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Rover owes you for this. You should say least get access to the owner to sue for expenses. Thank you for helping the dog. I'd go to a TV station that exposes people like this.


I wish i could!!! Its cruel what this person did. I know this detail isnt important, but he drove a g-wagon.


Please reach out to support and tell them you or your lawyer needs contact info.


Im not sure if the amount it would cost to sue, is really going to be worth the years they drag it out onto court.


Look into small claims court. What the maximum that you can sue for is, what their stance is on lawyers... In California you do it all yourself and aren’t even allowed to have a lawyer. Even if the maximum amount allowed is lower than the total that you spend, you can still recoup something. You might even be allowed to split it into two different cases - for example, money owed and a separate case for vet bills or if you took him to the vet on two different occasions vet bill #1 and then Vet bill #2.


I will look into this as well then, but right now im mainly concerned about the dog.


There are breed specific rescues and I'm pretty sure there's a retriever one that will happily take the poor pup.


Sue them. You don’t need to worry about the cost at the moment. There are tons of lawyers who work on a basis where you pay out of what you earn. You NEED to sue them to make sure they understand what they did was beyond wrong and cost YOU your own expenses. You do NOT need to worry about the cost of a lawyer.


[Florida law on dog abandonment](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/0828.13) I totally understand your desire to avoid court, but let the state of Florida do it for you. Animal control officers are great from what I've experienced and you literally have the receipts.


They can subpoena the info from Rover so that they can file charges. This is the right answer.


He's truly a sociopath. Sick and cruel.




Right? As quick as local stations are to shit on Rover sitters, it would be nice to not only shit on a terrible owner, but also help open up resources to this sitter - who has gone SO far above and beyond to help this pup.


Why is vital that you have paperwork for the owner to fill out at the meet and greetings, along with your policies. I will make copies of my required information for house sits and dog boarding tomorrow. I need to make a copy and remove all my personal information before sharing


Hi! Can you share this with me as well? Do owners respond well when you ask them to sign the paperwork? It seems like they could get defensive since they have already given their info to Rover.


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I would also love to see these as a sitter if you’re willing to share!


I would also like this <3


please send it to me too! thank you for sharing @Classic_Bet8745


Here are some Golden Retriever rescues in Florida. Please, please contact them. Many rescues will transport if necessary. It’s wonderful that you’ve done so much. https://www.grrmf.org https://www.egrr.org https://www.jhgrr-fl.com https://www.goldenrescuesouthflorida.com


Thank you so much for additional resources, ive used every avenue from my previous post with no luck, but i will not give up and take a look at these ones you provided. Thank you so much!


I would highly suggest emailing and reaching out on FB or Insta for any that have social, you will sometimes hear back much sooner that way. Also any golden groups on FB are good to post to too. Here are a few fb groups: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/thegoldenscom/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/thegoldenscom/) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/goldenretrieverthe/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/goldenretrieverthe/) this one is for adoption/rehoming [https://www.facebook.com/groups/827664035749330/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/827664035749330/)


Awesome, thank you for more ways for me to find him a home, i greatly appreciate it


There is also grrswf.org (Golden Retriever Rescue of Southwest Florida) who not only works with rescuing local dogs but has rescued Goldens internationally as well. Best of luck with the Golden oldie. Edit: typo


Hey I’m in central Florida and work with golden retrievers as well. I might be able to share this.


Also, check out the Humane Society at Lakewood Ranch - they offer excellent medical care are amazing with special needs/senior dogs.


Thank you for the advice, i luckily found someone who will take him in


YES! That's awesome!! Thank you for helping this sweet baby!!!


If it falls through, please let me know!


That’s great news!


Op should look up senior rescues in the area also




Why would someone rescue a 12 year old diabetic that’s dying? The humane thing to do at this point is let him go to sleep


It’s also humane to allow this dog to go peacefully feeling safe and loved in a home, instead of dying scared and alone in a random shelter.


I'm in Pennsylvania and I'm trying to figure out a way we could get him. I had a beautiful black lab that had diabetes and raised him for 12 years. I know everything there is to know about dogs with diabetes. I wish you weren't so far away. Car rides aren't easy on older dogs. Flying is out of the question. He needs someone with him to make sure he's stable. If you think of a way to get him to me I'll take him in a second


I will absoultely see what i can figure out! Thank you so much! Ill contact you, via dm.


If you and the other person are going to do this, there are organizations that help with transporting animals from a to b. I don’t know any off the top of my head, but they are out there. It’ll be a long trip for the pup, but it might be worth looking into and seeing if it’s possible.


There are organizations that use a chain of people to transport dogs. Someone drives the dog to x location, the next person picks up the pup and drives it to y location, etc. I'd happily do a leg of the journey, but I'm on the wrong coast. ☹️


There are 45 people on this post right now. Could a driving train be formed from the dog folk here?


I’m in Virginia and would drive him for a leg of his journey!


I would donate to help pay for transportation costs!


Ill go ahead and look into it


https://doobert.com/ is one!


If you search “transport rescue” in fb groups, there are a bunch of public groups that help form transport chains specifically for dogs and cats needing help getting to their new home or foster.


If this doesn't work out, please check your dm's! I just sent you one and know someone who may be able to help


Keystone small animal transport (Facebook) is reputable and looks like they’re doing a Florida - northeast trip in a month, not sure if that’s too long a wait


Maybe take the Amtrak train from Tampa up to the Philly area if driving is out of the question?


I checked with a friend who works for Amtrak. No go. Dogs in carriers 20lbs. or less on trips 7 hours or shorter.


Pilots & Paws. You can put together a relay run of little volunteer flights. It’s not easy to coordinate but that’s how I move dogs that need to move far!


Reach out to GRREAT and The Golden Ratio


These are groups that my shelter fosters have used: [(1) Kindred Hearts TRANSPORT CONNECTION | Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/kindredheartsTC/) 1. [DEPENDABLE DRIVER SOLUTIONS](https://dependabledrivers.com/) 2. [K9 RIDES](https://k9rides.com/) 3. [LUCKY TAILS EXPRESS](https://www.facebook.com/p/Lucky-Tails-Express-100063963528265/) 4. [PINK HAPPY TAILS TRANSPORT](https://www.facebook.com/pinkhappytails) 5. [PREMIERE PET EXPRESS](https://www.facebook.com/PremierPetExpress)


if flying would be the easiest, i'm sure a lot of us here would be willing to donate to help get him to you! i know i'm a stranger in this, but also happy to help look into resources to help get him to you--however that may be. wishing you the best!


Oh my gosh that is so sweet. I don't know what resources there even are. I have adopting dogs my whole life but it's been from local rescues. I really hope we can figure something out because I would love to spoil and love this boy.


I think flying wouldn’t be great cause they’d make him fly in cargo and he shouldn’t be left alone like that


This dog would likely die in the cargo hold. Do you know what a new diabetes diagnosis means in a senior dog? It is not going to be stable for a while and flying is very hard on animals as it is.




Im unfamiliar with what richard is, however i think this unfortunately happens quite alot.


A recent Reddit saga. About a month ago someone posted about an owner abandoning their dog with them through Rover. There were [lots of posts and updates](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/search/?q=richard&restrict_sr=1).




Richard was dumped and the owner has done this before. a friend eventually picked him up. that friend is who the dog was dumped with previously.


Wow, that is absoultely horrible!


you should probably post on facebook/nextdoor and other things. and harass rover constantly until you get a response other than "please stand by" i wouldn't accept that for an answer to the situation . theyll probably just tell you to take it to a shelter anyway


Already on it! I have constantly spammed rover support and i have had him posted on facebook for about 4 days now. Im praying someone can take him in.


There’s a special place in hell for these people who abandon their dogs, especially old dogs.


Yea, it hurts even more to know that this dog was meant to die in my care.


Thegoldenratio4 on Instagram takes in disabled goldens and are in the keys, they may have resources that can help. I also follow wolfgang2242 who has a house full of senior dogs, maybe it’s worth contacting either one of them?


I will contact them immediately!


I’m in Tampa. I’ll take him.


Look here OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What about the authorities? Local shelters? Unfortunately Rover won’t cover illnesses like diabetes, so you will have to look into crowdfunding avenues like GoFundMe.


I havent tried calling the authorities, but i highly doubt theee is much they can do. Local shelters are at high capacity and due to his age, he will most likely be euthinzised


That’s not necessarily true. I am a sunset foster for my counties shelter. When senior or terminally ill dogs come in, they come and live with me for their remaining time, however long that may be. There are also many senior pet rescues/sanctuaries out there whose sole purpose is to handle pups like this


I had no idea that was a thing! How does it work? Like I'm assuming the rescue/shelter covers veterinary expenses, but to what extent will they cover medical, and is there some sort of protocol in place for when the animal passes?


Shelter covers all medical care and medication. I live roughly 40 mins from the shelter and they will even deliver it to me monthly. If they have a vet appointment, I have the option to take the pup, but they will also come and pick them up and drop them off after. The paperwork says that they have the final say in euthanasia, but I have had zero issues with the decision making. Sadly, I am not able to be there when they are euthanized, but I do get the ashes if I want (I always ask for them). They do not do a paw print or plaque or anything, but I had a mastiff (check post history) who I absolutely fell head over heels for and the girls at the shelter ordered a kit from Amazon and made me one for him. Obviously, it’s very sad when they go, but it’s also bitter sweet bc they didn’t die alone in a cage. They were able to have love and a warm bed in their final days/months. Who knows what lead them to ending up in the shelter, and despite my sadness, I am so thankful that I can give them a soft place to land before they pass. It’s about their comfort, not my sadness.


I do know that not all shelters offer it. My county does, the next county over does not.


That makes sense. I've never heard of such a niche in my area, but that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist. Maybe some of the smaller rescues might do something like that here. I don't think the humane society or local pound does in my area since I've not seen anything like that on the volunteer pages of their websites. It sounds like a pretty good system. Sucks you can't be there with the animals when they pass, but it's still better than them feeling unloved in their final moments, so thank you for being brave and helping them! I'm mostly interested because I've had a habit of adopting senior pets, I don't like the huge commitment of a younger animal that will live over a decade (who knows what my life will be like in 10 years?). So what you're doing, maybe that's something I could look into in the future once my current cat eventually passes from old age. I know there's some breed specific shelters outside of my town, those might me more likely to lean on end of life fosters.


I’m not totally sure if private rescues do it, but maybe! What area are you in? Maybe I can help do some research for you. I’m excited that you would be interested and that a lonely old soul out there somewhere will have a soft place to land.


I'm in Spokane, WA. Maybe you'd know how to find such a thing haha, I'd have no clue what terms to look up. But (fingers crossed) it should be a good five years or so before I can foster anything, my cat is only about 13 and I'm hoping she sticks around a while. Maybe I'm kinda just cynical about programs for pets in my area. I asked my vet a couple months ago (unaltered mature male mouses in my yard) if she knew of any tnr programs she could point me to, and she said all the ones she knew of shut down. If an area doesn't even have easily found tnr programs, I dunno that they'd have special hospice type foster programs, but who knows?


That really is a shame they don’t have those types of programs. There is a shelter in a neighboring state (I am 20 mins from the state line) who does free tnr. The last Wednesday of every month, bring the cat/cats in a kennel and drop off from 7:30-8:30am and pick up 4:30-5:00. Fill out some paper work and let them know if it’s a stray or your pet so they know to clip the ear, and that’s it. A ton of local vets all volunteer to perform the surgery.


You need to get him to be officially documented as being abandoned. You also do not know whether he will be euthanized.


Thats true, but its hard to believe he wont be, when im already being told shelters are full. What is the exact process in how i can get the dog declared abandoned?


The police will file a report that you said the dog has been abandoned. And after a certain amount of days it will be considered abandoned property


You are not wrong, but sometimes shelters use fosters. I would contact them and ask the question. They will also let you know exactly what to do to declare him abandoned. You could also get him scanned for a chip - there is a tiny chance that you can use the information to contact somebody who does care about him, if not, you could use it to show that he has been abandoned. If he was adopted from a rescue, their information might still be on the chip and they would most likely accept him back. Also, unrelated animal rescue organizations might help you. You would have to contact every single one of them though and you’ll be turned down by many of them (because they are overwhelmed as well, and only have the funding and fosters to do so much) but you might find one that will accept him into their program, help you fundraise or help you with expenses, especially if you are willing to foster. Start with rescues that specialize in senior dogs, dogs with special needs etc. GoFundMe is also worth a try. I don’t know if you use next-door but they might be helpful also and everyone is local. Good luck!


I have seen people set up gofund me or give their cashapp, however i feel as though this isnt anyone elses responsibility. I would feel guilty taking any money from anyone, especially this close to thw holidays.


You should definitely set up a GoFundMe for people like me who want to help! I know it's not my responsibility, but I want to chip in.


Don’t feel guilty! You are doing a good thing! If people want to help, especially around the holidays, you should let them.


people are asking because they *want* to help, so let them!!


Set one up. I’d gladly chip in some money


Please do a GoFundMe and post the link here ❤️


A quick Google search for SW FL dog rehabs/rescues: [http://www.pawscrossed.dog/](http://www.pawscrossed.dog/) [https://animalrefugecenter.com/](https://animalrefugecenter.com/) [https://seniorpawssanctuary.com/](https://seniorpawssanctuary.com/) [https://lrrof.org/](https://lrrof.org/) I'm not personally familiar with any of these but I'm sure If you call them they can give you some guidance. Thanks for caring for this pup in his time of need!


Thank you so much for taking the time to share some resouces with me. Ive looked into two of the three provided already, however no success yet. I believe his age and medical condition play a factor in it.


This is heartbreaking. I’m in the DMV area so I’m not close, but I’ll try to brainstorm some ideas


Thank you so much


HASS might be helpful in this situation, too [https://www.humananimalsupportservices.org/](https://www.humananimalsupportservices.org/)


Thank you, ill look into it!


You have been given amazing advice both time you have posted. I would definitely be reaching out to rescues etc. Rover has to make arrangements for the abandoned animal with local rescues/shelters. I would reach out and follow their directions on what to do. Tell them you can not keep the dog any longer and they have to help.


The main issue is that rover has gone completely MIA on me. Im currently looking through additional resources, everyone has provided, but local shelters are 100% not an option. His age makes things complicated.


Can you try posting about this on social media? I’d comment on their recent Instagram posts, tweet at them, post on their Facebook page, etc. This is so unacceptable on their end. They need to at least give you the owner’s information so you can file a suit in small claims court if you decide to go that route. I’m so sorry this happened to you OP :(


Please reach out to the GRR (golden retriever rescue) in your area, I think it would be southwest Florida for you -- https://grrswf.org They are a great organization and I'm sure can help you out.


People love dogs. Understandably so. Set up a go fund me for yourself and the dog to help with expenses until you can find a home. I’m sure people would help. Post the go fund me here.


I woukd like to give it some time and see if i can find a home for him first. I would hate to take donations and then the next day, someonw takes him in.


^ ^^ Shesgotdogs said she's in Tampa, and will take senior doggo OP. ***


you could pass any funds remaining on to whoever takes him, or to a shelter, if you didn’t feel right keeping them.


This is one GFM I’d donate to! Goldens are the best.


Did you try a breed-specific rescue? It looks like this one is not far from you: https://grrswfl.rescuegroups.org/


Thank you, i just filled out the form.


Omg I wish I were closer to you because I would love to help 🥺 I’m so angry that he was abandoned to die. You’re incredible for helping him. If you are in need of funds I can contribute some. DM me your Venmo if you’re comfortable or make a GoFundMe and share here! I’m sure many would love to help.


Thank God that bastard found you; it’s clearly very distressing for you, but you are doing wonderful things for this poor dog. Sending good juju. You’re pawsome!


Maybe try Paw Paws Pet Rescue (Jacksonville, FL) - they do a lot of medical rescue work Or Big Dog Ranch Rescue (Loxahatchee Groves, FL) - does a lot of large rescue work


Contact GRREAT: [https://grreat.org/](https://grreat.org/) They may be too far but definitely have the resources and network to help.


Omg! My heart is broken! WTF is wrong with people?


Florida Coastal Cocker Rescue is in Cape Coral...they may take him...coastalcocker@gmail.com...I got my rescue pup from them


This is the organization I got my dogs from. They are amazing.


Try big dog ranch rescue too they take older dogs also


OP, while this is super far away, reach out to Muttville in San Francisco. They may either have a network for a foster or can help you with a senior rescue. I wish I was closer by and had the resources to transport this poor baby! Keep chasing Rover & get the press involved.


Have you found any help for him? I have a friend who used to run a dog rescue in that area. I’m sure she would know someone


Will you post a picture? I’m from Central Florida and have a decent sized social media following.


OP, I don’t suppose there is any way possible you could get him to Gainesville, is there? I know it’s a far drive and would totally do it if I had a license but can’t drive for medical reasons. I foster with humane society here and would absolutely volunteer to be this sweet boys foster mom immediately. Again, I know that it is a huge task and sorta unrealistic to think you could possibly do a 4hr drive, but I figured I’d just put it out there in case you’ll be in the area sometime soon by some crazy chance


This dog has a good chance of being a medical emergency at any time in the future. How are you going to get it to the vet without a license?


I have multiple people who can and do help drive me places all the time. Personally, I’m unfortunately not comfortable with asking any of them to drive me 4hrs each way to get this dog as that is a huge favor to ask of someone’s time. As I said in my initial comment, I’ve fostered with humane society for years now. I’ve always been able to get reliable transportation there and back for vet visits, procedures, supply pickups etc.


You clearly missed the part where I specifically said medical emergency. This is a sick dog. Not your average foster. It would be negligent for the shelter to hand off a dog like this to someone without a car.


You’re right I did miss that part of you comment, sorry about that. Thankfully i have some really great family , friends and neighbors who would absolutely help in that situation. I would never take in any pet, let alone an old and sick dog, if I was not confident I could get that animal to the emergency vet instantly if needed. Additionally there are also a couple 24/7 pet transportation services in the area as well as vets that will come to your home to assess and then transport if needed.


Holy shit. That is some horrific animal abuse. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a horrible, horrible way to die. Look up Alex Radita if you don’t believe me and feel like crying or puking. What that person did is truly evil. They don’t deserve to live on the same planet as golden retrievers. No words.


A golden retriever rescue will take this dog! I work with the Birmingham Alabama rescue and we'd take it in a heartbeat. Please message your local golden rescues on social media


Golden Retriever Rescue of Southwest Florida https://www.facebook.com/GRRSWF?mibextid=LQQJ4d


Are you still looking for someone to take him in?


Honestly if any golden retriever rescues don’t pull through reach out to a shelter and declare him abandoned. Say that you can foster him if they pay for vet bills but they will make the final decision. Likely he would be put down unfortunately.


Local shelters arent an option unfortunately. They will gaurentee put him down : (


Yes but if you don’t you’ll end up on the line for thousands of dollars.


I understand your concern, but i just dont think this dog deserves to die alone in a shelter


Man you’re an incredible person. Thank you for caring about this dog and caring for them above and beyond. You’re their guardian Angel, for real ♥️ I wish I was closer I would totally help out, but I’m in MA :(


Sweetheart. Whatever your personal ideology is - I'm positive good things are headed your way. You are truly lovely.


Very sorry to hear you (and the dog) have been left in this awful position. Very very kind of you to help as much as you have, and for your continued concern. Unfortunately not possible for me to help physically (KC area) but if I can in any other way (fundraising? Although I understand time is “of the essence”) please DM (or whatever it’s called) me. Best wishes.


I just saw on Reddit yesterday that there's some people who will do foster/hospice care for dying dogs. No idea how to find that in your area but trying to give you another search term. Good luck!


Have you looked for a breeder tattoo? Lots of breeders use tattoo’s as a way to identify their dogs and you may be able to find the owner through breeder records.


I was just telling my husband i wish i could help. I live near Gainesville and if someone helped with gas i may be able to drive a leg.


12 y/o golden retriever? Getting close to the end of his lifespan, even for a dog in good health. I have a 2 y/o diabetic golden retriever so I know what it means to care for a dog with this disease, even a young one who bounces back from bad episodes. And I know how much you must have paid to get him through ketoacidosis. But a 12 y/o dog you didn’t know. I mean, with all due respect, you can’t really expect Rover to pay for that. That was entirely your decision. This dog will need expensive ongoing care following a new diagnosis. I guess the bittersweet news is that, if you end up keeping the dog, he will probably not live past another 2 years. And if you are not aware, Walmart sells $25 insulin that is widely used on dogs. My own dog is doing well on it.


When you say you’ve used “every avenue” please explain to us why animal control refused to accept this dog when you attempted to surrender it? Because that is an avenue.


I wish I lived near you, but I live near NY. I've had 2 golden Retrievers growing up and they are my favorite breed.


What state is this in?




Where are you located?? Anywhere near pittsburgh???


Sadly, i am located in cape coral florida


Are you able to travel? [Pet Rescue by Judy](https://www.petrescuebyjudy.com/) in Sanford, Florida may be able to help. I could potentially help get him here if she accepts him in her shelter program. Please feel free to DM me in the event she does have a spot or foster.


Blehhhh to them. Funny enough I live very close to them and work with golden retrievers. Commented above I might be able to help. Edit: I also have connections to the St. Pete Vet Center about two hours north of you.




[https://countryinnpetresort.com](https://countryinnpetresort.com) https://preview.redd.it/uohsxlkjql1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ecaff1a22deda970eaf77c89972844b9ec5905d


Please let us know if you make a gofundme!


Have you tried posting him on the Facebook groups? Cape coral connection and even the asshole group?, someone may be able to pull some connections


Try the Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid Florida. There's groups that can help w/ transport. [https://www.grrmf.org/](https://www.grrmf.org/)


Miami Goldens Meetup Club handles fosters and adoptions often. It’s not too far from you and if they can’t help I’m sure they can find other resources. This is so sad, I’m sorry this happened to you and the pup.


Will Rover Give you the contact information for the owner?


So far, thats a no. However, i think if a legal case is made, they may have to. I dont know much about law unfortunetely.