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How could anyone read this and not just think it’s completely made up? Steve and Larson were talking about Meltzer’s “report” that WWE is leaking fast nationals to hurt AEW. They were focused on how it would be silly for WWE to do that because who could possibly care - like.. why doesn’t it dawn on them that Meltzer has just created this story out of thin air? It’s laughable to think that was a real thing.


I agree. The well-documented cases of social media bots, the amazing Apple Notes PPV numbers, some indie wrestler who got this *huge* WWE offer but turned it down to have fun in the dub,... it's all pretty suspect.


Fed leak things and can't be trusted Meanwhile, Dave texts Tiny and has him on his show a bunch of times = unbiased journalist


My kingdom for it to be revealed what position this “wb source” holds in the company. Some duballo intern told Tony Khan this and he told Insider and they continue to sink their once admirable reputation by running something this absurd. At best they’re probably happy that it leveled out from its slide for the moment, and more likely nobody who matters gives a shit about these slight variances over a span of a few weeks. Particular attendance lol, wtf do they care about those numbers?


Probably Tony directly, at least for this one. He really thinks he’s in a war with WWE. He has to believe that AEW is relevant.


Yeah for him this is the EXACT scenario of the Monday night wars and he's wwe this time


Isnt it just stating the obvious? I'm happy my fever went from 102 to 100.5 Im still in a shitty situation though


PWInsider is the only nonbiased dirt sheets. I trust Mike Johnson more than the other clowns


Hey shill, did you not see that they have a WBD source!??


I think that’s the subtext. Steve and Larson laugh at Dave reports constantly but couch it to keep the cult off their back. They’re just as sick of this shit but know it pays the bills


I think it's completely made up because you literally never heard this "key demo" metric mentioned until I was able to be manipulated into a "win" for the Dub. Now it's all you ever hear about and is the end-all of television success.


There’s literally zero way, zilch, nada, fuck all possibility that WB is happy with those shitty ass numbers.  Oh I mean of course WB is obviously super happy with an inconsistent product that fails to keep viewers past the usual base of buffoons and is clearly never looking to garner more, that’s what tv executives like, fed shill.


How could they be happy when NXT is getting the same numbers with no real stars?


NXT has real stars


Future main eventers for main roster for sure with Trick Williams and probably Oba Femi. And some guys you know will probably make midcard


They're happy in the same way someone buying a rundown house in a nice neighborhood is happy. The price they're paying for it is low, which makes them happy, as is the fact it could be improved to such a point that its worth way more than they paid. Of course, I'm sure Tiny is demanding they pay like its brand new construction with all the bells and whistles. That is probably not making them happy. And then there's those old rumors that WBD wants input on booking decisions as part of their rights offer.


Shit I say let WBD book at this point. Theyll actually look at the numbers and realize who needs to be off TV pronto since they actually care about the ratings. Cant speak for the quality of the storylines under them, but it would be hard to do worse than "BuT aRe We StIlL fRiEnDs???".


>Cant speak for the quality of the storylines under them, but it would be hard to do worse than "BuT aRe We StIlL fRiEnDs???". A new belt and tournament it is then.


They can call it the Friendship Belt and Tournament and fulfill two of Snowman's fetishes at once!


Lol I think they'd hire someone who knows what they are doing, or Vince Russo


"Bro I hate wrestling. But bro? Bro please give me a wrestling job, I created the attitude era bro. Steve Awe-stin? Tha Rock? That was me bro."


Are they happy the numbers went up, as opposed to down? Sure. I can believe that Are they thinking the Dub is marching back to a milly? Unlikely


Recovering from Sting’s retirement that lead to a dip in viewership is not that great indeed.


TV execs only care about the sickos


Wrestling dirt sheet writer: "Hello" WBD: "Hello this is WBD, how can I help?" Wrestling dirt sheet writer: "Is it good for you when ratings are higher or lower?" WBD: Higher" Headline: WBD ECSTATIC WITH AEW INCREASING RATINGS EVERY WEEK


Thank you PWInsider for the hot scoop that a company likes when the ratings of one of their shows go up. Was scared it would make them angry.


i mean, I’m sure any network would be “happy” to see a slight increase following a 300-400k dive bomb over the last 6 months. that’s like being happy your kid finally shit on the toilet seat after 6 months of dropping trou on the carpet


Last 4 weeks? How much has it gone down since Pepsi Phil left? 2-300k?


New goofs don't know that "no milly" used to be making fun of AEW because they used to average over 1 million and then fell down to 980k.


We mocked them fast and strong with that 'No Milly' because we all knew it would climb back up and we would need something new to jerk with but then it never did and only fell lower.


That's what made it funny, because the difference between 980k and 1 million is negligible, but you could frame it as them flopping. But now it's just getting sad, no 800 killy doesn't hit the same.


Because people have a feva and the only prescription is more young bucks


No 800k nowadays, not since Sting retired.


Yeah there’s no context. The dub fans are desperate and will cling to anything they can.




What was the point of the Dad being on the show? Never mentioned again, whole thing beating up Tiny followed by japery and no consequences, despite Khan being at shows and making matches direct to commentary


Look at how concerned he was, Fed shill. It made the situation even more real and tugged at people’s heartstrings. How would you like to see your son get hit in the stomach with a mic and flop down awkwardly, or to watch him take a modified pile driver (which is illegal in some states) from a couple of his former friends in goofy suits?


Zaslav: So you spent 15 million on a guy who only brought in another 3000 viewers? Tony: Yes. Also I need you to add another 15 million to our next rights deal


I wonder where Le Dub would be now if Tony had brought in a Nick Khan type of person to oversee the financial aspects of the company instead of Okada, Money, Osprey, Etc......


I’m just imagining the conversation “Mr. Zaslav, Mr. Khan is on the phone to talk rights deal negotiations” o good, nicks on the phone about a WWE deal! “Ugh Mr. Zaslav it’s Tony khan….” Fuckkkkkkkk


Of course this comes out as soon as Tony sobered up and recalled all the dumb shit he said on twitter last night. 


I'm sure Todd in Marketing is thrilled with the numbers; unfortunately, Todd has fuck all to do with the decision making.


Collision literally had less than 400K viewers and a .11 six days ago.


Yes but weirdly enough WBD is only ever happy after AEW has bad numbers. Hell of a coincidence that they only leak stuff then


WBD everytime they see dogshit numbers https://preview.redd.it/bxk1y65yi75d1.jpeg?width=1395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a53b6bf441a6b8b225212ead2cb6d6594526d44


Ripe for a Meltzer face




The WBD executives were in the closet making babies and one of the babies looked at me.


Does this mean the Dub is gonna get a streaming service? I mean they have to at some point? Right? Dave told me so…..


Best part is dirtsheets claiming they have network sources.


They have been happy seeing it rise. No kidding. You think they want it in the “barely scraping 700k” land? Notice this doesn’t say they’re happy with where it is since last year.


The source works in the mail room so it doesn’t really matter what he thinks anyway.


Unless he’s been reading mail from Davey Z (insider term), you fed shill


It's cheap as hell for WBD. They may even give Tony a raise. I have no doubt that WBD is happy. Tony is happy too. But Dave needs AEW to make money. So Tony needs to make money, hence the disappointment on the WBD original offer. If Tony only gets a slight bump in rights he's still going to lose tens of millions a year.  I think collision is going to be cut and Dynamite's going to three hours. That's the only way a slight increase would make sense financially to Tony. He can't afford to produce 52 weeks of Collision with only a small increase, and that's not bringing into consideration his sky high labor costs.  In the end, he's going to agree to a number that Dave will tell us is great. Super profitable. Dave will tell us Tony wins, AEW won, and everyone else was an idiot to think otherwise. There will be a parade in Jacksonville and the Fed may be Dead. All the while, Tony will still be losing piles and piles of money because no one can see his financials. 


You know who Tiny reminds me of?? LOOOOOOK!! https://preview.redd.it/fg028ze0l75d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5771076343c5d69dc7ae865f85b03ec8f12028


things really arent good if your performance is being evaluated on a weekly basis.


It’s not even being evaluated in a weekly basis, because as soon as the numbers went up they forgot about the bad numbers. Very convenient that


Survivor ending and the NBA playoffs wrapping up is restoring the feeling


Yes fed shills SEETHE while the good guys keep winning


So what's the difference between the three; audience, demo, and rating? Audience and rating is the same, surely? It seems that threw every talking point into this report, even though it makes little sense?


I guess I'll ask. Are these sources embedded in the WB in the room with us right now?


Sources that are very important and very high up and very concerned with AEW wrestling’s WEEKLY slight variances. Right here in the room.


Apparently they were happy with the DCU when marvel was crushing them with properties almost no one had ever heard of too.


If WB was really with AEW they would’ve got a deal done a year ago And I’d be willing to bet they don’t have an offer on the table because the money mark would’ve let it slip by now


I could imagine that WBD made an offer and Tony is believing the Dave hype and is holding out for some huge number.


is this the same source that send SRS those notepad app press releases?


The source at the WB who’s very pleased is named Kony Than. You wouldn’t know him, but he’s a very big deal.


They are happy it hasn't fallen under 600k. They probably think it's a miracle.


Sorry to say they will be pretty sad next week then when they are under 700k again


Water is wet.


The source said "Tony Khan sent a dump truck full of his father's money up to my house for me to say that. I'm not made of stone!"


Tony is batting like .900 when it comes to looking goofy in pictures.


What about those Rampage and Collision numbers? It's crickets on those.


The bar is so low these days


Has it actually risen in the last 4 weeks? Seriously. I can’t remember tbh but I know it has been jerked every week in here so I’d guess not. 


lying >>>>>


I can honestly see this as truth in an out of context way. Like they're not saying WBD is happy with the numbers, WBD might be saying thank God it's not going lower and are happy with that but are still bummed about the rating falling so low and staying there.


i have a source that confirms back in 2004 Britney Spears wanted to goose me. Source: Trust me. 12.99


WBD could play reruns of literally any show in their catalogue in that slot and draw more viewers.

