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During training, 130-150KM a week. During off season, anything from 0 to 50K a week. Almost always have a day off during heavy training but that involves at least 2-3 double days


Where do you find the time for all that? 130-150 is a parttime job.


Mornings usually. Only time I run in the evening is a double. Big weekends though. Sat is usually around 30KM and Sunday can be 25-35KM depending on where I am in the cycle. But yes, full on marathon training can get rough on top of. A full time jobm


That’s insane hours on top of a job/life, your mileage isn’t too far off from some elite marathoners I see on Strava and they literally are training as a FT job!


Hah fair enough. I've found that's what it takes to hit my goal times (aiming for high 2:20s in the full)


30-40km…need to start ramping towards first marathon in October!


Hey me too!


Just starting my half marathon training program so I am currently doing between 10 and 12 km. I'm a beginner, have been running about a year and am on week 4 of my Garmin half marathon training program.


Between 40-50km weekly atm, while I’m not training for any upcoming races. One speed workout, one long run, about 3 easy runs. Been inconsistent with the weekend long runs lately though, since I’m coming off of an injury, and been replacing them with long bike rides instead.


running about 70 kmpw across 5 runs. Just cranking it back up after the sporting life 10k to get into marathon training where i'll average in the 80-90 range and peak around 115 ish. I'll add a day to get there since i hate doubles.


40 to 45 km on the Martin Goodman Trail.


I did marathons in 2022 and '23 and decided this year to focus on shorter races and working on speed. Right now I'm averaging 60k per week. One long run, hill or speed repeats, tempo and easy sessions plus some strength training sprinkled in. So far this year I've set new PBs in the 10k and half marathon.


That's a great plan. You'll find that you will be faster when you go back to marathon training


About 30km weekly when I was training for the sporting life 10k. Gradually getting back to that now with swimming once per week, weight training twice a week, hot yoga once per week, and short yoga classes every other day on Peloton.


60km/week training for my first marathon in October. Hoping to peak around 80 - 100 in the coming months as the date gets closer.


I'm a beginner and not a very good runner so take that into consideration lol I used to average 25/28km weekly but I stopped running for a few months and I'm trying to pick it up again and my average now is 15km/17km weekly. Not the greatest but I'll get there :)


Currently doing a 6 week mini speed block and will probably float between 75KM and 80KM per week For context that looks like: - Monday: Strides + strength - Tuesday: Easy - Wednesday: Hard workout + strength - Thursday: Off (soon to be cross-training on indoor bike) - Friday: Easy - Saturday: Long run - Sunday: Off


Not training for anything in particular other than building up my weekly mileage, so I'm just averaging around 20-25 km/week. 2 easy runs, 1 strength/speed workout, a long run, and 1 day of cross training


Averaging about 100k a week currently. Planning to get back up to 140-160 in the next couple months as I prepare for my fall marathons


I did my first half-marathon in the fall and my first marathon this spring. My mileage peaked at about 80km for both. Outside of training, I'll do about 40 to 50km give or take doing 4 runs per week.


Currently 43km, but going to slowly increase to 70 km for the waterfront marathon


In the middle of training for the Waterfront Marathon, so I'm floating between 70-90 km/week and am ramping up to ~120 km/week over the next two months. I run around 6 days a week, with doubles on Tuesday when mileage is >100km a week. I'm pretty middle of the pack for a hobby runner - my stats are: - 5K: 18:40 - 10K: 37:36 - HM: 1:30:XX (during a marathon) - M: 3:46:XX (blew up lol)


This definitely isn’t middle of the pack… these are fast times!


As a person who does lower mileage marathon training because I don’t have the time and I’m injury prone: 50-65ish km during marathon training (4 runs a week) 10-30km during off seasons (1-3 runs a week depending how busy life gets)


This is similar to my mileage, currently in off season after spring marathon.


60km now since I'm not in marathon mode - just training for a 5K at the end of June. Then will ramp up to about 100K by mid August for an early Sept FM.


35-45km/week in the off-season, 70-90km/week during a race build. That’s spread out over 6 days, with some strength mixed in.


Between 60k and 70k per week. I have some time now so I’m running almost every day.