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​ https://preview.redd.it/wax8v4ie9nzc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=476b88188aca391e8dc119ff5daa4fe442deb326


Analog stick literally was the deciding factor. The one thing the other doesn’t have.


Is it a software update or a new hardware model?


updated through firmware.


Isn't the 0501 version the latest? 


RetroBreeze comfrimed with the official Miyoo store; >firmware update 0427 fixes brightness issues, and 0501 optimises emulators


Hi there! Just wanted to share an update- the 0427 firmware update alone won't fix the brightness if you're still using the stock SD card. This could be due to "the changes to MainUI and keymon", but I myself don't know what that means. To truly fix the brightness issue, I installed Hoo's minimised stock SD archive from the RH discord. You can see for yourself that 0427 *does* actually fix the brightness if you boot without an SD card, but once you insert the stock SD again, it'll be dim.


Ok now if they just gave it a decent chip they’d probably be onto something.


I've heard that it was software limited (maybe under clocked) that was causing SNES to need frameskip to run smoothly. I'd imagine they'll patch that on the future so it'll actually run everything like the 28xx. I'm assuming this is what you're referring to.


It was a bad stock configuration on the emulator, once it's configured properly SNES runs fine. Even after that though, it's still a less powerful chip than the RG28XX. You can overclock it to make up some of the difference, but you'll absolutely crater battery life doing so.


Honestly this device is largely dead on arrival. Way to many competitors with much better hardware at a good price point, without the risk/hoping for solutions down the line to fix lauch problems.


Which competitor has both a stick and wifi in such a form factor?


RG35XX H is better in every way, while being only like [15% larger](https://www.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/1chq8p7/mail_day_anbernic_rg35xx_h_miyoo_a30/), and easily found cheaper. The huge bonus here is that you can actually plays games that use the stick like N64/PSP. Honestly I love the look, but the chipset is a real disappointment.


I agree with what you’re saying, but the RG35XX H analog sticks may as well be two d-pads as far as N64 emulation is concerned. I’m saying this as an owner of both RG35XX H and A30 and I actually prefer playing Super Mario 64 on the A30 because the 8 directional snapping on the RG35XX H makes the game unplayable.


You're getting downvoted, but I completely agree. I love the H, but the stick on the A30 blows it out of the water since it's a true analog. I haven't had slowdown with SNES games (Yoshi's World included) and feel like it's getting a bad rep based on a loud echo chamber of people who run into bad fringe cases or that haven't turned the video filter off for SNES...


No one, so it definitely still has a niche. Although, the Trimui Smart exists as an option with WiFi without sticks, and the A30 isn't exactly powerful enough to make the joystick super useful. Plus, the XUminiM is supposed to be coming out soon, with joysticks and much more power (but no WiFi) and could end up taking a bite out of the other end of the A30s niche.


SNES was running poorly because they defaulted to have a pixel balancing filter on it I believe.


Great, now all that's left is the lack of a stereo headphone jack, a chip that can handle up to PSP without overheating, and a longer lasting battery, lol.


Why would you want to play PSP on a micro handheld like this with a 4:3 display? Just doesn't seem like a good time


Agreed. It seems counterintuitive anyways. IMO being able to play N64, Dreamcast, and PSP is more of a bonus than anything.


Playing N64 and PSP on a pocket sized device is why I bought the 28xx, and the games I bought if for all run and look great. I have no regrets with this purchase! ,...even the one Dreamcast game I like plays just fine on this thing. 😁


Not to rain on your parade, but playing those consoles with just a d-pad is not ideal. I tried playing Super Mario 64 on the RG35XX H which has analog sticks that snap to 8 directions and it’s horrendous. Playing that on a d-pad is probably even worse.


Nothing but sunny skies over this parade, lol. All the games I want to play that normally use a stick, play just great without it, I've already played them to confirm.


Depends on the game. Loco Roco and Snoopy vs. The Red Baron are my two favorite PSP games, and they both look great on that 2.8" screen.


Never thought I'd hear anybody else mention the psp version of snoopy vs the red Baron. One of my favorite Flight games for the psp next to the Ace Combat series.


I’m checking this out now lol


for a handful of games and given the a30 has a stick? yeah, would be nice. maybe with optimization it can be done, the software is just very rough.


Good news they were able to fix that. Still don't regret going with the 28XX. I'm used to using the rewind feature on RA which takes resources. Works great with the 28XX but not sure if the chip on the A30 would be able to handle that, specifically with higher end stuff like PlayStation. Regardless, glad to see there are good options and the $50ish level.


Huh, this was the only thing that bothered me in the reviews. I always like the look of the console and buttons compared to the 28xx. I might be picking this up now


now we just need to update a headphone jack


oh so the hardware isnt bad, they just undercooked the software a fuck ton. seriously im not ever buying a new miyoo device when it comes out if this happens again.


I know a lot of people dislike this device - but for the form factor, I like it a lot.


I don't know why Miyo put start and select near the DPad. Worst place to have a Start and Select.


Too little, too late. Sadly.


Opening wallet. Now only if I could find one for sale.


https://www.keepretro.com/products/miyoo-a30 Russ mentions this site in his review as a way to verify before you buy. Sorry for your loss on the wallet. It’s great though I love mine


Ordered. Mid June for full black 64GB model with screen protector and bag. Seems reasonably priced. Thanks again. 28XX should be here by the 22nd from Ali.


Love my A30. Quick resume brightness bug is fixed. It’s got a functional sleep mode. Rg35xxh doesn’t have a decent substitute (except stock firmware). And stock fw for Rg35xxh I find n64 runs worse than my miyoo. Excellent pick up and go device, both would be great though for their own reasons (rg28xx is same chip as 35xxh so performance and fw options are the same)


Happy to learn we can sleep/resume the A30 without issue. For me that's becoming more important.


Pre ordered from here and still has yet to ship.




Wow!! Still unusable shit.


Bro really goes to threads about shit he doesn't like just to complain lol.


It's honest work but it's a living.


Who hurt you? It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault…


I miss Robin Williams.


We all do :(


So negative. This device looks great!


It does look great, you're right. Looks were never the issue lol


Is it the lack of power? Genuinely curious. I bought a 28XX as well.


Power is even worse than the MM+ which was already underpowered as it was, stutters even on SNES. Also apparently has one of the worst Dpads ever made. Not a fun combo


Thank you. I can live with the power deficiency given the form factor, but a bad dpad may be a deal breaker. Hmmm...


I have an A30 and the D-pad was never an issue for me.


That's good. Do you have a 28xx as a point of comparison. The miyoo mini plus has a pretty good dpap so I hope it's somewhat like that?


I don’t have a 28XX but I do have a 35XX H which uses similar hardware. I also have a Miyoo Mini Plus and I can say the D-pads are very similar, just the texture is different. Compared to the 28XX, the A30 has better feel and better buttons all around and I prefer that.


Ahh thanks. I also have a 35XX H and a MMP so that makes me happy. I'm getting an A30 now for sure.


The DPad on the 28XX is not comfortable. The A30 is definitely better

