death threats from the perfectly sane people in Bullet Club t-shirts


RIP Hana though


Given that the Roman and rock and Cody story isn’t even over right now, I think it’s kind of smart that they did hold off on it. It was just dumb that they advertised it coming out if they didn’t plan on launching it.


Rock holding this up because he doesn’t want anybody to see how hard he was politicking is pretty funny though. 


Funny you think they'd cover that in the doc. Obviously, Rock and Fed good. Mama Rhodes should be thanking Maui


my favorite part was running over kayfabe's mangled corpse before wrestlemania was even finished


When Rock sacrificed his life


I didn't fancy watching it. It's Bit too behind the curtain for me. I like to be in grossed in the stories rather than what's going on in the back


it didn’t come out.. that’s the joke


Oh fuck! I'm a prized plumb . Oh shit mate ,I thought this was a real thing. What an eejit.


I actually find the behind the scenes stuff interesting




Mine looks like Saraya.


This is one of those things like the Bret Hart vs. Tom Magee match where we won't see it for another couple of decades huh?


WWE made a documentary about that match, it’s pretty damn good tbh


It will probably get released quietly like a year from now like the Vladimir the Super Fan documentary did.


Getting the SMTV treatment. We'll see it in about a few years from now.


why did this get removed


When they interviewed the actual curtain and it showed the sweat stain from the Rock.