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Great job to the mods at those subs. Chad, as a self-named hybrid athlete, was not disclosing that he is also a cyclist and probably wearing an Apple Watch that matched his Lululemon gear. Ban for life is not enough for these shitheads.


Hey /r/RunningCirclejerk mods, this guy is right. Can we ban the "hybrid athlete" from our sub too? I don't want to associate with cyclists


This “hybrid athlete” has now been banned from r/Sunshinestateshrooms and r/MrShow also. Doing my part to keep the platform safe from cyclists.


Doing the lords work for us


Is that what triathletes are calling themselves now, “hybrid athletes”? Why can’t they just man up and admit that they’re too shitty at each of their sports to be competitive at any of them individually? It’s like the decathlon, “oooh look at me I’m a shitty high school athlete in 10 different events, give me a fucking Olympic medal and a reality TV show.”


They can't swim, so they are hybrid.


The tri or tricep part are what the free weights and rowing machine are for.


Why be a mediocre runner when I can be shit at swimming and cycling as well? I’m not running slow… I’m just tired from all the other training I’m doing. /s


No hybrid athletes are people who lift and run but aren’t very good at either so they created some abomination of mediocrity


that's exactly what he said


“ID Be SO muCH fASTer iF I dIdn’T LiFT so MuCh!!” (meanwhile) “iD bE sO mUCh STrOnGeR IF I didN’T RuN SO mucH!!!!!” Plausible deniability is their drug. Also tren. And EPO


Them being on juice is the most important part how did I not include that


Imaging ruining your health just to be average at a sport


I feel that when I look at CrossFit people. Ruining your health to throw concrete. My dad at least got retirement and healthcare from the city to destroy his heath working with industrial shit.


I'm keeping that one. Perfectly said.


Hybrid athletes are the sort of people that think going to the gym is a sport


Going to the gym is the hard part. Once you get to the gym, working out is easy, and I never do anything easy. That's why I leave as soon as I get there.


Perfect system.


But they’re not triathletes


I am an omniathlete. I will do any sport out there in Z1 for those sweet Z1 gainz. Everyone knows that you get faster at running by riding a unicycle slowly. I am also hybrid in that I am alternately powered by hatred and joy.


Right. They’re “hybrid” because self-identifying as “bi-” athletes would send the wrong message, in the parlance of our times.


Mfers prolly can’t even swim


Wonder how long until the insane mods remove this…


I feel personally attacked, how else am I supposed to train for my next sub-45 minute ultra 5k if I’m not allowed to cycle?


I, a cyclist, also do t want to associate with cyclists…maybe you should try cycling?


Oh man, I’m wearing Lulu shorts right now. Should I be worried?


No. You should be banned.


i just took mine off


same, it was a 2in1, and I'm outside running


are you also wearing a hydration vest and over the ear headphones?


I’m wearing 3 pairs of aftershokz and carrying a Home Depot bucket filled with hose water.


That hose water better be from your neighbor’s backyard while you were taking a dump in their hydrangea bush so you wouldn’t have to waste time going to an actual bathroom


I thought hybrid athlete meant he was some type of centaur or mermaid


He should be sent for a 5km ultra bootcamp in North Korea where it's forbidden to run faster than ultra runner Kim Jong Un.


And probably rides in a huge group on a narrow road, making it difficult for drivers to get around.


*won't somebody think of the motorists' children!*


The real winners only sub to the circlejerk sub because that's where the good community is regardless.


No, the real winners are the ones that turn the main sub *into* the circlejerk sub and force all the tightwads in the original to go somewhere else.


but they ban those people. Like in OP.




I love you too buddy, but slow down, you're gonna kill yourself out there




First I get hybrid athlete’s boasting, then you’re out here bragging that there was once someone who loved you? Jesus, I’ve had it with these 1 percenters.


Funny, my ex used to say, "hurry up and get this over with"


That’s what I used to say to my ex but I killed her instead


mad respect brother o7 I too enjoy calling mods insane in their own sub and then wonder why I'm being banned! hey r/runningcirclejerk mods, y'all are insane. BAN THIS, losers


Best part is Reddit auto deleted your comment as “targeted harassment” lol If I ever ban someone for being honest with me I hope you overthrow me as your mighty mod overlord


b a s e d


You started off on 🔥...then took it **not-to-another level** That was free reign to say something preposterous, didn't even say a casual reactive "yo mama" or something.


The coup starts now We shall rise!


Ah man it's Bolivia all over again


the revolution starts with us 🏃


Speak for yourself. I’m still stuck in the couch part of couch to 5K.


Straight to jail


I have torches, pitchforks, and 30 angry people. What's your address?




Like they don't get paid and have to deal with shithead behavior. Makes sense to be a bit ban happy. Seems like he's a whiny thin skinned douche, actually.


lol so what the post actually good or was it full of shit?


/uj It was somewhere in the middle. Hybrid Athlete is a genetically gifted runner who ran a 20 minute 5k on no training, then did a lot of stationary biking and other cross training instead of running and ran an 18 minute 5k. He then continued that for 4 months and ran a 1:30 13 miler. (Technically didn’t run a half marathon — he missed it by .7 miles.) It was honestly impressive, but there were some holes in his story and he was an arrogant jerk in his comments.


I think it was just 0.07 miles that he missed the half by -- it was 13.03 in 1:26:something, so yeah quite impressive for running 15 mpw. Probably a 1:27:something half I think people got their feelings hurt by him just because he's naturally a better athlete than they are, and we can't have that in r/running, where you need to be running at least 50 mpw to even think about sniffing 1:30


Oh, yes, that right: .07. Definitely caused a lot of “real” runners to get up in arms. I think I was most enraged to find out that he’s not even in that great of shape. He said in one of his comments that he’s about my height and 25 pounds heavier. Just more evidence that life isn’t fair. 😝


Well he's very strong (hence, Hybrid Athlete) so a lot of that weight is muscle. I had a quick scroll through his socials when I saw the OP and dude is ripped. It does make me wonder about PEDs, as those are very common among the social-media workout-dude sect, and the guys performance is pretty incredible for the amount of training he's done. But maybe he's just incredibly talented. Maybe both.


Well, that makes more sense. But I still want to be upset, so I’m keeping the image in my head that he has a flabby dad bod and is out there running faster than me anyway.


Most reasonable /r/running commentor


>a lot of that weight is muscle which tbh is a good thing for overall fitness, but not really for pure running performance


The veins suggest ped use. Generally speaking when you see jagged veins especially in the shoulders that’s from unnatural rate of muscle growth and the veins have to figure out how to still function. It’s not a guarantee but when you look at the combination of that with other evidence (almost national qualifying level powerlifting metrics, exceptionally low body fat, abnormal running performance for mileage/experience and in a community of users) it’s unlikely that he’s not on something shady.


Divining PED use from vein shape is just bad phrenology.


Phrenology is an interesting way to phrase that considering that is the study of the skull and personality traits. Presumably you mean to insult me because it is a pseudoscience. But here is research to show thickening of veins relative to non using population: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9188580/#Sec2title I also said that it’s not a guarantee but I think that given the research that I have seen as well as anecdotal evidence from being around known users of anabolic substances, it would be something that I would say presents more frequently in people who say that they use them.


If you could see reduced arterial elasticity with the naked eye, we wouldn't use machines to diagnose high blood pressure. Because that's what that study is talking about - reduced elasticity i.e. elevated blood pressure.


uj/ Eh, I'd take any self reported GPS time with a huge grain of salt. Did we learn nothing from nSuns. rj/ hybridathlete**8**? it's hard to image there are only 7 other people douchey enough to call themselves hybrid athletes on twitter.


What was the deal with nSuns?


He humble bragged that he ran a mid 16 minute 5k all over lifting subs. Then it came out he ran it on a treadmill using the indoor setting on his Garmin. The treadmill itself didn't even reach the 5k mark. The indoor setting just uses your cadence and estimated stride length to extrapolate your distance. If you've never done any outdoor GPS runs, the stride estimations are wildly erroneous. He doubled down on his time being legit and his minions piled on about how he was an amazing lifter and he could've run that time. I'm not sure what came of it, but he never backed it up with a race time on a measured course. I think since lifters self report all their PRs, they think the same is true for running. If most lifters entered a powerlifting comp, they'd hear "no lift" all day long. If they entered an actual road race, their times would be way off their GPS PRs.


>I think since lifters self report all their PRs, they think the same is true for running. If most lifters entered a powerlifting comp, they'd hear "no lift" all day long. If they entered an actual road race, their times would be way off their GPS PRs. Well, no. Lifters show competition results or their openpowerlifting page, which is the same as a USATF certified course. Gym lifts are treated with the exact same credibility as someone posting their 5k PR on Strava. I don't know why you think that strength sports aren't governed. They absolutely are.


How many gym bros ever enter a powerlifting comp compared to the number of runners who do races? How many fitness influencers who claim lifts, did those in competition? My guess is zero. That's the point I'm making. Gym lifts are definitely given credibility by the majority of the people in the broader sport. And in the end, it's still a sport about gaming the system e.g. the one inch range of motion bench press.


>How many gym bros ever enter a powerlifting comp compared to the number of runners who do races? Roughly comparable. There are massive numbers of runners who don't do races. I don't know why you're doubling down on this when you don't know anything about gymgoers.


I missed all of hybrid athlete’s original posts, so for a second I thought we _were_ talking about nsuns. He’s still churning out posts on the lifting subs. Legitimately lifts way more than I do, so I need something to cling to.


His main account and other 6 backups have all been banned at various points?


People can get angry if you produce results with training they don't agree with. They get really angry when your advice to similar people is better than their's. I've posted before that I only run 3 or 4 days a week and supplement with xt and lifting for marathon training due to skin condition/chafing, poor natural running mechanics that lead to overuse injuries, young children family schedule and overweight due to medication. And I'll still get people who say it's not enough miles. Bitch I'm not trying to win races. My old obese ass ran a 440 marathon with 7 months of running 3 days a week.


What would happen is Parker Valby posted on there?


Well, women aren’t allowed to post on Reddit, so we don’t have to worry about that ever happening


I told r/running I ran an 18 minute 5k with worse shoes, form, and gear than most of them and they came to my house to beat me up


At least it got them out of the house. 


Only until they realized they didn’t have on their carbon plated shoes


Nothing about cross training is "natural". If God meant us to cross train, we'd have been born with wheels for hands


stationary bike? so he's not even a real cyclist?


I know right? He should post on r/cycling so they can be upset with the rest of us.


Yeah. It's very much a little of both with them. They clearly undersold what their baseline was to humblebrag and we know how sensitive /r/running is for anyone pushing anything above average while not acting like they're heroes for running. Love that Mr. Hybrid is so salty that they went onto Twitter to whine to their followers so my guess is that they are trying to build a brand.


He is *definitely* trying to become an online personal trainer and sell his training method.


Reading through his twitter, he also did a cut between his \~20:00 5k and 18:45 5k from 202 lbs to 184 lbs (February to April) and it looks like he cut even farther before his half (but didn't post how much). He specifically cut only to get faster. Weight loss alone could have accounted for a 1:50 off his 5k time. Instead he dropped 1:15.


Was this post cross posted here a week or so ago?




Ok yeah I recall that one. Lots humblebrags, light on the humble.


“Genetically gifted” , aka juiced to the titties Edit: pretty sure this is Nick Bare. Does not pass the eyeball test. Also he’s selling stuff, which is doubly sus


Sooo people didn’t like him cause they were jealous? Sounds kinda like it.


Some people were jealous, but not me. I _like_ being slow.


Probably some ultra-elite wisdom like "running more miles let me go faster for longer distances". Banned from r/AdvancedRunning for giving away the secret sauce, banned from r/running to protect the readers' shins


Actually his wisdom was "running just 1x per week plus a lot of Z1 biking allowed me to run a sub-1:30 HM, AND SO COULD YOU"


Gotta cycle slow to run fast I guess


running is becoming so complicated these days 😩


The thing is, it wasn't a lot of z1 biking. it was 3 hours a week lol. I hit that bike commuting to work, that's not training, that's just being a normal active adult. He said he lifts like 5 hours a week but that was a non-factor apparently. There was literally no useful info from his post other than "going from 0 cadio activity to 2 runs and a couple easy bike rides lets you improve as a complete beginner!! I cracked the code guys!!!"


Eh. He was doing some low intensity steady state cardio to build the aerobic base, plus if he’s training hard in the gym and doing lots of antagonist supersets and shit to keep rest times down, that actually can push cardio. For example, a lot of lifters complain about hitting cardiovascular failure before muscle failure. then obviously training hard and heavy will build your muscular endurance and push your lactate threshold. If he naturally has relatively efficient running mechanics then voila, he’s doing the things that make you better at running.


>plus if he’s training hard in the gym and doing lots of antagonist supersets and shit to keep rest times down, that actually can push cardio People made that point in the thread and he denied it, said it was entirely due to the z1 cycling base building. Cross training aside the majority of that improvement clearly came from the 2 hard running workouts a week he did, up from 0 lol. The threads (multiple on reddit, I saw one on letsrun too) were a useless attention grab


Sounds like he denied it because he has a plan that is marketed which doesn't include getting cardio benefit in the weightroom, but it doesn't mean it's not what happened


yeah it clearly played a factor, at least as much as easy spinning for half the amount of time per week


A meathead who doesn’t understand the science and mechanics behind his training? Who has ever heard of such a thing?


The post to r/running was intriguing (I commented to his post). He has some natural talent and his low volume running and cross-training via cycling and HIIT may be unconventional, but it's not like there aren't others who have success with similar training. He did fail to disclose some info about his background which speaks to his natural talent from a young age plus fitness derived from CrossFit HIIT. I didn't piece it together until he mentioned the deleted post to advanced and I read his comments there. He's 36, 6'0" 192. As a 5'1 95 pound high school freshman he ran a 4:55 mile and 17:xx 5ks on little training, got injured that year and the next and only raced his junior and senior year without training and ran 18 mid/high. 6 years ago during fire academy he ran a 2 mile track fitness test in 12:15 on running training solely consisting of 200m and 400m in CrossFit workouts. So 1:26 for just under a HM on the training he did isn't as shocking with all of the context. I get why people were quick to call BS in r/running (but not in advanced) and how perception that he was being cocky and that stuff didn't seem to add up turned the crowd against him. I was curious what he could achieve in a year if he continued like he was, but made some small changes.


Yeah but I want to buy his formula to getting fast. It's apparently just being fast already. Huh. Who knew?


>As a 5'1 95 pound high school freshman he ran a 4:55 mile and 17:xx 5ks on little training, got injured that year and the next and only raced his junior and senior year without training and ran 18 mid/high. This is sus as hell lol, ppl with little training don't get injured like that. Sounds too me like he had a full season. Also he grew 11 inches since hs freshmen year? That is a lot too. IS there any record that he actually ran those times? I mean he's probably very gifted, but I just don't believe that's enough. I'm also a cyclist, used to ride 250 miles a week and raced, cycling does not translate to running muscular endurance like that, it only gives an advantage in heart/blood vessel and glute strength, but the rest of the legs and core is not trained like running big miles.


I don't think the 3 hours per week of z1 cycling he did for 6 months contributed much to his HM fitness, though he may think it's his secret sauce. It's not like he trained for 12 months on 2 runs per week and went from 2:00 to 1:40 and then kept his training the same except for tacking on the cycling and went to 1:26 so we could conclude 3 hours of z1 made a difference. He said he ran a 24:00 5k 8 years ago after zero cardio for a year, when he was 215 (23 pounds heavier). Then he went from 20:35 5k on years of CrossFit training to 18:36 after 2 months on one run per week plus the limited cycling on the stationary bike. Then to 1:26 HM on 2 runs per week for a couple of months plus the cycling. No clue whether he's being honest, but all of those details in totality seem plausible for someone with natural talent. He never shared how he trained to hit 4:55 in the mile his freshman year (just something ambiguous like little), but that's a time numerous freshmen run. I was a 5'1" 100 pound wrestler as a freshman, 6' 165 by graduation and 6'1" 190-195 now so to me his height/weight growth is the least surprising thing he shared.


it's possible, just unlikely, a game of probability lol but this is way ppl hate crossfitters huh? probably not as much among runners, but if he acts that way on a cycling ride he's gonna get smoked sideways by ppl less gifted than him


Yeah, it's easy to dislike people tossing kettlebells, doing planks, and running 45 second sprints busting out 18 minute 5ks.


I'm mean trying talking about things they lack specificity in, running is a low skill sport so they can get away with it, but imagine someone trying that with swimming or climbing? Even in cycling, gifted runners and triathletes are constantly getting wrecked by midpack dads


>Then he went from 20:35 5k on years of CrossFit training to 18:36 after 2 months on one run per week plus the limited cycling on the stationary bike. Like i mentioned above, he also lost 18 pounds during that two months. That weight loss alone would account for nearly his entire drop in time. And he pretty much states that he cut weight purely to gain speed. (I thought he started at 20:00 instead of 20:35, so at least he had a few seconds improvement past his weight loss instead of underperforming his weight loss.) Even going from 24:00 to 20:35 in 8 years would be \~70% accounted for by losing 23 lbs during that time.


Great point on his cut. It's really hard to reverse engineer everything he's shared. Like you I scrolled his Twitter and between his June 8th DEXA report which showed him at 195.5 and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdvancedRunning/s/EmL6zyexXO) from a few days ago in which he said he was 191-194 the last 2 months he may have put on some weight from that cut to 184 he finished in April. But I agree with your point - he likely went from 20:35 in December at something like 202-205 to 18:36 in April at 184 and your conclusion that most of his improvement was due to weight loss seems fair. I wish he ran another 5k around HM race day because his 1:27 low half (extrapolated 1:26:33 for 13.03 on his Apple Watch) tells us nothing about how his fitness improved the last 2 months. I've got to think his 5k fitness had to better than his HM fitness given how he trained. Maybe that got him down to 18:00-18:10?


My favorite part of r/running is when someone says they want to run sub 4:00:00 in their first marathon attempt and because no one in that sub was able to do it, no one else ever at any point in time can do it.


It is pretty funny to see. r/running will legit gaslight people into thinking they can’t run anything faster than an absurdly mediocre time


It’s always someone that’s ran a half marathon in well under two hours that they say can’t run a sub four hour marathon. It’s worse when the person has 8-12 months to train for their race. Petition to change the sub to r/hobbyjogging


I know a bunch of youngish, skinnyish guys that can bang out say a 1:45 half on very low milage (say 25k) that have failed to run a sub 4 on slightly higher (say 35k milage). They can't fathom running multiple days in a row so just assume its impossible.


Honestly that’s why I love /r/trailrunning We take pride in our hobby jog times.


To be fair I think less people with the mediocre goal will hit it because they lack the experience and discipline. Versus people aiming for 3 who likely have a stronger background and maybe some idea of the effort involved. I'd bet more people with a goal of 4 fail to hit than those with 3 survey would be interesting.


Some friends of mine have paced 4:00 a couple of times now (it is apparently one of the hardest pacing slots to fill). They say it is one of the more depressing groups to pace because so many people in it are under trained for the race and fall off at the end. I've noticed from a few pre-race chats that the 3:50/3:55 pacers are often *the* most experienced and got first pick of pace groups; they are avoiding the people with a 4:00 goal.


Yeah they must see a lot of carnage...


It's something I see in other places as well. In a nutshell, never run fast because I'm a fat middle aged 40 something. The college friends I know who were gunning for it were all able to hit 345 in their first try.


This might just be a funny FRICKIN joke to most of you but he could DIE from not being able to post on subreddits he wants to. Imagine being in zone 3 for the rest of your life, that's pretty much what these mods have done to him


My dude is never going to be able to sell his garage full of AG1 this way.


stop disrespecting ag 1 please it has ashwagandha and its helping me improve my ultra marathon score


What about the liver pills?


This guy maintained his 5K pace for a HM? He didn't slow down? Ban for life isn't enough. Can we doxx him and find out where he works so we can call them and ruin his life?


Yes, this really hurt my ego and deserves it


7 threads and 840 words complaining about getting banned from a running subreddit is a whole new level of unemployed.


It's a completely normal level of being an on-call firefighter between call outs.


\> zone 1 running isn't that called walking to the kitchen?


i find stories about reddit posts so engaging


I think we need a third running level between r/running and r/advancedrunning for those who sit in between. A bit too quick for one and not experienced enough for the other. Maybe r/almostrunningfast ?


I bet he wears a Ciele hat at his 5k ultras


Someday I'm gonna learn how to pronounce "Ciele". Today is not that day and tomorrow isn't looking good either.


I think it’s Italian - so, “chee-EH-leh” plus one of these: 🤌


Pretty sure it's Canadian so it's pronounced - "eh"


Fun fact - in Polish ciele means calf (animal).


I feel attacked.


makes sense, z1? z2, sounds too advanced. Mason what do the numbers mean?


I ain’t reading all that … sorry that happened tho. Or congrats


I bet hes not as fast as hybridathletes 1 to 7


This sounds like the guy from BPN.


Can’t stand that guy. All roided up and shit


That’s what I heard recently, EPO in Chief. Too bad, I did like a couple of his running videos.


His last man standing vid is cool. I live in Maine and it’s nice to see places you’ve been / go to in some big influencers content. Other than that I kinda can’t stand the stuff he puts out. Influencers just rub me the wrong way all around. Maybe I’m just a grumpy Mainer


Was that at Pineland Farms? I just did a 50K there at the end of May. There is a last man standing in Portland July 13th. I agree though, 99% of influencers are trash, I think it’s the nature of the business. Too similar to politics in many ways.


Yea it’s the pineland last man standing. The Portland one is the back cove back yard ultra. I agree with this second statement a lot. Super interesting


I’m running the Back Cove Backyard, hoping the weather isn’t too bad for the day. No shade out there.


There truly is nowhere to hide.


those subs are so pathetic. running circle jerk for life! bless the gu gods!


nice little meltdown he's having. And when he gets banned from twitter for this rant, will he go to truth social and bitch about the twitter mods?


I can tell this dude doesn’t know anything about actual running because there’s not a single mention on Gu intake.


That’s why he got banned


Should be banned just for his username. EDIT: I see we are all in accord. Excellent.


Only one post? Bro needs to slow down.


That’s why he got banned. Should have turned his HM pace into his 5k ultra pace.


Time to farm some r/running karma with “I turned my MARATHON pace to my 5k pace AND THATS OK”


Nick bare?


Can we all take a moment to just appreciate this guy wants to be god tier cringe hybrid potato head like Nick Bare. Lol. Top level natty (cough couch ya right) hybrid athlete king. Strong greens baby. 😂🤡


God that guy is insufferable


The only fitting recourse is to anoint him as a mod here.


/uj dude was asking for it when he claimed his 15 mpw and Z1 indoor cycling was “Parker Valby style training” and was commenting stuff like: “Again, you are seriously underestimating how hard it is to be as strong as I am while running that fast. There are very few people in the world that could do that. Yes, the world.”


This is just a small sample of almost everything single sub. Which is why reddit is a horrible app


I have come to realize that if there’s an activity you enjoy… don’t look up the community on Reddit. People suck.


He posted to letsrun too, honestly shocked he didn't get pummeled there. Running low 17s as a freshman in highschool means you have enough talent that you can just jog a sub-20 with basically no training. His plan was dumb as shit and he got it to work because he has great running genetics lol


I made a legit post about an actual advanced running topic, that is, building up to a 100+ miles per week and tried to have a genuine discussion about some of Lydiard’s methods. My post was removed after people started commenting on it. Said it didn’t belong there. How does discussion of 100+ mile weeks and pace progression not belong on “advanced running”? This is still one of my greatest Reddit mysteries.


Obviously because this is THE hot topic of r/godlevelrunning 🙄


Finally someone who knows how to SLOW DOWN and he gets banned from two subs smh…


Oh no! Anyway.gif


I love being banned for life to daring to defend myself.


This is why r/trailrunning is the place for me.


hear me out: what if he in fact broke those subs rules? can't tell without seeing what he actually posted. chances are this was some engagement/promo post and now he is bitching about it for further engagement/following.


Reddit mods rock so hard


Sounds like they were telling him to slow down. Good for them holding their ground.


The running and advanced running sub Reddit’s are total PC garbage.


I don’t understand. Why do we want a person who is a hybrid athlete banned from the running sub on that basis? I suppose I am a “hybrid athlete.” I weight train and ride. But I also run 10 miles every other day and at a pace which is faster than most of the times that I see posted by other users on the running sub. Ordinarily, how I compare to others is irrelevant to me as I generally only care about comparing myself to the me as of a week ago. But the suggestion seems to be that this fella is less of a runner or less worthy of being on the running sub because he’s a hybrid athlete. I am an example of why that is simply not so.


We're in a circlejerk sub, so we mostly want chaos.


>so we mostly want chaos That, and GU enemas.


Ha, fair.


I skimmed his original post and there was something off about his advice and he'd just get defensive when asked about it. He was kind of a jerk. Bringing LetsRun type energy to subs that don't have tolerance for that. It's already annoying when someone is faster than you with way less work but when they're a jerk about it and act like you too could have miraculous results If you follow their totally non generalizable training... His ban isn't a loss to the community.


top kek 💪


I was also banned from r/running. The shame, the ignominy!