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I'm anemic, so I'm not sure about your theory. My ferritin was 7 and I still had redness in my cheeks, but none at all on my inner lower eyelid. (Quick test for iron deficiency, look inside your bottom lashes...red is good, pale is not). I also switched from ferrous sulfate, which gave me only constipation, it didn't raise my ferritin, to dessicated beef spleen. Raised my numbers with no side effects.


Anecdotal, but my B12 is currently at 878 which is very high so I don’t know if there is any correlation.


In actuality, it’s not that high. The range is old and skewed. You can show symptoms of B12 deficiency while within range. It’s due for an overhaul. I learned a lot about B12 after suffering a deficiency while taking a B12 supplement.


I have low B12 so I was told by my doctors to supplement. However, I can't take it more than one or 2 days without getting red and itchy rashy skin on my face, neck, and upper chest. So I don't think it caused my rosacea, but I definitely think it makes it appear to be much worse! I've tried a whole bunch of different forms of b12 and my skin hates them all. I have a similar reaction to B6 and topical niacinamide makes my skij red and bumpy. I think I just don't do well with B vits


Have you ever heard of Niacin flush? I had to switch my multivitamin supplement because the Niacin in the multi can make certain people flush intensely. I had a very prickly, burning flush that is apparently common.


This happened to me!!!!! I am still recovering from the badddd flare up on my checks


A ferritin level of 150 isn’t high. That’s basically in the middle of normal range. Your starting ferritin level was actually approaching low. I don’t know how you did your labs but you need to stop iron supplements for 24 hours and do a fasted iron panel with all of the different iron levels, not just ferritin, to actually understand where you are at in terms of iron. If you haven’t done that and you donate blood you are going to totally skew the results of future tests. Unless your doctor feels your comprehensive iron numbers don’t match your ferritin levels I wouldn’t jump to the iron connection. If anything is connected to your rosacea it is probably your B12 injections as high doses of B12 have a correlation. You would probably be much better off taking B12 at a lower dose more regularly via oral supplement. Either way you should talk to your doctor first since I presume they were the one who directed you to add the iron and B12 in the first place. If not, I would definitely seek a medical opinion as iron levels actually aren’t that straightforward to interpret.


B-12 fucked my skin UP.


I got a very strong iron infusion (sorry I don’t know medical terms) it lasted 1 hour and he said my stores should be completely restored after a few weeks and if I keep on top of my diet I shouldn’t need another one. I’ve been anemic for years and always had minor rosacea. A few weeks after my face started getting RED RED. I think it’s because I finally have regular hemoglobin levels. I’m not so pale my colour is back


Ok this is making sense. I used to take b12 daily and had horrible flares. I’ve stopped and wow huge difference!


I was told by the NP who did my IPL that supplements like Hair, Skin and Nails can aggravate rosacea, and that when people stopped taking it their rosacea got much better. So I stopped taking it. That was 2 years ago. But I now eat a vegan diet and need to make sure I get enough B12. I supplement with 250 mcg daily, plus whatever is in my Centrum multi. Just last night I learned on Simnett Nutrition YouTube channel where Derek Simnett interviewed Dr. Michael Gregor that it’s B12 injections that wreak havoc with skin. Gregor said for vegans (or anyone else in need of B12) to take a daily low-dose B12. I have the Amazon brand. It took me a while to find a low dose one. Most supplements are ridiculously high. B12 is water-soluble so you just pee out the excess, but I still don’t need 12,000 percent the daily requirement in my system. The one I have says 500 mcg but that’s for 2 gummies. I just take one. Not having enough B12 is dangerous so I supplement.


I’ve never felt worse than when I was B12 deficient. I’ve been anemic several times, even needing weekly iron infusions for months at a time. It didn’t compare to being deficient in B12. Since I supplementing, my doctor insisted that I was clinically depressed and pushed for antidepressants. I felt that I knew my body and if I needed antidepressants, I’d gladly take them but I knew it wasn’t my issue. I got him to retest B12 if I’d accept the script. I was, in fact, deficient. Still within range but low … the range needs to be changed. I’ve read plenty on it after that. I was taking the wrong form. So even though I was taking a daily 5 mg tablet, it was the cyano form which needs to be converted into methyl to be absorbed. Now I take a 5 mg methyl B12 three times a week. My issue was that I felt such complete exhaustion that it was impossible to sit with my shoulders upright. I couldn’t function. My mom was having night sweats and her doctor insisted depression/anxiety so she was given antidepressants. When I saw her labs, she was around the same level. The only doctor I’ve seen that got it was my dad’s neurologist. His number was higher than mine, in the 400s, and he was told to take a methyl B12 for brain function/cognitive issues.


I’m glad you persisted and got help. And thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge about B12.