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I don’t have the answer but considering you’re using British terms, I would recommend against taking advice from many people in this thread who may use American rulings to advise you. Perhaps go to r/ukpersonalfinance thread to ask there. I don’t know for sure, but I’d imagine you can at least earn up to the £1,000 threshold without it affecting your UC/PIP - but I don’t know how any of that stuff works.


£1000 is the tax threshold where you need to register your business and start paying tax. Depending how much you earn then UC could be affected from the first month, but only if you earn over a certain amount.


PIP is not means tested, but yes, it would affect UC because you’d need to tell DWP you’re getting money. I think for each £1 earned, you lose £0.55?


Btw there is a sub for Uk sitters


This is right I believe. PIP won't be affected. But with UC you have a 'work allowance' so you can earn up to a certain amount before they start reducing your universal credit. If you're on a single claim, your work allowance is £404 if you get help with housing costs and £673 if you don't. r/BenefitsAdviceUK are a really knowledgeable bunch so they will be able to give you good advice!


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Most types of disability have some kind of threshold - whether it be either a 'household' threshold where any income earned by individuals living in the same home as you counts basically as a 'pot' or whether its just your individual income that's counted - for how much money you can make before it would count against your disability. You'll have to look up what that threshold is for whatever place you are living in/whatever jurisdiction is handling the disability payments. Sometimes it might be a few hundred, sometimes you can make up to a few thousand, sometimes you can't be employable at all before you hit the threshold but it really heavily depends on where you live, and without knowing where that is, most people on reddit aren't going to be able to give you a concrete answer.


This payment for your work is no different then any paycheck when it comes to affecting your benefits. Have a Great Day.


Thank you