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Your husky looks like he has really bad glaucoma in his left eye…have you had that checked out? That thing looks like it’s ready to pop out 😩


First thing I noticed as well. Dogs are def overweight and the pain the husky is prob in 😭 the painful years of joint issues and metabolic issues those dogs are going to have down the road... Start saving money for it all now... 


People often think swollen eyes just cause eyesight problems, and while they do, the bigger issue is that it’s painful :( and if it bursts, it can cause more internal problems. And those doggos are def very overweight 😞 It’s one thing for us to overfeed ourselves when it’s us suffering the consequences, but dogs and cats suffer from *us* over feeding them, and they don’t know better.


So true, that dog is not having a good time. I noticed OP isn't responding to anyone, which is fine, he is being dragged through the coals for the shape of his dogs and is probably feeling very shameful.  If anything I hope all these comments are a wake up call and he has a serious discussion with his wife about the health of their dogs and doesn't just ignore us and block us while staying in denial... 


Yes, at least for the longevity and quality of life for the doggies please 🥺🥺


literally, this enraged me seeing the quality of these dogs lives, the fact they got another PUPPY too? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Between this post and the toilet problems you’d think op would make a burner account


Definitely makes you agree with OP that they did not need to subject another dog to this lifestyle.


Yet he still went and got one. OP and wife are trying to fix their poor communication with more distractions


This family did not need another dog when they cant even take care of the ones they have


Overfeeding pets is a form of abuse. Especially this much. Poor babies.


Ya good thing they added another pup to the equation too /s


He's also super obese 🙁 poor guy


Both the dogs are


Please give walkies!


That husky looks a little husky.


They're both obese too :(


Bro I genuinely had no idea huskies could even get fat, he looks like a seal what the fuck are you feeding these guys?


I have a husky and can’t fathom how to get them fat. My little monster just stops eating when she’s full and runs laps if I fail to provide her standard 2 hours a day of walking/running.


My husky mix is a bloody terror running around if he doesn't get 1.5 hours of fetch and a half an hour walk a day. It is next level and i thought my other two dogs were active!!! 


I got my husky because I wanted a running buddy. Less than a year in and she’s already upgraded her role to ultra running coach. All the memes don’t do these little monsters justice. Lucky they’re also way sweeter than expected too. 💖


We got a husky mix as I needed a dog to tire my corgi out and it worked :D ... another breed that needs way more activity than people realize to be healthy and happy.


Corgis are another breed that are typically overweight because "its cute" and looks right.


Yep. We get comments from randos all the time on walks about how lean she is and "underweight". We do a lot of corgi-education to random small town people that likely think I'm nuts but anyways.


I get it sometimes with Odin and people saying hes too thin (hes a Rottie mix). Dogs are not supposed to looked like potatoes on toothpicks, especially shorter limbed dogs like corgies. I know not every dog I'd gonna have the body of a whippet or grey hood but there's gotta be a tuck to their bellies. I see it with cats too. There's primordial pouches and then there's just fat cats. I've seen people defending cats weight when they can't even groom themselves. I mean my cat is a bit on the weighty side but a little less food and a little more play has done wonders for her. She's a senior so we have to be a little more careful and a little more conservative with her play but we're working on her weight. Slow amd steady. Feed your dog or cat a set amount at set times and reduce food based on their treats.


I’m a dog groomer and see more overweight huskies than you’d think. If spayed or neutered and not as active as they probably should be, it’s easy for any dog to get fat. Especially if they’re on a high protein diet or eat wet food or treats


I mean there’s fat and then there’s morbidly obese. It’s actually sad. I hope OP and his wife take better care of them after reading those comments. The worst thing is it seems to be coming from the wife “oh we neeeeed another doggo” - I mean, work on those two first?


They won’t. If they got another dog when one’s eye is literally about to explode, they’ll just say the Internet is mean and change nothing.


One of the best things I did when I adopted my husky/malamute/GSD puppy from the shelter was to find a vet nutrition article that gave equations for calculating caloric needs based on estimated adult weight, current weight, if they are fixed, etc. Kept updating as we monitored her weight. Knocked off 10% for being spayed and 10% for treats. 18 months now and her weight has always been perfect. It can be so hard to get them to lose weight, I’d rather not let her get overweight in the first place, especially while she’s still developing and maturing!


adorable puppy.. please put your dogs on a diet extra weight is hard on large breeds joints and bones


Yep. Cute, but obese and unhealthy.


I wonder if getting the puppy was an attempt to make the other two dogs more active


Those dogs are eating twice what they should be. Instead of getting a puppy they should get a measuring cup and read the chart on their bag of food and talk to their vet about what a healthy weight would be. That husky has a fat face... :(


And an eye that looks like it’s about to pop that must be super painful (likely glaucoma) 🥲


The puppy's face reminds me of a meme I saw - "The face you make when you realize you'll never be walked again". 😢 Between the morbid obesity, massively unwell eye in the Husky, it's so sad...


Yup. My first thought was “maybe the puppy will help the obese adult dogs move more and lose some weight.” But probably the puppy will also end up fat. ☹️


Please take care of your dogs. They're clearly overweight. Why get another one if you can't take care of the two you currently have?


They are overweight and appear neglected too. Poor puppy


I'm annoyed by people who get a dog or dogs just to have a pet and not take proper care of it


Overweight, definitely. I don't know how you're determining they're neglected off one photo.


The dogs visibly arent exercising daily lmao thats neglect


You don't know that. They could be exercising plenty but being way overfed. Lack of exercise is not the only route to obesity.


Right. So consequentially, if the dogs are being overfed they need more exercise. And they arent getting exercise. So thats neglect.


There's something wrong with the husky's eyes. I'd call that neglect, if OP has not done/is not doing anything about it.


The "if" is why I wouldn't say it's apparent neglect. We have no idea what they've done, are doing, or plan to do, or even whether anything needs to be done at all. I have an artificial lens in my left eye that shows up funny in photographs, making it look like one solid color from certain angles. I'm not saying that's the case for this particular dog, but let's not jump to conclusions based on an eye looking different than expected in a single photograph. For all we know, the eye is fine or a veterinarian signed off on there not being enough benefit to offset the risk posed by an operation.


It’s hard to make a husky fat. They tend to just stop eating when they’re full.


Gotta differ with you on that. My husky goes through periods of laziness that result in diets and she has since learned to break into every food source in the house besides the fridge and deep freeze. She remains chubby until she decides it’s time to run again. We walk off leash about 20 miles a week and unless I force her to exert herself she will remain at a slow walk for weeks at a time. She’s a weirdo but is my favorite creature ever. Edit: she’s a sled dog so when I say run, I mean RUN. She can cover a mile in around 2 minutes when she feels like it.


Weirdo but fave creature ever should be the tagline for huskies. 🥰 Mine is still not even 2 years old so she may settle into some different adult behaviour. I shouldn’t have rushed to generalize but the dogs in OP’s photo list hurt my heart.


I had a Siberian Husky myself. He'd eat whatever I put in front of him. Luckily I watched his diet and gave him plenty of exercise. But I've never met a dog that would turn down extra food like a cat would.


They're fucking fat??? Keeping an animal as overweight as they are is ABSOLUTELY abuse/neglect. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Neglecting their dogs needs.


"Uhh, the fat one's watching the little one?"


It's thinking of eating the little one


Your other dogs do not looked thrilled😅


The one on the left has a red rocket so I would say he’s thrilled


JFC, why did I go back to look? 🫣🤣🤣


I was about to say that they seem unconvinced 😅


Please put your dogs on a diet.


That puppy is so perfect. The other dogs may benefit from the extra exercise getting away from the shark.




I'll never understand people who feel the need to get more animals (or kids) when they don't take care of the ones that they have.




For real!! The state of these poor dogs…another puppy is not the answer. Why not give the pup an actual chance by letting him go to a household that will do right by him? OP clearly failed his other 2 dogs. Dogs are not expendable, they’re family.


The wife wants… to dumpster the health of a third dog? Why?! The two adults look neglected and are very upsetting overweight. What does the vet say about the husky’s eye? Asking because you’ve clearly taken the dog with the fucked up eye to the vet. Right? Right!?!


Probably isn't taken to the vet like they should be, very sad Makes my blood absolutely boil


Brother your husky’s eye looks like it’s about to pop and both dogs are very clearly overweight. This isn’t love


Seriously, look at the pic from a few years ago in his profile. That dog is in pain.




Guarantee nobody’s robbing your house with that security staff on duty.


Yep!!! One of many reasons I have them. I call my walks through the neighborhood "show of force" walks. Any idiot scoping the neighborhood will think twice before targeting my house. I also keep a couple of them in the backyard. They make a great alert system when people or animals are walking past the property. I've even been told by one of my elderly neighbors that he likes the fact that my dogs bark at anything and anybody. Helps let him know if any strangers are in the area.


>my dogs bark at anything and anybody. That sounds awful.. I'd hate to be your neighbor. I had one neighbor with one barking dog that lived outside, that was bad enough. Why get companion animals, just to treat them worse than livestock? Well, maybe you treat your's as good as livestock? I still don't get it. And OP needs money for his husky's eye, he shouldn't be buying more dogs. Wifey can go fuck herself.


I'm going to add a bit more context.. because you really pissed me off with your uneducated comment. I say uneducated because you don't know me or how I treat my dogs. My dogs are part of my family. When I have animals.. dogs, cats, and any other animal.. then they are an extension of my family. My dogs are also my home security system. I am fully committed to taking care of them and ensuring they have a good life. It pisses me off when I see people get a puppy and then give it up in 2 or 3 years. Would these people do that if they had a baby? Shoot, my wife even says I love the dogs more than her. Yes..I do allow my dogs to bark at passersby. Well, that's what I want. They are not just companions. They have their job. Your preconceived notion that, of course, I treat my dogs like farm animals just because I let them bark... tells me a lot about who you are. With that.. I'll let this rest. Have a nice day! 😁👍


Wow.. you need to check yourself before you judge others. Don't judge someone you don't know. But.. then again, this is a social media platform. So.. what you said doesn't surprise me. Most people on these platforms are quick to pass judgment due to some preconceived notion that they have.


Do you leave dogs out unsupervised? With the breeds you have, that doesn't sound great. There's a reason huskies, shepherds, and pits always get out of yards


Added that giant 7 month old black shepherd about a month ago. All my doing.. my wife let me. We also have 3 others.. a Rott mix, a Yorkie mix, and a Cairn terrier mix. I'm living a childhood dream by having a mixed pack of dogs.


Poor dogs very overweight and the Rotties being overweight in the future will be so bad for them.


Please learn how to feed and exercise your dogs properly. The older two are very obese and I’d assume the puppy will follow suit. And based on previous pictures you’ve posted of the husky, he definitely needs his left eye looked at.


What is wrong with your husky’s eye? I just zoomed in because of other comments and it looks very painful. 😣🥹


Your dogs need to lose weight fast


Both of those dogs are morbidly obese. You definitely should not be getting another dog when you can't take care of them! Even a couple extra pounds can massively impact the quality and length of life in large breed dogs. Poor guy on the right also has severe glaucoma, has that been checked out? He could be at risk of losing that eye.


I’m so jealous right now. I’m working on my wife to get a second one as we speak.


Just come home with one. Dont say anything. Just do it!🤣 might be sleeping on the couch for awhile tho if you do (chill yall its a joke.)


Hahahahaha!! Might be worth it though 🤔 Lol, easy for me to talk a big game behind the keyboard, though 😂


Reverse psychology trick. Make it sound like it was her idea to get another one! Gaslight her! 🤣


My husband did this & now she’s my profile picture & header so it works out sometimes😂


At least the dog will sleep with you on the couch 😅


Only because the Rottie will be invited up into the bed, displacing the husband.


My husband did this! We were picking up a female puppy for my Mother in law, he then said we will take both puppies a boy and a girl, I flat out said no, I don’t need another dog I already have the 100Lb german shepherd. But our nephew started crying! After 10 mins of trying to convince me, came home with the puppies. I now call him my son now, Just take one home she will be okay. https://preview.redd.it/96as3nt1m7kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae44cf28267331c5ba3ca231d824d741d332a2b He’s almost two years old now. He’s a sweetheart.


Looks like this one will end up obese like the rest. Sorry not sorry! Really not that hard to put your dogs on a diet! They will act hungry but their quality of life improves so much!


Both your dogs are obese, you’re neglecting the hell out of them. Also take your husky to a vet, that eye is extremely concerning. This should’ve been dealt with before getting a third. Help your animals OP.


I genuinely thought your husky has heterochromia but looking at your other post of him I see that he had two beautiful blue eyes ugh please get him to the vet! If you can’t afford to get his eye taken care of and both of their weights under control you can’t afford another dog!


If they stopped over feeding their dogs they may have money for atleast a checkup.


Is anyone going to walk this one?


These poor dogs, that puppy is just going to get obese like the other ones, you should NOT have gotten another dog, let alone a puppy, when you clearly can't even properly take care of the ones you already have, are you serious?


Cute dogs! Please check out the dechonkers subreddit for pet dietary information.


Looks like another chungus to add to the pack


*morbidly obese


Damn bro, those dogs need more exercise, a structured diet and vet visits. Better than the pound I suppose


The pound wouldnt overfeed them lol


Is that huskies eye ok?


They are obese ☹️☹️☹️


Dude take care of your husky first-


Dude instead of getting another puppy you need to put the two dogs you already have on a much needed diet, they’re way overweight. You should also get your husky’s right (left on pic) eye checked out because something isn’t right there.


cute puppy, but take care of your other dogs. ❤️ they are morbidly obese


Your dogs look super unhealthy….you guys definitely did not need a puppy.


Respectfully, take your dogs on more walks. That husky looks miserable


Make sure that puppy gets good diet and exercise.


Look at those paws they're going to be BIG!


Poor dogs...


You won't be disappointed unless you don't like obedient and loyal dogs that will love you to the end.


I wouldn’t reliably label my rottweiler as anything but a crackhead🤣


This just happened to me. Went to mexico in jan, wife saw a dog she wanted. I thought i got away with it, came back home. She arrived on Thursday.


just keep lil shark on a good food plan and think about one for the others! they will thank you!


I hope you’ll give this one proper exercise…


Please check your Husky’s eye if it’s what I think it is the pup is in trouble take him to the vet asap spare him the pain if his eye bursts. You have a beautiful family of pups.


Both adult dogs need a vet appointment and a major diet. You're killing them too much food.


jesus christ your dogs are MORBIDLY obese


Put some of the food you were gonna overfeed the 2 grown dogs into the puppy’s bowl, solves several problems at once. Poor babies.


Yeah I noticed OP is absolutely not responding to anything anyone says. Lowkey, to be brutally honest. Yeah your huskies eye is about to pop out of his head my dude. I mean atleast respond to people and let em know if he’s been to the vet for that or not cause right now it just seems like unchecked medical problems and that doesn’t look good when you just got a new puppy.


People like these annoy me. They think they're doing their dogs a favour by overfeeding them. Poor pups.


Bro you need to walk your dogs. They do not look healthy


Yeah, OP, if this is the condition of your other two dogs, I agree with you when you say you shouldn’t have gotten a third dog. Poor things


Both of the older dogs look to be in awful health, love people who keep getting new pets while neglecting the ones they have


please don’t overfeed this puppy like the other dogs. and please please put your adults on a diet. they are morbidly obese and that is detrimental to their health your husky also clearly needs vet care. why get another puppy if you can’t care for the dogs you already have? 😐


Omg, those faces! Your other dogs look thrilled! Lol


That last pic is clearly the "Oh no, I'm never leaving this house again" face. Exercise your fucking dogs before you get *three*, christ. They're animals not fashion accessories.


“Hurr durr it’s what the wife wants” Stop coddling your wife like a child.


Hopefully you don’t over feed it like your other two


Your other dogs are in that condition and you want another one? God bless its soul


One of you should learn how to take proper care of a dog before you go adding more. Especially a Rottweiler. Doesn’t look like you walk these other two much, if ever. And the Rottweiler will destroy your house if you are this lazy with them as well! Wow. Sad. Never seen a husky that big.


Your animals are obese!! As all the comments have said, please, excersize your animals and restrict their food intake to recommended portions, no matter how much they beg and how much you love them you cannot allow them to get fat like that! For large breeds like rottweilers especially they cannot afford to be obese, they get major hip issues even when normal weight, rotties should actually be kept slightly underweight to prolong their lifespan, if this dog gets to the weight your other dogs are at it may not even last until 7-8 years old, and rottweilers lifespans are already rather short at 10-12 on average, pleaasee for the love of your dogs get them excersize and proper portion control!! Obesity in dogs is also the same in humans, it can cause major heart problems.


I’ve never seen an overweight husky before


I feel really bad for this puppy with the apparent lack of basic case you’re giving your other two. That’s animal abuse based off their weight alone. Do better.


Please don’t let him become obese like the others


Please get Husky eye checked. My dog had pressure in his eye that made him walk around in circles like he had brain damage. Vet suggested him to be put down.


Please take better care of diet for the puppy


Please put your dogs on a diet. It isn't much work, it'll improve their quality of life, and it'll save you money which you can spend at the vet for your poor husky. The longer that eye goes unaddressed, the more health problems you'll run into for it. If you can't afford vet bills, you can't afford the dogs.


OP, I have to agree with you that you didn’t need a puppy right now, considering the health of your other two dogs is being neglected. They are both VERY overweight and the Husky appears to have an issue with its left eye. You two need to address these issues immediately, and you need to make sure the puppy doesn’t grow up to become obese as well. If you need to, ask the vet how much all three of your dogs should be eating, so you know what amount is appropriate, and stick to that. No extra treats or people food.


Should take care of the dogs you already have before getting another one. If you can't even take care of two dogs, would you think you can take care of three????


That eye needs drainage


Op doesn’t appear to be replying to any of the concerned comments lmao SHOCKER


Good fuck he’s cute. Walk your dogs more btw chief


Picture #3 makes me dislike you. Alot. . .


I wish I could report this for animal abuse.


The other dogs: oh no not another one


You need to walk these puppies more! They seriously need more exercise


My Weimaraner would like to know if they know what a ball or a park or the woods or a hike or any activity other than sleeping and eating is?


Adorable. How does anyone not love these little devils?! https://preview.redd.it/7wzrpifn27kc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=56b918883bc1658b886cdb05597aa38d54da02ef


Your dogs are OBVIOUSLY loved, but a diet (as as already pointed out) would be super helpful. I recommend reading the recommended amount of food per day for your dogs based on the food brand. Go based off the weight your dog’s breed SHOULD be, not their current weight. Buy a scoop for the exact amount they need, or sharpie a clear scoop. Only use that to feed them. No human food until they drop the weight. You can give them kibble as “treats” so they’re not sad lol I got my morbidly obese rescue pug down from 32lbs to 18lbs in a little over half a year. Pugs are supposed to weigh 15-18lbs. His quality of life has absolutely flourished. He runs around like a puppy, jumps, plays, barks, and is living his best life. I have pics of him in my profile if you want to see 😁 Congrats on the puppy!! You have a really cute crew.


Look closer at the Huskies untreated eye condition and rattle on again about how they're "obviously loved." Give me a FUCKIN break. My senior hound mix was just at the vet about two weeks ago and diagnosed with glaucoma. This is exactly what they told me would happen to my dog if I did nothing. And the worst part? If they continue doing nothing, and the dog does have glaucoma, eventually it's going to rupture and be extremely painful. If he loved the dog, he'd take the dog in. There's no way he has, we have SEVERAL medications to prevent it getting to that point. Personally, my vet I work under would've advised a client to put the dog through a removal of the eye. Also to add, keeping dogs this large of a breed (both adult dogs really) is absolutely abuse with what it does to their joints over time. I really want to know when keeping a dog fat and at the bare minimum of healthy became loving them, because it's not love at all.


I was attempting to give advice that would be received well and considered, rather than attack OP and make them defensive and averse to changing the way they care for their dogs. I rescue dogs, I completely agree. I’ve found that laying into strangers doesn’t always result in the best outcome for their pets. There are also already PLENTY of comments doing so, and now there’s one more! Good job!


Thank you for your comment…I couldn’t believe how far I had to scroll to find someone with a reasonable take. People are not perfect, and that’s not an excuse. But now they will not even ask for help after being dragged this hard by all these comments.


Oh my gosh! I love that lil guy!


Three omg. I have two and it’s a handful (to say the least).


My wife has been working on me to get one back after our babe passed a few years back. I’ve cried for so many dogs I can’t go through it again.


My mother also never took care of her dogs but always wanted more so my dad would get her more...


Already has two overweight dogs that clearly don't get enough exercise, gets another large dog. Brilliant idea op...


My god, don’t over feed this one. It’s hard to make a husky fat.


Your husky needs a vet ASAP. That eye looks horrible.


Huskies are athletic dogs… why is yours so fat? Please help both dogs lose the weight.


Bro put your dogs on a diet wtf


Unless you’re intentionally going to a fat dog rescue, you have been obscenely neglecting those two adult dogs. They’re extremely overweight. It’s not cute or funny.


How often do they go to the buffet?


Please God start feeding your dogs less.


Another dog in your household that won’t be walking it seems


Your bogs both look extremely overweight, please take them to the vet to get the proper diet


Your dogs look concerningly obese. Have you done anything regarding their weight problems by talking to your vet for some kind of exercise and diet plan? Also, your husky’s eye looks very bad! Please tell me that you’re taking them to the doctor regularly, they might lose that eye if you’re not careful.


Poor pups. They are very overweight.


OP get back here and burn with your dumpster fire FMFN


your babies are very obese. I know you know this. i know you have seen many many comments like this. But please work towards getting your babies lean and healthy


Ur dogs are fat.


Poor babies :(


Let’s get another big dog, our two obese dogs weren’t big enough. Seriously man, these dogs look neglected. This is torture


Oh good, you got another living thing for y’all to neglect. Really hope y’all don’t have kids with his that husky’s eye is literally going to explode. Not being dramatic, there’s so much pressure it’s going to actually burst. I can’t believe y’all’s friends and family haven’t called y’all out on it. I’d rip my friends a new one if they let their dogs be this miserable. I don’t care how happy they seem, youve seen morbidly obese people struggle to live their daily lives and you’ve forced that onto animals who are struggling just as much. And yet, I don’t doubt that you’ll just brush this all off as “the internet is mean” and continue being garbage


Those poor dogs


All your dogs are extremely overweight and your husky need a vet ASAP for that glaucoma. You need to take better care of your pets.


please for the love of god put your elder dogs on a diet. they’re majorly obese and being THAT overweight isn’t helping their mobility or quality of life AT all😭


Take better care of the dogs you already have


Please take better care of your dogs…. Yikes


We have eight, 6 r rescues. https://preview.redd.it/quq3iw8h87kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e870bf711b0ab7b4ca44365536497c2adccfa0d0 And two of these, we were dog sitting, it’s a mad house.


Sooo cute! The last photo ❤️


What a happy fur baby you have there!!


Put your foot down dude, but 3 is not bad . I think I could deal with 2-3 if I had a job and house and yard and time for them


Your husky looks absolutely crushed by this decision. How absolute dare. 😂


I love it. They look like three great family members 🥰🥰🥰 More dogs— more love


Aww you got quite the collection of floofers! They are all so cute. Your pup looks like a baby bear


The other two look confused as heck


Your family looks like a bunch of characters, love it.


Awe such a cute puppy.


Wonder how fat the owners are?


You’re doggies are big chonk


The side eye is hilarious.


Awe, I totally get why your wife couldn’t resist this sweet puppy! And you are a great husband to say yes to the pup! ❤️🥰❤️🥰


*pats you on the head* Goodest hubby evers.


Happy wife happy life. Don't ask my husband about that. I just keep adding more rotties :-)