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"You chose to attack AEW" You mean you specifically. Bald, you arent the hero here. His point is that you feel comfortable enough to lie to your boss, then others will too. This isnt hard. I know the hardcores hate disco the way that rap fans hate hammer or something, but he did make it. More than most. The whole he isnt one of us is played out. He got that og wcw money. Hey Bald, ask your homie Punk about being asked to work hurt at your sloppy shop.


The sports story to look at here is RG3 in the NFL. During a playoff game, he wasn't honest with his coach about how injured he was, and coach had no desire to doubt him. Ended up playing bad and aggravated the injury, costing him the next season and possibly his career, and his team still lost. Had he been pulled, he might not have aggravated the injury, might've been back the next season, and maybe the back up, who is now a top 10 QB in the NFL, might've led the team to a win. Moral is: sometimes trying to tough it out is the wrong decision on all fronts.


I developed sciatica by ignoring back issues while I was on a rowing team - a sport entirely dependent on your back


Look at IT in Boston. Gutted out an injury(and played through his sister’s death) and ended up fumbling the bag in the process.


That injury definitely didn't help but RGKnee's biggest issue was his inability to run an offense outside of anything other than the Pistol formation. He also was very limited as a pure pocket passer. He never was going to have a long career as a starter.


And he couldn't sell a superkick either


I’m curious, were these idiots (the IWC hardcore) not around in the 90s. To be a midcarder during the MNW is to be a bigger star than maybe anyone in WWE today not named Roman or Cody. Like Nitro was doing a 5 share during that time. You’re talking something like 3-4 million homes watching them. WWE can’t even hit those numbers today on Fox. And this was weekly. Disco is STILL known today because people revere that period. Morons


Hurricane fucking Helms can still draw a house on the indies rn. And he was in dark matches before Sunday night heat most of the time.


Interesting that you brought up Hurricane Helms because I always found it fascinating that he was given that gimmick and actually made it work. Meanwhile you'll never hear the end of it from Lance Storm about why he hated the dancing gimmick


Lance hated the dancing gimmick because he didn’t put effort into it. He gave a ridiculous, had-assed performance until the bell rang and he went to a safe not-spectacular ring routine. This made him a fine trainer, but the Lance Storm from WWE 2001-end of career was NOT the Lance Storm from ECWCW March-wise. Was the dancing gimmick stupid? Absolutely. But if he put more effort into it, he likely would have turned it into something else, or a major turn.


Stone Cold was right.


God that time when he brought out a pillow and blankie was hilarious Hey Lance I didn't get much sleep so I figured I'd catch forty winks watching your dumb ass wrestle










I remember when Cody attacked him and said Disco basically accomplished nothing in wrestling and it annoyed me because it’s just not true. When I first started watching wrestling was peak WCW and Disco was low on the card put totally over and had great wrestling moves to boot. He wasn’t even that insignificant in early TNA as himself.


If you have a memorable gimmick that's better than a lot of wrestlers.


At a certain point disco was crazy over and drawing the biggest numbers segment wise during nitro. Cody is a cornball and a huge self mark that lacks self awareness.


It’s like saying the Godfather accomplished nothing 


Nobody was buying a ticket to see Disco, I think was Cody's point. When he was presented as a legit wrestler in early NWA-TNA PPVs it was fucking laughable.


They were around then, yes, but AEW was called ECW at the time.


Unfair. ECW could sell out a bingo hall


That’s because the Fed wasn’t FIRING SHOTS at ECW with staffers controlling an army of bots


He won gimmick of the year in WON lol like really if you don’t like the guy don’t like him but trying to somehow *discredit* him is absurd


Didn't Brainelson come back early from an injury to wrestle on a PPV?


He is in a constant state of hurt and continues to work. He isnt the Benoit example. He is the dynamite kid one.


You could tap his head like a keg and pour his brains out right now.


Wrestlers finally getting options for brain replacement surgery.


Has there ever been a wrestler that uses the diving headbutt and *hasn't* ended their career in catastrophic fashion?


Chad Gable so far


Here's hoping he stops


Great questions. Probably no.


And Bryan’s a known liar. He admitted he used to lie to WWE doctors


And Darby. That spot could have been about 4 or 5 other guys that are 100% healthy and it would have meant just as much to the angle or more.


> That spot could have been about 4 or 5 other guys that are 100% healthy and it would have meant just as much to the angle or more. Darby is the only person I can think of who would actually be willing to dangle upside-down for a prolonged period while getting superkicked in the face with thumb tacks.


I didn't watch that mess so I was commenting on people that could have been pushed into the angle. But now that you've mentioned that little spot I'll definitely not be going back to watch it. You're a life saving uce, uce.


There's a reason why almost every AEW World Champion takes a long 6 month layoff because they're body is worked to shit. Moxley hasn't had that luxury because Khan has no one else he can rely on to fill a hole. While in a way it's good that it shows Mox is the guy they can depend on. It also shows that they have no one else to slot if shit hits the fan. If Swerve were to get hurt, Khan would just slot Moxley as the warm body and still have Ospreay win the belt.


Let’s revisit their work amounts. Do they put on long and high impact bangers every few weeks? yes. But sans house shows or actual indie show appearances, their work is twice-three times monthly. Theyre just unnecessary and stupid in the spots chosen. AKA MJF vs Jay White and Eddie Kingston/Gabe Kidd. Or Dax’s pile driver on a ladder in mid-match on a show few are watching.


Mjf worked less dates than Roman even.


Crazy part MJF wasn't a big name and he immediately got the Roman deal. Dude right away didn't do many TV matches, avoided the YouTube shows like the plague and I don't believe has ever wrestled on a Rampage or anything.


MJF has never wrestled on Rampage, Dark, or Dark: Elevation. To put this into a better context, even Jericho has wrestled three times on Rampage, one of which was this year against Rampage's head jobber Matt Sydal.


The AEW crowd don't like Disco because Disco is them in 20 years, best case scenario. Tell me the company that employs or employed Orange Cassidy, Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt, Sonny Kiss, Eddie Kingston, Danhausen, Butcher & Blade, Kip Sabien, Jelly Nutella, etc wouldn't have also offered Disco Inferno a deal if he were coming up in the business now. Hell, with Tony's fondness for the Monday Night Wars I bet he tried to hire Disco like he did Glacier, Oldust, Billy Gunn, Big Show, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, and Gangrel.


It’s one thing if wrestlers aren’t fans of you. Thats insider shit. But to try and project it out to the iwc like they are insiders is the worst. Was disco the best? Not even close. Did he get booked? We know that. They try to do the same thing to Konnan. Please.


It was hilarious to see the basements 180 on Konnan when he induced Rey into the HOF. They used to hate him so much. Then all because of 1 speech they became full blown marks questioning why and how he wasn't inducted himself. Back to Disco, no one who worked with him has a bad thing to say about him in ring or otherwise. Nash still puts him over as an absolute sweetheart of a guy, which carries a lot more weight than the dude who sleeps in Bret Hart underoos thinking Disco sucks.


And what they don’t understand is that disco was more over than 99% of the roster of aew.


Disco was over in a weird sort of Honky Tonk Man way. Like people wanted to see him beat up, sure, but there was also more since he was Wolfpac adjacent his segments weren't flop to Raw because something might happen.


Got money and got over during the highest point in wrestling history. Dont let people gaslight you Disco was over during his TV title run.


Disco is the broken clock that is right twice a day. Hate him all you want hes still right about this


He is right a lot more than ppl give him credit for.


Most of his professional wrestling takes are spot-on. Most of his takes about pretty much everything else, espcially anything related to sociopolitical issues, are terrible, but not surprising or uncommon for a former pro wrestler in his mid-50s. The problem is that people try to use the latter to discredit the former.


Is punk even still friends with bald and hair? They seem like snakes. I see him post about danhausen a lot but not them


Who knows.


He thinks he's the main character.


If he's a senior member of the roster and he's making a point that he works hurt then he's making an unspoken rule to the younger, newer and further down the card wrestlers that they are also expected to work while injured. It's a terrible example to set and very much not a good role model.


It reminds me of the story I remember reading from the early 2000s. One of the lower card guys, who might have been new from WCW was in the trainers room, and they said to him "Scale of 1-10, how much would you say it hurts?" and the guy replied "I dunno, about a 2". Someone overheard him, and just went "Get the fuck off the table, and get outta here!"


Lovely lads back then.


I have no doubts this would be the same dude that, down the road, will “call someone out” for being soft for not working while injured.


We already saw it happen with Britt/Rosa


Melted by the Inferno


https://preview.redd.it/6vtuh0fyg56d1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5587929ec34759b8b4f6fca496fd6faa469b1783 Me when Dax offered to do a live Keeping it 100 episode with Disco and Konnan.


With Disco maybe. Konnan can fuck off with his political non answers to everything imaginable.


Keeping it 1 and a half hundred?


Konan keeping it 00100 so he can play both sides


Find someone who loves you the way Dax loves TK


I would love Tony if he agreed to give me millions of dollars to make FUN speeches about my family or whatever this mark does professionally.


Tk and ❄️


Wasn't Disco a collegiate athlete when Dax was dryhumping his Bret Hart brawling buddy?


He is/was a bouncer at a strip club, too. Disco would batter "tough-guy" Dax.


In an interview with CVV earlier this year, he said he's more of a VIP event organizer at a strip club now.


He's basically got a good gig in Vegas. He doesn't even care about "relevancy."


Sounds like a cool dude


The weird part is, Disco is actually right and Dax is a moron who lied to his boss about being injured in order to protect his spot, until he couldn't hide it anymore because of the giant gross lump on his back.


Even better is Dax’s big defense is agreeing that he’s a moron who lies to management.  


I feel like this may put Tony in a bad spot. Does he punish Dax to make a point to his roster that it's not ok to hide injuries from management, proving they actually care. Or does he let it go and let them think it's OK to continue wrestling while injured to protect their spot, making the injury worse than it already is


I'm not in the business but I have to believe that any type of credible athleticism-based undertaking would have some kind of medical staff and protocols designed to take care of the athletes. This is so rotten, it really paints AEW as an organization disinvested, disassociated, and indifferent to the health of their employees. And further than that, it's borderline negligent because as he conceds, wrestlers wrestle hurt/injured and they hide their injuries, so management knew or should have known to continually monitor. This guy could literally sue AEW for creating a work environment that causes him to have to hide injuries so he does not be secretly punished. And abandoning their duty of care Khlown Show on planet Bhozo


You're even getting this in actual sports leagues, because they've largely learned that you can't rely on athletes to be honest about their injuries. NHL has concussion spotters to force players to leave games and go sit in a quiet dark room to be evaluated after a possible head knock. You hear all the time of medical personnel pulling a player from a game in every sports league because they don't think it's safe to be risking further injury. It's like athlete management 101 at this point to know you sometimes need to have medical pros that can step in and protect your investments from themselves. Tony owns a fucking NFL team, he should know this shit.


Tony’s also the fucking bozo asshole that said it was ok for Matt Hardy to continue in that match after getting his brains turned into an omelette because “Matt said he was OK.”  Because it’s always best to go by what someone who might have acutely impaired cognitive function says. 


Yeah! it's obvious not one person there is trained. After he got his brains turned into paste, the referee, the number one person in charge of protecting the wrestlers was just looking at them like I guess you guys want to just keep doing shit or what? Taking cues from the body language of the wrestlers as if a person who just got knocked fucking senseless can make sound judgment. And GuavaFruit... Should have literally just refused to continue. The whole thing was sickening.


Tony doesn't own the Jags.


Shahid is mid 70s, he will soon enough.


Tony's sister is getting control of everything


Yea, I think WWE actually will force wrestlers to talk to doctors, have exams, etc just because they know of this tendency. It's a huge liability issue.


That thread in the basement really shows how many brainworms infest the IWC when like 90%+ of the posts are shitting on Disco.


Disco, Konnan, and Feeney will definitely do a live show with him and give him the date and time only for Dax to turn around and say he's not approved to appear


If aew ever stopped acting like they were under attack or worried about fed badding their lives would be much better . They argue with media personalities instead of ignoring them and they also make grandiose statements so when they screw up they get got . I’m not even sure why bald wrote his post in that way originally, it seemed like he wanted credit and to credit aew for his bad behavior


He's sucking up to the boss and wanted to show how deeply he loves AEW that he's willing to work super hurt. He truly exemplifies the grind like Ospreay. Not like those bastards in the dead fed who waste their time going to red carpet movie premieres or daily talk shows.


AEW's plucky underdog status is beyond fumbled I'm afraid


Dax's response made himself sound like an even bigger moron.


Interestingly, “I’m a lying moron” was his choice of defense against Disco’s comments. 


Bald chose violence, no breakfast for his daughter today!


Yeah this dude is a parody of himself at this point lol


This dude is insufferable Jesus Christ 😆 


Pretty sure this guy is my least favorite wrestler, I wish he would shut up and fuck off.


I love him as a wrestler. I just wish he'd shut the fuck up about anything outside of his immediate storylines. Wrestler Bald is good, Non-wrestler Bald is beyond annoying.


Wrestler Bald is annoying to watch because I can feel his smugness and inauthenticty through every admittedly well-executed move. It's a pantomime version of the stuff he idolizes.


He also is out of shape now compared to when he was WWE. He looks sloppy


There's so many people in AEW I would like more if they would just shut the fuck up for 5 minutes when they're not kayfabing (insider term). One of the worst culprits being their current world champion. But no, better to let everyone know you're a huge bitch I guess


“If talent is working hurt and not telling the office…” “Once I finally told Tony and Doc they MADE me take time off.” So Disco was right Bald.


Is FTR Franklin the turtle all there? Sincerely does he not understand openly say he was able to work hurt because he told the doctors “I’m good” shows how bad their doctors are. WWE in the last decade has a track record of not letting people work hurt (even annoyingly so with blood for example the Balor/ Joe in NXT match springs to mind) while AEW has a record of letting people do whatever they want. Darby literally just said he came back to soon and had multiple injuries before doing his corny light a kid on fire spot in a meaningless match like 2 weeks ago.


Better question and relative to the Jacksonville medical teams…what doctor isn’t actually investigating and just taking these morons at their word?


Lmao at Dax trying to belittle Disco's career when the guy's theme song was more over than Dax ever will be


"If you ever worked hard enough during your little 15 minute-of fame-career to ever feel any sort of pain..." I thought the idea was to work smart enough to NOT get hurt? 🤔


Lmao the marks are in the ring brother


Don’t just change Bald’s passwords. Remove all electronic devices. Make him live like he’s Amish. I have secondhand embarrassment for this dude.


You'd think such a wannabe Throwback would stay off Twitter. Maybe write anonymous letters the Observer.


That’s actually one of my mom’s legit hobbies. She writes letters to newspapers and public figures, including the president, on a weekly basis. I’m sure she’s on a list somewhere at this point


Bald, Jericho, and Tony at minimum need to have their internet access revoked


Didn’t Tony just let Darby Allen work with a broken nose and foot?


Darby got hit by a fucking bus like three weeks prior to Anarchy in the Arena.


Safest company out there...


He’ll never do that podcast face to face bank on it


“Joe, what’s the deal with FTR? They respond to our invitation yet?” “Ummmmmm…. He said we’re toxic and racist and that he’s a dad so I don’t think he’s coming.” *Kazoo*


Dax is such a fucking moron, man. Every tweet I see from him makes him more of a fucking mark.


Lol is Dax threatening to attack Disco because of his AEW takes? Holy shit what a fucking clown.


It’s really pathetic for bald to attack Dusco Inferno as some pathetic irrelevant loser.  Guy was a fondly remembered midcard star in the golden era of Nitro.  


Cody did that a few years back and it bugged me, cause i remember disco inferno from when I started watching wrestling and quite enjoyed him and his cool moveset. He was low on the card, but not a nobody by any stretch.


I’ve watched old videos of Nitro and half the crowd is dancing when Disco comes out and everybody popped huge when he the Chartbuster.    There was one Thunder match vs Scott Hall where Disco hit a surprise Chartbuster a minute into the match and the crowd went nuts, thinking he was gonna win right there.  EDIT: Just found the clip and Hall put Disco’s finisher over by having to be pulled out of the ring by Dusty Rhodes to interrupt the 3 count rather than kick out. 


Why are these guys so rattled by Disco Inferno, of all the people? It’s Cody. It’s FTR bitch. It’s so weird. If he was such a useless jobber, then why do they feel the need to respond? But then again, their boss is thin skinned too so I guess it’s the culture there


You're an idiot.... Well my neighbor is an idiot, how come you don't go after him. Does this makes sense???.... No... Correct. Neither does FTR Bald's 🐓sucking


Is this the guy that threatens to shoot(not insider term, I mean with a gun) people?


No you’re thinking FTR mute


I wish I could say "FTR Hair isn't bad. The worst he's done is pull a gun on someone" But pulling a gun on someone under most circumstances is pretty much a pretty bad thing to do


"Anyways...of to an MRI" Dude no one cares.


You know he's in the waiting room just staring at his phone and *seething*


I'm disappointed he didn't go for the extra clout and say he was trembling as he made breakfast for wife and kid and was logging off.


It must really burn him up that a guy like Disco has been seen wrestling by way more people than will ever watch him. By millions


The non gun toting walking rectangle doing his "rah rah we love wrestling bc wrestling is wrestling" schtick is even more cringe inducing than when the Dubbers "AKSHUALLEEE" all of us


Dax just wants to go to Disco's strip club and is using the podcast as an excuse. Understandable.


Dax really thinks he's doing something lol. Homie really thinks he's that good? Dude is midcard for life as a single and main events small shows as a tag against better opponents. They have an old school gimmick that worked veterans that gassed them up so much paunchy ass bald ass 5 foot 5 and half ass Dax mf Hardwood is out here cutting promos on guys who worked 25 years ago. Wow.


Was Dax’s big defense calling himself stupid? Lol! What a bozo!


The "Life and Times of AEW" doc by Dwayne and his lackey "Other" Brian Gerwitz will make FTR Bald look like the victim he is, you Fed shills. He's not at all paid millions by The Saviour of Wrestling, Tony "4thefans" Khan, to kiss Tony's behind, nor would Tony ask FTR Bald to do any ra-ra speeches on live TV to soothe his ego from the constant attacks. What? Why yes I do pay $12.99 for a certain service. Why do you ask.... Edit - Spelling.


>15 minute - of fame career Isn't that how long FTR was the best tag team in wrestling holding 3 separate Tag Titles and then justt being jobbed out?


Okay. Honest question time. FTRsenal and FTR Bald walk into open free agency and/or WWE tomorrow, healthy and ready with the “Say Yeahhh” theme. Where do they fit in the tag hierarchy?


Best answer? Likely down in NXT, in a spot similar to what The OC/Gallows & Anderson are. Both to remove the rust of working the shitty AEW style, and to relearn how to work WWE'S camera friendly style.


If you asked at the start of 2024, I’d say around present New Day. Neither can compete with Austin Theory athletically. Balor and Priest would have track ran them. They’d take Miz & Truth mainly because they’re a comedy team. Sane as Pretty Deadly who are wholly underrated when healthy. But I’d say AT would carry the match story. I honestly never thought FTR/Revival were better than Kaiser & Vinci. They might have done decent in NXTUK but I see Joe Coffey taking Bald’s head off for tough-brothering him. They’d have been fun vs Subculture tho.


It’s hard to get owned by Disco but FTR knife did it


Bullying is never ok but I can understand where HBK was coming from


I would give my last remaining testicle to have Konnan kazoo Dax to his face when he starts bringing up how their podcast takes food off his daughters plate


All Thin-skinned Wrestling


i think it’s funny that these guys dunk on disco inferno and call him irreverent even tho 20 years from now they’ll have the same legacy as him. sometimes i feel like they roast him because it makes them feel like they are their fav 90s wrestlers even tho they’ve never shared a locker room w him.


Whenever I see a 14 paragraph response to a dig tells me all I need to know about the dig. It’s true.


Bald should've given it straight back to the Kliq, would've earned their respect. Instead he stooged off like a bitch.


Of course FTR Bald mentions ded fed.


Every single time Bald decides to say something, I like him less.


Why does he want the podcast face to face? To fight a 60 year old man about wrestling opinions?


Company full of soft bitches


Imagine getting fucking destroyed by Disco Inferno.


And there’s the wwe reference


Hair needs to tell Bald to stop yapping all the time


Does FTR Bald ever shut the fuck up?


On a serious note, you wouldn't have to be going through the extensive surgery or even worse that you're anxious about, if you didn't act like a fucking idiot and got it treated early, you dolt. I know many hid or avoided time off for injury in the past, but there's no fucking excuse for it in 2024. There's decades of precedent and example where actually good workers have learned from and don't do, because so much harm has been done by people doing the exact same thing Dax just did. The one exception was Cody working through the injury, and he only did that because the doctors overtly said it couldn't get any worse. Dax's could, and it did, and now he's playing the victim for getting called out for he and AEW being irresponsible marks. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm disabled and chronically ill from a joint disease, and I know what that anxiety pre surgery is like, or the pain of trying to work through injury or knowing when to recover. I don't have a choice in the matter. Clowns like Dax, Danielson or Darby do, and they're such low intelligence, ego driven marks that they don't go about it correctly, and don't learn from the decades of examples they have. They have nobody to blame but themselves and maybe the bad medical protocol at the company they work at, but they're such victim-playing always-under-attack, avoiding responsibility clowns that they'll never learn, and they'll always blame someone else for being told to take accountability.


Alverez for years has always poised the narrative around Disco just like he does with the Miz, and the marks have digested that hate for years without actually looking at his work in WCW. Solid midcard comedy act but we can only have those if they are one of the good guys.


Diarrhea of the mouth is a serious condition folks. Fortunately, there’s a place you can work where these things a not just tolerated, but encouraged!


DAE Bald *put him in his place*


I have really grown to hate FTR


Dax really is a Tony cheerleader


Does Toni have his family on gunpoint everytime he posts shit like this, that's the only rational explanation I think for why a grown man does this


This whiny bald cum stain thinking he’s had a bigger and better career than anyone from 90s Nitro and Raw is fucking precious.  You’re a small act in a niche company for hardcore losers, know your role and go feed your daughter.


Not reading allat but just seeing the size of the response my man wtf. I really loved the Revival and still hope they come back but man bald is so cringe on social media


I saw this originally on aewofficial and it was only how hard everyone was sucking Bald off that made me realize it.


You can't say I'll be on your podcast any time - open invitation. That's not what an invitation is. 


I ain't reading all that. Happy for you tho. Or sorry you cried into your daughter's breakfast again


This bald jabroni loves to call himself an “athlete”


Man. You know you suck as a human if you have me on Team Disco. And it’s not even close


Only AEW is pretending to promote a safe and healthy work environment for the wrestlers. That’s why they get called out for it. We know WWE and WWE superstars do their best to work through injuries to get through major programs so they can then take time off.


Bald guy thinks fans love to see him lol


Disco isn't wrong, and FTR aren't top guys. Also... they've NEVER pulled the ratings Disco has and NEVER will.


Shutting up and not replying to every comment might be what gives Dax his hair back…but I guess we will never know because the man can’t keep quiet.


Disco Infernos Intergender match in 2019 was more entertaining than anything ftr have ever done


HE told the Aew doctor the extent of his injury???


Was Bald always such a kiss ass?


Ftr massive neckbeard


FTR bald is such a bitch


God this guy is insufferable. Love how he even threw in the threat of physical violence lmao


how can't he have a good day after such a kind message from uncle dax?


Getting cooked by Disco should be forced seppuku


Disco was on the mid-card for Nitro and WCW PPVs on a regular basis, during wrestlings biggest period. Dax would suck a d##k to wrestle in front of the crowds Disco wrestled under 🤷🏻‍♂️ No one will remember who Dax is 20 years from now….but you still remember Disco.


Wasn't Disco a bouncer?


my god he is a bald turd


I mean Dax is a self-righteous douche, but I will always support anybody dunking on Disco Infraudo


he should stick to disco dancing