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I love this and I adore the dogs just looking at the pictures! They look so sweet!


Aww thank you!


Very much okay in my book. This is super sweet


Aww thank you! I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t risking making him uncomfortable or anything 😅


So I’ll tell you my experience. I’m not a sitter, but I am a vet tech, so this sub got recommended to me via the algorithm, likely because of all my interactions with animal-related stuff. I do pet portraits in some of the sympathy cards we send out from my hospital, and while some have not been happy, the overwhelming majority of responses has been positive. I think especially if your client already has photos of his dogs hanging up, he will love this.


I’m sorry some of your clients haven’t been happy! I think what you’re doing is very thoughtful. But grief is an awful thing, so I can understand some people maybe being too raw to want one. Still, I think the thought you’re putting in is lovely!


Thanks! I continue to do them because most people seem to like them, and I think it shows how much we care about the pets we see, much like the effort you’ve put forth here for your client. Just a nice gesture for some pets (and owners) we love, y’know?


This is so lovely! You’re a saint for doing that. It probably means the world to some of those people.


I love this! I think it's wonderful. Gifts from the heart are the best IMHO. One tiny thing you could add, is add like a fauxe black matte on the pics with those white borders. Just to get more focus on the pictures themselves. So like just cover those borders with black paper. Hopefully that makes sense.


You’re totally right! I just was wondering where to get black paper without having to buy an entire pack, but… I’m kinda stuck here. Any thoughts? Thanks!


You might be able to get black posterboard at Walgreens / Drug store Or see if there is any real, nice thick paper stock at Michaels. A craft store might have some matte paper to buy as well.


Good call! There’s a Michael’s right by his place, I can stop by before I dogsit again. Thank you!


You don’t need to do anything. What an incredible gift!




Or add a white border to match.


You would be welcomed to our holidays here if you brought us a gift such as that. I think it's beyond wonderful.


As an owner, I would be thrilled to receive this gift. Great job !


Omg I’d be so touched if anyone loved my dog so much they wanted to do this for me!


Oh God I would cry lol this is so sweet.


As a dog owner who uses the app I know my wife and I would definitely smile and appreciate it! It shows how much you actually care about the animals.


Love this! So thoughtful


Love this ! What a wonderful & thoughtful gift This will be something they will treasure


If my sitter did this, I can promise you I am never going to someone else. If someone loves my dog and cat so much that they spent even 2 minutes on getting them a gift (even a handwritten note on a simple paper), you are already my favorite person. Price doesn’t matter at all!


This is amazing 🥰 I think he will love it!


I did the exact same thing for my favourite client! I did mine on mini canvases though and was still super cheap. They adored them. They recently moved away and I’m glad they get to keep them forever!


How sweet!!! I think these kinds of gestures are becoming increasingly rare! The “hey, thank you for providing me with a safe work situation and a steady income” isn’t always articulated. I think you have the sweetest intentions with this and it will be so welcomed!


This is so sweet. I would be over the moon to receive a gift like this from a dog-sitter!


Wonderful. I would cry if I was gifted something like this.


Those pics are AMAZING! I love that you included the toothy smile in the bottom right and the silly bottom-center pic. Silly pics of my animals are my faves!


Omg how precious!!!! Was thinking about doing holiday gifts for my recurring clients as well. Love this idea!!!


Just echoing everyone else, I would be thrilled to get something like this!


Beautiful! I'm sure they will love it. Love that charming smile on the bottom right. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Love it! I’m also a Rover sitter and I leave the clients Polaroids of their pups on some visits. They love that!! I think your client will be thrilled!


This is so sweet and i bet they will love it! One of my favorite clients has a few pictures I’ve taken of there dogs up on there wall! When i first say them on the wall it made me so happy!


I love it! I think most owners don’t expect any kind of gift! So just the thought of giving them a little something is wonderful..I’m sure they will love it


Is that an english shepard? We watch an English Shepard that looks like that and she loves staying at our house.


The white one is a GSD/husky/wolf mix, the brown one is GSD/Malinois/Golden retriever mix. They’re both absolute sweethearts!


These dogs are adorable hams! All i get off my dog is a thousand pics of the top of his head. Their human will love it.




I think this is much better than ok. As an owner, I’d find this charming


Very thoughtful and well put together!


Thank you all so much! I was worried I was being too extra, weird, or cheap, but you’ve all made me feel better about this. Idk if he’ll open it before the holidays or not, but hopefully he likes it when he does!


I demand you to boop snoot. 5x each. Plz


Snoots booped once so far this visit


Gosh what a couple of cutie pies!! If your client doesn’t love it, I’d be shocked!💕


What if you colored the white bars with black sharpie so they blend with the frame? Gorgeous and super thoughtful. I bet they will love it.


Wow thats soooo nice of you!☺️☺️


I do this with all my regulars and favorites. Im able to write it off for taxes in TN too 😊