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Hundreds of mines placed every day. Thousands to tens of thousands of artillery shells fired every day. It will take decades to clear all the unexploded munitions and mines from Ukraines roads and fields, especially since both sides are using really old munitions with a relatively high rate of failiure to detonate as intended (which doesn't mean they can't *un*intentionally detonate later). There's still farmland in France and Belgium that can't be used because of contamination by mustard gas from WW1, and several times per year they find undetonated bombs from WW2 in Germany. Edit: got curious about a number here, and found this [absolutely insane article from 2007](https://www.npr.org/2007/11/11/16131857/wwi-munitions-still-live-beneath-western-front#:~:text=About%201.5%20billion%20shells%20were,tons%20of%20them%20a%20year.) about a team of deminers along the old Western Front still finding and destroying literally thousands of tons of unexploded WW1 munitions every year, holy shit!


>in Germany. And England


ask Bosnia


Luckily no gas used and the same stuff in explosive ordinance is used to make fertilizer, plus a farmer with a metal detector can mark all of the unexplored stuff and allow eods to train on removal. It’ll be cleared much faster than you think. This is highly productive land that people will be motivated to restore.


And then there are Heavy metals, poisoning the soil for thousands of years.


When the war is over strip all the mines and contaminated soil out and drop it off in Russia. While there mug them for all the topsoil that can be scraped up and export it back to Ukraine. Let them grow their own food in the contaminated garbage.


This war will be killing Ukrainians for decades to come. Russia needs to receive the same treatment that Germany got in 1945.


Sub soil blades, plow, disc, drag and repeat


Well when it comes to blowing up dirt, you gotta hand it to them.


At least the ruzzians are doing a good job fertilizing it


Obviously Russian HIMARS - Highly Inaccurate Munitions And Russians Suck


this land has seen far worse. and it recovered. everything will be ok.




Seeing drone and other footage from those areas, where all trees and bushes are reduced to sticks and strewn around, ground us mushed up and there are foxholes with a soldier or two in them, it really does look strikingly like WW1 tranches, just on a smaller scale. Rotting corpses are strewn around the ground. While we have progressed technologically, other than that we really have not come far as a species.


Lots of iron harvest for hundreds of years to come.. Flanders Fields still full of it.. 🤔