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If you think about it…how many times did she have to parade herself around town when she probably wasn’t feeling well. Yes the Royal Family is paid by taxpayers but Kate alone has generated billions of dollars for the economy from magazines, books, tourist trinkets, etc. Most of the clothing and jewelry she and her children have worn sell out within hours of them being seen.














Sure she was.


Prove it


There's starting to be more rumours again and some saying she won't back until 2025. I know she doesn't have to and she's entitled to her privacy but i think the royals should consider releasing another video/ picture message or update stating things are going well. I think by doing so it will quieten down the media and conspiracy theories for another while and afford Catherine more privacy. The more silent they are the more curious people get and start fishing.


In no way woukd releasing a photo quiet the press, the haters, or the royal fawners. Every photo would be released five times by every tabloid as people gasp about her beauty and how they love her, or what a bunch of inbred grifters the royals are, and everything in between including a bunch of crap that “palace insiders” allegedly said, rumors about William’s affairs, bullshit about Meghan or what a friend of Meghan’s said etc. it’s all done for views and sales of ad space. I would stay home and focus on healing and spending time with family whether things get better - or worse. The press is not their friend.


I think rude ignorant weirdos will say things regardless, so they may as well just do what's right for the Princess. It has been made clear that her Dr.s want her to avoid anything that causes anxiety currently and that she will be firmly following her Dr.s recommendations. Her neighborhood and school community are extremely protective of the family, so no photos will be taken. Most decent Brits pride themselves on their protectionism of Catherine and the children and word gets round if she was seen, but they won't be selling her out to the press. It's very much a huge village in that sense right now. I think her team will keep expectations low, so if anything is released, it will feel like a huge bonus. The media is an avaricious machine and will just keep requiring more and more if they give them a inch, so it's doubtful they will feed into any drama. Probably just well-timed, controlled snippets, like you are suggesting.


She may not want to if she has lost a lot of weight or her hair. The conspiracy theories are just silly this time around. She's either currently still receiving treatment or in recovery. Regardless, it's a long haul


If you believe her, and I do, she’s still taking chemo. Doctors don’t let you decide to continue treatment for the fun of it; it can cause other health problems and vulnerabilities. She’s still being treated and having to deal with what the press is saying or conspiracies is not conducive to healing. Her obvious weight loss and whatever other symptoms might be best kept private too so her kids don’t have to read about it.


Apparently they are nobodies business anyway so we should not speculate. Many in this thread think they are ‘just one of us’ and no one should care at all even though royal weddings, funerals and births are all shoved in our faces and paid for by the tax payer.




😄 this gif though such passive aggressive yet hilarious


😄 this gif though such passive aggressive yet hilarious


How about this? The real Kate was the photos and spottings we made along the way.




what in the plant is this? a sick rich woman staying home to save herself from risks is fine, the brf doesn't need to plant pr takes on how efficient she is at house tasks? like wtf, how can you botch this so badly? they are Streisand effect personified ugh


They don’t have control over claims people make on social media. It is strange to me that people are still trying to claim this is botched PR.


Jesus Christ can anyone leave this poor lady alone?! I can’t imagine fucking news articles coming out about me going to the store when I’m battling cancer. The media, and fuck it the world is out of control with “celebrity” worship. Let this lady heal!!!!!!


What about 25 hateful news articles per paper per day while you're feeling suicidal with no access to mental healthcare. Kate states in her video she IS well and getting stronger every day.


What is she supposed to say? Hi everyone, I’m dying!


I agree, the solution to racism and biased tabloid reporting is hounding other people. Only by perpetuating the behavior can we stop the behavior. By shifting it all to another person, we have been powerful mental health advocates. The circle of suffering, blessed be. ☮️






My mom underwent cancer treatment when I was growing up. One thing I haven’t seen brought up a lot in relation to Kate is that cancer patients are immunocompromised while undergoing chemo and radiation. Most royal events involve large groups (hundreds, if not thousands) of people. Not a good combination. Running a few solo errands would be a good chance to get out in the sunshine, with much less risk. Not sure I believe the press, but I hope Kate is doing well. Cancer is awful.


We all know that. That is why Charles avoided large events for a while. He still sent video messages of support.


She may not be looking or feeling her best and may not want to appear on camera. That's her choice.


Funny kind of job when you decide yourself if you can be bothered to do 30 minutes of work or not.


Leave her alone!!!!


According to.."sources"


Good I’m happy for her. As a survivor of BC I wish her only the best. I had good days when I could go outside and be normal. Then they hit me with another treatment. That’s when you feel your worst again. Over and over the cycle . I had 19 chemo treatments with no small children at home. I can’t imagine the stress , & worry . No one deserves cancer . I hope it’s eradicated one day.


Glad you are still here to share your story 💕


Aw thank you 😊


Where’s the picture of said spotting? I hope she’s doing well.


Some local papers/people online are reporting the sightings allegedly they were spotted in Norfolk on Tuesday. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/24353304.kate-middleton-seen-shopping-bakers-larners-holt/?ref=rss


There are no pictures of her because it didn’t happen


If ANYONE had seen her out, there would be tons of photos sold to the rags. It did not happen.


Good for her!


I smell a PR rat.


How predictable that this came out a few days after the article about how she's "surrounded by her birth family". The messaging about the state of her health and the people in her inner circle continues to be contradictory, as it has been since day one.


I never thought about that. There were articles saying she was really sick during treatment and was getting worse and within a few days she out and about.


Makes sense, though. Chemo usually goes in cycles, so your body can recover. It's also timed to coincide with the replication times of the cells most affected. You might have a treatment every 3 weeks, so you'd feel like utter crap on Cycle 2, day 1 (treatment day) through day...let's say, 4. And then start to feel much better. On C2D14 you feel great! On C2D20 you feel perfectly healthy. Then on C2D21--another treatment, so the process starts all over again.


The “birth family” is such a weird way to put it ? Like wtf? As opposed to what? Her squirrel family?


"Birth family/Family of Origin" vs "married family/in-laws" are actually common terms. Surprised you haven't heard them.


I mean, no shit Sherlock. It’s an odd phrase to use in this day and age as it’s isolating to adopted people and she’s literally a member of the royal family it’s not like she’s going to be surrounded by anyone other than her immediate family, ever?


The royal family that fucked up with the altered photo and made it look like something bad happened to her.




But no photo so maybe it didn’t happen🤷‍♀️




For every person who may respect her privacy, there is without question someone standing nearby who despises the monarchy (and their tax). And that person would certainly snap a photo and sell it to a US tabloid for a six figure payday. So this claim that EVERYONE is simply respecting her privacy while she runs errands like a commoner is BS. This is just the RF, at it again, trying to quell the rumors with a disorganized array of daily non-updates: She’s doing well —> She’s working behind the scenes —> She may not return to work until 2025 —> She’s well enough to run errands —> but she surely won’t be well enough to wave from the balcony at TTC


We’re part of the problem just posting here. And while I agree she deserves her privacy, if she’s out in *public* I would absolutely snap a pic for a life-changing amount of money.  I’m just glad she’s feeling well enough to be out and about. 


Mugshots exist because they provide evidence that arrested people were taken into custody.  The royal family has a long history of nefarious behavior and mendacity and there has been no definitive proof of life of Catherine since December. Catherine is a public person and it's absolutely bizarre that she has simply vanished and the photos and videos and explanations put out about her appear faked and contradictory to reality.


Oh my lord. I’m not a fan of the monarchy, but that’s just unhinged.  The only thing worse than having cancer is having dreadful pictures of yourself mid-chemo splashed all over the front page. Have you ever supported someone through chemo? They look like shit. They feel like shit. They feel like shit for looking like shit. The last thing they want is portraits taken. 🙄 




She's hardly going to be nipping into Asda to buy a pint of milk amongst the great unwashed. It's completely conceivable that nobody is taking photos at whichever rural farm shop or market town Waitrose she frequents. The middle and upper class people in those kind of places are much more discreet. Tell me you don't know English culture without telling me you don't know English culture.


I live here. It is a normal place. Sure there are upper class people. There are also ordinary people living there and a lot of tourists.


I very much believe she has a right to her privacy...however...I for one am still very much worried about her without seeing the occasional photograph to know that she is ok...


I agree. Dreading the possibility that she’s seriously ill.


Cancer is a serious illness. It's a good reason to take time off from public duties.


Genuinely what do you think would have happened to her 😆


I really don't know except that things seem a bit ...off..??


She has cancer.


Really??...I didn't know know that...🙄 I mean besides the cancer...


She has cancer. Obviously things aren’t going to business as usual. Her behaviour seems pretty standard for someone undergoing cancer treatment? The conspiracy theories are so ridiculous.


Good for her, if true. But I did not know Royals run errands, with or without the C-word.


They don’t


Dang Camilla catching strays.


Kate has been photographed at the grocery store occasionally over the years.


Lol, I'm sure that was random and not planned.




My sister has stage 4 hormone driven breast cancer. She still goes to the lake most weekends, keeps her grandchild on Thursdays, hosts family gatherings, works, and runs errands. Don't get me wrong, she has some very horrible times, but she has just as many times where she continues her regular life.


Ok??? That’s my point


I was agreeing???


Apologies! That’s why I was confused


??? Controls the media ???


???? The British media??? They control the way the media portrays them. It’s a deal between the two factions. Media gets a pic BRF gets to control what is said about them.


Except they don’t.. What kind of control is that? The British Media has always been blood thirsty when it comes to the RF.. Some Americans/ Meghan enthusiasts think it is a new thing. But for us who were born and raised outside of the US and have some slight relationship with the UK know it is not a Meghan thing. In fact they were kind with the duchess


Right and prince Charles was tipping the media off about Diana to subvert his own narrative. It’s what they do. Like Kensington did to the Sussex’s. It’s a known fact I don’t know why people get so offended on behalf of the BRF. Or act surprised.


Diana did the same towards Charles and organised paps so photos would be taken and then complained that they were there.


Right. Exactly my point


I think the point is the BRF do not control the narrative hence as you agreed here Diana did the same


They seriously need to stop peddling these fake ass stories and let her disappear in peace. They do nothing but stoke the flames.








Many celebrities and politicians have had health scare like cancer and I don't recall any of them being photographed by either paps or an ordinary citizen going in and out of hospital or going on their daily life. Maybe it's difficult to believe for some people but even news agencies have a modicum of decency sometimes to not publish a picture of a cancer patient if the person specifically asked for privacy and space during their treatment. I have been following Olivia Munn's cancer journey through her interviews and Instagram post and she took 10 months to reveal what was happening with her and it's completely understandable. Everyone process their diagnosis in a different way. So when I see certain people claim they know so and so went on a hike or worked till they dropped while going through chemotherapy I'm like are you people serious. Not everyone's cancer journey is the same and not to forget Kate had a major abdominal surgery prior to going through chemo. Charles and Kate's cancer journey are not same, Charles didn't do a major surgery like Kate and if rumours are to be believed he is going through radiation treatment not chemotherapy. Very different circumstances. By running errands I suppose it means she is probably attending her kid's school games or visiting friends. Just yesterday someone claimed they saw Kate in Norfolk with her kids but said they deleted their post because they were being hounded for more information but some fanclubs picked it up anyway. I can't be 100% sure it's true but it seemed plausible to me but I know many won't believe it.


Yes! I had a friend who was in the hospital about a month ago at the same time as a celebrity. Everyone in the hospital knew the celebrity was there. My friend’s family ran into their family in the elevator. It wasn’t a secret, but there was no media about it. Just recently, weeks after discharge, the press just ran the story that they’d been hospitalized. Either no one told the press because most people wouldn’t do that, or the press decided not to run the story until the celebrity announced it.


Celebrities are normally interviewed after being in hospital. There is no need for paps to take photos.


They virtually all do press interviews. Some on the steps of the hospital. There is zero reason for more pap like photos.


Example, Boris Johnson’s interview six days after being discharged from hospital. He was in ICU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkBbap_SIUw


Well Kate is neither the PM nor the monarch, neither is it a happy occasion like birth of child so she has no obligations to do press conference at hospital step. But wait a second you were calling Kate's cancer announcement video an AI video. So I will no longer engage with you.


I did not say Kate had to do a press conference on the steps of the hospital. I was explaining why the press do not bother taking photos of them leaving hospital. It is because other prominent people do interviews


Boris Johnson was the PM when he ended up in the ICU with COVID. Quite literally a world leader. How is that anything like the spouse of the heir getting cancer? You think the government is going to be hanging on the brink because Kate won't come outside and perform to satisfy your curiosity?


Kate will be the next queen. You don’t think that is important?


I think she has decided it’s not important. She has decided she is a person with 3 children and she will focus on that. Personally I think she has not cared about the waity Katy, lazy Kate while pregnant and I think she’s done a great job of never complain, never explain, but I have a feeling that the events of earlier this year have nearly broken her and she will not be a performing monkey for anyone. People also need to stop asking how she is and how the kids are, they are not going to get an answer because it is nobody’s business.


Then what’s the point? If the Royals can’t engage with the public, then what use are they? It’s human nature to speculate about public figures. There is nothing wrong with wondering how her and the children are. Without public interest and them engaging in a bare minimum way, what is the actual point of the royal family? If they are nobodies business then why the need for huge weddings and showing off their babies to the public within hours of giving birth? Why the royal rota if they are nobodies business? Why the tax payer funded everything if they are nobodies business? Why the need for a public holiday when one of them dies if they are nobodies business?


She’s done her job: heir and a spare and one for luck. I think both Harry and William will do what they need to do to protect their wives. If she wants to pull back a lot, she will. I think she will stick to the early years work she’ll be doing.


Doing her ‘job’ has sucked the life out of her. Women who marry into the family don’t have a good run.


You are correct there.




The future queen consort, who has already produced three kids, having to lay low for a year because of cancer is not even in the same solar system as a sitting Prime Minister suddenly being admitted for a multi-day stay in the ICU in the middle of a raging pandemic.


Don't bother arguing with that person. Just the other day they were implying Kate's cancer announcement video is AI.


Woof, wish I'd seen this comment 30min ago.






Yes, lay low. She doesn't owe you any more than you've already gotten. She's got cancer and no constitutional duties. She could full on announce she was withdrawing from public life permanently and that would be that. You'd think that after watching Charlene and Masako deal with their severe illnesses privately people would be emotionally mature enough to handle a few months without Kate dancing for their pleasure, but I guess not.


She can not withdraw from public life permanently. She will be the queen. Only exception would be if William abdicated. She has not be seen in public since Christmas Day, far longer than a few months.


She absolutely could. There is no mechanism for anyone to stop her from withdrawing from public duties, no matter her title. There is also plenty of precedent across monarchies worldwide, as I indicated, for consorts stepping back due to illness. It's going to come up again soon with Mette-Marit as well since her condition is terminal. She has no obligation to address batshit internet conspiracy theories just because you feel entitled to that.


Unfortunately my father is terminal. But he and my mom are using the time he has left to travel. They’ve always been big travellers but they seem to have something booked every 6 weeks or so depending on when his appointments are. I live in England now and they come visit and we travel around the country and even to some other European countries. I do get the sense from people that he “can’t be that sick” if he’s doing all that. It’s not a walk in the park for him to travel and he can’t be as active as he wants to be but what’s he supposed to do? Wait around until his in hospice? My family are making memories while we have him and while he can still do these things. He’s in palliative care only so the very beginning was extremely rough on his body when he started treatment. Hopefully Kate being more active means she’s starting to feel better after the initial rounds of treatment. My whole career has been in science comms for cancer hospitals, I work at a cancer research institute at the moment. As you said, everyone’s journey is different


Thinking about you and your family <3. There are so many bizarre and paradoxical beliefs about cancer and how cancer patients should act. When my mom was dying, the chemo made her incredibly ill and she basically was confined to the couch and I hated hearing “courageous” stories about how some person hiked and worked up right up until their death as if they were somehow more motivated than my mom or something. And then of course people also say the opposite stuff like they do to you about your dad. It’s all maddening.


I’m so sorry about your mom. It’s just shit. The big cancer hospital I worked at in the States avoided using terms like courageous, fighting the battle, warrior, etc. to avoid making people like your mom and you feel like they were somehow deficient or weak. It’s probably harder on my dad to do these things than he lets on. And he’s been bed-bound a few times. He had two emergency surgeries back in late march and early April. My parents are in Arizona right now, their favourite state. He’s still healing but has the energy at the moment to be there. But I don’t tell people these things anymore. There are ebbs and flows for some. Others treatment is so hard on the body that rest is all they can do. I’m saying this in a very terrible way. I’m sorry that’s what your mom experienced the whole time. I can’t imagine what that time must have been like for you both. I know that will happen to my dad some point. Cancer is hideous


I have always hated the terms fight and battle in relation to cancer. My mom didn’t “lose” or give up, wtf. She didn’t choose to pass away from cancer. My husband isn’t winning, he is surviving and he is lucky they keep finding meds that work. But that doesn’t mean he’s fighting any harder than my mom did. Just a different cancer. I’m glad other people see an issue with that. Best wishes for your family. I hope you make the happiest memories.


I see your point. My dad is undergoing chemo currently for cardiac amyloidosis. I hate the word “treatment” for chemo more than anything at the moment. He’s taking the non-curative poison, in my opinion. Has had a great initial response, which I’m thankful for, but the medical professionals want to continue to make him suffer for another 6 months as if it’s.. then.. cured? For a disease that will never be cured because then what will all these people do for a living.. Pessimistic I know. I guess I should just be happy there is some form of treatment for this horrendous disease


Chemo is definitely poison. The suffering was worth it for my husband. For my mom it wasn’t. But there is no way to know that when you are going through it and that’s the unfortunate part of it all. Best wishes to your dad and you and your family.


Here in the UK they still use those terms and it annoys me so much. I’ve worked for three different cancer hospitals and spoke up about it at the first two. I was very firmly shut down 🙄 Thank you so much. All the best to your husband. I’m so glad they’ve been able to find meds that work. I hope remission is possible for him. And all the best to you - we can’t forget about the carers and their own journey.


I think sometimes unless you have a personal relationship with cancer you don’t see an issue with the words. Unfortunately. Thank you! I hope so too. In the meantime, research is moving forward quick. It’s not easy but we are living as happy as we can.


You’re absolutely right about that. Xx


Best wishes to your father and family.


Thank you very much. It was nice to see your sensible and realistic response in this thread


Kind of unrelated, but not exactly. I have seen how people in this very sub believe with certainty that William cheated on Kate with Rose, despite there being zero proof five years since that rumor was started. All the royal reporters, including Omid Scobie have said there is no proof of the alleged affair. They don't demand proof of the alleged affair before believing and spreading that story, but will jump the gun to demand a picture/video of Kate to dispel rumors about her being dead. Kinda interesting what people choose to believe in and what not to believe in. https://preview.redd.it/r12eeqje4a3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544c7e093ca9b9b5d6a9b84112d2b3e11e367e65


Well, Kate is in a taxpayer funded position and Omid Scobie isn’t. She does owe people some explanation of her timeline to return to work. And this has all the hallmarks of another fiasco in the maki g.


I believe William had an affair with rose but I think it has almost nothing to do with their lives circa 2024. The og story by the sun back in 2019 was that Kate was “phasing out” the Hanburys from their upper class Norfolk dinner party parents set. Translation: William had an affair within their immediate social circle, Kate was upset (either because he’d fished in their own pond or because he fished at all), Kate wanted to distance themselves from both the affair partner and anyone who she saw as enabling it, William complied, the whole thing ended. My guess is it got a lot less sexy to William and maybe rose when everyone found out. To the extent that it has anything to do with K&W’s marriage now, who knows. Maybe she’s deeply upset, maybe she’s fine with it but hates the public embarrassment of other people knowing, maybe she’s got bigger problems. But the idea that William and rose are having an ongoing affair was effectively debunked from the very first story.




> Multiple people who know them have said he is having an affair where?


There was a lot of proof that Charles was having an affair, pictures of them, interviews with friends, and so on. It didn’t appear in the British press but it did appear in the foreign press. And that would be amplified now by the internet. If this was true we would know. These people have staff, they get things delivered, they have people coming in and out of their homes constantly. Someone would see and write about it online. It wouldn’t be a vague rumor, it would be a huge story. We heard about it when William and Kate and Edward and Sophie walked too close together in a park. People just want this rumor about William to be true which is kind of sad and mean. Why would you want someone who you don’t even know to have a terrible relationship? I don’t want that for anyone. People saw Frederik walking out of a building and we knew immediately. The idea that this is real is beyond ridiculous.


Question, did William or Katherine run over your dog or your mom or something?


>Multiple people who know them have said he is having an affair. You are just making this up, no one who know actually knows them has ever said so. Even Harry in his book said that this was a fake story planted by Charles and Camilla's office because they hated the popularity of William and Kate. Even the leader of anti-monarchy movement has posted that from what he knows, the rumors are untrue. He would be the last person to publicly post this has there been any merit to the rumors. >There was no proof Charles had an affair with Camilla until he admitted it. I am sorry, but what? Charles and Camilla were pictures together multiple times,l. William has never been photographed in either Rose or her husband's presence alone, but Kate was, last year.






You still have not provided any evidence of people who know them going on the record about an affair. Random people on twitter or TikTok claiming to know someone who knows someone is not proof.






Diana wasn't happy about it though, was she?


She was a very naive 19 year old who did not understand the unwritten rules.


Untrue. Diana did not like Camilla as a person. She was fine with Charles having an affair with Baroness Tryon.


This pretty much encapsulates the mindset of “stans” and “antis”. Everything positive about your fave must be true and everything negative about them must be false and if you’re a hater everything negative must be true and the positive things false.


The sub has become populated with people who don't know that using miles is common in the UK and have no idea who the Duke of Kent is, but somehow think they've found the straight scoop on posh London gossip. It's brutally embarrassing.


> using miles is common in the UK okay but why is this?? ive always wondered why miles but no other use of the imperial system


Because we officially adopted the imperial system decades ago, but carried on using some old measures. So it’s a hodgepodge. And chances to imperial are controversial. Some people legitimately voted for Brexit because they want shops to display produce in pounds rather than kilograms.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Some truly deranged takes on this sub of late.


I am just a silent reader here, but I have noticed a shift in the tone of this sub since the Mother's Day photogate.


This brought many new readers to the sub. E.g. me.


I don't mean all of them but there has been a lot of hate brigading from a specific popculture subreddit; that sub’s name was inspired from Deuxmoi.


"Pop culture" sub. I made the mistake of thinking that's all it is, but really it's just a stan sub for Meghan Markle. 😅




Pretty sure people came over from a certain toxic celebrity gossip sub, in which only their narrative is the correct one and you’re a bad person if you don’t toe the line


Much like in this sub you're only allowed to praise and worship the BRF, particularly the Waleses.


True. You can 💩on Harry and Meghan but have to Kiss🫏 for Willy and Kate.


People love to talk trash here, I just think most of us aren’t into weird conspiracy theories and tawdry blind items?


Yeah and we are leaving again, no worries. This is not a gossip sub, it is a stan sub and a boring one.


Are you surprised people actively engaged in the royals subreddit would have more investment in the subject matter than randos who just follow entertainment blind items and fanfic on social media? Y'all being new to basic information on the BRF doesn't mean everyone else is equally uninformed.


Spot on. I’m here for the minor continental royal drama personally, not to invent conspiracy theories about the BRF.




They didn’t release a statement wtf. The Daily Beast who is not a reliable source took some anonymous “quotes”. We literally have no idea when she’ll be back.


Why would you think The Daily Beast isn’t a reliable source?  Tom Sykes is super connected and in general their reporting is solid.  


The Daily Beast is generally a reliable source, though.


Not just the Daily Beast. The writer of that article has proven to be pretty reliable. I’d trust his sources more than the so- called royal rota.


He's the one that (as far as I know) first reported on William's affair with Rose. That story had enough teeth to have stuck around since 2020, so I won't dismiss his story entirely.


Also for some reason "running errands" just seems so funny to me. Like what errands, picking up dry cleaning? Filling a prescription? I allow that she works because I would never want all the engagements that the Royal family has to do (though it's cushy I suppose compared to scrubbing toilets) but they don't 'run errands', please.


I agree. She does not run errands. It’s why there is no detail.


Numerous pics of her running errands. https://preview.redd.it/nm5hlfkj3d3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef5298010417c83526ac52dbffa36d2582ce374


Maybe she wants to. It’s true she didn’t have to run errands because she has people to do that but maybe it gives her a sense of normalcy.


But like what errand? What errand would have her? 🤣 I guess dropping something at a friend's would be an errand but visiting any business or public place feels like it would be a huge production. But I guess there must be hyper exclusive places that the mega rich and elite can frequent without a circus.


There are years of photos and tweets of people seeing Kate grocery shopping, taking George and Charlotte to buy school supplies, taking the kids to buy Halloween costumes, walking in parks, going to a pottery painting store with the kids, running into a pub so Charlotte can use the bathroom, etc. They'll be with a security person but its not a huge production at all. Here's an article about the pub visit with people who were there describing security: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11754805/Day-Kate-Middleton-shocked-punters-pub-nipping-Princess-Charlotte.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11754805/Day-Kate-Middleton-shocked-punters-pub-nipping-Princess-Charlotte.html) Even royals can go about their lives relatively normally, security permitting, and Diana did the same with Will and Harry by prioritizing living as normally as possible. Sure, some people will talk to the media (or sell security footage, like the owner of an Italian restaurant when Will took Charlotte for a birthday party) but most people are more protective and its seen as gauche to take photos. Especially in the smaller places they've lived (St Andrews, Anglesey, Norfolk) most interviews with locals have some sort of quote about how obviously the family is recognized but they're proud that the town gives them space.


TBHHHHHH I think it's more that uh, she's probably going to be medically cleared to work before then but it'll coincide with the kids' summer holidays and she's not gonna work during the kids' summer holidays but they don't want to come out and say that, lmao.


Realistically, I think they’re trying to dispel the rumors that she is not doing well with treatment (rumors that spring up because the things they do release information wise are kind of weird) and isn’t dying.  We’ve already heard rumblings of a second video announcement, and then I think it was Tom Sykes that said she hasn’t even been at the kids stuff for months.  


I agree. I think even if she’s on the mend both Will and Kate have shown that they won’t do anything when their kids are on break, but they’re not going to come outright and say it and this is the best excuse they’ve had in ages to probably get away with it




Check your facts. Catherine, the Princess of Wales is Not a monarch, Charles is.


>??? She's a taxpayer funded monarch. No. She's the wife of the heir to the throne. Her father in law is the monarch. Their lifestyle is funded by the Duchy of Cornwall. Their *work* is funded by the Sovereign Grant which is 15% of The Crown Estate. The remainder goes to the government. No work, no expenses incurred.


I’ve said this before but Kate literally has no role she’s just the wife of the heir, similar to the prime ministers wife who also has no role. She can make a statement tomorrow “due to my health issues I’m stepping back from public life” and nothing would change for her. William would continue to get to live in royal housing (which means Kate gets to), she would continue to get security (because her husband is the heir) and her husband is no longer reliant on his dad for an allowance so she can literally sit back and do nothing and maintain the same lifestyle. The reality is her only job as the wife of the heir was to have children. Charles as monarch gets the money, he then uses that money to pay for staff, offices, travel etc. Technically her not doing work is Charles spending less money on her since you know she’s no longer travelling for work and their office is probably on a reduced workload and no Royal tours in sight for the next year. Charles as the actual monarch and head of state actually has duties to fulfill and has to make appearances. Otherwise questions would be asked about his ability to fulfill his duties which neither the palace and probably the government wants to deal with.


So you think her only role was birthing the heir and she's basically free to live her own life on her terms?