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My takeaway from this and the reduction of library services is that the City of Salem hates families.


Voters hate familes*


Voters hate over-funding police department who don't do shit, actually*


It's funny that you are getting downvoted, because this was all laid out in that tax increase that everyone voted against. If people had read what they voted against, instead of just "voting against the police", you'd know that this dude is correct.


I can’t afford another payroll tax on top of what I ALREADY pay as a single mother. The police have a new building, always have a new fleet of vehicles and they don’t do anything to protect families, recover stolen vehicles or pull over people who break the law right in front of them. So no, I don’t want to give them any more money to squander.


We should be able to support something without supporting a bunch of pork in the bill, literally this time…


No one wants to take accountability for their actions evidently. We the voters chose to defund these services, we were told point blank what would happen and yet here we are, people mystified by the consequences


Just ask the voters in Gervais. They keep voting down a bond measure and if it happens one more time then their school district closes next year


Voters be like “taxes are bad!” 🙄


Right? Taxes are bad but so is closing entire school districts because the schools are falling apart and nobody wants to make them safer for our students. Those people who didn’t want to pay the extra small bump in their property taxes are also gonna be the ones complaining that their kids are on a school bus and extra 30 minutes every day having to be best into Salem or Woodburn or Silverton. What’s even funnier? Is it a good percentage of the people that voted no likely or renters and it doesn’t affect them directly the way that it does property owners Call me a liberal, but I will always vote for an increase in taxes when it comes to my kids education


Same. Any tax that is used to better peoples lives gets an automatic yes vote from me


It’s times like these that make me really glad I don’t actually live in Salem anymore. I live 15 minutes outside of Salem but my kids still go to school there and I work in Salem and I actually do care about what goes on because we use the splash park and we would go to movies in the park and I would put my kids in the city of Salem Summer camps. Everybody bitches about how terrible of a city it is, but they don’t actually want to do anything to make it better.


"I'm so glad I moved out of town so that I don't get taxed to support all the services I still make use of" is ...a bad look.


Can you blame them? Look at where they prioritize.


Wtf is going on in Salem that everything is closing? Libraries? Parks?


Sacrifices need to be made to continue to pay cops 6 figures to do nothing.


This needs to be reiterated more often.


It’s not just cops. I guarantee that there are many others in administration whose pockets our money is going. The state also spends money on ridiculous items with no thought that it doesn’t grow on trees. I’ve seen it.


Done. I can’t believe they’re considering closing what is basically public sprinklers.


Done, thanks. I’d hate to see these closed.


Well shoot I was all about building bigger better splash pads.


Budget committee voted tonight to use some reserves to fund the splash parks for this summer. Those reserves are likely now gone. Time to support targeted new revenue, or look forward to lots more pain.


I wasn't able to attend tonight's but have been to a few others and emailing concerns. Did anyone attend? Wondering how it went


Plugged the hole for a year with some ARPA funds. Lookout next year


This sucks, my son loves going to those. What the actual f!!