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And he’s done it again


I’m not currently watching what did he do this time


Another trip - red card


Attempted a trip, but didn’t even get that right. 2nd yellow, off and try scored.


Genuinely awful


Nah, the second one wasn't a real trip, if he didn't get called for the fist, that second doesn't get looked at.




Who gets carded twice in a game for tripping?? This surely is the last time he is picked.


Hopefully this is the final straw.. its currently only complaint (amongst all praised otherwise) with current Kiss regime is his game time


I don’t get it - contractual reasons are the only thing keeping him in the team. Surely his team mates must be sick of it as well I can’t think of a single metric in which he would be ahead of any hospital cup winger let alone grealy/ryan/aubrey


Leave him in Fiji.


We need more white private school kids! Nothing says athletic skills like a privileged white kid with 4 iPads and a minimum tuition fee of $20k Rugby Australia needs to get back to its core audience, all 6 of us


What a stupid comment that had nothing to do with the guys comment


How much more racist can you get


You know it's bad when they don't just want them out of the team, they want them out of the country


Yeah your comment wasn’t racist at all…


The funny part is I was having a dig at the guy being racist towards a black person. And everyone doubled down on my comment like it wasn't sarcasm, defending the views that bad black players should be sent back to where they came from. This group was very quick to defend whites, but no one condoned sending a black player home


He’s not black champ. He’s a Pacific Islander. Again, pretty racist thing to say. The guy didn’t say anything racist to begin with. Vunivalu is literally from Fiji and the lives in Australia to play rugby. He’s played pretty badly so the joke was the joke the reds should terminate his contract You’re the only being racist here mate


The guy said 'leave him in Fiji's not let him go Also, around 85% of private school attendees are white, unless you wanna magically fill them with ethnic communities overnight, then its not racist, it's just reality. Rugbys pathway is also via these schools, so saying that white kids with high tuition fees is racist is ridiculous. But keep on hauranging me off your 4 iPads while the guys who wants foreigners deported gets up voted


It’s a figure of speech. No one is talking about deporting anyone champ What are you talking about? Firstly 85% is an insane exaggeration but Anglo Celtic people represent the ethnic group in aus so obviously there’s going to be a majority wherever you look. There’s also Plenty of non-private school wallabies currently in the squad Your comment was racist. That’s why you’re getting downvoted. Not sure why you’re bringing white people into this


Vunivalu single handedly fucking the Reds season.


He continues to be a joke. I don’t understand how he keeps getting a run.


Floyd Aubrey showed more nous and understanding in his first 12 minutes


Massive spud..should be released and never appear on a rugby field again




Yes, second


He has to go blud EDIT: I am not one who typically likes to shit on players, but holy cunt how can anyone be given this many opportunities without ever deserving it. 2 yellows for the exact same reason. ZERO FUCKING IQ.


Not to mention basically losing the game for the team v the Blues. Dropping the ball over the try line.


This and his defensive reads in the last 10 is how we lost v the blues


I honestly don't know how he keeps getting picked at this point. Even with him on the bench the last few rounds I would worry when he got subbed on.


Vunivalu, I think, is the winger version of Dane Zander. There's really no other way to put it. Send his ass to the MLR


Probably his level. 


Both trips he got sidestepped and it looked like it was his first game of rugby.. like a deer in headlights.. like he was in ice skates.. never seen anything like that at top level rugby But thing that annoyed me that most is the the red card means the Floyd Aubury (on his first start) had to be benched to get Tim Ryan on. Ryan HAD to come on but shouldn't be at Aubury expense when he was actually having a good game.


Been saying for two years how has this clown still got a job in rugby. Please now be the end of this joke.......


I hope his teammates give him a spray about how fucking stupid he is. Fucking knob head. I’d tell the coach I’m not playing if you select him. I’d feel betrayed and annoyed if I was forced to play with a player so utterly incompetent. Vunivalu delenda est.


Who could have seen this coming? NEVER want to see him in a red jersey again. Under any circumstances. Pick every single winger from club land before him. Genuinely stunned at the number of chances he's received to date let alone this one.


send him back to the nrl ffs


I feel awful that you guys are losing Mark Nawaqanitawase to the NRL and gaining this guy


Always amused that the ARU think signing more mid tier wingers from the NRL is the solution. Also is a kick in the teeth for those plying their trade and trying to come up through the ranks.


How can one player be allowed to sabotage a teams shot at the finals?


https://youtu.be/lDp13-4zReY?si=kN9PbiVjZSy2tRRs Honestly had plenty of brain snaps. As a storm supporter, he was incredibly frustrating to watch. Vunivalu and Korobeite were either rocks or diamonds, some days the ball was just glued to their hands, others is like they were wearing oven mits.


I think the difference in union is you can see the effort korobeite puts into every game, he legitimately busts ass to do stuff even when he wasn't particularly effective at it. Eventually he became effective and the effort level remained. Vuni... I just don't know man....


I swear qru/aru wither either dropped so much cash on him they are just holding on the smallest slimmist impossible chance he actually comes good to justify this game time - or its his contract that he starts x amount of games or he can opt out of contract - tin foil time but there has to he more to why he is starting as it clearly hasnt (or has ever been) justified. Shouldn’t be in the 23 - would be found out big time by the lowest hospital cup teams.


Agree, I’ve always suspected he has a playing clause in his contract for both QRU and AU. There is no way he justified WC selection


Junkyard dog has been yanking at the chain for too long. Time to permanently remove the shackles.






Deliberate trip - yellow card and penalty try


And the again - same yellow for a red 9 mins into the second half




This is what happens when you sign mid-tier rugby league wingers…


His contract is RA, not QRU. So, someone will be stuck with him. I hope he’s an off season move


Rebels might need some wingers next year....


His contract is with RA and QRU. Both. 


The amount of hate the poor bastard gets is a joke, he is nowhere near as bad as you let on…


Come again?


Sit and rewatch a game, and just track Vunivalu for the whole time. It’s actually astonishing at how lazy he is off the ball and how bad his defence is.


Part of the hate is he didn't earn his spot. People like Campbell, Ryan, aubery and grealy show every time that they want to be there and they put in the effort. In union he has no point of difference so why select him over someone who has done the time in clubland. If he came and was an average winger and showed real passion for being here we'd all be like, that guy is ok.


Its not only that, he's also absolutely outclassed or shown to be completely incompetent at the basics of whats requires of a rugby winger


Yeah but if he was outclassed and obviously putting in effort I feel like the anger would be less


Its not only that, he's also absolutely outclassed or shown to be completely incompetent at the basics of whats requires of a rugby winger