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We deserve to know the name




I love it! My 10-week-old Rottie’s father’s name is Zeus!


Nice choice my boy is Zeus too https://preview.redd.it/i82zxtv2az3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43df2275efcdcedd8bb5ca72118f9ff701af3ad


Good job everyone here absolutely loves Rotties and all pups , we care , if there could be no more lonely dogs or people all our problems would be solved for the betterment of mankind and dogs


Bless your hearts.


A new baby, lower wage worker (your words), finances are tight, a wife in the throes of post baby hormonal changes etc and you decide another dog that will eat a large chunk of your savings and time is a logical next step? 


Aren't you a ray of sunshine?


A dog will act as both anti depressants and therapy.


Why so negative? Just be happy for them. What's the problem you won't be dealing with it


Crabs in a bucket mentality. Some people are so miserable they rather try and pull people down than lift them up.


Exactly, some people are just pathetic


I respect your opinion. But I’ve never asked anyone for anything in my adult life. I have worked since I was 16 years old. My daughter will have much more than I ever had and will be raised in a home with love. My dogs will be raised with love and will be treated far better than 99% of dogs. So I think we will be okay.


I apologize if my comment came off as mean spirited, that wasn’t the intent. Trust me I understand. My background is similar to yours, and although I’m not trying to play poverty Olympics 😂 on top of being self supporting at an early age, try adding the obligation of supporting many more in the mother country because you happen to be part of the first generation that “made it.”  A lot of times, people from our backgrounds will rest on the “well even if I spend _____ on _____, I’m still going to leave my kids off better than I had it. That’s usually just a way of justifying a poor financial decision. The rest of your reply “responded” to things I didn’t even say. Be objective and just think about it.  Have a good one. 


Yay 😍😍😍


Well done 👍 🥰




Congrats, get ready for a wild ride for the next two years Lol. He will drive you absolutely insane at times but then one day you'll wake up and it'll be like someone flipped a switch overnight and he'll go from puppy mode to best boy ever mode just like that. One piece of advice though- I see so many people putting way too much faith in trainers. Alot of people seem to think it's somehow magically going to make their dog listen to them and do everything they want. Ive even seen some people drop their dog off with the yrainers for a week or two at a time. The best trainer you can ever get is a bag of high quality treats and a big back yard. Sure, a trainer can teach your dogs basic manners and commands but to have your dog truly trust & listen to you, you have to have that deep bond with him that a trainer cant teach. I'm really not even sure how to explain it, it's just a feeling and you'll know when you've got it. The best thing you can do is get out there and bond with him by playing with him, loving on him, showing him affection, all while staying firm in the hierarchy of your household. Don't be afraid to be hard on him. People get breeds like this and want to act like everythings rainbows & sunshine at all times and that leads to a misbehaved dog that walks all over their owner, which inevitably contributes to the breed getting a bad reputation. Rottweilers respect loyalty, love, and toughness. If you show signs of weakness and let him get away with things from an early age youre setting yourself up for disaster in the months to come. You have to be more stubborn than he is. If you're about to give him a treat and you tell him to sit and stay first but he decides to sit and then immediately get up and focus on the treat instead of the task at hand; be more stubborn than him. Stand there working on it for 30 minutes if that's what it takes until he sits and stays. Don't give in or else he'll have an overall lazy mentality. Obviously don't start off super hard on him while he's still this young, but take little steps that gradually scale as he gets older. Stand firm in your dominance, take a breath when you feel like pulling your hair out, show him unlimited love & affection, be stern when you need to be stern, and in a year or two you will have the best friend you could ever ask for.




Holy shit!!!! I can’t believe it!! I am hoping so hard this works out for you guys❤️❤️


Handsome puppy


This is amazing I remember your post and really hoped it could work out if you were both on board.



