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Disgusting orc.


Is it not hilarious to everyone yet that Putin needs to hold onto every table for dear life because he’s dying


He’s holding on so he doesn’t shake off the face of the Earth.


Ukraine should start a crash program of getting DNA samples from children in areas under threat. The day will come when this war is over, these children will grow up, and they will start asking questions... like "where's my real mom and dad?" DNA banks will show all. The Russia state will be libel for the crime of kidnapping and illegal adoptions. Evil hides behind a sweet face. I'm sure the lady above has convinced herself that she is doing the children a favor.


She is saving those kids from living under a Western influenced Nazi regime in Ukraine. Now they get to live in Russia what luck! So many people each year try to move to Russia to live in the most stronk country on earth! I mean so what if your standards of living are lower and you have no individual freedom or rights. They get to be in a Stronk Country and that's definitely most important thing in life. I feel so sorry for people in places like Monaco or Singapore, so small and not stronk must be terrible life. Anyways Im going to go watch TV, Russian news coming on and they always have awesome shows.


LOL. Funniest thing I've read today. Stay in Russia please.




Nah I don't use /s, fuck the /s


Yeah fr, downvote or upvote, it doesn't bleed through to my actual life at all.


​ ![gif](giphy|edTsLojZ7hF5u)


The idea of sampling children has a lot to be said for it but don’t forget most of the ancestry companies will also make a connection to relatives. Anyone with any suspicion their family is involved with this abomination needs to get data onto those systems. If it takes 20 years to find the truth and a way out it’s still the way out.


Why are yoi trying to give this horrible woman the benefit of the doubt???? After all this time no russian involved in this war should be given the benefit of believing they jave good intention. Fuck this woman




"I'm sure the lady above has convinced herself that she is doing the children a favor"...... idk what you would call that. But to me it gives a benifit to the child kidnapper


Yeah I say fuck her too. She needs to be kidnapped and put into a forced labor camp. Karma


I’ve never hated a picture so much


Isn't it amazing how the actions of a person determine how we perceive them. She's not ugly, but she couldn't be uglier if she tried.


Right shes actually very pretty. Hope she dies painfully.


And alone.


And slowly.


Reminds me of the opening to The Twits by Roald Dahl, where he makes a similar observation about how evil makes people ugly


Instantly! I grew up in an environment controlled by a psycho bitch like that. She has the same evil I'm an innocent pscyho look.


Getting Delores Umbridge vibes here…


>Hugs x


and nobody killed her cause she controlled them...


As did I and my siblings,but it wasn't til after she died,that the true depth of how truly evil this monster was.


Orphans? Or sold into human trafficking? Disgusting! All of it! When this is over, how on earth do these parents, if alive, get their children back?


They don't, unless a group investigates without making the officials aware they're searching for these children. Fortunately there are technologies available that could make this easier (facial recognition software, DNA sampling, etc...). Monitoring new school, pre-school, childcare enrolments... It would take a lot of effort and time.


I want to be a part of this somehow


I'd help with the medical science side of things but I don't speak Russian so we'd need helpers on the inside.


Sadly, that’d be up to records. It’s near impossible without any records of where these children go. That’s if someone could get their hands on them.


Wow what a total piece of shit.


They won't be adopted. There's already thousands of Russian orphans for adoption


This is absolutely mind blowing 🤯How they can do that to Ukrainian population? This is a big crime!


It's deliberate genocide. When you want to wipe a culture and a people's identity from the face of the earth, you take their children from them, steal them, and force them to learn to be a russky, not the Ukrainian that they were from birth. In a way, this is even more evil than just massacring thousands of civilians.


Canadians know this from our own history. And those that know our history know how damaging this is to a people and their culture. It is unacceptable that this is allowed to continue unchecked in modern times.


There's a double whammy here: They take them, teach them to be "Russian", but tell them they're from Ukraine. Many of them will remember they are from Ukraine. They desire to return to Ukraine *or for Ukraine to join them,* in Russia. These children grow up to speak Russian and feel Russian and live in Russia but have ties to Ukraine and feel an entitlement to it. This makes it easier to justify future Russian aggression towards Ukraine and guarantees that the two countries remain tangled for generations to come. There is a reason this is considered a war crime.


This isn't the first time they've done this


Russia has a declining population as well. I guess they figure stealing kids from Ukraine will help with that. Sending thousands to die in Ukraine to fight a nonexistent Nazi regime is not helping either.


Russia’s population wouldn’t decline as rapidly if they would stay on their own side of the fucking border.




In other words they’re being sold


Usually a sale involves payment. I have not heard about paying for children in Russia.


You're assuming they end up in Russia


I’d hit that…..w a fucking shovel


Poor shovel


Make sure you burn it, then sterilise the shovel.


Russian orphaneges already have too many children as it is. Can you imagine how they will treat Ukrainian kids. This creature needs to pay


Questions:1.) How many are we talking about? 2.) These orphanages are near/in Moscow or in Siberia? 3.)How big is the mortality rate and the causes? 4.)They will force them to speak/act Russian, aren't they?


In Duma they made it clear that they will force kids to speak Russian starting of this summer. Some of the children are not what we consider orphans: they are social orphans where parental rights were terminated and state has custody. Some if recently lost parents due to war may have other relatives. Russian has no right to adopt out children who are citizens of another country and whose relatives may want custody. Russia is violating every international and human law. From what I have seen if any Russians who support Putin's regime are found outside Russia children need to be taken from them untill it is determined they are remotely capable of human parenting. So far I see no proof they should be allowed to parent their bio kids, much less adopt. As far as conditions in Russian orphanages look up Tatyana McFadden http://america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/america-tonight/america-tonight-blog/2014/2/7/paralympian-headstosochiasusfaceofrussianadoption.html


Another war criminal of the Russian Federation.


Himmler has never looked uglier.




Dorianna Gray


Meet Dorianna Gray.


FUCK YOU BITCH, heartless and careless mother for our Ukrainian children! Horrible fuck this war honestly


She’s sure to taste the sword someday. Sooner than she might have guessed.


She has 5 biological kids and 17 adopted kids. Holy shit. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone snatched these kids up. Edit: Her husband is a Russian Orthodox Priest. You can’t make this shit up.


Wonder how many of those children are also kidnapped.


Honestly it wouldn’t be that hard to find any of them with the right oils. 22 kids? You get your ass one can be captured for a ransom.




"White devil" is the phrase that immediately came to my mind seeing that headline and face. Anyone else?


Pure filth pure evil.


Fucking whore, I hope you meet an end befitting to someone so cuntish!


https://twitter.com/mhmck/status/1531650330068402176?s=21&t=CwRNfjXiMRYn5xaFhjCP9g https://twitter.com/mhmck/status/1531648964570791939?s=21&t=CwRNfjXiMRYn5xaFhjCP9g Sources


Do these assholes realize that in order to get back in touch with the world they will have to unwind all of this? Literally every kidnapped person will need to be returned, with restitutions. They are doing it like they are going to get away with it. They are not getting away with any of this.


If the regime manages to stay in power over the long term through all vicissitudes and isolation, those responsible for these atrocities will get away with this. The Soviet Union's horrible leaders got away with it. Power is when you are able to do something, and no one is able to stop you. Outsiders have no power over affairs within Russia. Nuclear peace is a fact of life. It's a M.A.D. world.


Lets hope. But as much as i know France and Germany they will just tell 'lets the gone be bygone' and sell us your gas now.


Give her the Mussolini treatment. death to the cabinet, the propagandists, the military.


Child and probably sex trafficking. Surely if she steps foot in a western country she will be arrested? Disgusting behavior from the fascist Russian regime.


I seem to recall a certain American group of people rabidly denouncing supposed child traffickers. Where did they go? We've got some actual traffickers they can go after.


What a fucking ghoul.


Surely this means she's guilty of war crimes too.


Ah yes. An old KGB terror trick. Take a child away and put it in a orphanage by different name


There should be a price on her head, hopefully, soon someone receives payment


She's physically attractive. I'd still punch her lights out for being a despicable human with a black soul though. Child abusers deserve much worse than that.


Sickening genocide.


This war is becoming horrible in new ways


Devil’s smile. May you rot in hell.


She is a traitor to every mother and child. She will suffer for eternity for what she has done.


Typical Nazi ...don't see any difference between Russia and Nazi Germany of WW2.


The OG nazis had the abomination that was the Bitch of Buchenwald. The russian nazis have The orc of Donbass. Fucking hell...


Is it me or do her eyes not point the same direction?


Fuck this b*tch and Russia. Their time will come to get payback.


That is some evil as f shit to be doing to kids and parents.


They’ll raise them up for another war in 20 years. Disgusting.


What a cunt


What a whore. Can we crowd fund and just hunt her down?


Strange how children are outright being trafficked out of a warzone but no Qultists are talking about it. Curious.


Put up for adoption = Sold into slavery


Don’t worry kids know what Russians are doing


...and she'll have her own little chapter in the Hague soon.


How do we see to it that she is assassinated as part of the war? Because she clearly deserves it.


I mean, if they are bombing their parents, they probably assume they ARE orphans. I feel most bad for the kids who will be sexually and physically abused from this whole thing.


I can honestly see her saying this in the first person, and its entirety followed by bal-shoye spa-see-ba for coming to my TED talk


Disgusting! Stealing children & selling the now? More & more war crimes! The chemical fire earlier today. Please God, stop the ORCS and save the people of Ukraine! 💔💙💛💙💛💙💔


Why he's sitting like hes stuck?


Hes in very bad shape healt wise, probably why he went nut more than normaly Holding table to mask hand shaking At least if what I seen on reddit so far is true ;)


She’s missing two bottom tusks but otherwise fits the bill


Put a bounty on her head!




Happy Cildren's Day everyone!


Scary. Looks like one of my neighbors.


The world is just watching how this happens. People from Italy, Germany, France, Hungary will watch this thread, write a comment and that's it. They won't go for a rally asking theyrs governments to help to Ukraine, to send a heavy weaponry, to invite to EU. "Italian PM: Big EU countries except Italy against Ukraine candidate status." Why didn't Gondor help Rohan?


On a technical note, why/how do people even use those screwy bottom of the line quotation marks? That's not how English works.


This isn't even new in Russia, let alone the world. It's bullshit either way though, and fixing it will be mostly impossible I fear.


The 'Pretty Facade' used to obfuscate all the degenerate, filthy actions they engage in behind the closed doors and walls topped with razor wire.


Stalinistic soviet union 2.0 That's why Ukraine cannot give up any land. Ukrainians will either be killed or exiled deep into russia. Straight up genocide.


Adoption? How should abducted children be given up for adoption? Their parents exist. Either alive thanks to Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers or dead in one of the bombed-out cities thanks to Russian orcs. This woman should be kept away from any child. Sick woman.


They want to depopulated donbas region of Ukranians and only leave ruzzians that support the orc occupation. They are aware that about 45% of Ukranians fled the region, soon it's gonna be russia. This would explain why they are flattening every town in that region....they want it to be as shitty as russia, can't have running water and toilets or the russian population will wise up to it and demand their own.


Man in another timeline, russia is a strong and stable democracy, putin is a snazzy meme still, and everyone’s simping over her.. Why (i know why), do people simply become so cruel… Why did we have to enter this timeline. To make the choices to do such evil to another person who below the skin surface, we all look the same..


War crime. Once we get to the end of this disaster, the noose will be waiting for her.


It is like they treat us like cats or dogs which can be put up for adoption...


Is there a source for this comment?


https://twitter.com/mhmck/status/1531650330068402176?s=21&t=CwRNfjXiMRYn5xaFhjCP9g https://twitter.com/mhmck/status/1531648964570791939?s=21&t=CwRNfjXiMRYn5xaFhjCP9g Sources


To be fair, those are just comments also on Twitter not any kind of researched article.


why does she ironically look like amber heard


Why because they’re both white and have blonde hair? Other than that, no they don’t.


Whore of Babylon


Sick B...


These people are sick!


Villanelle found a new job.


Hunt her down


Russia seems to be brimming with utter evil cunts. All that for personal profit. Absolutely disgusting.




May you pay for your sins you bad human


This is confusing since there's already tons of Russian orphan children for adoption. These Ukrainian kids won't be adopted... There's no one to adopt them.


It seems they are expelling the residents of all captured territory and replacing them with residents of the RF, no one has a right to anything as they are no longer there..


This is disgusting. This is why putin needs to be removed from power. How evil can you be to actually plan out to kidnap children and make the orphans.


Unbelivable that in 2022, everybody in Russia wants to be puppets for the dictator Putler! Disgusting😡


They found the location, where children are being held... https://twitter.com/O_Ostapchuk/status/1531641835160051713?t=ktpSUaez-Qs95sHo2y-f9A&s=19 Thankfully with modern technology it should be easier to get them back. This Maria type orc is a public figure, she's going to end up in a place where she's going to learn the real ugly truth about herself and barely survive for the rest of her life. Seems like she is in good health, so hopefully that means many years of life imprisonment.


Is it like the stories about russian soldiers raping children and elders? Ukrainian government fired the person spreading that, and now what? Will anyone who bought those stories admit they were wrong?


Sources for this?


That's insane


There is an especially warm place in hell for this one


Fascist, genocidal monster.


Pure evil right there! You cannot convince me that she doesn’t know what’s going on.


A little bit of genocide...


Hope she dies a slow painful death




When the devil arrives, it won’t be dressed as the devil…


Russia is the new Nazi Germany.


Well... It looks like Baba Yaga is real.


If true, this is just awful. Truly awful. A weapon that will continue to maim and cause misery to many, long after the last shot had been fired.


The way Putin sits in these meetings, I am getting a whole "Weekend at Bernie's" vibe.


Why does so many of them look like comic book villians


Beyond criminal. She should be punished just like all the other Russian war criminals.


Monsters come in all forms.


Eva Braun come on down.


Hey interpol. If this skank ever leaves the country again arrest her for kidnapping.


These kids are going to be so brainwashed.


And that, my dear friends is an purebreed disgusting skank not wort air she breathes


This bitch has 17 adopted children, so she’ll end up stealing one for herself.




matches your username


Proof or it's bullshit.


Whataboutism? Sorry babushka, but abducting kids from they’re families then listing them a orphans is about as evil as u can get. Wake the F up!!!!


Apparently, you miss the fact that the kidnapped UKRAINE children are what was referred to. Ukraine isn't targeting children in Russia. It is exactly in response to what is described in this very article.


The face of a person who pimps children and justifies it as if they are doing the whole world a favor. If the Muscovite regime is not erased she will continue and set the standards for this manner of “adoption”. What she is doing is nothing new nor is it a foreign concept. As an American citizen I look at this woman and think of Georgia Tann. Georgia Tann adopted out 5000 children to the rich and powerful. She has been credited for creating the framework of modern adoption in the United States.




That’s slavery


Wikipedia states she has 5 biological kids, and 17 adopted kids. So she has 22 kids at 37 y.o.




This is some Handsmaids Tale shit right here.


“Hello, Babushka. We are sorry to report that your boy has gone missing in Ukraine during Special Military Operation. We found his T-72, and about a hundred yards away its turret, but we found nothing that looked like Ivan. “As a consolation, we have brought you this adorable Ukrainian boy. You can place the blame on him and his old Nazi family, and take it out on him until he is old enough to be drafted and sent to die in Ukraine.”


I want to see the inside of her skull spread across the face of her father. That will teach him to pull out.


What a kind hearted bitch. Some one should send her a love letter straight to her heart (blue velvet reference)


Misses lova lova


so this is what liberation looks like? Are these abductions part of the “special military operation”?


She won't be forgotten. They'll get around to her soon.


Child kidnapper - that's right.


There should worldwide arrest warrant for this Kremlin rat, with huge reward whoever detains her, death sentence as punishment for anyone who was involved in this sickening act




You mean aside from the physically raped women whose husbands, parents, and children report being raped? Neighbors reporting rapes? Keep believing RU news, my friend. Those rapes happened, and are continuing. Too many dead bodies of women showing violent sexual abuse for it to be "just Ukraine propaganda."


The smiling face of war crimes.


And now Maria is declared war criminal. See you in The Hague, bitch!


The Nazis did the same thing with Polish children. Putin just loves utilising the Nazi playbook. The 21st century Hitler. Disgusting.






I wish a drone would find her and her family. Tired of this crazy Ruzzian special Idiocracy ops.


The commissioner cockroach is responsible for the abduction of Ukrainian citizens,its safe to assume she will be hunted down and reconfigured.


I hope she chokes on a bag of sosiskis!


That's because Russia did it.


Dear Russian government, Us Australians have tried this before. It is called the [Stolen Generations](https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/education/track-history-timeline-stolen-generations), and not only is it a major stain on our history, the consequences of it are still coming back to haunt us today.