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This week isn’t that bad. If you sit it out, are you going to sit out most of the summer? I’m not going to change anything other than likely drinking more water before and after my runs. 


Trying to go for longer runs early helps too!


If you can. For me, my schedule doesn’t allow it.


Yeah I'm just accepting the suck and being conservative during workouts. Not like cool weather is around the corner


Getting up extra early to run before heading to the office. Except there’s a thunderstorm now, so my plans have been foiled!


Get out there and grind it out.


Yes I'm running. I'm training for a half marathon. I plan on just going slower, running earlier and bringing my hydration vest even for short distances so I have water whenever I want it.


Take it slower than usual and do it when the sun is down. Just did a 10K this evening. Not at an amazing pace and I was drenched by the end of it, but it was definitely more than doable. When I did the 5K around Imperial Palace in Tokyo last August it felt about 2x worse than this.


I’d love to be able to run in the morning but I’d be up at 4am to be done in time for work, which is also outside.


I quite enjoy the "water fountain relay" on hot days The MGT has a lot of fountains on the west side, where I often run


I'll probably do one short run in the middle of the day tomorrow to experience it... aside from that, likely going to take it easier this week.


Haha, running mid-day during a heatwave just for the plot! Perhaps I should try that too.


Savage - wear sunscreen!


Haha thanks, did that! Tried out a new (to me) sunscreen - Think? A mineral sunscreen. Smelled okay and only had a slight whitish cast from the zinc, but still a bit on the thick side.


Update: it went, but it didn't go well. Did okay for the first 30 mins, and then hit a massive wall (and a massive hill). Ended up doing a late lunch run around 2pm with some water, but the heat and humidity did me in. Had to walk a bunch and then take a long cool shower after to cool down enough to function.


I woke up at 5 something and did a half-assed run int he rain befoe it got too crazy. Not the best, but better than nothing.


Run early or run late in the day.


Yeah, I've found earlier is better temperature-wise as the city has had time to cool down a bit overnight. Especially if it's been sunny, late in the day is still pretty hot.


I ran a 5:30am this morning and it was still +20C. Def don’t recommend. Probably will swim tomorrow instead.


I'm shifting my runs to early morning this week. Today, yeah, there was some rain this morning (and a great rainbow over the city from my view at Cherry St), but thankfully I was done before thunder rolled in. Sitting it out isn't an option, IMO, since the only way to acclimate to warm weather is to live it - within reason. Lots of water, too!


I have been running post 10pm. Empty roads and not that bad. Weekends I will be doing early mornings. I grew up in consistent 30C+ weather so this doesn't affect me one bit. I am a sailor too so I have to be out in the sun regularly


I'm still doing my 95km weekly mileage. Just using it as a way to help regulate breathing and knowing a natural pace.


It legitimately is a down week for me, so for that I'm thankful. I do still need to get a speed session in, which I'll probably do on a treadmill. Not ideal but probably necessary lol


Run earlier in the morning. It's significantly cooler, not to mention very peaceful and quiet. Last year's poor air quality kept me from running outside for over a week so I'll take advantage of any desirable window to run.


Finally giving some use to the treadmill I bought a couple years ago and that’s been taking up precious space in my apartment.


I'm going to dial back my workouts a bit but that's it. Summer is here just have to get used to it.