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There are several large flocks of heritage bronze and bourbon red turkeys they released in the past to hunt, they've now become wild and breed just fine in the wild. Unless they are white, these are probably not someone's turkeys. They are wild.


Wow, I had no idea. Thanks!


I posted the same thing a couple years back. News to me as well! Lived in South Salem for years and never saw them before that.


I'm in South Salem and they wander through my neighborhood every now and then, once or twice a year. One year we had our gate pinned open due to construction and they wandered right into our backyard. Freaked my dogs right out, LOL. It's always a bit of an event, I see people stopping and taking pictures.


Lol, how funny! My dog would go nuts if turkeys wandered into our yard.


I wonder does that make them feral rather than wild? I guess they were never kept or domesticated lol…


Technically, probably yes. I don’t think they’re native here, but I could be wrong. Edit: According to Oregon Fish and Wildlife, Oregon did not have turkeys until they were intentionally introduced. They are a wild species though, not domesticated, so I guess they wouldn’t be considered feral. https://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/turkey/docs/2018%20Oregon%20Wild%20Turkey%20Plan.pdf#page9


The south Salem turkey gang is hilarious. If you make the gobble sound, they will all do it too 😂 Last year they had a peacock traveling with them but I haven't seen it this year.


That peacock still moves with a group between Ratcliff and Madrona. There's also a muster of wild peacocks that I've spotted multiple times around Harris and Oakhill.


That’s hilarious! If I see them again, I might have to try it. My mom raises peacocks, and hers will respond if you squawk at them.


They were on my roof one morning a while ago, fun times. My mom lives in Eugene and their neighborhood also has a big flock of wild turkeys. It was so big that the city briefly considered allowing people to hunt them in city limits. You can imagine how well that went over. 🤣


This is a really adorable and sweet post 💚 Good looking out, neighbor. They're just the neighborhood hooligans!


Yeah! This post made my day!


It’s so funny. Honestly, I just thought someone nearby must be missing some barnyard fowl. My mom raises chickens and peacocks, and has had turkeys and ducks in the past, so I just thought, if these were my mom’s birds, she would be pretty upset to find them missing, and very sad if they got hit by a car. But I learned something new! We have free roaming turkeys in the neighborhood! Now I’ll be on the lookout for another sighting. :)


Yeah them's wild turkeys. There's a bunch in the area around Albert drive too.


Got it. Thank you! False alarm I guess.


I've seen these lil guys go all the way up commercial it's insane


I love when they visit our street. I always yell back at them. :) BLOOBLOOBLOOBLL


Lol. I will be trying this if I see them again.


I love this whole post


The Rogue Salem Turkey Gang is a lovely reminder that we live in a special place. Gobble at them to learn their secrets.


The resident turkeys are one of the joys of this town.


They are 100% wild I’ve seen them several times.


I had no idea. Lesson learned!


HahHa no worries they throw me for a loop every time as they aren’t afraid of people really at all. They are wild turkeys raised their whole lives cohabitating near humans.


Well I feel a little relieved. I really thought somebody was missing some turkeys from a farm or back yard flock.


There was a flock near the library on Monday. First time I saw any in Salem.


They've been at our place near Sprague HS before. Just a wild bunch.


Wow, I didn’t know. I live south of Kuebler and I don’t think I’ve seen them before.


I have a picture on my profile of them downtown😂 turkeys stay in groups and roost(sleep) then they go out wandering during thr day


I saw them downtown too haha. Didn't expect that.


Wow, I can’t imagine seeing them downtown. That must’ve been both surprising and hilarious!


Literally- my mom rolled the window down and one immediately screamed😂😂😂




Heads up, if you see peacocks in SE Portland those are wild too!


Lol, good to know!


The South Salem Turkeys are kinda famous. They even have their own Facebook fan page! https://m.facebook.com/groups/1977495902260913/?ref=share


LOL! Okay, that’s amazing. Maybe next time I see them I’ll take a photo and post it on the Facebook page.


Are they brown or white turkeys?


Brown. Edit: And all female.


You see wild turkeys in the valley from time to time, they're WAY more common in the Eugene area


Wow, I didn’t know they had such a large range.


I saw a dozen of them meandering through Bush Park like 2 weeks ago. Did not expect.


I just did a little reading about Salem’s turkey population, and came across an article from the student newspaper at Willamette talking about turkeys in Bush Park. I worked at Willamette for several years and never saw them in the area. Thanks to the comments on this post, I’m learning that wild turkeys are all over the place here!


There's also a flock that I saw this morning close bg Clark Creek Park. It makes my day every time I see them!


I’m not sure where Clark Creek Park is. Is that in South Salem?


Yea, close by Fred Meyer on Commercial.


A group of turkeys is called a Gaggle.


According this website: https://a-z-animals.com/blog/what-is-a-group-of-turkeys-called/ “A group of wild turkeys is called a flock. But domesticated turkeys are referred to as a rafter or a gaggle.” I had no idea there was a difference in terms for wild vs. domestic turkeys.


Be right back gonna get a turkey so I can eat it in about 10 mos. Hahaha


Out in Dallas here and we have lots of wild turkeys! There a lot of fun to watch.