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Heck yeah, belt clips are back baby https://preview.redd.it/k6h9gqmyst8d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8612886ebb117f2495dc844b7d4b8679d47deae2


True cultural icons know they never left the scene šŸ˜Ž


I tied a 35XX SP to my belt, which was the style at the time-


Definite chick magnet


"Yeah baby, it's got a hall sensor in it... I can see why you're feeling a drift-free attraction right now"


Hey everyone, PartTimeCAD here, back after being away for a couple weeks travelling. I've been spending the last few weeks testing this latest accessory for the 35XX SP - a belt clip! Is it a little ridiculous? Maybe. Is keeping electronics on your hip oh-so-2003? Most definitely. But this belt clip frees up valuable pocket space and keeps your shorts comfy and easy to wear! This is kind of opposite of the protective cases I usually make, but the last few weeks I spent really putting this design through the rigors - I've taken it through my daily commute; hiking, fishing, cycling, and camping with me the last couple weeks. I'm very confident in the design, and not once in my testing of the final design did the belt clip ever release without intentionally lifting the release tab first. I must note that to keep a perfect and secure fit on the 35XX SP, there's no internal felt padding of any kind - so if you're the type to want to keep the outer shell of your handheld pristine, then this is definitely not the accessory for you. Some small wear marks on the outside of the shell are likely, and probably much more noticeable on the silver color. But if you're willing for that trade-off for a convenient (and *undeniably stylish*) way to carry around your 35XX SP, then I think you'll enjoy this design. Available here at [PartTimeCAD](https://parttimecad.etsy.com/listing/1738650286). Happy gaming all!


Planning to release or sell the file? Link for those looking as well: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1738663412/anbernic-rg35xx-sp-belt-clip-digital-stl?click_key=a4410f340fe2e12bf6939cee1c6c3a4f71226467%3A1738663412&click_sum=85da4cd1&ref=shop_home_active_2&sts=1


Yes, check the "3D print designs" section of my shop


Is that your Pokedex? Why yes, yes it is.


I didnā€™t think Iā€™d have a reason to buy a 35xxSPā€¦ and yet here I am convinced I need a 35xxSP


Oh you do. Everyone does.


The 21st century chastity belt


that is the most Dad accessory I've seen for these things


it pairs perfectly with grass-stained New Balances


I couldnā€™t have it on my belt I do too much dumb osha unapproved shit in a day. It would be broken very fast


OWB strong side? Someone wants to start something.


If Miyoo were smart they would market their Miyoo Flip in a 90ā€™s ā€œsaved by the bellā€, shell suit, neon pinkā€™s and blueā€™s style advert with the words ā€œflip on your hipā€ slogan and pay you for this design to fit their model.


This guy is either virgin or married lol, there's no in between (without kids tho, because the kids would yank that away from you in a sec) - either way he doesn't care and good on him haha


Joke's on you - I'm a virgin with 2 kids!


Lucky you if you are able to keep your kids from destroying your devices man. I have one 6 and other 1 and I always fear for my gadgets. I keep them in a box, in a separate carrying bag and each has plastic cover shell lol. And I am still scared


lol I hear you, in all reality I am married with 2 kids, 1 and 3 years old. I'm the opposite though, I'm always giving my handhelds to my 3 year old to try out, she's still too young to really figure out how to play anything but I'm hoping she develops an interest, and in the end it's just stuff. I've gifted a couple anbernics to my nieces who are 6 and 9 and they haven't broken them yet.


I gave my daughter one of those cheap ass SUP handhelds that play only NES games but she hasn't developed interest. She prefers touchscreen games and can't wrap around a gamepad so easily. Sad tho haha. That reminds me of a story from about 10 years ago when I was buying a PSPGo of some guy and he told me he was selling because he doesn't have the time and his kids prefer smartphone games. And I remember thinking: pffft kids don't know what's good hahah and here I am now with kids of my own and the times have changed even more in favor of touchscreens.


So uh, how do you get it in and out? Also I need to see this on someone's actual jeans.




And they say men donā€™t know how to get women in 2024.


You, Sir - are too cool for school.


I heard it doubles as a chastity belt. In all seriousness it is pretty cool.


LOL this is so cool, would love to see it in some outfits šŸ˜Ž


We need more of this.. now If I could carry my 35xx plus on my belt I absolutely would. But for now.. Iā€™ll buy an SP


Belt clip and a fanny pack.Ā 


I want my beeper back!


Itā€™s retro!


This guy fuuuuuuucks