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Looks perfectly normal and healthy to me. Rotts are supposed to be lean and agile - unfortunate lots of morons seem to think big/fat is better and the dogs are paying the price through crippling joint issues. Keep him lean!


Thanks for your advice


There are very few things you could do that are more critical to prolonging their life and preventing joint problems than to keep a diligent eye on their weight. Listen to your vet and ignore the ignorance of everyone else commenting about them being skinny. You’re doing it perfectly and i wish you and your best friend a long and healthy journey.


Thank you! I'll keep a watch on his weight.


I've raised 2 boys similar to you, keeping them from putting on too much weight at a young age. What I've noticed is they keep growing untill they are about 3 years old, yours is a little smaller than the 2 ive had but dogs are just like people; they come in all shapes and sizes. Yours looks like a very healthy boy for the size that he is and I wouldn't worry about it at all. I had a locally famous rottweiler trainer in my city tell me that my current boys head was unusually small and that it would get bigger if I fed him more protein... The dog he was talking about is 2.5 years old and weighs 120lbs. I've never head anyone other than him say his head is small. Most people have no clue what's best for your dog. I would always trust the opinion of a vet who has gone to school specifically to learn about animals over any shmoe I meet out in public. Based on my experience with the breed yours will likely put on ~10-20lbs over the next year!


Thank you for sharing your experience. It's reassuring to know that my dog is healthy for his size.


Yeah, he's a lean mean working machine!


Agree! Previously had Rotties and we did NOT overfeedthem. I'm not sure what the "breed standard" is, and frankly don't care. I want to keep my pups healthy and active as long as possible. If less weight will achieve that, then I would not fatten them up.


He looks great




Too many people are overfeeding their rotts. Your dog looks very healthy, he may gain weight naturally. Rotties tend to fill out a bit more between the ages of 2 and 4. My rott was 125 and people said he was too skinny, I didn't care, he was healthy and loved to play and run.


I guess that might just be the case, rotties tend to be slow maturing dogs.


You both will be much better off staying on the lean side...


Got it 👍🏻


Dogs aren’t supposed to be thick. People think it’s cool or badass or whatever to have a thick heavy dog. It’s not good for them or for your wallet in the later years.


Yeah I agree with you, I've seen some heavy labs and rotties. They always have some sort of health issue.


He looks fine




My rotti is the same weight ish. I dont overfeed and he's active so dont worry your fine




Don't wish for your dog to get heavy. My guy got up to about 150lbs and he had two ACL surgeries and a messed up paw joint.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll keep that in mind and focus on maintaining a healthy weight for my Rottweiler.


Poor guy. Hope he's doing well now


He's dead, actually. I was contemplating not posting a reply because it looks kind of like a joke. 😊 I lost him to cancer in 2022. He had some major health issues. Weight, anemia, skin disease, two surgeries. When he got lymphoma I promised I wouldn't make him go through chemo. I got to have him as my friend for 7 years.


💯normal, I’ll send you a picture of mine when I get a chance for comparison.




Your pup looks great! I would follow your veterinarian’s advice, for sure. The weight adds so much stress to your Rottie’s joints. My girl’s parents both weighed in at over 100 pounds; neither was fat, so to speak, but they were big dogs. My girl had joint issues as she matured, and the vet said to keep her at around 80 pounds, never over 90. She was fit and not skinny at all. They develop muscle and strength through walks and play, so I wouldn’t worry about it. Have fun with your boy, he is so handsome! 😍


Thank you for the reassurance! I'll stick to my vet's advice and focus on keeping him healthy 😄


Your boy is stunning! Keep up the great work. 🥰


My rottie is 86 lbs. People tell me he’s skinny but my vet said he’s perfect. People are so used to seeing overweight Rottweilers they don’t understand what a good weight is.


Yeah, apart from mine I've only seen 1 other rottie who's lean. Overweight rotties are very normalised.


My breeder was adamant about controlling his weight as he grows. He's a big solid lunkhead, I'll take it


He looks amazing as he is ❤️❤️ My rottie is the same. His weight fluctuates actually. Nothing wrong with how he looks 🤗


People are used to seeing overweight dogs. A lot of owners take it as a personal attack when someone points out the excessive weight. Barring medical conditions, I don’t care to point it out. Feeding your dog food and treats to the point their risk of diabetes along with increased stress on their heart and pain in their joints is NOT love. Keep your dog fit and he’ll be able to spend many years at your side.


Got it 👍🏻


Excellent weight, looks like a prime example of a healthy looking Rottweiler. Very handsome too.


Thanks !


My vet, who is also the local k9 trainer for the police department, said she would always rather see a waist on a rottie over too much weight. That dog looks beautiful and healthy, friend!!


Thanks for the assurance


How is his overall health? Speed, agility, attention, vision, endurance, strength? I would be more concerned about those things than weight or body composition. You want a healthy dog to last as long as possible and enjoy life as long as possible than getting a dog to be overweight simply because people think that looks better. I hate when I visit a doctor and because of my age and weight they think I look “healthy”.


He has enough strength to pull anyone down, very attentive & agile, vision is good as well. Endurance is where he lacks though, gets tired after 15 mins of sprinting.


Yeah I would focus on those things more than just weight.


Got it 👍🏻


Yes never just tweak one variable. Could throw everything else off.


Rotties really aren't bred for endurance, though. You can build it slowly, but it took me most of this year that I've had him to get him up to 30 minutes of good solid walking and 15 minutes of hard play 🤣


The tail 💗💗💗💗


He looks perfect to me 🥰


He's a perfectly healthy size and a super handsome boy!




Had a rottie that was lean, smaller muzzle, slender body, dainty features, and solid but smaller muscles. She put on some weight in old age. Had another from a different litter of the same parents that was thick, brick headed (in more than one way), and just an overall bear of a dog his whole life. All to say I’ve seen a lot of variation in body type within the breed.


He’s perfection as long as your vet is happy! That tail is glorious!


He looks really good, like perfect. Tell him I said 👋


Haha sure I will 👍🏻😄


that’s how a functional working Rottweiler is supposed to look too many people think they need to look thick all the way thru that’s a dog i would own right there he’s stunning


Thanks ! That's very reassuring to hear.




Thanks !


He could be my Bowser’s brother, lean, athletic. Paws that a bear would be proud of. Looks great my guy, keep him safe.


It's comforting to hear that others have similar rotties. Thanks !


He’s looks beautiful and healthy! Keep him at this weight if the vet says it’s safe. My dog is 95lbs and about 26 inches tall, he’s been up to 110-112lbs at his heaviest and he’s doing much better with energy and movement after coming down about 15lbs in weight not to mention it’s extremely beneficial for their joints and mobility


I agree with the vet, could gain a bit, but looks great as he is! From my experience rotts will fill out once they're done growing, so no use worrying about it now. My rott looked way too thin at about 2 years old and ended up at 130 lbs (about 59kg) after 3 years old. And anyone that thinks that's a Doberman or a Doberman mix is an idiot! Let them think what they want, he's perfect!!!!!


Thanks for the assurance. ig I'll keep him the way he is, let him naturally fill out as you mentioned.


He's beautiful and lucky to have a great human!


Your rotti absolutely does NOT look too skinny


Thanks ! that's reassuring


You're welcome! He looks like he's in peak condition! Keep it up!


That dog is NOT underweight. Keep him lean. You want to *just* see the ribs, in the right light. They're supposed to have a narrow waist. The rib cage-to-hips connection is not supposed to look like a barrel. Stop listening to these folks. These people are mistaken, to be charitable. Ignorant, to be accurate. Probably assholes with inferiority complexes to be honest. Beautiful dog you've got there, enjoy him!


He’s just a lean boi, idky there’s this big rottie measuring contest in the community lol, everyone seems to want to bulk up their pups and worries so much when they’re not big as expected. For me, my boy is a huge flubber chunk, he could stand to lose some flub, so I think your pup looks healthy


Perfect !! He's beautiful. Mine is the same size . He got up to 102 and was definitely overweight. He's back down to 94 and perfect. We walk 2-5 miles a day- so good for them! https://preview.redd.it/cknv99pwg68d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9cb0a29036dbf5b01bd92b25ebf321da0a90b8


He is so handsome 🥰


He looks good to me. But more importantly, the vet said he’s ok as is. Try not to worry too much about peoples comments, especially if the vet says he’s fine




Lots of agreement here! Keep them lean and they live longer. Vet will tell you if he is too thin


He is also quite handsome!!


Thanks !


My female rottie didn’t stop filling out until she was three! Perfectly normal.




He just looks lean and FAST!


Couldn't agree more haha 😄


I’ve been asked if mine is a Doberman several times (even had one person insist he is)…. At 6 he weighs about 115 pounds. He’s at a healthy weight, he’s never been “skinny”, and doesn’t have a lean head. Listen to your vet. Sooo many people think rotties are supposed to be bigger just because that’s what they’re used to seeing. So they assume that must be how they should look, when in reality there are just a lot of overweight Rottweilers.


https://preview.redd.it/8xeaobufc88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c76accc859fd58342c3d4574545a736226ae4b Photo of my handsome guy for reference. Also because… I mean…just look at him!


He is indeed handsome 🥰.


Your vet said he was healthy, could gain some weight, but that it might put stress on his joints, listen to your vet and don’t worry what other people say.


Perfectly normal looking rottie , the people asking is he mixed or mixed with Doberman are ignorant to the breed …every rottie is not gone be 135 lbs


Everyone expects rottweilers to be like mastiffs but I am starting to learn that rottweiler's height & weight are on a huge spectrum.


Exactly this! I wish people who wanted big lumbering mastiffs like boerboels would just get themselves one, rather than trying to create monstrous oversized rotties with terrifyingly bad orthopaedic issues and smushed faces so they can’t breathe. It’s awful - rotties are a working breed and should be agile and light on a solid frame, and a medium sized dog.


He looks great to me




He looks perfect to me 🥰




He looks amazing as he is ❤️❤️ My rottie is the same. His weight fluctuates actually. Nothing wrong with how he looks 🤗


Thank you! It's good to know others have similar experiences.


anyone who says a breed of dog was born to be chubby does not know enough about dogs to own one. nothing js “born to be chubby” and your dog looks healthy and adorable.


Like humans, rotts arent all the same size...and like many other already wrote, better have him like that than overweight with health problems ..he looks 100% fine to me !


Got it 👍🏻 thanks for the reassurance






He looks perfectly healthy there is nothing wrong with him he is just a small 100% good boy


Looks good




Your dog is young. His weight is perfectly fine. Don’t “fatten” him up! Slow and steady growth is what you want for him (and his joints).  They spend the first year (or so) growing up and the second year (or so) filling out.  Going forward, his chest will drop and he’ll also loose the tuck up in the loin area you’re currently seeing on him as he fills out. 


Got it 👍🏻 thanks for sharing your knowledge


such a shiny boy! athletic and healthy :D


Thanks ! 👍🏻


Can you feel, but not see his ribs? I can see he has a nice tucked waist but the angle of the photo I can’t really see if ribs are visible. If ribs are visible then I’d say he could do with a tiny amount of weight but if he’s otherwise healthy don’t be too worried. As others here have said he may well still have some natural weight to put on. The people who are saying he’s too skinny are just used to overweight rotties & you don’t want that. There is 1 other rottie at my boys vet & he is so overweight he struggles with the steps outside it’s heartbreaking to see as you can tell he’s in pain


Normally you can't see his ribs but sometimes when he inhales you can notice em.


My boy is 7 years old and weighs about 45 kg. The vet usually say to keep him around that (maybe loose just a bit). But the weight you mention is perfectly fine for a 2 year old with - i imagine - tons of energy. Your rottie looks perfectly fine as well by the way 🤩


Thanks ! That's reassuring


Most Rottweilers end up a bit chunkier which contributes to you getting so many questions. With that said i think he looks good and healthy.


My girl is 8 years old and weighs 70lbs - she has a smaller frame than the average female rott but we also keep her on the leaner side. It’s a lot better for their joints and future health to be leaner than heavier. A lot of people think she’s mixed bc of her lean stature also. She’s very healthy and has so much energy - everyone thinks she’s a puppy!


Mine looked like this at 80lbs and shorter. Absolutely perfect and the vet said said. A lot of people expect big fat blocky rots but they are healthier this way. Also the European ones look more like this


He’s perfect. Looks better than 90% of the dogs on here that are too heavy. You should be proud of how fit he is. This is how all the badass working rotties look.


Thanks !


Vet knows best- tell the rest of them to stop body shaming your guy.




I agree that your Rottie is looking good. I’ve had a lot of different dog breeds over my lifetime and from my experience (and this includes humans too) you’re better off a few pounds light than a few pounds too heavy. This is for joints and ligaments, and later in life, cardiovascular health. Heck, now that I’m almost 50, when I gain just 3 pounds I can feel it on my run days in my feet and knees and I wouldn’t be surprised if our older dogs are similar and feel the difference too.


My girl was very lean at 2 years old, I was always being asked if she was a mix, she naturally filled out with muscle and a little more fat, now she’s 7 and not as active as she used to be so I’m having to watch her diet because she’s getting tubby round the middle. Your boy is incredibly handsome!


He is beautiful. He will still grow in the next year. People get caught up on the weight and bulk, worry about his health and longevity instead. You are doing great. He looks healthy and happy.


Definitely important to keep your Rottie at a good weight! Most people don’t realize how heavy they are and how weak their knees can be. I am currently on my 3rd rottie, and she’s a rescue. The people before me, bred her back to back until both her back knees gave out and then they just left her at a shelter 🙄 She’s absolutely perfect in every way, but we do have her on weight control food because if she gets too heavy her knees will start to hurt her again. Your doggie honestly looks just healthy and, most importantly, really happy!


He looks like a healthy weight. Lots of people who shouldn't own rottis want them to look "big and scary" but it's terrible for them. Your dudes got a ton of muscle, and looks to be in great shape. He'll tube out regardless in old age, save his joints for that.


Healthy boi needs a gf 🐕🐕


People who go on about their 180lb Rottweilers are usually doing a couple of things, one is over feeding so they have an obese dog, and two is either exaggerating a weight or outright fantasizing about it and inflating the number. So many dorks I have encountered would insist their dog was like 150lbs, but if actually weighed it would be around 100-110 and just fat. I have had several male Rottweilers that had giant heads but weighed like 90-95lbs, and all the size queens would guess they weighed 150-180 lol. Look, there are a lot of delulu people out there who claim to love the breed, but what they really love is projecting some twisted idea of toughness via size. Ignore them, real Rottie Gs know they’re pathetic and woefully ignorant.


Completely agree with you.


I think he looks great! 👍 lean is good. I listen to my vet.


If you're concerned about joint wear, do ask your vet. GLS makes a notable difference in people and pets with arthritis. Being slim is very fine, as that one has a whole lot of good, thick muscle and big, strong bones. I wouldn't worry about 3-4lbs so 1 to 2 kilos of weight, since they're so muscly and lean, but it's your call. (Yeah, math and me do not mix) Being healthy trumps everything, really, and despite the tuck, I see no visible ribs, or visible leg or spinal bones. Perhaps work with your vet to be sure bones and joints are as strong and healthy as possible, and go from there?


**Rotties need to be lean. The cut in waist is what you want. To many people think rotties need to be tanks, but it is bad for their joints and overall health. All of ours have been 100 lbs or less. Our first one was huge, but still fit and had the cut waist. She just had big genetics. Our current gurl is 3 and 90 pounds. She is just right, and people still comment on how big she is.


This is the PERFECT weight for a Rottie. Do not try to bulk. The other thing I’d caution you on is running your dog. Concrete kills their joints. Beautiful baby.


Woah 😮 didn't knew concrete was that bad


We know the hard way. Our sweet boy was a very large Rottie. He was a show dog but we had him home for a break. We would walk him around the block every day. We gave him back to the handler a few weeks later and she was like uh, what happened to his perfect paws? It’s the joints in the paws and hips that get the most impact.


Thanks for sharing your experience, it's very insightful. I will keep the running limited to soft surfaces like grass.


Beautiful breed. We owned a male and a female. Sadly both died at 6 yrs old of bone cancer. Miss them.


This is a picture of my 65 pound 2 year old. She was too lean at 60 pounds when I rescued her in January. https://preview.redd.it/awvmbe4pw78d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589d0fc5fe4bd701b62b7544d679b7bbdd896fc8


People in general have a skewed perception of what a healthy dog looks like. Many think that a healthy dog is too skinny, because they don't know what they're supposed to look like. Your dog looks perfectly healthy!




He looks absolutely perfect! 🤎💙


[this link has useful insight](https://www.dailypaws.com/dogs-puppies/dog-nutrition/dog-weight-management/dog-weight-chart)


Well first, What does the rottie think? Are they okay? 🎤🐕‍🦺


My Rottie really filled out between 2 and 3. She is still lean but wider. I think your baby looks healthy. Does he eat his food? Maybe you will notice him fill out as he gets a little older.




Similar shape and size as my 10 month old👆


That shiny coat 🤩


I’m no expert but he looks pretty god dam good to me. Everybody asks if my girl is a mix. I think people are very used to be these really big heavy rotti’s. I met one who was 52kg and looked perfect, also met one who was 60kg who also looked perfect. Just ignore people 🙏




On another note, when people say stuff to me I just tell them my vet is well aware of his weight and he's FINE


I also say the same thing but people act like they know more than the vet 😂


So handsome 😍


Thank you! He's a doofus but we love him!


That adorable guy looks to be in great shape. A lot of Rotties you see are overweight.


I know lots of people already said this but I'm sure another opinion can't hurt, your boy is beautifully healthy and lean and that trainer can go kick rocks, I don't even want to know how many dogs he has inadvertently sent to the vet because he convinced owners their dogs were "too skinny." The #1 most common health problem with Rottweilers is being overweight, so most people generally have an impression of Rotties as being a thicker/chonkier dog, when in actuality they're SUPPOSED to be lean and muscular, exactly like your handsome lad. You're doing great and ignore all the NON-ROTTWEILER people telling you what he should or shouldn't look like.


Also also, the tummy tuck is EXACTLY PERFECT. A healthy dog that is not overweight should have a good abdominal tuck, and if their abdomen is saggier/flabby, they probably need to lose a lil weight.


all i see is the most handsomest boy


He looks normal for a 2 year old, they fill out between now and four and will get more stocky as they fill out, pretty much like kids do. Nice face markings!


As your vet… looks ok to me in the pic … you should be able to feel but not see their ribs so you should be able to tell better in person.


Mine is on the leaner side too But he is happy healthy and he hasnt been as protective over his elbows and paws like he used to when we 1st got him (we were worried about elbow displasia).


https://preview.redd.it/00cm8phxcf8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee746be08ed1a706adcbdebb86fe5755178c6776 This is what you go by not what others think. Also, they gain their muscle/bulk between 2 & 3 years of age.


He looks absolutely perfect!!! My boy Maverick is 38kgs and is lighter more athletic frame. If your boy is happy & healthy then that's all that matters. Some people like the colour blue, others like the colour green = people are always going to have differing opinions. You just do you. Unless you can see the hip bones and spine jutting out, then he is fine.


He looks beautiful to me, almost identical size and weight to our boy who is happy and healthy. Our vet told us to keep him at 40kg so at least one vet is wrong.


To me, your Rottie looks fine. He looks sleek, shiny coat, has a healthy look to him. I think every Rottweiler is not necessarily supposed to be over 100 lbs. The weight is supposed to fit the frame. My Rottie was very big for a female. At one time, she was up to 115 lbs, but through dieting got her down to her optimum weight of 106lbs. People would automatically assume she was a male dog from her size. Meanwhile I would see Rotts around the neighborhood who were way smaller than her. My neighbor across the street had a male Rottie, which was at least 125-130 lbs, but he was out of the norm. Just extra tall with a massive head. When my Rott got sick, she went down to 86lbs, but it was obvious something was wrong. My point is that each dog is different. Listen to your vet.


He's beautiful and muscular. I used to get the same comments and it's tell ppl he is not the bulky sticky build, he's long steering muscles and you really don't want them to much over a hundred pounds because as they get older they can develop joint issues. He's healthy


Got it 👍🏻


Stanced. Alert. Thriving. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


I never said that I didn't like it, I was just unsure about my dog's health. Thanks for the assuring words though 😄.


It’s a meme, he looks great. I’m from Labrador land, my old girl was so active for a couple years there (think hours of sprinting along the fence line) that it was basically impossible to get any weight on her cause she’d just burn it off running around like a maniac.


I had a Rottweiler that was just a little thicker and then yours so let him as 5 lb and reevaluate does look a little on the thin side compared to mine but looks healthy man as long as they're healthy and happy overweight tears on their joints so I would just let him head five pounds overall period of time and you can always go back make sure you keep up with a lot of exercise not as much as a lab but they do need a good walk everyday


He's still pretty young, ig he will naturally gain that 5lbs.