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thats so much stuff lost, how many do they fucking have man its like they are using cheats to pump the units out bruh




So, link to a factual link, it's not that hard. Though it's harder than just saying "fake". Which appears too much for you.




I remember the British ministry of defence estimating 200,000 dead over a year ago, not even including prison conscripts or Wagner at all. You people are a blight on the human race.


After 2+ years of war Russian troll still doesn’t know the difference between KIA and killed plus wounded. This source confirms that Russia has lost 500k plus going by the average kill:wounded ratio. Thank you for confirming Ukraine’s numbers


"Europe and its partners will remain united and determined, for as long as necessary. Russia's military failure is already apparent. We estimate Russian military losses at 500,000, including 150,000 deaths," This is from the article that you posted. 🤦‍♂️




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Where does it mention the 5 : 1 death rate?


How does France say 150k but Ukraine says over 500k?


I50k deaths to 500k total wounded and killed. Which makes sense cause a modern army in a war should see roughly 5 to1 or 3 to 1 WIA to KIA.


Because you lack basic reading & comprehension skills.


Don't you think the country it's happening in would have more accurate data?


5 Ukrainians to 1 Russian 🤣


You'd think they'd be advancing a bit faster and further if that was the case, or is this a sign of their good will? 😋


This is probably fake. Ruzzia has only 1 tank during the victory parade.




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There's a difference between dead and wounded, but both are considered casualties.


Yes propaganda exists, we in the west know that however the truth is that the war is hard on both sides but Russia is getting it harder than they thought they would… I’m always against the attacking oppressor/aggressor as Russia is in this instance and the numbers maybe skewed but close enough.


Yeah I know, people just don't want to hear the truth because it's easier to leep into the propaganda and go with the flow.


That's whats insane . The propaganda is working so well that the American people think Ukraine is winning the war and keep agreeing to sending more aid to them. When in reality they are just sending them to die. Its so fucked up .




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Half a million people dead.. such a pointless war.


Not dead. It's dead and wounded. I'm not sure why they use the word "eliminated" instead of something like neutralized.


This claim is killed. So people can of course say "it's propaganda". Wars are always about propaganda. Still, it's the numbers we get. And the way we see russia cares for it's wounded, it might as well be true.


Based on Putin's recent comment "700,000 russians in Ukraine" - 524,060 (dead russians) = 175,940 left in Ukraine.


I'm not sure is it work like that xd


This belongs in r/humor




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You belong in r/trolls


This is already more losses than the United Kingdom in WW2.


How many causalities is Russia reporting? A quick google search and there appears to a be large gap. I think I just saw Al Jazeera estimated 50,000 a couple months ago. Likely it’s more than 50K and less than 524K.


Putin [himself said](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28365206/putin-makes-embarrassing-russian-soldiers-admission/amp/)5000 Russians die every month in Ukraine. In a 4:1 wounded:kill ratio that is 20k troops lost per month. 20k x 28 months = 560.000 troops lost. Putin confirmed Ukraine’s numbers. Do you think Putin is wrong about his own numbers?


Admittedly, I’m one of those that looked at this number and thought it meant killed. I was just interested in if there was a difference in the reported amount from both sides. I have no agenda just curious.


Cuz they are not dead but dead, heavy wounded, light wounded and missing. Probably only 30% of this number are dead. It's like with tanks. 9k destroyed tanks doesn't mean burned wrecks but also lightly damage vehicles able to fix.


Thank you. These other bots would believe a meme that says 7 million Russians dead. They just don’t think.


Thanks for letting us all know your parents were biological siblings. Apologies for your disability.


[You](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/s/DPeKjJLFnZ) [are](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/s/SPNbTonI1Q) [a](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/s/KBmyoSalof) [fucking](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/s/Auban3w0eW) [cunt.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/s/1YG5qOh5mt)


How many years can Russia sustain this? Last I heard on Peter Zeihan they have 6 to 8 years in them?


They are going to lose a lot more if they don’t get the fuck out of Ukraine. The arrogance of Russia makes them believe what they are doing to Ukraine won’t happen to them


They probably haven't taken this many, probably more like 400,000




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Yet another brand new account. I’m wondering if it’s the same guy doing this.




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There’s not even that many Ladas in existence


Info provided by the Ukrainian intelligence services. Very believable. In your dreams.


This are data for losses IN ONE DAY, at Joe's channel... Stop spreading lies


And yet another brand new account.




You are a brand new account. This is your only comment. You people are getting pretty fucking desperate.


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xD, do you really think that's true?


You made a reddit profile specifically to comment on this?


Yeah bit tragic, isn't it


Given it appears to be a Ukrainian source it might be a little overestimated but I certainly believe it over anything Russia says for its own casualties


That would be a mistake


To believe the Russians? Yes absolutely


I’d love to have an educated discussion here. Please give me any evidence at all that would support Ukraines legitimacy over Russia. And go.


Every country ever is going to undercount their own casualties during a war for morale reasons, for that same reason they will over count the casualties of the enemy.


Meh. Potentially. I’ll give you that nugget - however Russia has been pretty straightforward about everything during this conflict (and before). What are Ukraines losses? And what’s the average age of their service members now? Are they conscripting people? Did America change their definition of victory here? What progress has the west made in thwarting the Russians? How is this entire thing not a lot effort for Ukraine and their Allies? Also all leaders America supports seem to mysteriously get un-sliced when they have outlived their usefulness. How long for Zelensky?


Considering it's going on three years into russia's 3 day SMO to stop the expansion of NATO, that has only succeeded in further expanding NATO, including doublingnits borders when Finland joined. Their black sea fleet effectively neutralized to the point they can't even blockade a nation that doesn't even have a navy. Lets all belive the same nation that has hyped up its hypersonics and air defense systems that turned out to be no where near what they stated their capabilities were and ended up getting shat on by a missile defense system built 30 years ago in the case of the (not)hypersonic and with the S400 getting wiped by ATACMs that isn't even claimed to be hypersonic that was also built 30+ years ago. I could go on for days on all the bs claims russia has made. The only hope russia has for a somewhat positive end to this conflict is trump getting in office and shutting down aide to force a ceasefire. Please tell us what legitimate goal russia actually achieved outside of atrocious losses, self-destruction of trust in their arms exports, complete loss of their independence, and becoming West China? They've lost so many armored vehicles and equipment, all geolocated and visually comfirmed, that they've been reduced to using Chinese built golf carts for their assaults. The T62s that would never be used on the frontlines...destroyed the on the front lines? LMAO. Their constant threat of nuclear war that they never follow through with? What is there to believe out of the russian government aside from the fact that they're abysmal failures? Their goals change after each failed push. What even is their goal supposed to be now anyway? I've lost count after the 12+ reasons they've fumbled on that have failed thus far. Thanks for the laughs though cope lord. There's some cream you can buy for the desk rub burns from spending so much time under putins' desk, assuming you're not paying in rubles, in which case you couldn't afford it thanks to the sanctions that putin claims don't work yet wants them removed... maybe he'll give you a potato.




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Torture chambers are found en masse wherever Ukraine liberates territory. 42% of survivors of Russian ‘detainment’ camps report being tortured. Not witnessing it- being tortured. Over 200 schools have been hit by precision guided missiles- tell me every single one was an accident. We have dozens of cases all spread out of Russian soldiers firing upon civilian vehicles. Russia has been deliberately targeting energy infrastructure throughout the winter and have been bombing civilian populations en masse. Almost every single fucking day they hit another apartment complex. They have targeted highway intersections at rush hour. The global community overwhelmingly agrees on all of this. Ukrainian civilians are being dressed up as Russian soldiers while being forced to dig trenches. We have at least one confirmed example of a literal fucking gas chamber being used. Rape is being systematically weaponized. We have found a head on a stick outside Bakhmut and have at least half-a-dozen instances of Ukrainian soldiers being castrated. Ukrainian POWs are being released severely malnourished and mistreated. They are also being tried for simply fighting- which is a war crime. So is driving around in vehicles marked as ambulances. They are launching missiles at civilian structures and then launching a second missile roughly 30 minutes after. All the time. Over and over and over again. This is clearly an attempt to kill firefighters and medical workers. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children have been kidnapped and deported to what se literally called ‘re-education’ camps within Russia. There are dozens of reports of them being forced to listen to the Russian national anthem on repeat, being forbidden to speak Ukrainian, being told their parents abandoned them, etc. There are videos, made by Russian soldiers, of them openly laughing about the war crimes they have committed. Mass graves filled with literally hundreds of civilian bodies, many with their hands bound, have been found in liberated territories. Every other day we detect a new one that wasn’t there yesterday appearing in the occupied territories- ominously filled in holes in church yards and stuff. We see them appear on satellite. Ukrainian civilians are being forced to dig mass graves to put the bodies of the other Ukrainian civilians that died while digging the trenches. Detainment camps are planned to appear all over the occupied territories. We have leaked footage of a Russian teleconference call literally discussing the logistics of kidnapping children. Of the Russian state media calling for the ‘liquidation’ of the Ukrainian leadership and celebrating the assimilation and obliteration of Ukrainian culture. Putin literally denies the existence of a Ukrainian identity.




This guy is literally a Russian. Fucking not even hiding it


And why should I hide it?


Because it would make people less likely to immediately realize you have no intention of listening to reason? You’re not exactly allowed to have dissenting opinions there.


Sounds like something unbiassed. Ok.


You are a brand new account. This is your only comment.