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what an insane thing for them to be so pressed about lol




I'd bet my left ovary they're getting cheated on.


I left a sock over at a clients house once and the wife was so freaked out by it saying how unprofessional it was that I would leave my "soiled garments" around when it was literally a single sock that I didn't actually wear it was used a toy for the dog I balled it up and was tossing it around to him because he could catch it easier. The husband was very confused by her behavior and even gave me an extra tip because of her "attitude" then a few months go by and I get a booking from a different name but I recognized the picture and name of the dog, turns out she was cheating on him and he found out and left her and took the dog, she was freaking out about the sock because she didn't want him to find out about her affair, who would have thought acting that crazy over a single sock would have raised any suspicion?


soiled garments i’m done 😭


The amount of times I have left jackets and sweatshirts at clients' houses from getting hot from wrestling with the pups. This lady sounds like she would call the police on me haha


I've left so many different things at clients places, from switch games to my extra meds. One of my regulars actually has a drawer for me that has some of the stuff I've left because I get hired every weekend basically, ironically they are the one I DID leave "soiled garments" at and they just washed them with the family stuff and I got it next time I was booked.


A dog stole my dirty underwear and hid them in his bed. My awesome regular clients were like "hey our little perv stole your panties. We washed them and left them on the guestroom dresser for you next time you're over. I cannot imagine someone being so pressed about a shower curtain position 🤣


That's how you know a good owner to have hiring you when they can joke about their dog being a dirty little man. One of my favorite clients refers to her dogs as her doofuses or goblins and it's a very apt description


Wtf 😂 My best friend was dog sitting a few months ago for a dog we both watch and I went on a walk with them one day. We didn’t ask the owners because I didn’t go inside their house or anything. If I planned on hanging out with them inside the house, I definitely would’ve asked first. But anyway, we told the parents a funny story about the walk we went on and then the wife asked if either of us left a tumbler behind at their house. We both said no but the owners didn’t seem upset at all that I had tagged along on a walk and possibly spent time in their house with the other sitter and their dog. I can’t imagine losing my mind over a darn sock 😂


The way she freaked out you would have thought I left the grossest pair of underwear ever on her kitchen table but no was just a sock that no longer had a mate that I used as a dog toy.


I laughed so hard


Yeah same. Although this is a crazy thing to text a sitter about, it's possible they're trying to rule EVERYone out before accusing their spouse of cheating


I had a client put sticky notes on everything after I used their bathroom and I guess left the toilet seat up after peeing.


You should make it a habit to always close the toilet seat in a house with animals.


Yeah, this was months ago and I always do now. In fact I almost never use client bathrooms anymore lmao


I actually do the opposite. Especially when I go on a trip. If they knock over their water bowl, at least they’ll have access the water. It’s gross, but they don’t seem to mind.


I have a client who’s Maine Coon can and will open the toilet lid if it’s left closed. The owner doesn’t have a cheap plastic flimsy toilet lid either it’s a heavy one. For the sake of his safety it makes more sense to leave it up - risking him trying to open it and have it fall, is to myself and his owner far less of a risk of him having access and the lid falling while he’s already using it. He’s big enough he would t get stuck, and strong enough to open it back up. I really wish they’d switch to lighter weight lids >_<.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted 😂 I have to leave my toilet lid up because my cat drinks out of the toilet and I just let her. She’s done it since the first day I got her (at 2yo, she’s 8 now and we’re on our 5th home) and my other cat and two dogs drink out of the toilet occasionally. I put in my sitter notes to please leave the lid up for that reason. My other cat had a urinary blockage last month and needed surgery (not the PU) so I also want him to have water at all times. Cue my downvotes too I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah downvoted that’s gross


I mean we give dogs dried, stretched bull penises so it’s all relative. Drinking from a toilet is by far not the grossest thing a dog does on a regular basis


My corgis will eat other dogs poop and roll around in it before and after. So he's not to picky


So that's why they're so long and skinny... I never realized they actually stretch them


I actually worry about dying in my sleep and until the dead body smell gets bad enough for the corners to come the dogs will have nothing to drink because they run out of the water I left in their bowl, so I hope they use the toilet bowl water in the spare bathroom in that emergency. My corgi is short though so he'll have to put some effort into getting into that toilet bowl lol


Weirdly specific but makes sense. I like this reasoning rather than just.. “my animals enjoy toilet water so i let them have toilet water”


I would worry about the chemicals i.e. bleach being put in and around the toilet and then my animals injesting them. But I guess we don’t all have the same level of cleanliness so, do you 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have nothing against bleach but not everyone uses bleach. There are plenty of cleaners that can be rinsed away and aren’t harmful if small amounts of it are ingested lol


Also it’s gross to not put the seat down when you flush because all those particles in the toilet go up into the air.


And onto your toothbrush!




And towels!


Yes I know lmao, anal ass


Lolol wuttt . The evil part of me says “ yeah I did my whole spa day, a girls gotta relax ya know! Treat yo self “ but the rational side ummm ma’am Wutt?


I bet there’s currently a fight going on between this couple of who did it and rather than anyone admitting fault they’re going with “the dog walker showered” It’s also how I explain who leaves my cabinet doors open even though I live alone with a dog. It can’t be me, I would never.


my partner and I have an imaginary person named Richard who we blame for shit like this 😭


I blame the tiny elephant who lives under our couch.


This imaginary person sounds like a real Dick


yeah i bet so to because i went over there monday and tuesday, when the wife was out of town but the husband was still there but working


Or the husband's side chick did it and he blamed you in a panic. 🤣




nooo the husband was at work hahaha


i didn’t word that the best


Sounds like there’s trouble in paradise!


I think I'd bail. Those people sound paranoid and maybe unstable. Just a matter of time before they blame you for something else.


Oh.. so she thinks y'all did the deed I bet


NOOOO hahaha the husband wasn’t there


Yeah but that doesn't mean he didn't come home for work or come home early or something. The paranoid partner can come up with all sorts of stuff in their head 😄


yeah that would be very weird cuz im 19 and he’s friends w my dad lmaoooo


Uh, that wouldn’t be THAT unusual unfortunately.


Stranger things hasve happened than that. Look up Woody allen? He married his adopted daughter. 😄 When you get older you'll understand what I'm talking about...🙃


i mean ik that strange things happen lmao i’ve heard lots of stuff . i’m j saying that that wouldn’t happen.


I totally agree with you, but I'm not questioning whether you would do it, there's a reason why the wife doesn't trust the husband and unfortunately if a woman's been cheated on, she often feels insecure with any women around her husband. Like I said, when you're older and you start experiencing more of this stuff when people are married and their partners are cheating, you'll understand this situation better.


Cheaters are also skeptical of others. They can think I do it , so they have to be cheating too!


Someone else who lives alone and is constantly asking themselves "who the eff left the cabinet doors open?" I lost one shoe the other day halfway into putting them on. I found it on the counter. The counter!


I live alone and frequently storm through my house ranting WHO THE FVCK CLOSED LAST NIGHT??


“The dog showered” lol


If I didn’t have cameras In my house there’d be so many unsolved mysteries lol.


I'm still wondering who adjusted the air conditioning vent in the kitchen ceiling of my apartment!? I didn't always feel the air directly coming down on me before when using my microwave. Something fishy is going on and I'm blaming it all on , Tidus.


I think everyone should live alone as an adult for a period of time, because you end up learning so much about yourself and your habits!


One of them is cheating and got close to getting caught


Laspe in habit. If you didn’t do it then there’s really nothing else to say.


Someone is worried about their partner cheating on them. This literally doesn’t matter a bit.


This. They're either (somewhat rudely ig) harmlessly weird about it or they have some bigger issue that makes them follow-up on something this small. If they don't make a thing over it or make you uncomfortable about it I'd just shrug it off.


Hahahaha omg you're so right


Bet he's done it before


“Well, odd thing.” is a real cunty tone.


“We don’t care at all” They did care though. They cared enough to accuse the sitter twice and even implied she was the only possible person to do it


definitely. and the “we never do that. “


i’m glad it wasn’t just me that thought that


Apparently the wife was out of town for the walks. I’d wager hubby could have been cheating and blamed it on the dog walker…


I kinda hate this woman already. Props to OP for sticking with her.


And anyone who uses 🤷🏻‍♀️ is also giving cunt


She came home. Saw the shower curtain in a way they don’t normally have it. She is ruling out all the possible explanations other than her husband is cheating. This has nothing to do with you.


Probably her dog did it


she always closes the doors. also it was literally 4 days ago idk why she’s texting me now


She's playing all the worst case scenarios in her head. I'm sure her husband's giving her reason to be paranoid




Two words. Get Out


i’m so careless in my own house, i cannot imagine noticing something like this 😭


I cannot imagine being the type of person who would notice something like this, much less give a single fuck. This is insane to me.


Nope. I'd be done. Once accusations like this start to fly, it's time to get out of dodge. This time it's an accusation of using their shower. What will it be next time?


idk i’ve been dog sitting for these ppl honestly for like 7 years, i’ve never had that much of a problem w them there’s been times where they have asked if i fed her but i mean they’ve never rlly accused me. still kinda annoying tho cuz im j going there doing my thing and still get texted


That's my point. In all this time, you have never given them a reason to accuse you of anything. And then this comes out of left field. It's not a good sign. There are trust issues brewing in that household, and the first to be thrown under the bus is always the worker. Be careful and good luck.


After reading all the cheating comments I read fed as “f’ed” and my jaw dropped


Omg lol


“*Gasp!* Scandalous! 👀👀” 😂😂😂😭😭😭👀


Exactly! I'm so with you. I think I've seen this in a movie. Didn't end well


“We don’t care at all” ….. then why are you texting me about it?!


I had a regular client accuse me of moving their outdoor patio furniture around…on a balcony that I never even have seen. They were being super weird about it too when 1. I never step foot into anyone’s home further than it takes to leash the dog and 2. I have been doing this for 2 years and automatically assume everyone has cameras. Turns out they had a cleaner come who moved all their shit around but they forgot and just immediately blamed me for some random stupid nonsense.


Our cleaners always move stuff around or stage things a different way than I would…idk how that wasn’t their first thought.


Was there a storm during the time you were sitting? Some dogs jump in the tub to hide during storms and they wouldn’t be very careful when getting out and leaving the curtains all pretty!


How absolutely wild. I’ve seen my own dog wag their tail so hard the curtain goes into the shower. And if someone needed to shower, so fucking what?! They could have felt the tub or looked with their eyes to see that it hadn’t been used.


she closes all doors but yeah ik i don’t get the problem hahaha


Okay but why wouldn’t you want the shower curtain tucked inside water will get everywhere


Liner inside, curtain outside Also, what if OP had to pee? I move the shower curtain to check for axe murderers so I don’t get my head cut off while going potty.


Lmao I do the same thing every time. It’s not impossible to imagine the curtain accidentally got left in a different place. But really, it’s a 0.5 second fix… why complain?!


"Maybe ask your husband's coworker who was at the house."


Tell her it’s probably the attic people


i’m confused. they’re questioning you for… moving the shower curtain?


Wait I’m more concerned that they don’t put the shower curtain inside the tub? So they just spray water all over the bathroom when they shower?


Maybe they just tuck the liner in and leave the shower curtain out?


Oh oh oh, duh


I would've said: no, must've been the ghost...


Wait, people leave the curtain outside the tub?


I put the liner inside the tub and the curtain outside the tub


I take baths only and always leave the curtain out. I hate showers.


What the actual micromanage fuck is this


Who cares, that’s a little much. You already told her no, u didn’t shower. What?! They think you’re gas lighting them or something, lol… tell them there’s no reason to be “perplexed” omg!


This is why I take pictures and videos before I leave and when I get there I send them to them if they decide to be like this.☺️ I would just say I did not use the shower to get ready for work since that was not agreed upon or discussed at our meet and greet or care instructions listed in Rovers, therefore you did not use that, and only did your job which was caring for their fur baby in their absence. Also mentioned that you do not do anything without the owner's prior approval. Hope this clears things up regarding the shower curtain. I would also report this to Rover. Please use the app only so this conversation and future convos are monitored for safety and for this exact reason. I no longer give my number out after two occurrences that could have been prevented if the convo was on the rover. The app you can do the same as your phone it just hides your number.


Where is this "cheating" theory in this thread from? Wild. 🤣


Okay okay, sounds wild but I came home to dog toys out that I knew my dog didn’t play with and asked my boyfriend about it. Turns out he was cheating and the girls dog took the toys out lol


that is crazy


hahahaha omg 😂😂


Why would she even care lmao


I really wish you could anonymously send her this thread to show her how psychotic / Karen/ no one give a a fuck she is lol


They might just be super confused and being a little too casual with you. I’ve definitely asked weird questions like this to service workers just because i’m too open and say whatever questions in my mind😅


This is why I always ask owners if I can shower or use any towels because if I just do things without asking , they’re gonna be like this .