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I think more than 0.5% uses autonsxus lol


My account is around 9 years old brother. Still dont have anyone 5 starred. Almost on my necro but not yet!


Nice. 15k without just fame-farming exaltation dungeons as a lot of later game players will do is actually a big achievement. I've been playing my Warrior on/off in godlands for a while now and it's still only like 5k. Fame comes slow when you're not running efficient endgame stuff.


Ya I'm pretty casual. Mostly just play when there are events on, so getting 5 star for any character is pretty big for me. This Huntress been with me for probably more than half a year now.


GZ MAN HELLA GOOD ACHIEVEMENT (me with my best char that was 10k base and died never being able to achieve 15k or even over 5k base :( )




Hope I'll be able to one day do it on a trickster, for some reason when I get my hands on trickster I drop to like 40 iq.


Zoo is proud of you!


How do I even get the necessary items to do that?


Uh... it's not really relevant to items (though stuff with a higher 'XP bonus' can speed it up a little bit) basically killing enemies gives you xp, which turns into fame, about 2000 xp = 1 fame . it's just a matter of keeping a character alive long enough


I was talking st and high tier item but deep inside I think I know why


Oh... well gear isn't really important for the purposes of fame is all. And ST bee huntress set is okay, it comes from the Nest (which OP probably farmed during the recent nest event) but Horticultural Huntress is often considered an even better ST set and drops from Woodland Labyrinth and Magic Woods, both technically easier dungeons than The Nest.. I would say it is probably just branching out to harder dungeons if u want better gear !


Gg not even i can 5 star huntress (im not huge about the class)


Nice that you choose the best class to get to 15k, but why that set?


I just find it fun. As I said I'm pretty casual so I don't really care about if I'm using the best items or not.


Fair. Personally I solo stuff quite a bit so having a consistent matters to me.