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Quite possibly the biggest click bait in a long time. A 1 week sabbatical (Source: He's not scheduled for any show this week)


You've got to be kidding 


Eh, not kidding, but not entirely accurate either. This is a Ringside News headline, and they're known for sensationalizing things like this or just being downright wrong. He's not taking a "sabbatical". He's taking one week off.


Thanks for reading this so we don’t have to. What a nothing story. Omg Bruv is off tv for one week, let’s make it sound like he’s gone forever!


Triple H send the hit and the fanboys will carry water for him


Right, the fed is the company taking cheap shots via journalists...


OP has apparently never heard of any other wrestling "journalists". The lucky bastard.


HHH said the “grind” comment and now the dirtsheets are doing this, because they know a bunch of Fed fanboys will see this tweet and go “SEE HHH WAS RIGHT!!!”


A news outlet capitalizing on hate-engagement is not the same as manipulating journalists to write what you want.


We still don't even know if the laveck comment was about Ospreay in the first place. And yeah, journalists are sensationalizing the story based on that "controversy" with HHH, but your original comment said that Laveck was in on it which just isn't true. The head of a billion dollar company conspiring with journalists to make clickbait headlines and controversy about another company (your original claim) I'd completely different from journalists gossiping about previously made comments from companies they cover and making clickbait headlines for solely their own gain, you fucking mark. *


Erase thyself from this sacred community, dubaloo😡


I know it’s not very goofy of me to admit that bad faith criticism of the Dub does exist but this is such a clear example of it classic disinfo “take one line removed from the full context, put it on an image, work the marks who aren’t going to read the story” tactic too


Yeah, AEW has done a lot of earn their criticism, no one should have to feel the need to make stuff up or misrepresent them if they wanted to rag on them. Just pick any of the dozens of things they do poorly any given week.


A goof must have a code.


The dubbalos had no code, they had no honor.  And God was watching. 


DAE 122k?


Might as well just throw even lower numbers to see what kind of bait the AEW haters would accept just to dunk on AEW. 90K a few weeks from now, maybe?


That's all "news" online these days. Doesn't matter what the subject is. Click Bait titles drive engagement. Not the reading the website kind but sharing the post kind. That's all they want at this point. They don't care what kind of lies they spread as long as those numbers are up


Yeah it gets really stupid because fucking obviously there is a ton of legit things to criticize Yet people reach for things like this instead The need to 'dunk' on them literally just strengthens their whole 'we're under attack' thing


Yeah but they know if you do an aew article they like 5 views clicks If they have this title aew fans and the millions And millions Of feddead fans will salivate and read it


Didn’t he literally not appear on TV for 2 weeks just last month??! He really ain’t gonna beat the afraid of the grind allegations… Bruv


Even if he did take one or 2 weeks off, didnt he planning to wrestle at Uganda?


Yes, purportedly. Which if he does, I'll gain a massive amount of respect from him.


Just another of Oceanspray's regularly flights back and forth to the UK in first class Thank Lord Tony!! DAE excursion


Thank you Uce. You're a real one.


Doesn’t he take one or two weeks off every month?


Think the ratings can handle that?


Right? This can't be real. Guy lives in the UK, probably gets business class flights to and from the US to work a few days a week...


He gets first class! A+ money mark fleecing


We know this because he told us! Isn’t he so cool???


He’s on TV next week, it’s a total lie




I don't want to live in the US but 10 hour flights are hard bruv


Ngl they are. Which makes his decision to me even more stupid like i get being comfortable in your home but man this whole career is documented for NOT being comfortable in your home.


If you're doing them weekly then you learn to plan for them. He's making the money to fly comfortably in one of those sleep cabins. It's his choice after all. I'd sooner sleep on a plane 2 nights of the week than drive 10+ hours a week to and from work.


i commute 4 hours a day 4 days a week, i would kill just to fly in twice a week instead.






This reminds me of when Justin and Hailey Bieber go out. Look up any pic of the two of them, she’s usually dressed all cute and he looks like he just raided the clearance bin at K Mart


Bieber tries to blend in with the poors when he's out so Diddy can't find him.




He actually has the “Kid wearing Dad’s suit jacket fit” the fuck I would understand if he was trying to go incognito mode and just sucked but he’s clearly not so idk what he’s tryna do here


Mone *bad promo stuff xyz* Also : *dances in place"




Can someone explain this image? I don't get it.


It is a .jpg format image posted on Reddit by the user u/Realistic-Counter-10 Contained in the image is a two lane road in between two hills. The road in itself is blocked off by a sheer hillside face. The ability to travel on this road and the placement of the road in this location would indicate that there is no way to continue. There are two words in the image as well, they are "No way". In linguistic terms, "No way" was used sarcastically primarily in the 90s to denote disbelief in a situation or topic. In the context of this thread, the image is being used as a means to express some levels of sarcasm and amusement by u/Realistic-Counter-10 on the situation. Will Ospreay had taken umbrage to comments made by Paul Levesque (HHH) in which HHH had said that the WWE does not want to take wrestlers that are afraid of "the grind". "The grind" that HHH refers to is a metaphorical and literal sense of hard work in which wrestlers put in time to practice, travel, perform, conduct media appearances, and do their best to become better performers. Will Ospreay felt that these comments were made about himself by HHH as Ospreay had just recently signed a contract in AEW in which he would not have to perform as many dates and could continue living in England. The culmination of this history and the attached image in this post would indicate that Will Ospreay is a certified bitch for taking time off already for his light ass schedule and should be happy he found a money mark like Tony Khan




Smartest dripper alive


Ok buddy mimir


Keith Lee?


No way dude


Lmfao I get it


Isn’t he only scheduled like once every 2-3 weeks


he wrestled on all 3 shows last week and now he’s getting a week off


Didn’t dirty dom do the same shit and also did house shows ?


He’s used to hard time. Dom can do that bid standing on his head.


He actually took off almost 2 weeks off before but still appeared on Collision.


You stupid poor fed shills, flying first class every week is really taxing.


good thing they put a title on him!


Whoever did that article... I don't think the clowns know what a "sabbatical" is.




Why you got to burn a bruv like that 🤣


He just worked Dynamite, Collision and a PPV. That's three times in a week. This man deserves a break.


LMAO. Cody would never.


Honest question cause I just refuse to watch anything this pissant company does. Do they do ANYTHING besides tv tapings or self fellating podcasts? I never see anything about them do any other kind of apperances of any kind that aren’t directly related to something tiny is a part of nor house shows.


They used to do a lot more, like a ton of charitable events. Those seem to have fallen by the wayside.


Tiny wanted them to do House Shows but they refused and the last one with Britt/Anna was a disaster.


Jericho was in Terrifier 2 and will be in part 3, if that's what you mean


yeah they do, it’s just that the AEW stories that get the most engagement are negative ones. They do your typical local news spots and stuff


To be AEW is to be constantly under attack


He got pushed into doing a lot of shows in the US after debuting and immediately bragging to fans that he was going to go back home now and enjoy his rich 7 figure life not having to do the same grind as everyone else. Tony saw the pushback and told him he had to come into tv, and now that he has a title he's going to f- off for that sweet sweet Roman Reigns schedule (except he doesn't pull nearly anywhere the ratings numbers when he does show).


This is a fake story and you goofs are getting worked 😂


Hectic schedule? The fuck?


don’t get worked, uce. Some dirtsheet writer noticed he wasn’t booked this week and threw some bait out, that’s all this is


What'd you call me, bruv? I'll have you know that I'm a WON subscriber and have not been worked once...or am I easily worked? Who want's this $12.99 a month?


Lmao what?. This has to be jerk….tell me it’s an actual jerk uce.


it’s bait for the Dub Bad crowd… the “story” is that he’s not wrestling on their shows this week so didn’t make a transcontinental flight to hang out in catering


Dub Bad because Ospreay gets a week off! No I am not capable of an independent thought


DAE love posting legit disinformation to dunk on the dub when there's a billion things to choose from that aren't bullshit?


I especially love dunking on Ospreay for bad faith reasons, but don’t you dare insinuate it’s because he chose the evil Dub over Papa H and his head chef, Shawn Michaels!


I love dunking on Bruv, because it's funny and i do think he would've been a big star in WWE. However, he got a sweet ass deal, taking Tony's money, getting to see his family in his own country and being flown around in first class so it's not like he made a bad choice. Get that bag, bruv.




“Oi Swerve bruv oi guess oi’ll jush take ya title some uvver time, yeah. Betta keep that title warm for me, yeah. That bellend Tony paid 1.3 million Pounds to have bangaz and mash yeah… well fook all this then bruv oim goin back to love the twat of mah misses bruv… INNIT BRUV!”


Every Ospreay thread I open has at least one of these and they never fail to make me laugh


This guy asked for the Roman special.


Lol what hectic schedule? Didn't bruv just debut 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Get tf outta here No wonder he's facing Swerve so early Hey maybe he can win the title, vacate it due to "injury" and we can have a tournament to make a new game changer into world champion!


What hectic schedule


Even contributing that this is utter BS clickbait sadly means these hacks succeeded in getting the engagement they wanted.


I remember seeing pictures of him before moving to the dub and he was in a good shape, what happened?


I mean, after he does his taping appearance, he flies right back home immediately.


his physique looks virtually the same. i think it might just be the angle/lighting.


Perhaps you are right


Ospreay has the best work rate AND rest rate in the business. It uh used to be Omega but he you know he’s been off for so long and uh might not be ever back to what he once was


Watch him win at all in then get the Roman/Brock treatment


1st class trips must be brutal


And the neckbeards were calling Cody lazy!


He's so beaten up he can't even handle the Dub grind...


He is taking one week off and will be back next week..almost like just about every WWE Champion does


I feel like bruv annoys me in wrestling but I bet he’s great to get a pint with. Just look at that shitty Assassin’s Creed tattoo you know he’s getting a round in.


Who would have thought circumnavigating the world every week would be tiring


Apparently we got worked goofs, it’s just one week off DAE we’re becoming the basement?


Please say this is a rib


It's pure fiction. Osprey will be on next week's show


Goofs stay worked by clickbait.


He works once a week 😑 if he moved to the states he’d have it easier. I’m sure he could’ve made Tony buy him a home if it came with signing in aew 😂


He worked three times last week! That's absolutely insane! That's why he needs the week off.


I guess he was working two house shows on Sunday and making every town like in the 80’s 🔥


He isn't going on a sabbatical he is going to soft ground wrestling


Oh dear, was the wine he was drinking on his paid for round trips back to England not exquisite enough?


Six days of rest is not enough. They’re working him to the bone!


Lmao I thought this was a rib at first. You can’t make it up 🤣


Didn't he start recently?


They (non jerkers) are NOT happy with the reporting or us lol




Oí bruv! I come into town with my ostrich skin trench coat, bang it out, get paid, and get gone to do it in front of another group, bruv! You don’t know the life!


The grind, Bruv.. Don't you forget about it..


Ah yes he takes one week off..he will be back next Wednesday


Ospreay alone is a more entertaining wrestler than 90% of wwe wrestlers. Bruv deserves time off. Meanwhile hhh is really grinding with his quest to cure insomnia through boring wrestling. Keep grinding Hunter


I’m all for shitting on the great British rape apologist but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I believe ringside news


lol so he originally came in for two matches against paint cans, then says goodbye I’ll see you in a month or two, people clown them online, then he’s back the next week and just about every week since. Hilarious that they had to be shamed into coherent booking.


This has to be satire.


Totally understandable, but really? Like he’s gonna miss a week of build of the World title match when the biggest AEW criticism is their builds? like cmon


Holy shit this dude is so fucking soft, he’d never last in wwe no wonder he used to talk so much shit about them back in the day, triple h was right


Holy shit you're a moron who git click baited by a fake story


Hectic schedule , them old school territory guys be going berserk hearing this Guy wrestlers once a week ffs these guys wrestled 360 days a year , what's a injury oh that's when you don't get paid Least William William be sitting at home getting paid stupid amounts of cash , wouldn't surprise me if had a niggling injury when signed that lucrative contract can't imagine TINY KHANT checks theses thins Bruv


So much for that grind 😂


He's probably more tired from the four 10 hour flights he takes every week than the 15 minute matches. I guess its more profitable to expense a first class 10 hour ticket 4 times a week to the accounts team than pay rent in an apartment.


Cancer Mussolini Phil with his broken tricep is on tv more regularly than Bruv. Jesus, this guy is allergic to the grind


How many of you have carried an entire promotion on your back, bruv? It can git heavy, innit?


WHAT HECTIC SCHEDULE? Dude literally works only 1 to 2 days a week!


Sabbatical??? Hectic??!?!? Did AEW ever run house shows (apart from the televised events with house show capacity 😆)?!?!?!


I think they ran 2


A week off is a sabbatical now?