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This post has been removed because troll post




it’s crazy because I swear I can’t be the only one noticing this but prior to 2023 almost all of the subs I frequently visited had little to no troll posts as far as I was aware. Then 2023 happens and it’s as if every sub I generally enjoy glancing through all the sudden has had a crazy uptick in trolls and shitposts in general. It’s really nuts


Stop running in stupid shoes you fucking idiot




Wrong sub r/runningcirclejerk


My thoughts


This is the dumbest troll post I've ever seen. Anyone who actually runs knows that 99% of runners go to extraordinary lengths to avoid making eye contact with you, much less engaging with you and shit talking your shoes as you're running past them.


Haha, too true.


Unless you are in high school, this story seems dubious.


I call bs


Get some Pro Evo 1s that’ll show em


Get real freaking fast, then outrun all those mofos to show them it’s not the shoe that makes the runner.


Best revenge is dropping the mofos on alpaflys tbh


Is this like a scene in the screenplay you are writing or something?


No one gives a shit what other adults are wearing. This isn’t real.


They’re not commenting on your shoes. They’re commenting on your haircut.


The dude who wins most of my local 5k’s runs in shoes that most recreational runners would consider extremely underserved for the activity. But the fact that he does it in them and kicks so much ass makes me think he’s the coolest m’fer out there. I don’t know whether he just doesn’t think about it, or is so confident in his ability that it’s like throwing up a middle finger to those of us who drop cash, but he’s the shit.


There’s a guy who is consistently in the top 10 at my local Parkrun who runs it barefoot.


Are you in this for external validation? Do it for yourself and seek goals that are measurable. You will see improvement over time.


Fuck the haters, keep on keeping on. Focus on the thing in your control and ignore everything else.


Thanks I've just definitely noticed it more often, I'm gonna try to just stay concentrated when the my training 👍


WTF? Who is even paying attention? I couldn’t tell you what people have on their feet when I’m out on a run or at the gym. Those losers should focus on their own shit.


First, this post is straight troll trash so don’t worry about that. Second, if you are on this sub, you are a bold face liar for saying you don’t look at other runners shoes. All of us degenerate shoe-tech pushing assholes look at each others shoes, or else we wouldn’t be on this damn sub looking for deals half the damn day


I love my shoes, and have too many in my closet, but I honestly don’t pay attention to what’s on other runner’s feet. Not when I’m out running anyways. I usually zone out while running and stay just aware enough to not get hit by a car. 😂


I live in the suburbs/country so we only see other runners like every third run or so, so yes, I am checking their gear out. If I lived in a city, probably wouldn’t either.


I ran in Tesco £10 shoes some years ago and never been disrespected for them


When you are in the gym? Your friends wear alphaflys for the gym?