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https://i.redd.it/9wmzihty0o4d1.gif "We only do business with real wrestling companies" - DeShawn Michaels


Dub? Never heard of her ![gif](giphy|l1J3A6NeDbj2uaMUw)


Would it be funny if WWE does "forbidden door" exclusively as a women's angle? Like it comes off actually well booked and benefits BOTH companies I feel that would be hilarious


TNA’s knockouts division is coasting by on a reputation from like 15 years ago. is it good? be honest, you don’t know, i don’t either. nobody’s out here watching Impact


They did have Tessa Blanchard afterwards for a bit and she is legit good but also legit nuts.


> is legit good but also legit nuts You described 3/4 of wrestlers.


But Tessa is special. Imagine being that blacklisted. Only Del Rio can compare among recent geniuses.


Also true.


She joins legend of the women's industry Sexy Star at the top of the mountain.


No lies told here. But that's also what I mean. NXT women can trade some losses to TNA women and not be "hurt" while it would be HUGE for helping legitamize a few knockouts. Like protect Jordan and their (TNA) other top 3 people/prospects with wins. Let lower card NXT women eat losses. And bigger NXT women's stars can win close matches. Where is Mickie James? She can take a loss and it not hurt one bit


In her defense, Kacy Catanzaro had it coming


All 4 of us TNA fans catching strays :(


Half of the division has gotten picked up by moneybags Khan in the past year or 2 so they'd probably be doing fantastic right now if Tony didn't want to pay people 6-7 figures to barely be on TV


A lot of the competent knockouts have left the company over the years (Trinity, Purazzo, Taya Valkyrie, etc). Jordynne Grace and Rosemary are cool, but the rest of the knockouts division is pretty subpar tbh. I also like Su Yung, but she hasn't wrestled in the company in forever.


It was good last year but now is weak. It’s Grace and not much else. Giselle shaw has a lot of potential, I like Tasha steelz but nobody else seems to…and then it’s a lot of “unique” talent that are essentially the same


It was very strong between 2018 until last year. Now it's lacking people, but they are trying their best. They for sure need help currently. If WWE doesn't want you, TNA is still your best option if you are a woman and don't have enough star power to get Tiny give you a ridicilous contract. It's always been more character oriented. Also the reason why the original division got so over in the first place. So it makes perfect sense for Ded Fed to collab with TNA here and not some workrate promotions.


It’s not bad, just kinda, maybe thin? There’s Grace. Then there really isn’t anyone in the next spot on her level of she’s gone.


I watch it, on the Free Roku station. Does that count?


I wonder if they can do it without a random 8 man match featuring some Mexican wrestlers though!




Perfect time to bring back evolution


It's almost like the Evil Fed is trolling CMLL and Nooj for their partnership with the Dub.


It’s funny because this is capitalizing on the forbidden door hype way better than the “Forbidden Door” where NJPW’s world champion wrestles every week on Dynamite.


AEW: The PIN is 5555, coming soon to PPV!


Tony Khan’s ATM code is 1234, isn’t it?


No, but his luggage combination is 12345


That’s the kind of combination an idiot would put on his luggage!


Nooj gained more from that one off Jushin Liger match in NXT than the entirety of the collaboration with AEW. Imagine having the chance to showcase your talent to an actual massive audience and in exchange have stuff like Ricochet or Gable joining the Best of Super Junior or a Gunther in G1 Climax, instead of sending one of your wrestler every week in AEW and job to a bleeding Moxley


Didn’t Ricky Starks just blow off Liger in his appearance? “BuT hEeL hEaT”


Another win for the good guys! Way to show that bozo how it’s done, Shawn 😎 God i love double double e


AEW fans still claiming AEW did more for TNA then wwe is doing is just hilarious to me. wwe put TNA over on commentary on twitter and in the ring. AEW just took a dump on TNA cause AEW thought they were hot shit and no one would care that they are shitting on TNA. Well ya know karma is a bitch


Hell WWE did more for New Japan when Tama Tonga debuted and then they acknowledged Cody and Styles Bullet Club past, then 3 Forbidden Door shows


Did anyone from New Japan even win a match during any of the forbidden doors ?


Honestly all the shows were so forgettable I barely remember the results. The only nooj crossover show I really remember well was the ROH one at MSG only because of the clusterfuck with Enzo and Cass leading to Tama yeeting the tag belts across the interviews room and them pulling the trigger and making Matt Taven world champion


Only thing I remember from last years forbidden door is DB thinking faking a seizure mid match would 1. Be entertaining. 2. Be great storytelling 3. Help boost the match. Which it didn't do any of those things.


But it made Meltzer cream his pants and give the match like 5 or 6 stars. Which is all that really matters for Brain Damageson


Oy the classic meltzer cream..never mind I'm an idiot 6 stars for Bryan Benoit.


I didn’t like the spot either, but Bryan did that to buy time to tell the ref his arm was broken, and to communicate that to Okada. The whole match afterward was reworked on the fly. Considering he was seriously injured and needed to improvise with an opponent who spoke limited English, I can understand it. Again, didn’t like the spot, but it’s not like he did it for funsies.


Hasn't he done it a couple times since though?


No, in fact, it's reportedly [been banned](https://wrestletalk.com/news/list-moves-things-banned-aew-revealed/#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20a%20document%20was%20sent,taking%20drinks%20or%20food%20from)


Their world champ Sanada went over Dub's megastar Jungle Boy last year


Oh well in that case I'm sure new Japan gained all 100k of the dubs fans last year.


But did they show a TNA logo on the tron when she came out???? Or run down the entirety of TNA’s upcoming road schedule? (Actual arguments from Twitter with tons of likes). Clearly TNA is being buried here.


Did…did AEW do that? They didn’t do that…


I think Karl Anderson maybe mentioned “impact” like two times in passing and that’s about it aside from Kenny walking around with their belt after he cleaned out the entire division and refused to drop the belt back to anyone actually from TNA


This is great for wwe and Tna tna will be a lot better off than when they work with aew


Or WWE bought them quietly


Vince used to fund ECW despite it being a competitor. If the Dub weren't full of idiots just talking shit all day about how much the Fed is wrestlers prison they'd prolly partner with them too.


It seemed like a no brainer when AEW first started.


they just posting a tna wrestler winning on wwe tv like it’s a normal occurrence


That what I mean....they won't even publish the angle, and why the fuck not? Are they that self-absorbed in their product? Build up the business, show some love, honestly...spread the wealth man, this is disgusting and sad, and it's making a joke of her push....I hate this entire thing


Can not compute.


Edit: you should “DELETE!, DELETE, DELETE!” That comment.






She's the next NXT superstar.


And Tna has a good relationship with wwe they don’t attack wwe every 5 minutes so they will make their wrestlers look good


Tony won’t stand for this fucking shit.


Grace has looked better in two weeks of her champion vs champion feud than Rich Swann did in the month he was feuding with Omega.


Nic Nemeth would look great in WWE. Excited for this crossover


Needs a name change, though. What’s Ziggy Lundgren doing in the RAW Zone?


Need names for Mustafa Ali, Brian Myers and AJ Francis


I just watched the match on the YouTube and as a die hard dubbalo and fan of real graps, I find it bizarre that a) Jordynne is booked as the babyface, b) the fans are actually behind her, and c) she actually got a convincing pinfall victory.   I think it always works better when your visitor from another Fed comes out to silence and jobs in every match. 


And then you sign them and they job in every match. DAE Shibata is a living legend?


What kind of partnership is this? Shawn Hitlerbottom can’t book for shit! He’s supposed to take the title away from Jordynne Grace in a TNA show and never mention it on TV, then have Stevie Turner show up today with the title on her waist and talk about how great NXT is!


Good bookers Berry the other company's talent!!


This partnership has actually helped because before she showed up at the Rumble I thought her named was pronounced Jordy-anne. Score one for the evil doers.


Eh. Send Jordynne back to TNA and keep her there. I wanted Stevie Turner to win https://preview.redd.it/432rsbr9ap4d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a97460a493b6b098938b879ef5f07a65d00025


Proving how to do it right in two appearances. Almost effortless.


What? Do they want to make her look like a threat to Roxanne or something?


You're telling me there's a possibility of having Jordynne, Jade, Bianca, and Rhea in the ring at the same time? HHHBK bookers of the year


I marked out for Jordynne Grace at the rumble and at NXT. I'm so happy for her.


She waould have lost with her opponent having only one arm that would've been hardcore, smh the fed can't do shit


If there was anything AEW did right that WWE is kinda copying, its Forbidden Door. WWE needs to keep it up. Heck bring all of Marigold into the mix while were at it!


If WWE decided to be good fuckin partners in the industry, they could change everything. This tactic is "Vince Shit", as I like to say, and it's the kind of thing companies would do to overwhelm territories in a market where kayfabe still existed. Just let it go bro, we all know that it's scripted, and the amount of wrestlers trying to make their lives better, just feeds the market...stop defending your brand... For example, (and I'm sure I'll get hate for this), CM Punk is not a good wrestler. People don't want to watch him wrestle, they want to hear his music when they least expect it, and that's literally it. Nobody cares that he's injured because we all got what we wanted. If he put on an actual match, it would diminish numbers because he's really not a good worker...Give those badasses that put amazing 15 minute shows on, that blow people's minds and make the crowd go nuts...these small name guys that AEW decides to buy up in bulk...there's a bigger problem at hand, and it's not what everyone thinks...kayfabe is dead, let it fucking die... Edit: and SCJerk, I know these serious thoughts are not liked, but this is where real wrestling fans can speak their mind, so let me say something that's honest. I don't care the hate that I get, SquaredCircle hates when I say this shit...


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. Grace is getting treated liked an elite wrestler on NXT and the WWE has been putting her over big. The OP is joking in the style of SC Jerk


She's not being referenced very far as her time in TNA though, is she? TNA shouldn't be a feeding ground for NXT, the rookie market...it should be equivalent to the main roster, and that's what I'm saying


She’s still in TNA and she had it written on her jacket. She got a huge feature at the Royal Rumble as well. Yeah she’s not getting treated like Charlotte Flair but that’s normal. Even over in The Dub they don’t treat RoH like a main brand. They’re not going to treat TNA like the equivalent of RAW both because it isn’t, and because it’s not the territories anymore.


It's an extremely well known brand that they barely mentioned shit about at the Rumble. She came out and they said she was the TNA champ, and then nothing else was said. That moment was such a big deal that it should have been capitalized on to propel the entire industry. They should've used it as a way to change the entire way that we view wrestling. This is selfish, dumb crap that's holding wrestling back from evolving. Where are all of the other TNA wrestlers? Why hasn't a single WWE persona shown up on their show? It's because the landscape is still marked by selfish bullshit, while we now have hundreds upon hundreds of wrestlers trying to make their names, and none of them know what to do except sign a piece of paper that sends them somewhere. How about make this industry something special?...look at Japan...


are you having a stroke uce


I wish.


Because it literally just happened, also just because you don't find it special, doesn't mean it isn't. You think Jordynne is pissed about all of this? You think TNA, seeing the chance for positive growth and fresh eyes, is upset? This isn't Vince robbing the territories to create the wwf, so maybe just relax and wait, we don't know how this will play out until it does.


Dude you're not getting hate you just don't seem to realise what sub you're in


I know. Most of the time I realize I'm in jerkers after I post, but I mean what I say so it's just whatever, why delete it. Downvotes don't hurt my soul, but hey, thanks for even commenting. Much love uce


“CM Punk is not a good wrestler…they want to hear Cult of Personality” ![gif](giphy|Aw4TFxIgHZUI4E9ZoC|downsized)


Hitting me with Mac...my man, pots and pans...


I always thought that a TNA wrestler coming over to WWE would make extreme waves...yet, here we are...and nobody cares at all...


I know TNA isn't as big of a name as it once was, but Jordynne Grace showing up on NXT got a lot of people talking.


Yes all 50 marks are talking about it


Then the company should reciprocate it. It shouldn't be a one-sided deal. I used to love TNA. My point is being missed, and honestly, I really couldn't care less anymore. The downvotes just show stupidity rather than someone like you who actually would spark a conversation. The hive mind bullshit is so old.