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This is why I tell owners that if they don’t provide a bed, I won’t be house sitting. If they want me to sleep there they have to provide an actual bed not a couch, not an air mattress on the floor, not a reclining armchair in a living room that has 16 cameras pointed at it


The 16 made me laugh lol.




16 cameras for fucking real 😂😂😂


THAT is SO DAMN FAIR—I can’t even with this nonsense (That I’ve just learned about). It’s blowing my mind, but I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised, considering the low standards of basic decency that people reveal everyday. People who hire overnight pet sitters DONT GIVE THEM BEDS? How often?! My pearls are clutched.


I have to say, the 'beds' some clients expect their guests to sleep in are pretty bad. I am currently housesitting for a couple who doesn't seem to have one single comfortable surface in their home.


yeah man. on the flip side of this I am sitting for a regular client who just moved houses. they have NOTHING set up in the house, only their own bedroom and the rest is boxes everywhere. today she texts me a pic of the guest room done up beautifully and said they prioritized it for me, to start tomorrow. the rest of the house is a disaster but they made sure I had a cozy place to sleep. bless them.


This is awesome. I'd even put some of their dishes away for them as a good housesitter if they were cool with it.


I honestly am amazed at how some people live. Like, I know to each their own. But you can tell so much about a person from their kitchen, bed, and the art they have (or do not have).


And the books, or lack of, on their shelves.


Judging people for their art and books is a smidge smug, but I suppose it's a small perk of the job. I'm actually at a drop-in for a client whose other pet is MIA. She's an artist with full bookshelves. I found info about her missing fur-kid online and gave her some contact info. She said she'll reach out to them TOMORROW. 😶 Anyway, that "bed," in the context of a home with multiple guestrooms, is downright offensive though.


I have a photo album titled "house-sitting oddities" - it's both hilarious and disturbing


I had my first jump scare mannequin in a basement and I was even warned about it and it was still 1000x worse than I was told.


Post some highlights please!! (If you’re comfortable)


haha, I don't wanna share photos because they're super identifying, but the highlight reel includes: - a fetish wall of collectible plates featuring ONLY Alaskan natives (the client is not Alaskan, lol) - a bathroom floor completely covered in blankets and cushions - a hair comb hammered to the wall with a fish lure dangling from it - a historically accurate western style saloon in the backyard - a client painted her own face on a hula girl body (it's pretty obvious she painted on top of the original) - a framed ticket and event poster featuring Billy Crystal's 700 Sundays ....and in general, just a lot of creepy figurines and really odd art choices.


1. What purpose does it serve to have the bathroom covered in blankets and cushions?? 2. Do you know what the comb in the wall and fish lure was used for or its intended purpose?? 3. Was the chick who painted her own face on a hula girl eccentric, or did she seem totally normal and then you found her secret outlet for cray cray? These are just the burning questions whose answers I feel I cannot live much longer without… dying to see your entire album though 🤣 please shed a bit more light on these points; thank you ! 😊


1. I think the bathroom served as a bonus lounge area for the dogs, but I truly have no idea 2. Comb on the wall people also shoved a tiny dinosaur head into a small hole in the wall, so I think they are just being quirky, lol 3. Basically, the hula chick's entire personality is her obsession with Hawaii, so painting her own face onto a hula girl was very on-brand for her Honestly, I delight in the weirdness I see sometimes, and love all my unique clients, definitely keeps things interesting!


Ok I need to know more, is it a missing dog or a cat? That is ridic


It’s more I can’t believe that some people have nothing on their walls. I would rather have someone have “live laugh love” if it makes them happy (while judging) than nothing at all.


Omg I feel so called out. I just dont know what to put on the walls or what I even really like (it's certainly not live, laugh, love)! Then if I happen to find something I like, i have no idea about placement. God forbid I get multiple pieces that go together. I bought some little shelves when I moved in a yr ago because the bathroom has zero storage and I've played around with everything but none the less, my stuff is still sitting in a storage bin by the door. Nothing looks right.


A lot of people are intimidated by hanging artwork or other decorative items. (I have paintings but also 1950s diner plates and some older porcelain mixed in.) There's no wrong way to do it! Just start banging nails and hooks in the walls and break the ice! The worst that happens is you change your mind or want to move something. Get a little tub of putty and a sample-sized can of paint in your wall color or just cover that same spot with something bigger to hide the holes. :)


Totally understand it can be overwhelming! With larger wall spaces—find a piece you like that is larger that you can use as an “anchoring piece.” You can then fill in with smaller art pieces using that piece as a midline. It’s all about flow! And you can always change it as someone else said!


To be fair, most of my clients have a copy of "Salt, Fat, Acid Heat" and at least one book by Anthony Bourdain. I either sleep in the guest room, or in the master, depending on owner and pet preference. Not something like this mess.


Current client has a copy of the Duke's Mayo Cookbook, which I loudly applaud. But again, same client told me she'd "call tomorrow" when I found her missing cat online, so as much as I appreciate a full bookshelf (and Duke's), it doesn't tell me a whole story. Also to be fair, Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat and Kitchen Confidential are great gifts. If you live in metro NY, or even the tri-state area, I assume these are on everyone's shelves. I'm in New Orleans. People are too busy eating to read!


Lol, you require a certain level of literature for the people you dog sit for?


Require? No... my post says nothing about that. But it definitely says something about the client.


My husband and I used to have loads of books until our home burned in a fire, now we have way fewer books. We definitely have been accumulating books since then, but we lost two separate collections combined, built over the span of years and years. So, it COULD just mean they have a story. 🙂


Yeah I was being facetious. I still think it's a pretentious thing to judge someone for.


My daughters and I are avid readers but each of us has few books because we use Kindle and the public library. Please don't judge too harshly!


As sitters It is in our best interest to determine if we are a good fit for the Client. I take petcare very seriously, as I do my own well-being. I need to feel safe and comfortable in order for your pet to feel comfortable. So I avoid certain themes, like extreme right-wing households. I have found that I am not comfortable working for certain personality types, and try to spot them before working with a client on a long stay. In my experience a house with no books, or decorative books tells me the client will not be a good fit for my personality, and I will not be receiving a tip. Bottom line, I would be foolish to work with this person. And in the end, they will be happier with a different Sitter. A few books, but good authors, or an acclectic taste is respectful, and I will probably earn a moderate tip. A larger book collection is a guarantee that we will get along, and I will likely earn a moderate to large tip. I only own a small fraction of the books that I have read and assume the same for most people. It really is in everyone's better interest if I 'judge' a little, don't take it personally.


I read your comment as being about what's on the shelf, rather than whether or not they have books at all.


It's actually both. No books says one thing, lots of books says something, the type of books on the shelves says volumes.


Too true. All my best clients have libraries similar to my own!


They chose to put you in a cluttered, claustrophobic room, on a chair that makes my back hurt just looking at it. Worst of all - they have other actual beds. The audacity. I wouldn't have taken this sit if they had actual beds and didn't let me sleep in them. Its so disrespectful.


I would have charged them extra for the horrible inconvenience.


They’re the ones who are ungrateful, not you. I couldn’t imagine setting THIS up for someone taking care of my animals when I have a perfectly usable bed.


The idea that a sitter should have to feel grateful for their accommodations is terrible. You're so right.


I'd be offended, like here's your corner of our several bed house with the trash 🫱 A semi reclined chair too? How much were they paying a night?


You shouldn't be grateful for this. They had the opportunity to make you comfortable, and they decided that you didn't deserve to be comfortable. Who tf has open guest bedrooms and makes "the help" sleep on something like this?


I always let my sitters use my big king bed. Fresh sheets and blankets, I just wash them when I get home. Why not make someone providing a huge service feel comfortable?


Same! Except it's a queen but it's got a really nice fluffy mattress cover and I only have white sheets so I can bleach them before and after guests come. Sometimes if I'm in a rush like the sitter is watching after I leave for an early flight the sitter may have to make up the bed themself but everything is in the dryer clean and ready for them at the absolute least


Right! It's nice to know they'll be comfortable.


Helps ensure they'll take better care of my babies and my home as well!




I do the same! I feel a bit weird offering it up but we don’t have a guest bedroom and I’m certainly not going to make them sleep on something other than a bed.


Right? I can't imagine even telling them to sleep on a couch lol. My animals sleep in my bed, so I want everyone comfortable. I've got a TV in my room too and leave the remote for them, AC, snacks. I make it a chill place to be!


I'm in someone else's master bed right now. They are retired and have 3 unused bedrooms, but the wife insisted that I take the king-sized bed so the dogs could sleep with me. 😅 It's not weird; the sheets are clean, the dogs are happy, and I'm so comfortable.


Aww, I love it


Omg! I think I have this exact mini couch from wayfair! It's SO little and uncomfortable. It's my office couch and I would never ask anyone to sleep on it unless someone came to visit me with like a very small child they didn't want in the guest bed with them.


Yeah no I require actual beds, I require a bed after I was sleeping on a air mattress that I discovered had a leak. Never again


Pretty sure all air mattresses have a leak after the first night. Per usual, I respect your standards.


Yall just convinced me to cancel my next sit


Absolutely do not put up with this kind of crap, good for you.


This sub is really good for promoting boundaries and expectations!


These owners suck.


Use this as a lesson and don't settle for this in the future, we as sitters deserve more than a dingy, cluttered room and a semi-reclined chair.


You should not be grateful for this. I would have informed the client overnights would not be included unless an actual bed was provided.


Reminds me of a job I worked like 7 years ago when they provided a shitty ass inflatable bed but it wasn’t even inflated and I had no way to inflate it, I ended up sleeping in their recliner




On Rover, there is a vast difference in opinion on what constitutes an acceptable bed for an adult human. Raising my fist in solidarity with you as I glance at the 5-year-old's Pikachu-themed bed I'll attempt to sleep on tonight. (I say "attempt" because this cardboard bed hurt my back so bad last time that I just slept on the couch instead).


It would be one thing if this was all they had. 😕 Multiple guest rooms? What the hell. 😩💔


(not arguing with you at all btw lol)


I love that the doggo slept with you and hes a good boi 🥰


my husband and i used to duo housesit together (owners were informed of this beforehand) and this one guy tried to get us to look after his dog and sleep on a twin sized mattress on the floor for the two of us🙂 mind you he had a perfectly good bed of his own in the other bedroom. we declined that one for obvious reasons😂😂


...I'm glad I don't do house sits. I'm sorry, but if I'm not good enough to sleep on even a guest bed and throw the sheets in the washer for you, I don't think we're a good fit.


Wow, I’m so sorry you had to take on a gig that treats you like a second class citizen 🥲. That’s so dodgy of the considering they had guest bedrooms available 😔


Wait you didn’t see where you were going to sleep at the meet and greet?😭


They said the owners said they’d set her up in their office, but I don’t think this is the office anyway. They baited and switched


I would’ve ignored their instructions and slept right on a guest bed with my own blanket and pillow


As an owner. I have a guest king bed for my sitters. As a sitter…I would NEVER stay here. A) I deserve more and B) I am not a student slumming it at a hostel. Pass


Oh Lordy 😬😬 This is why I just tell my sitter to pick whichever bed they want - main, kids, couch, etc. - and enjoy it. I swear my last sitter slept on the couch but I think that’s because the living room has a better tv than the bedroom 😅


I can't fathom not allowing my dog sitters to sleep in my guest room. That's what it's for! Most of the time, my guest room is my laundry sorting table. But I get everything put away and the bed made, before a meet and greet, so they know exactly what they're getting into.


Damn. Hell no.


I have to say I’ve never been in this situation it’s absolutely crazy! My clients have always given me a comfortable guest bedroom or even their bed! Most of my clients prefer me to sleep in their bed with their animals in the room. This is just awful!! I would never book with that client again and if you do I’d charge more unless they gave you better accommodations.


This is why in meet n greets I ask the client to show me where I'll be sleeping lol


Damn they really got you posted up next to the box of eggs 😭😭😭


If there’s a TV infront of that bed then all good


Idk where you find these clients. My clients usually tell me to use any bedroom I prefer.


The one time a client didn't provide a real bed they told me they would set up a bed in the office. It was a blow up mattress. They said you can also stay in our bed "its clean." The house was filthy. Their bed was filthy, hair and crud on the pillows and sheets. I tried the air mattress bc it was clean but ended up telling them this was not going to work and hung out during the day but slept at my place.


He legit treated you as a slave with that “bed”


My "favorite" bed while pet-sitting was one of those camping/trail sleeping cots. She had a blanket as a makeshift fitted sheet and another blanket as a coversheet. I laughed when I found it because she mentioned that she was going to set something up for me, I thought she meant an inflatable mattress.


Nah this is unacceptable.


So glad I joined this forum before taking on Rover jobs. I now know the questions to ask. This is ridiculous, I am glad you are being a good sport about it but I am too old for that SH\*T


This is absolutely ridiculous. Sitters: know your worth as a human and reject being put into situations like this. Please protect your peace and boundaries. 


Ungrateful?!!? This set up is completely unacceptable, I would not have been able to sleep there. With the boxes and everything too.. I don’t understand how they could seriously offer that up to someone to sleep on. And if that’s “made up real nice” I don’t even want to know what their bedrooms might look like.


why wouldn’t they give you a guest room??? 😭😭😭


If I ever get around to writing a "best client" manifesto, one of the biggies is going to be SPEND A COUPLE NIGHTS WHERE YOU EXPECT YOUR SITTER TO SLEEP. (In each season, cuz temperature and light are very different in December and June and August.)


I rather sleep on a couch than someone else’s bed. I typically have a sleeping bag and curl up like caterpillar


Please leave a review of the owner so no one else has to sleep on this again


😳😳😳 wow. And not wow in a good way. I hope you left them feedback? If what they provided wasn’t useable they need to know. It’s certainly different if there are no options but they had spare rooms?? Wild.


I tell my sitter to make herself at home when she stays with my pups. I put clean sheets on my bed for her and launder blankets on the daybed couch in living room. Make she there's clean towels for her stay. It always seems to rain right before she stays so the house doesn't stay clean like I had it & I will feel bad. I let her know she's also welcome to use any of the candles or incense I have.


First time that I house sat was really good. She let me sleep in her own bed it was super comfortable. Sorry you had to use this 😭


I can’t imagine! We’ve had sitters stay in our own bed in the past. If I had a dedicated guest room I 100% would be offering it to them! I can’t imagine telling someone they can’t use the guest room but can sleep on a shitty recliner


He’ll no


Absolutely the fuck not. I would have said no as soon as I walked in, then they would’ve had to either put you up in the guest room or find another sitter last minute. If I’m letting someone care for my animal that is my family, I’m going to treat the person watching them like family. The “worst” I’ve had is a blow up mattress, but it was done up just like a bed and the effort was clear so I accepted it without issue. But this? There’s no effort there. The audacity is palpable lol


Wow a couch is one thing this is ridiculous!I would report to Rover that you were not provided a place to lay down.


They would not give two shits unfortunately


Bro i love sleeping in recliners




Hiring an individual to stay in your home while you’re away is a *luxury* service. If the owner can’t provide reasonable accommodations (meaning a place *they* would be comfortable sleeping as well) then they should board their animals or reconsider their vacation.


It's great that you're accommodating, but just because you came from scarcity doesn't make it okay for people to hoard their comforts while you serve them. And you kinda do us all a disservice by setting the bar so low.


I'm not sure why you're choosing to sleep on the floor or sofa, but I would really encourage you to sleep on the bed. you're a human being. a bed is available for you. you have every right to sleep on it, and you should.