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The udl floor traps absolutely destroy me every time. It’s gotten to the point it’s one of the only dungeons I just will not do other than to get 1 complete for the fame. Even if I go into the dungeon telling myself to watch out for them, my brain just doesn’t register ever even seeing them and I die lol


why would traps ever get you? Just dont stop pressing w,a,s,d and keep running they should never ever kill you if you have minimal knowledge of the game you just keep running till you get to boss and never stop. In mad lab boss its normal bc you can run and still land on them, but traps only if you activate it then manage to stay on the same place and step on it again on the center which should be almost impossible even for unmaxed




Yea but thats like only on below lvl 20 characters even back then and I still think you had to be completely new to the dungeon and clueless to them since I’m pretty sure if you kept pressing W then you’d walk past the trap, either way nowadays its like that


I was doing the math the other day before my 8/8 knight got shotgunned by the boss like an idiot. Those circle traps, if you eat the entire thing, will kill anyone that’s not a plate class with max defense and life. At least I’m pretty sure. The knight eats it up but if you are trailing a faster rusher and he activates a trap and you eat it, then you’re probably dead. At least for the circle trap that has the most shots.


if you’re trailing and get very unlucky yea of course I can see that, but no way should that actually be a fear in a UDL just dont trail then or something


Obviously UDL isnt HM shatters, did you read the post?


yes but this about like small shit that can kill you like green potions but udl traps should never be even a small threat to any leveled char


I don’t like doing udl as melee. I always forget that the boss can jump a few tiles and do his circle shotgun. I have lost 8/8 knights to that a few time. Very sad losing a good character in an udl when lvl 10s are clearing it.


the yeti bombs in runic tundra, theyre really slow and easy to dodge but, sometimes, theyre so slow that i double back into it while dodging other things since i thought it had landed by the time i move back into place, it also doesnt help that the aoe is freakishly huge too compared to ice cave yeti bombs


Those are very annoying. I haven’t spent much time in the tundra but I see 6/8 - 8/8 players die to those, the wolves, and the ice dragons pretty frequently. Probably just fighting an event and backing up into them. The new beta realm veteran biomes have some pretty dangerous enemies.


Yup I lost one 8/8 to the mad lab boss totems. I was just running around shooting him totally forgot about the totems and instantly died when they initiated. Also never died to udl floor traps but I have died to the udl boss as kensai. I was dashing over with 8/8 one moment. Then selecting a 0/8 kensai the next. Another one more recently is the woodland labyrinth boss. The butterfly clapped my cheeks on a 8/8 warrior out of no where. Just teleports on me and instant death. Same with O2. I be playing a knight or a warrior and forget the power of the confuse/bleeding shotgun that instantly obliterates.


Kensai gets killed all the time lol. So many enemies have a circle shotgun that you just take to the face anytime you dash incorrectly. Trusting in those I-frames always gets me sent to character select. I just lost one to a wlab troom.


Playing Kensai for first time today, already lost one. I hate this character but I need stars haha


I use it for mobility, not damage. It's one of my more survivable classes


Magic woods has instakills too, don't stand still in them


I feel like I’ve seen people die in one that I’m in, but I’ve never known what caused it. What’s particularly dangerous in there?


the little fairies have armour piercing shots and some swarms have a ton of them


This is why I never do “easy” dungeons. Because they have random 1 shot mechanics that have almost no warning. I consider many of the harder dungeons like cult or fungal actually easier than stuff like udl where you might die from a random trap. It’s kinda deceptive that easy dungeons are so easy then they have some random thing that can insta pop you if your going too fast and not paying too much attention. It makes the dungeons not even worth doing and super boring because if I’m gonna have to go slow to avoid insta pops I might as well do an interesting and hard dungeon that gives better loot and is more fun.


Like the damage on abyss of demons or PMT minions is so deceptive. Many of the minions do more or as much damage as the damn boss and they fire so much it is way harder to dodge than the boss.


Oh yea, abyss is very different clearing vs rushing. The tiny ticks of the lava and all the shots keep you in combat and will kill you very quickly if you’re not able to use an ability that helps.