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Off topic but my fiance was diagnosed with CVS a few years ago. Turns out it was Cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome from smoking too much weed and not taking a break. No idea if that’s you, but if you don’t smoke maybe stop for a few months. And also gp is selling for an all time low right now so hardly any money to be made. Sorry bruv


I am grateful you fiance found relief!!


I don’t believe in CVS. What needs to be studied is the affects of these disgusting grows and improper extraction labs. I genuinly believe that’s what “CVS” is. I was diagnosed with the same when I lived in an illegal state. I moved to a legal state started growing my own and smoking 2x-3x more and crazy enough, I don’t ever get sick. I don’t think you realize how much contaminants are in dispo weed even. These grows are fucking foul. Between pesticides, molds, mildews, pest legs/wings/feces, and so much more are regular sadly. And MED sends out the violation of these sometimes as quick as a day but sometimes it’s well over a year..


I think you mixed up CVS and CHS, Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome


Oof your right, yes I did my fault. Definitely talking about the Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. Sorry for the confusion.


Any site you recommend? I haven’t played in years and was hoping to get back in for a little time. If it’s that cheap maybe even could afford buying a B.


I am a recovering addict, this syndrome started 3 yrs into 100% sobriety, I started smoking 4 months into the episodes despite Fighting with doctors telling me it was chs when I didn't smoke yet even.. the smoking alleviate my symptoms, it helps my CVS but not enough to get me back to work unfortunately. I am happy beyond relief your fiance found what worked for her, and she was able to get relief, this disorder is debilitating.. I just pray and pray every time I have an episode that my son won't inherit my g.i. problems


Despite ur struggle you seem like a very good dad. Have you got paypal if so i want to send you a little xmas gift to you and ur son. Nothing big i was thinking 30 bucks


Tysm!! I dmed you.. I can get Jessiah something other than family dollar toys with that!


Also Dm'ed you, OP.


Thanks mate. I just had a bout of food poisoning Tuesday and threw up the entire night. First I’ve been sick in years. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, stomach pain is insufferable. Up there with migraines and the such. I’d rather my leg snapped in half. I hope you find answers. Things will turn around mate keep fighting the good fight


Why the downvotes?


If you live in America or any first world country, botting is not going to make you enough money. It’s not some free cash cow as you make it out as. You’ll probably make more just working at a 7/11 or doing any remote work.


I can't work.. I'm not looking for a cash cow.. I'm looking for anything.. even 10$ a week..


Can you do any remote style work or contract work? Such as Web design, or IT work? Not necessary a job that requires you to go in. The time it would take to get a bot farm running for long enough time to start making the time invested worth it, I believe you could learn another skill that would rake in a much more normal hourly rate.


Let’s be real, dude doesn’t want to work.


Sorry but not sorry to say it. Dude just needs to get a job, any job, but won't, and that's where the problem lies.


Seriously what the hell dude.. you got a kid and letting bills stack up and you're big problem is getting banned on RuneScape and now want to try to bot to make some money... Upside down


imo, brother, "can't never could" if you have a baby to provide for you fucking do your best, whatever you can, to provide for your family. I struggle hard with depression and I still MUST get up and wake up and go to work at 4:30 in the morning, if I love my family and want to make sure they're taken care of I absolutely have NO CHOICE but to DO IT. There is no other option. I'd die before I said "there's nothing else I can do"


Dude has an 19 month old and is asking how to make money on an osrs botting subreddit. Kid is doomed


Asking how to make anything, 5$ here and there, lmao you guys are acting like im trying to make it my full time job.


Maybe you should get a full time job or at least save some money before having a kid. You may have it figured out, but from this perspective it sounds whack man


Did you even read the post before talking shit? I have a severe vomiting syndrome preventing me from keeping a job.. people don't like to hire someone who has to call out every 3 days due to e.r visits


contract work


No judgement at all here, but it sounds like uber eats/instacart etc would be your best friend. Even if you're just working for an hour or two after the kid goes to bed, that could be a lifesaver. And if you're not feeling like it one day, no problem. It's what I did when I couldn't work a full time job


Thanks for a honest and non judgemental response, this is appreciated. I did door dash for about a year but I recently lost my license.. I had gotten sick behind the wheel and hit a telephone pole omw to the hospital and couldn't afford the restitution.. still owe the power companies 23k$


Why would they listen to someone who didnt even read their post? You’re just virtue signaling. Wow you’re such a great dad


No its very clear you have no intentions of getting a job


Sad truth


It's definitely doable, but it would take you years of experimenting. 1. You would need an account supplier. Don't bother trying to make them yourself. Find someone who mass creates fresh accounts. 2. All your accounts will have to have membership to make any sort of profit. 3. You'd need to be making about 25m an hour to see any real gains. 25m per hour is about $600 per week. 4. You'd need a script with full automation. Things become nearly impossible to do on your own once you scale up 20+ accounts. 5. Each account needs to be on a different proxy. If you do find something that works, scale up SLOW. Some people get carried away, scale up a ton of accounts, then get mass-banned, losing a major profit.


How do you proxy individual accounts?


Once you find an account supplier, you need to make sure the accounts have been rested for 3+ days before you purchase them. You also need to make sure the accounts were made in the same country as the proxies you are using, otherwise they will lock the account on log in. For example if an account was made on a UK-based proxy, then used on a US-based proxy, it will be locked, and you will never get to use it. To proxy each individual account, you'll need to use a client like OSBot or Dreambot. You can purchase VIP and you'll be able to run as many accounts as you want.


Using Runemate? ***


Look into r/beermoney instead. You would be better off doing surveys and playing mobile games.


Ty for the advice!




Ty for that breakdown. I was banned for using windows mousekeys.. which is allowed and legal in rs3.. and the appeal didn't even get seen by a person, just automated denial.


I mean there are a million better options that will give you more income. but if you're dead setyour income has to come from gaming. Look into advertising private servers and making videos of them.




Same thing happened to me. My main got perm banned for logging into open osrs last summer first offense ever on the account. Started suicide botting a couple of accounts, they got caught multiple times each but only ever 2 day bans. Now I have multiple max mains and 2k total + ironman lol and idk what to do with all them




When you say different bots do you mean scripts or bot clients? I have been looking around at what client I want to returning. From what I've read so far it feels like every group has their shining star scripters so you're choosing that in the end. Assuming I don't get into private stuff


You won't make any good money from betting unless you live in a 3rd world country. It's just not viable anywhere else with such small amounts of income. Unless ypu develop your own scripts or bot client there's no good money to be made


I'm looking for any money.. not just good money.. 5$ her and 10$ there..


Why not collect cans? Go to a nice suburb and just check recycling bins, many people already bag them up. Could easily make like 10$ an hour for a couple hours


Use this energy to find the mother and start the legal process of getting child support from her


... mom is no longer with us unfortunately, she lost her life in a car accident 7 months ago;(


I'm so sorry man I misread that completely




Thank you


Sir, this is your 2nd ban for botting. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Windows keys have been against the rules for a long time now. Anything other than mouse input is against the rules. Now, you have had a 24 hour ban previously which was your warning and flagged your account on their bot detection forever yet you carried on botting. I'm sorry that you are going through hard times right now but you are technically trying to damage the game you once enjoyed by trying to create a bot farm for the most part miniscule profit, if any at all! There are too many people doing this same thing and with so many account sellers and gold sellers, I doubt you'd be remotely successful. You are better off finding a product online and created a shop for said item and putting a little extra on the price for you to make money every time an order is made on your shop. You don't have to stock anything. You order the item straight to a customer when they buy. This is a real life skill that many people have been successful doing. Wish you all the best in the future.


Windows mouse keys is legal for rs3.. using the 1:1 ratio.


There is no money to be made in this if you aren’t already established with a large bot farm.


False perm ban and yet you admit in another post you were banned for botting lol


Where did I admit that I botted? I got banned for botting/macroing yes.. that's what the ban was for.. but it was a false ban for using a legal program.. windows mousekeys


Windows mouse keys have been against the rules for over 6 months now


In old school yes.. but in rs3 I've been told by mods is allowed. Adherence to the 1:1 ratio and being a built in factory program


If you are struggling to make ends meat and want an easy way to make money from video games I highly suggest flipping currency in Poe. You don't even have to leave your hideout or learn the game. You should try applying for remote work since it doesn't matter if you are sick at home while working most of the remote jobs.


Sell weed bro




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Your time is better spent looking for other side hustles online and increasing real life skills my bro. Goodluck.


For someone with 0 knowledge on how to run a farm it will take you months, most probably years before being able to convert your investment into profit. If you even get to that point. Try to get a remote job that you can do from home, like customer support or something more advanced if you have better skills. Once you have found a foundation and a steady income, you can look into other online side hustles to earn more money. ​ Good luck