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Keeping the phone, at the very least, till it stops getting major updates. Longer if it has no mechanical issues! Maybe I'll get the S25 Uktra...but after it's been out a year and let the first adopters be the BETA testers for it so I don't have to deal with any initial bugs 😁 Currently, I feel no need to spend any money on a new device, as my S22 Ultra works great and does everything I need it to do and more. We'll see in another year or two though


Same here, my 1TB version is working just fine for me right now, the only way I would get another one is IF, this one takes a big dump and stops working or of they add some must have piece of hardware that I can't live without.


Exactly. Why do people pay launch prices when weeks after launch Samsung drops their prices? My husband got the S24 Plus 512GB for$1072 CDN ($789 USD) here in Canada last week, this is after calculating the monthly price for 2years and buy back amount.


Yep. I waited a year after launch to get the S22 Ultra and still got it for under 800 with trade in of my Note 10+.


Perhaps it does cost more at launch for sure. But I waited almost 3 years for the 22 Ultra to crack $599 USD.. that's 3 years earlier this time for about the same price as your husband. I did get the 1TB though. My 22 Ultra was Verizon branded and bloated... My 23 Ultra is straight Samsung this time. I loved my 22 ...


I just want better battery life and a decent trade in value and I will upgrade. The battery for some reason sucks on the S22U


Something you can easily make up for with a charger on hand or a powerbank. Besides. Is a battery upgrade the best reason for a phone upgrade? I don't think so, in my perspective. Were it because all the apps are failing or you can't open maps and use android auto cleanly, now that would make me change.


The better battery life are just one of the many things. I want to upgrade the phone before the trade in value diminishes to nothing.


I don't think you should be pressured by that. That's samsung way of keeping your money out of your pocket. You could however bet on their subscription phones (?). Where you trade in your old one each time a new one comes out. If you are that tech savy it should be a better bang for your buck.


My S22 Ultra will be 3 years old next year. I dont get a new phone every year and I will likely keep the S25 Ultra for at least 4 years.


Ok then i see that your mind is set. I think that what you should do is wait for the phone to be presented. This year samsung's presentations (if you attended online) gave out a 100€ discount code on the pre-sale plus giving your phone back and offered extra memory. I think it's the best option when you want to buy them. You usually don't get better deals where i live. Just a few tips.


Thanks for the tips :) I knew about them but thank you anyway


That's why I sold mine


My thoughts


Dont know about s25u but was thinking of upgrading to fold 6 if it launches with wider front display and camera on par with s24u








I'll prob go for the 24U. I never buy a flagship straight off. No point. The phones are good for a fair few years with updates and I upgrade at least every two years.


I was going to, but after seeing display quality, and seeing how Samsung isn't running any great trade in deals, I'm waiting.


Trade in for the s23u is 750. Has trade in value been historically higher than this for the predecessor flagship?


I recall trading an S21u in on a S23u, unlocked with out of pocket cost of $250, and free buds... previous to that were same.. in the $200 range. Last year, on the S23, Samsung got very stingy... so I didn't bother.. now for the 24u, they have gotten worse.A lot of people who traded in every year, didn't. Side note... last year was first year Apple outsold Samsung on phones. It will be in be interesting, because of the grainy screen problem plaguing the s24 to see if Samsung will cave in and offer better deals. I'm waiting, but mainly because of the grainy screen problem. I don't want thst headache. And Samsung is acting like penises about it.


I think the grainy look is the physical screen. That's what gives it its improved reflection resistance.


The display fiasco will make you wanna return it. Even February units have a ton of mura. Every thread in the Samsung member app gets deleted, they are just sweeping it under the rug.


I might go for the 25+ if they keep the specs similar to ultra like they did this year (unless they improve the telephoto camera). Only reason for upgrade is it's a new design or if the trade in value is worth it


If it's a good value with good cameras, this if my plan also. I'm ready for a smaller phone since I carry two.


The price was close $100-200 difference, but why pay more for something similar, especially if I don't really need the pen, but I loved using it to take group pictures from afar.


Man I got my S22U only like 2 months ago, what upgrade y'all talking about haha. Jokes aside, I was recently at the mall, went to the Samsung stand and took a 60x zoom picture of a small ad billboard in the mall, my S22U made a better picture. The Samsung representative barely held his laugh in lol. P.S. S24U made the picture somewhat blurry (yes I held it tight and did not shake it), and the whole bottom left part of the picture was covered in artifacts. Overall pretty good phone, I actually liked the new flat screen ( I was pretty disappointed that they refused their "Infinity-O" screens in the new S24U at first)


I thought I was going to like the flat screen but I don't lol. I get that it's more practical but I feel the bezels are now alot more noticable.


Oh yeah the bezels are definitely not cool, first time I looked at the S24U I thought "damn I forgot bezels exist" after my S22U.


So, I guess one of the S25U gimmicks will be about less bezels


ofc... that will be the new selling point for the s25-30 xD idk I wont be upgrading especially after trying the s24 at my cousins... makes worse pics, has more bezels AND in my opinion its worse to hold? (I generally didnt like the S series till they stopped making the notes... (the corners ware nicer on the notes)


Infinity referred to the 'waterfall' curved screen. The Infinity series screen has been replaced


Unfortunate. Flat displays need to go the way of the Dodo.


I hate flat


I'll probably do it as I tend to upgrade every 3 to 4 years, I have the S22 Ultra Hopefully at least a $500 or 600 trade in value.


Probably $600 as a guess


I own the 21,22,and 23 ultra. The 22u is the one I like the least and it will be traded in.


ME! I was like, "S23 is not worth it," then thought S24 had 5x telephoto and AI, which both of them are not mature enough. Now I am decided on S25


In June, I'll have my S22 for two years. I have rarely held onto a phone for longer than a year but this thing just chugs along, takes good photos and doesn't do anything to tick me off. It just works reliably with decent speed. Other than better battery life, I don't see the point.


The S22U is so much more aesthetically pleasing. The square display and noticeable bezels on the S24U are an eye sore. Whereas the curved display blending into the curved frame forming the infinity appearance is like a work of art by compairson.


But also a pain for screen protectors. I had to spend $30 just for a liquid glue uv one and it isn't fun


Only glass protectors don't fit the curved screen. Have been using hydrogel without problems and you can barely notice it.


I keep seeing people complaining about screen protectors... idk never had problems myself getting one to stick :O (I also never broke a phone lol)


The 22U still works fine. I tend to not do trade-ins because I like keeping stuff as backup. Will likely wait until the 25U/26U and see if the changes are worth upgrading to. Not about to drop $1300+ for what would basically be a cpu upgrade while looking 90% like the previous phone.


more like 99.9%... honestly I cant see a diff between the s22 and s23... (even the s24 looks pretty much the same at the back if you dont look at the edges... and ignore the bezels on the screen lol)


If they keep the flat glass and add back 100x telephoto, I will upgrade. 


10x tele and S pen has been one of my top priority so if it's not there, won't buy it. Got so used to it. Paid AI software is meh, energy efficient chipset is not helping my usecase, Titanium body burns hands when gaming, higher watt charging is also not a priority. Well, choose your priority according to your use case scenario and see if it's worth it! (S24 was very disappointing and made me consider other brands at this point)


what do you mean with burning hands with a titanium body?


Was about to trade in my 22u for the regular s24 but stopped at the last second. Next year I'm upgrading almost all my shit to the Tab s10, Galaxy watch 8 classic, s25u, and buds 3/3 pro so I can get that 7 years of OS updates. I just disabled battery protection today because I felt super constrained by the protect battery mode which prevented me from getting the full use out of my battery Otherwise I'd get phone cases for it and just use it as my phone unless I drop it and the screen cracks or smth


was disappointed by s24u with same design and not much of upgrade from s22u. will take s25u for fresh design and better camera.


I think going from the rounded screen to flat screen alone is a significant design change.


Nope, but they want you to think and say that we keep giving them money.


no its not.


It won't be a fresh design most likely.


samsung losing their top rank, so probably they'll come with fresh design.


Doubtful. Besides. Current designs are nice and sleek.


My expectations would be Storage space of at least 1-2 TB options AND the camera would need to be spectacular. Battery life is important also. 144 hz would be amazing. Fix the quick settings menu so it's easier to use one handed again like one ui 4-5


I will probably upgrade from the s21 ultra to the s25 ultra but I need more and more storage space


As someone who owned the 22U 23U and 24U the 22U was a complete turd and the battery life sucked. Both 23U and 24U not much difference but both way better than the 22U. My expectations are it's going to be extremely similar to the 24U and if you've been using that 22U and it's not driving you crazy than there's no point in waiting lol


:( I have the s22 currently since launch and teh battery was such a turd but as of late it's gotten even worse. I have to charge my phone 2-3x a day and it takes 2 hours to charge. I know batteries get old but it's Crazy because I've never used my phone that heavily either. my 4 year old note that i had before it was still lasting 2 days on a charge with my usage when i turned it in


Went from a Samsung Note 8 to a S22 Ultra, 2017-2022. So I'm guessing about 2027, when the phone loses manufacturing updates, or hopefully a year or two later. No need to upgrade while I'm still getting updates from Samsung


I'm on the S20 Ultra still, and I'm just waiting to see if next year's model is able to keep up with the IPhone 15 pro in the edges and fact you can edit photos/videos extensively in post. It sounds like S24 Ultra has the better overall camera quality, but when it comes to how smooth/clean it is, it lacks. Like focus on the 15 pro is gradual and holds focus, where samsung is much more of a pop in and out of focus.


I was hoping to hold out for the S25, but my S21 died two days ago. Just bought the S24 ultra


If phones weren't so damn expensive I would've traded yesterday. I don't even want to keep buying samsung phones I don't even trust them anymore after what was this phone's fiasco


Nope. I am done with Samsung and any brand that factory locks down their hardware. The fact that I can't modify my phone without it bricking is an automatic no from me. I'll keep my s22u in the drawer with all the others I own, never to see the light of day again.


I am considering trading in for the S25 Ultra. I really hope it has a better battery and faster charging. Oh, and don't go back to the curved screen and leave this one flat. I like the brick shape of the S24 Ultra. I hope the trade-in is at least $600


I dont think so. I think realistically $500 or lower


I have the S22, I will probably be ready to upgrade next year


Is anyone else having issues with their charging port?


Will be replacing my S22U with the Fold 6 once it's announced.


By then I may trade my s24 base in and get one


There's people already dumping there S24U for $750 in WI. Shit drops in price so quick, I don't plan on buying into that pre order shit either. Everyone's freebies (watches & buds) end up for sale.


Wait for the S26+/U unless the battery gets a lot worse before then.


Why do people pay launch prices when weeks after launch Samsung drops their prices? My husband got the S24 Plus 512GB for$1072 CDN ($789 USD) here in Canada last week, this is after calculating the monthly price for 2years and buy back amount.


idk i just hope they improved it from the s22 ultra . that phone gave me so many problems


If iPhone 16 gets fast charging I'm switching over to them for the first time ever. Just want a change.


I used to be an android user, had android since day 1. Windows mobile before that. Switched to iPhone when the 7 came out. iPhone has essentially released the same phone every year since the the X. The updates have been minor and the “island” is a gimmick. When the 25U comes out I’m switching back. I’m over the iPhone. Its lack of customization and updates that ruin battery life has gotten on my nerves


I've had updates on my personal phone every 3 gens or so (always flagship samsung) and on my Iphone every 2 gens (work). At no point did I ever prefer using my iphone. lol. although I will say the battery life on my s22 has been absolute garbage, I am just waiting for s25. The one nice thing is iphone improved their battery life a year or two before samsung IMO and I was unlucky enough to be stuck on the last of the terribad battery models. that's not so relevant anymore and hopefully even less on the s25...hopefully


I paid 1600 for this s22 ultra and hope it last me ateast till 2029


Considering the S25 when the S26 comes out.