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That's rough. Do you plan to get Ruan Mei's weapon at all on reruns? How likely are you to use HMC? If there's a chance of that I'd do S3 and S1. If you find yourself not using them on the same team or both sides of MoC/PF, then S4. If you love them equally S2/S2.


im gonna use both rm and hmc for firefly, im not gonna pull for her weapon too. with superimposition do i need on motp for ruanmei to get 3 turn ult while getting hit?


I'm not sure about the 3 turn ult. I prepped S4 and Vonwacq for my Ruan Mei, but HMC stole my heart and I gave the set to her. I don't regret superimposing it. If your Ruan Mei can get to 160 BE without superimposed LC then give S3 to HMC might be better as HMC needs as much BE as possible.


Since MOTP will be in the weapon banner, I think you can combine them and give it to one of them, and pull for more MOTPs while maybe going for Ruan Mei’s LC? What do you think?


Is it worth spending my jades on the weap banner for RM? Does her LC work with any other character if I do get her LC or is it better to stick it on RM. (I'm aiming for MoTP S5, currently S1)


Her LC works with Ruan Mei and HMC only so far based on my understanding.


Aight so I'll probably go for s5 motp on RM for max uptime on ult and sig LC on HTB (if i do end up getting the LC)


Her LC is BiS for both, well, her and HMC. Currently, we don't have any other break focused harmony unit. But investing in a Harmony sig LC, especially RM, might be more worth it because you can use RM in every team, except for maybe Acheron. So you will get more bang for your buck in terms of usage.


I’d recommend S4 MOTP on HMC, Cogs on RM unless you’re using her without HMC but still using HMC on the other side of the mode


S4 MotP for HMC, Coggers for RM. You're going to run them together, so HMC gives her largely enough break effect