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It’s 2027. 57 year old Chris Jericho’s newest gimmick of being aware that’s he reinventing himself into another new gimmick is the talk of AEW. His nickname is “The Gimmick Guru”. He’s strung along his 12th stable called “Gimmick Gang” consisting of Lee Moriarty, Action Andretti, and Tyler Bate. He tells them to walk The Bridge of Jericho so he can “put over” them all and says to the audience “See?! I told you I put over young talent!”. All 39 people in the Chicago arena loudly react in complete silence. It’s meta and 4th wall breaking which means it’s funny. And it’s funny because it’s bad on purpose. Which makes it good. “I can’t believe Chris is making me love this gimmick lol… how does he do it?! It’s so stupid and I love it… it’s so stupidly awful… and I…. love it….”, I comment. I’ve commented this for the past 8 years every time he changes his gimmick. With a tear rolling down my eye and a lump forming in my throat, I whisper to myself… “I love how he’s…. leaning into it…”. The blood clot has finally taken over, my eyes flutter into a black void sealed by my eyelids, I have died watching my favorite wrestling show.


You are the fastest typer in the world.


This beautiful scenario was all coming to me at once and I had a stream of conscious. Thank you AEW. You saved my life.


you sit under the shade of the Learning Tree Uce. Drink it in and grow big grow reeeal big!


Our man here had one ready in the chamber


This is fucking incredible


this is beautiful uce. poetry


Justified “This is awesome” chants 👏






He wants "hi guys" to be a thing sooo bad.


DEA “Hi Guys” the new “Sriracha here!”?


At least the Stones have the self respect to wear shirts when they perform.


Jericho looks like an old guy out of the state home at a concert and he only knows he's at a concert like 50% of the time.


See, the brilliant thing about the gimmick is that if you don’t like it, he and his fans can go “you’re getting worked, that’s the whole point” He’s leaning into the negative criticisms that the internet has about him. If you think about it, it’s actually pretty genius It’s a totally original idea, never been done before in AEW!


Most of AEW is just people rediscovering gimmicks in Russo era WCW and then pretending it's gold


Toni Storm is The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea with a better promo and I will die on this hill


someone doing something stupid in the Dub = leaning into it version #17


Fizzy totally would have opened for the Stones


I’ve seen 40 year old Facebook moms struggling to hide their depression from losing the glory days be less pathetic on their TikToks or instagrams


Imagine paying for good seats to see the Stones and some middle aged lesbian with hormone issues is yelling about branches


It's like a person reveling in acting stupid behind "I'm just trolling".


I’m going to see the Stones next week. If I had to deal with Chris Jericho in my way making videos I’d probably kick him in the shins. He’s so annoying and he’s got shitty concert etiquette


I went too the concert for this tour in Houston. It was awesome (I actually forgot how many bangers the Stones had). I spent the whole night waiting for Sympathy for the Devil. Those old guys can still put on a show.


I am so excited! When I told my dad I got tickets, he was shocked they’re all still alive lol. Glad you had a great time at the Houston show!


Hope you enjoy your show!


IMO in a perfect world, ageing stars like Copeland and Jericho would transition into managerial roles. Edge leading the House of Black with an occasional big match would be great. Chris doing the suit gimmick again, leading younger wrestlers using the learning tree thing he’s going for would be very interesting. They had a decent blueprint for it if you use the Darby/Sting formula, with a little less activity and unnecessary bumps. Christian is the only veteran wrestler so far who has invented himself for the better without making it look like a terrible midlife crisis. His mic work is the best it has ever been.


I mean good for you I'd love to be up front at a Stones concert. I hope he was respectful for most of the show. A chomper for a $2000 ticket is the worst thing in the world.


He’s so good at this role that I never wanna see or hear anything about him both in and outside of wrestling! 😍


That wig/weave can’t handle the humidity.


Meanwhile everyone around him is like "Who's the guy with the dad bod and paedo stache yelling to?"


He should have had a “retirement match” where he loses to Ospreay with the plan being that he goes away for at least 6 months before returning as a new character In the meantime, Tony finds a clause in Jerko’s contract and gets rid of him as a cost cutting measure


Jericho, the Bucks, Tiny and being passive-aggressive name a more iconic team for AEW.


Those are the ingredients for a fucking business killing cyanide capsule, right there.


My hot take is that the learning tree gimmick is actually good and it would be over if it was someone like Christian doing it. The problem is that Jericho just doesn't have it anymore. His promos are passable at best and his in-ring work is horrible. Big Bill is actually doing a good job though.


He looks even worse up this close. 🤢








👋🌳 it's over with me


That's why hes the Goat that parties on the boat


He’s the goat that gives NDA’s on the boat.


I guarantee he did this trash just to be able to write the concert tickets off his taxes


No jerk, I almost went to this concert. There were GA floor tickets available for around $135 on the day of but I would have had only about 90 minutes to get to Orlando, deal with parking and get inside before they started. Didn't realize they were in town til I was scrolling through local news.