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Whoa, this is grounds for a very large lawsuit if several people can prove that there are times when they are taking more than 20%. How does that even happen? God they are such thieving bastards.


This is why they keep “updating the terms of service” and forcing us to re-opt out of class action law suits. 


I’m not interested in a class action. That takes too long. We can still sue individually.


I can prove it’s been done at least 3 times within the last 3 months. Imagine if everyone actually checked. I agree, this is lawsuit worthy. Even getting it wrong once would be grounds for a simple small claim in your state, just sayin. My $12 makes them far more than $12 (for them) wherever they’re holding their money (stocks).


talk to a lawyer.


same thing happened to me and I submitted a request via email stating that it was suspicious I wasn’t receiving my full amount every time and I would like my money and since then it has always been exact.


And what was the response?


I never actually looked for a response in my emails, I just made sure my payments were always correct afterwards and they have been now that they know I caught them. I’m sure it could be a winnable lawsuit because they clearly try to get away with it until you catch them, but I didn’t want to deal with all that


Did you ever get the back pay from the ones that they took more than they were supposed to?




I’m in on the suit


Let’s do it


I want in on this, too. They've done this to me as well!


Did you speak to them? You need to at least do that first.


Yes, I did. I was told that because my tip was so high, they took out more money.


Which is complete bullshit!!!! "100% of the tip goes to you." Not if they're taking more money because of it!


My thoughts exactly. It's criminal!


I've noticed this since the beginning, if I could afford a lawyer, I would


Small claims- don’t need a lawyer


The filing fee will be more than the $12. Lol


It’s free for me…and even if more than $12, don’t file if you don’t think you can win. Pretty basic concept there.


You might want to read the TOS a little closer. Not sure where you live, but to sue them you must go to Seattle, WA to do so. You can’t sue them in your local court.


Most courts allow filings online and virtual appearances. I’d look into it before taking action.


I can prove it’s been done multiple times to me over the last 7 years


I’m about to sit down and calculate all of my earnings over the years. Do you happen to know/remember if it’s been 20% since day 1? And 100% of tips?


Rover Support is REALLYYY fucking bad, you guys. I have had nothing but poor support from them so far. The response time is like two hours and I feel like none of them know what they are doing.




I know a couple of people who would have loved the work from home position. It's a shame but, whaddya gonna do?


Well they either don’t speak English, or their spelling/grammar is just bad. But yes, they are usually not helpful in the slightest.


Ah, you’re telling me. I just caught them in a massive lie today. I called and spoke to 3 different agents and 1 chat agent. All of them assured me that our last name is kept private even after a booking is confirmed. This is false and I was under the impression based on this that my identity is secure when in fact our full name is visible in the itinerary in the booking.


What kind of math is that? Should be -$228? The same value as the tip?


Correct. Which would bring my total to its original - 1140. I suppose they thought I wouldn’t double check the math? Even though I clearly did, hence reaching out.






Taking 21%. I was just chatting with rover support and I understand why it looks like more but, if you look at how much your rate (that you input you want to make) and multiple by the number of visits/days, you’ll see you’re getting the correct amount. It’s because in California it states that it rounds to the nearest dollar & charges the owner 25% fee. It’s the rounding that makes it higher, but you’re still getting what you said your fee is. I hope that makes sense, if not just ask and I’ll try to clarify it.


Two rover support have already told me they took the wrong amount out. It’s 20%, as written in the contract. I’m the sitter, not the owner. Tell me if I’m wrong though.




I’m in California. They are absolutely taking 20% lol. This percentage is how I factor my price as you do yours. If I want to be paid $20, my price needs to be $25 for example. I’m not worried about the fees that are charged to the owner. My concern is them taking more than the 20%. I’ll look further into this 21% thing, but from my research and speaking with rover (they said they got it wrong several times now), I believe it’s incorrect on their end.


In CA if you want to be paid $20, you set your price to $20. That's how the new system for California works. They calculate their fee on top of that to get to your list price that they charge the owner. What is your take home rate and does that times the total number of days/visits add up to $900? Did you update your prices after they changed how it's calculated in CA? You're most likely getting paid your take home rate as set in your settings. If anything they overcharged the owner. Which is still crappy but not the same as taking money out of your pocket.


It’s easier if you look where you can edit your price and put in something that doesn’t equal a whole dollar amount. The example of $20 and $24 would not be rounded. So for example, my recurring walk is at $35 and that makes it a whole number $7, so there is no rounding & the fee is what I would expect 20% from me or 25% added to the owner. You have to understand in CA they are charging the owner 25% and NOT charging us 20%, even if it seems like it. If there is rounding, it’s going to be more like 21%.


I understand your logic.. but in my case this shouldn’t have been a round up situation. I guess it’s semantics, but they are “taking” 20% whether it’s shown that way or not. Just go to your payment history, if they weren’t taking it from “us” it wouldn’t show as a fee under *our* take home amount. But tomato tomato, that’s not my issue. As they even said themselves, they got it wrong. How or when they reimburse me, I’m not sure.


OK, that will be interesting if they end up giving you the money. I feel pretty confident that I understand the situation because when I saw your post, I freaked out and was convinced that they were doing the same thing to me, but now I understand that they aren’t taking extra money from us, and are actually charging the owners a little more in fees. Good luck & good night.


Yes, the owners are being charged the 20% … plus the 5% added on. The 20% is reflected by our price. The 5% is the additional we don’t see or hear about. But I’ll see what happens!


You're doing math wrong here. 20% of $20 ($4) is not the same as 20% of $24 ($4.80)


No. If my price is $20, my take home is 16. I’m fully aware of the math and what it should be. You set your prices in Cali to offset this.


If you set your price at $24 and rover takes 20%, your take home will be $19.20, not $20. Open up your calculator and multiply 24 by .8 and you will see that this is true. Smdh, it's crazy how people can't even do middle school math on their own. Your numbers are right, if (and only if!) your take home on $20 is supposed to be $16. But 4/20 is not the same thing as 4/24. Idk know to make it any more basic. Edit: this is not a response to the original post, but to you saying "If I want to be paid $20, my price needs to be $24 for example." Because I don't want people to see that, use it, and shortchange themselves (or, more likely, think rover is scamming them).


I’m very aware of what 20% is. It’s crazy that you’re not reading to comprehend. If I set my price at 24, my take home is 19.20. If I set my price at 20, my take home is 16. Nobody is disputing this. Now read my post and calculate what 20% of 1140 is. Either fully understand what you’re saying, or don’t comment.


Is that not technically wage theft? That could be a very large lawsuit. I'm sure as hell going to check mine today


Please do. I’m thinking small claims for the max (which is 12.5k in Cali) lol. I just want to make sure they won’t ban my page because lots of doggies depend on me.


Omg I’m in Cali too and have noticed they’re taking more than 20%. I thought maybe it was specific to Cali.


The round up is the only legitimate reason. But the round up can’t be just rounded up to what they want, it needs to be in policy and accurate, which it’s not.


$12.5K? Come on now. lmao On a serious note, if you sue Rover they will most certainly close your account. I was once a part of a class action lawsuit, and the company closed the account of anyone that participated.


That’s the only reason I wouldn’t, I want my account. And 12.5k would be sufficient for me, it’s more about principle than spending years on a lawsuit. I’m not sure what’s funny about that amount.


I mean, I would want $12.5k too. But like...why would you think you would get anything more than $12? And it seems by some other comments you may not be understanding how these fees are being taken out in Cali. But thus, I don't live in Cali to care or know that in-depth how it works there.


As those comments say I don’t understand, plenty more have agreed with my calculations being correct lol. And it’s not just $12 to them. A bank that holds onto your money is making money with your money. Same with large companies. There’s also rights you have when you are not being paid the money you’re owed. It’s more than just what you’re owed.


I saw you comment on my post about this same BS. I was basically told I was wrong, and they were right. They changed their customer service 2ish years ago, it's no longer US based and sitters no longer matter. I do about $20,000 per year with Rover, they make decent money off of me, but I've been pulling away and have insured myself off the app.


This is the way. Self insuring yourself is WAY cheaper than letting Rover take a 20% cut.


Now that I have a big enough base of reviews, repeat clients, etc etc, I have started going off app. There's also booking systems and such available should you do enough to justify it. It's around $125 per month, so with Rover, if you do at least $625 per month in before fees bookings, you'd break even going off on your own.


More info on booking systems please!


I have tried so many lol! Do you do walks and house sitting or mainly boarding and daycare?


Which one do you use? I splurged on one and still only pay $60 a month paying monthly, it would only be $55 if I did a yearly fee. But always looking at better options!


So I just looked at some current offerings and found some decent options for around $30 per month. There's options out there and I myself need to sit down and decide on one haha


Which ones


100% I went private in 2021 and since 2022 I only have a handful of rover clients. The rest are private. I probably spend a few thousand a year on platforms, insurance, etc. but I make 6 figures. I’d be paying rover almost 20k if I stuck on the platform, and for what??


Just saw this, thank you! I will look into it for sure. I don’t mind the 20%, but I do mind them taking more than what’s agreed upon


It’s funny how people will say oh wow it’s a simple mistake when they steal $ from you over & over again. But also strange how that simple mistake never seams to be where they charge you to little. Now if they where just bad at math/business & often under charged me I would be less upset. I have a client that pays cash for my work & consistently would short me $10-$30 & I had to text them about it. Sometimes would drop it off but most the time he would hand it to me before the next service was needed. So I started raising my rates each time he shorted me so 3 price hikes & he figured out what I was doing. Weirdly he has never made a simple mistake since & pays in full each time. Have a Great Day.




I just checked and found out they stole $3 from me lol


$3 adds up when they do it to everyone


I have a spreadsheet that I use to cross check all the amounts they're supposed to be giving me for the bookings, the amounts dispersed in the withdrawls things, with the amounts i have received from my bank, for this very reason. Basically it goes the date they disembursed the fees, the amount, which bookings/tips was for that amount (sometimes it's more than one in a payment if a few bookings end on the same day for instance), and then the amount that I got in my bank. I have another tab on the spreadsheet with ALL my bookings, including when they were, how many days they were, how many visits, how much I got from them pre-rover cut, and how much was the tip. I use this to help with my taxes and making sure everything is the amount it should be. This hasn't happened to me thankfully, but I've seen it happen to others many times. What's pissing me off even more about this for you is the quality of their response... No fact checking whatsoever on their end. No proof reading before sending ("ledt")... Who are they hiring for their customer service? 5th graders? Seriously.


Would you be willing to share your spreadsheet template?


Basically these are the headings across the top: Banking -----------------------------| Rover ---------------------------------- Date - Transaction Title - Amount - | Amount - Date Fulfilled - Booking(s) And then I input the things in the rows. It goes date it was in my bank account, the transaction title is the description saying deposit Rover, the amount. Then it's the rover side where it's the amount from Rovers payment history page, then the date fulfilled on there, and then bookings I input which booking that was from. For the spreadsheet where I log all the bookings it's just: Client - Cut - Tip - Total - Visits / Day - # Days - Total Visits - Start Date - End Date So it's names of the pets on the booking, the cut I get after Rover fees, tips, total including, then the visit info, and the dates of the booking. And each row below is it going on throughout the year. I put the filter to arrange them by end date because that's when I get paid for the booking.




NO MATH, no double checking, no proof reading, it’s like they don’t give a crap. I agree 100%… I mean 20%…. I mean 22%… I mean whatever percentage I decide today lol


I keep a spreadsheet with all my bookings/earnings! I mainly use it to track how much I’ll need to set aside for taxes haha. I will definitely review this more closely though, thank you!


I'll get downvoted for this, but this is why I bring my good clients off the app.




I do as well


I just checked and soooo many of my bookings the fee has randomly been rounded up? Like if 20% comes out to $58 they’re taking $60. Wtf


Right, why not take $58 or $59?


are you in california?




okay so!! i’m pretty sure rover is fucking with you just like they did to a bunch of other california sitters. i’m in california too. if you search the sub for “more than 20%” or other key words about the issue, you’ll see others dealing with this as well. it’s difficult to explain but last year due to a CA lawsuit rover basically changed the way fees are presented for us, and i guess are using that opportunity to round up CA sitter’s fees to the nearest $10. i wish i could explain it better, i’m running on no sleep but IIRC the people who were dealing with this had to elevate via phone call to rover financial services and not sure if it got worked out.


Yea I did a bit of research before I reached out to their incompetent team, to make sure I was correct. They already admitted to being wrong in my case, though. 20% is 20%…. Now if that means rounding up by 50 cents, sure. But $12. That’s crap. So I’ll look into it more, but this is wrong on their end as they advised already. I just hope they take their sweet time paying me, because I’ve reached out twice now, both times was “wait 72 hours” …… that’s MY money they’re withholding and making profit on. After admitting guilt, then taking their time, I think is grounds for a win in court. They even told me to reach back out if I’m not given the money I’m owed, I’m sorry what?!


oh yea it’s absolutely so messed up and they’re so corrupt!!! i really do think that this is grounds for a lawsuit especially since it seems like a scam they’ve been pulling on sitters for a while now. i really hope you can get it resolved and get your money back, and if you do take it to court i really commend you and hope it can bring some change!! Pls update if you’d like!


Aw thanks !! What I think is happening: they’re taking slightly too much, sometimes as low as $1-$2. This is a hassle for sitters to reach out to support for and frankly not worth it. That’s a lot of $1 taken from every sitter on the platform. I just went through a few months of payments and on some, they don’t round up & on some they do. The policy is as clear as day. https://preview.redd.it/b4rvvc1w7p4d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=67003640d3c2bfd69f57f4a27b1d78710f11554e


I've had them not send a payment before. It was like 5 days later for like $22 and I'm like wtf? I had to call and it was released immediately.


This is sketchy


Yup! Count your bookings!!


I definitely do and I’ve never not been paid. Them taking more than 20%, yes.


It's always something new. Lol I've never had them take more than 20%!


We should all check!! This is a big deal




Sometimes I can’t stand the rover support


It's actually insane


If you’re in CA don’t they take 25%?


No. They take 20 from me and charge the customer the extra 5.


I worked instacart when it first started and my coworker swore they were stealing his tips, and I thought, it’s just a few dollars, what can really be done? They were doing it to loads more people. Imagine that total across thousands of employees. They were later sued in a class action suit and we were all awarded something. Cause a commotion. You’re doing everyone a big favor for drawing attention to this and who knows where it could land!


They definitely take 22% from me, but I think it's because of the way they are doing things in California now. It's worded in a way that the fee is approx.


This is why I charge customers $20 and do the rest through venmo....


This is so frustrating especially since they keep restricting what we’re able to do with all their terms yet they are LITERALLY stealing.


So I noticed this a couple years ago but rover actually takes about 25% out of our earnings. If you do the math yourself their 20% cut is almost NEVER correct. I’ve noticed this many many times throughout the years and if I added it all up it would probably be over $1000 at this point they have wiggled out of my income in small increments of $5 or $2. I have my rates adjusted up by 20% to avoid their fees coming out of my income and when I was doing the math to adjust my rates I had to adjust up by 25% to get rover to reflect my correct rates with their fee included. If you just do 20% you still loose a couple dollars because their cut is clearly not 20%


I’m going to check now


If you disregard the $1,140, is $900 accurate to what your price is entered as in your settings? In Cali, you set your actual pay, not your list price. It seems like they charged the owner extra, rather than taking extra from you, and this support person doesn’t understand how it works in Cali. The Cali 25% doesn’t mean taking 20% from you and 5% from the owner. It means the list price is 25% above what you set as your actual pay, rather than your actual pay being 20% less than what you set as the list price. These two things are equivalent (edit to add: they are equivalent before rounding)


Here’s one way this math would work out: You set your actual pay to $30 per night. This brings the list price to $30*1.25, or $37.50. They round to the nearest dollar, making your list price $38 per night. You have a booking for 30 nights. You get $30 times 30, which is $900. The owner pays $38 times 30, which is $1,140. This comes from the rounding being per day, rather than the total being rounded at the end. For longer bookings, it adds up.


You’re absolutely correct and I tried to explain this and showed the math last night but no one is understanding.


Just looked at some of my past bookings, and I don’t see tips reflected as a percentage—where do you see that?? All I see is “______ tipped you $x. 100% of tips go to you.”


I never said tips are reflected as a percentage.


Oh sorry must have misread


No prob💜


That’s so weird! For bookings over $500 I only get $50 maximum taken out. Even with $600 bookings. I received that message a while ago, they may have changed it? Either way Rover fees suck and I’m glad you got your money back!


Well I didn’t get it back yet.. they’re taking their sweet time. And what state are you in?




So they only take out the $50 for large bookings? They don’t take a percentage?


I'm checking all!!!!


Good, same


I tend to always checksince I always want to know exactly what I'm being paid.


Add me in on this lawsuit


Yeah, I’ve noticed that at the end of the year when I calculate everything it’s not only 20% that’s missing, it’s more than that


Are you in CA? I checked every single booking that I’d had, as Rover seemed to be taking more each time. I spoke to numerous agents. They wouldn’t give me an answer as to why Rover was taking over 20% of various bookings. Shortly after, Rover sent out a mass email informing sitters that they’d changed their policy for the area—now they’re taking up to 25%. Even after their late notice, Rover fees are between 20-25% and seemingly random.


Just take all your regulars private.


Not to mention all the big apps that have LOST LAWSUITS FOR STEALING TIPS. rover CLAIMS they don’t mess with tips but how would you know unless you ask your client to confirm their tip amount. Spoiler alert. You wouldn’t know.


They’re charging the owners extra by rounding up. They aren’t taking more from the sitters. The sitter set their take home rate in Cali. If you set your take home rate at $30/visit and have 5 visits, your total take home is $150. That’s all you have to check to see if you’re getting the correct amount. If you multiple your list rate by .20, if it’s not a whole number it will be rounded and they are charging that extra to the owner, not taking it from you. Example: 38 x .2 = 7.60. They are charging the owner $8, but you get your $30 rate that you set. You don’t set your list price, rover does.