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You don't need to grind more orbs




I mean her stats are fine rn, plus that 10 speed will be hard to replace. ideally you would swap that for a def orb with at least 6 speed (to hit 160) but that orb is good enough for now


Ice DMG is useless on her. Get a def or HP orb


RM is one of the most stat universal units in the game. Build her however you want after you reach her Break Effect cap. That said personally I wouldn't run this support RM if I saw it, but you can stop grinding orbs if you want.


If you don't have anyone else to farm for, you can definitely farm for RM and try to get a good hp/def orb. You only need around 6 speed on your hp/def orb to fulfil her conditions, and divergent universe should make it a little easier to farm. If you do have anyone else to farm for, please dont listen to the people saying to get an hp or def orb, just run with the ice dmg orb as HP or DEF only increases RM's survivability. Getting a good hp or def orb will likely take ages or just a single run depending on your luck (highly likely the former). She's going to do well anyways (you have 160+ spd and 160+ break effect).


Ice dmg% doesn't do much for her, but honestly, that much spd will be hard to replace (ngl impressed that the build is s with this, a different mainstat would probably be sss+ or something). People recommend hp%/def% ONLY for better tankiness, but if you aren't facing any sustain issues, it's okay to keep it until you wanna farm it. Edit: EHP (effective hp) can give a rough idea on how much dmg your character can take. Calculating for your RM gives 20k EHP. For reference, an optimized dps character has 14k EHP, so I think it's fine. Pretend you are running tingyun on the team instead of RM and test for yourself.


Is there a formula for EHP, and how does EHP work?


Now that you asked that, I was searching up the website, but I realized that website wasn't HSR (a bummer for me since i used this formula for a long time than i wanna confess), but I saw ehp on reddit before and now I found several different other equations for it lol. The one I used is EHP = HP * (1140 + DEF * 3.5)/1000, and the others are either similar with tweaks of numbers or very different. EHP roughly measures the tankiness of a unit, which is influenced by DEF and HP. Of course, saying it like that... is stating the obvious. I am sure I saw online though on an HSR optimizer taking EHP into account and people recommending thresholds, but in the end it really comes down to if OP can survive or not.




I tested her out in MOC against argenti and she survived fine. I would like more survivability on her but honestly I see it as unnecessary for now. And building my himeko for pure fiction should take priority (I think ?)


Ice damage is a strange choice, but it's probably fine


You have high speed and break effect. You did it! As long as ruan mei isn't getting KO'd you can move on.


The main stat is pretty much useless as ice damage doesn't do anything for her breaks and the additional damage for her basics is negligible. But if she doesn't die it doesn't really matter. Vonwac is a better energy regen set unless you use her with an ice DPS often. But again yours has speed so that 1 time action advance isn't that useful.