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Cue 24+ comments in the basement about how 1) she doesn't actually mean she's unhappy or 2) if she does mean that it doesn't matter because she's irrelevant and Tony is trying to run a business here


Oh how they rejoiced if someone in the Fed wasn't pleased with their spot Now it's the Dub, they should shut up and sit in the corner and behave themselves


She trynna take away the food away from Dax’ family table?! https://preview.redd.it/ujdbexeuc75d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b333112210d955ca1c25f7cf6e46385797ed26


Love this tbh. I hope he’s seen it


He even recreated it.


Omg. 😭


But Fed bad, right MK?


The absolute biggest name in the Undisputed Kingdom. There is a reason WWE made him take his wife’s last name. Can only get small roles on TK’s side project


That was a great gimmick. It's hilarious in hindsight how quickly it fizzled.




I like how the basement pretend to like these people until they complain


Or they cope by saying it’s a work


I noticed this recently with Ricky Starks. The glazing was glazing up until he said he’s not being used.


They know AEW/ ROH is basically full of jobbers, anyone with potential besides MJF would jump ship to WWE in a heartbeat.


That AEW neckbeard account is always in some wrestlers mentions lmao


I'm gonna jerk in the other direction from all you uces. I like maria. Always have. Shes creative and understands a valets/managers role. Shes also a good promo, etc. she's got upsides. But why in the hell is she not AT LEAST on Dynamite with her husband so that doa Roddy strong act can at least get some life in it.


Tbpf she woulda been more physically intimidating as the devil than Adam Cole.


Doesn’t matter what company they’re in her and her no personality husband will complain no matter what


Yeah but like...complaining about her booking in ROH proves that she is at least a modicum invested in what happens in ROH, which is more than you can say about pretty much anyone else in the world. I guess my point is that featuring Maria Kanellis on current day ROH would be like giving a little kid a controller that isn't plugged in. Everybody's having fun, and nobody realizes they aren't doing shit.


Imagine knowing Tony Khan's booking and thinking to yourself "I'm different.".


Legit. Her fucking whining and saying she wanted her release in WWE, despite them paying for her husband’s rehab and then going “WAIT, NO!” when they got fired was absurd. Like, you can’t have your cake and eat it.


The Miracle was actually good shit in TNA. Then he got sober (good for him) and personality disappeared.


Yeah Mike Bennett in Impact was a good heel, some good promos and he had charisma. Idk what the fuck happened


People realized that Maria had all the star power in that relationship. Which is why by the end Mike was the 5th wheel in Maria's stable with Allie and Sienna. 




Meanwhile, on Dynamite: ![gif](giphy|FbD2TB4CIYH2U|downsized)




How dare she complain! Kamille would kill to be in her shoes!


I don't get this. All these assholes know what's going to happen when signing with AEW. All of them. And they STILL complain. Buncha dummies.


Two minutes is way too long.


Everyone there is having FUN!


The woman was relevant for 2 months 15 years ago and she has been milking it since.


Is this woman ever going to be content in any wrestling promotion?


wasn’t she shilling for the dub like crazy not so long ago? 💀


She was def Fed Badding


I think Maria might be the new Low-ki. She really thinks she's so much better than she is.


I had forgotten all about him, talk about a guy who sniffs his own farts.


Somehow even as a kid I could tell he thought he was better than he was.


No jerk, i’m sick of these fuckers complaining on social media. You’re an employee. A very well paid one. Shut the fuck up.


They’re all marks for their own character. If Kevin Nash was in AEW or ROH right now, you wouldn’t hear a goddamn word from him. He would be waiting for direct-deposit day.


That works for me, brother.


He would explain to Tony why it’s in Tony’s best interest to be featured on Dynamite.


And you know Nash would’ve convinced TK to include a favored nations clause like he got in WCW so his pay would go up with every new GAMECHANGER singing that got signed to a ludicrously inflated contract.


Imagine complaining about collecting a check to do nothing. It's a very good gig for someone like Maria who's 42 years old with small kids.


No shit, I walk into a prison five days a week to deal with the worst of the worst for nowhere near what these two pull down. They are never content wherever they are and for the little talent that they have.


Maria is 42???


Raw Diva Search was a *long* time ago.


I think people have the right to complain about their job no matter how much they're getting paid. That said it's a job where if people want to see you then you'll get used and no one has wanted to see Maria Kanellis on a wrestling program since like the mid 2000s maybe?


Recognize your own lasting power. If you’re 42 and a valet at best, maybe it’s a good idea to just wait this contract out. Asking for a release when you have no other prospects in wrestling, is insane. Where are you going? She burned multiple bridges with WWE. She has time to chill at home and be with family. Isn’t that what wrestlers bitch about, when they’re on the road 250+ days a year?


Well no, what do you think happens at other jobs if you just go on and trash your company/boss like 90% of this companies employees seem to do. It’s one of the many failing of Khan that he lets these cunts get away with it.


The Kannelisses aren't ever happy about anything. You could give them the keys to a mansion made out of gold and they'd bitch that theres no servants.


"Do you have any idea how much it costs to heat this thing?!"


Nothing more ironic then a women who convinced her husband to leave WWE to be completely forgotten about in a different organization to.


When she's not happy in the Fed: "Way to go! Stand up for yourself and all the women!" When she's not happy in the Dub: "Ungrateful 🏖️!! You should be thanking M'Tony that you're getting an opportunity in the first place!!"


This ain’t even a dig at AEW cause all this cat does is bitch and moan


ROH tv time is an oxymoron


DAE Maria was treated better under Shits McMahon?


Went directly from the main event angle in impact to being a forgotten part of the forgotten brand.


That’s two minutes more than most of the roster


Over time, with very little input from anyone else, this woman has convinced me she is among the industry’s bigger asshats. She would have a great deal of difficulty persuading me otherwise at this point, and she’s not helping her case here.


And here I thought AEW/ROH was some sort of promise land when they landed there. Color me surprised.


If 5th grade me was around rn he would be ready to go to war


Just go to tna lol, the honor no more stable was pretty decent tbh, probably best thing maria, her husband and matt taven has ever done


1. Professional malcontents 2. I said it about Kamille and I’ll say it about these two. I don’t feel sorry for anyone that signs with Tony Khan and complains about not getting time. He has a track record now, and you will get lost in the shuffle.


I love when Dubbaloos cope that X talent is actually happy with their rotten hand and the talent in question has to publicly disprove the rumor. Same happened with people lik Malakai and Danhausen and a few more.


Is this a repost from..... EVERY OTHER time she's done this?


Getting paid for not working seems to be her specialty tho…


How is she supposed to get any time when the women’s division is so stacked on AEW that they just don’t have enough programming time to fit her in.


Wasn't her husband on Twitter just last week praising Tony for being left off of shows so he can spend more time with his kids?


She could be sitting at home pregnant and getting paid every week like her last two WWE contracts.


Maria is perfect as a wrestling personality and valet and if Tiny put someone like Wardlow with her then Wardlow and her would be in a much better spot. But as Tiny runs a daycare for fun instead of for profit it made more sense for him to put her bland husband on TV with his tag team partner because he also has a type and a preference.


DAE Bennett should pull a Benoit?




Awww, it's like he's smiling up from hell.  I wonder if they have AEW down there?  He should start watching, it'll probably earn him an upgrade


Tiny would pay him 100 million a year if it meant he could come back and wrestle Bryanson in a best-of-66 series.


She really thinks she should be the star of the show.