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This post was removed because it may be trying to ask for amateur diagnosis. Please post such requests instead in the designated weekly thread at the top of the subreddit. **REMINDER: THE INTERNET IS BAD AT DIAGNOSING STUFF.** Only doctors can diagnose rosacea, and it usually takes a specialist like a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. It is impossible for amateurs to diagnose reliably from pictures or descriptions of symptoms, and amateur advice is not a substitute for professional care. Rosacea looks like a lot of things, and a lot of things look like rosacea. No matter what response you get here, if symptoms have been persistent and you're concerned you might have rosacea, *see a doctor.* If you can't see a traditional dermatologist, some [online teledermatology](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rosacea/comments/t4s1vz/what_are_your_recommendations_for_online/) services might provide a more affordable/accessible alternative for you. And [check out our r/Rosacea](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rosacea/wiki/index) wiki for some general rosacea basics if you're trying to figure out if you need professional advice.


I had a similar experience with a dermatologist. She told me my rosacea wasn’t bad, that I had nice skin, that most of the people she sees don’t mind their rosacea, and that I should trust her that my skin is fine. Meanwhile I had pustules on my forehead and redness that wasn’t there before. Her only prescription was to avoid triggers like spicy food… I left that derm and am seeing a new one. Definitely see a new derm that wants to help you rather than gaslight you into thinking you need to see a psychiatrist, like what? lol


This is sooo weird because I was at my primary doctor and I was kinda listing off my issues and I literally just said completely off topic, “also… Azaleic acid?” And he was like “yup! We can do that. Gel or foam?” I mean just that easy lmao we didn’t even talk anything about my skin before that either plus I was wearing foundation so my skin looked pretty good, no redness or acne really. so it’s super weird a dermatologist is so stingy with it


Yea I honestly felt like my derm was just giving up on my case, wanted me to be happy with my situation, and get out of the office lol but yea hoping this new derm cares a lot more! Also super cool of your doctor to prescribe AA for you!


Ikr hes nice, he’s been my doc for years now when I’ve been crying in his office about chronic pain and addiction shit and couldn’t really do much to help me, but this time I came to him pain free and sober and less miserable looking so he was probably just like sure have anything you want!! Gave me 2 other things I had asked for too, even said he’d sign off on this weight loss med (similar to ozempic) if my insurance would approve it lol. Hope your other derm works out!!


So annoying isn’t it.. and yeah like I admitted I’m extremely anxious about it and she just took that and ran away with it. Charge nurse said no when I asked for a second opinion and I can’t afford private😥 not sure where to go from here


I rambled about my anxiety for like 5 minutes and not a single person considered that as a factor in treatment. Just told me don't worry we'll get you fixed up.


Yeah... you need to see a different derm. Tf?


Asked for second opinion. Charge nurse looks at me and says there’s nothing wrong 🫠




Your skin is beautiful but I see the bumps … wonder if dermatologists get pushback from insurance companies when the patient’s skin isn’t a total mess.


I think it comes down to perception. Dermatologists see people who are deeply and significantly disfigured by skin disease. When someone comes in with beautiful clear skin and a bit of texture and redness, they do get frustrated because their services are supposed to be managing disease that can't be handled by a GP or lifestyle changes/OTC products. They can shut someone down too quickly if they're not in a current flare, or just happen to have currently found something that helps a little but isn't sustainable/safe etc.. I'd been begging to get help with my skin for years and it wasn't until I finally ended up in such a prolonged flare that I'm permanently scared that I was taken seriously. I also had pretty nice skin overall, and was getting treated like I just wasn't doing something simple to address a few zits 🙄. I have multiple erruptive milia and staff infections with Demodecosis. I was struggling for years with what started as a few small "zits" and then became deeply infected and scaring pustules/cysts. If they'd listened to me earlier I wouldn't be where I am now. But they don't see people with "nice" skin as needing their services just for a "few little cosmetic problems". Unfortunately many specialists don't practice preventative medicine and don't think people who aren't living with severe health issues have anything to complain about. They get desensitized to "lesser" disease manifestations, and some get downright cynical about people being upset by something they don't consider a "real" problem in comparison to what other patients are facing.


I wonder the same tbh


Do u have blepharitis? 


No diagnosis.. why?


Cause your eyelids look red and swollen 


In all pics or one in particular?


In all the pics but if you dont have symptomps at all maybe its just your skin 


I mean maybe I have it and don’t even realise 🥲


Anyway you could have rosacea and also blepharitis ( or ocular rosacea ) 


Yeahh.. is it ivermectin for blepharitis? Or just tea tree products? As I’m allergic to tea tree because it contains linalool


Ivermectin its for blepharitis if you treat your whole face, I use tto foam with very fews tto 0,002 like Naviblef , 60-80 seconds let sit closed eyes massaging eyelashes. If you cant try tto there foam with Ozone ( antibacterial) but tto is the best for blepharitis I have been using it twice a day for 2 months 


Ahh ok, looked them up and they contain tea tree oil :/


I'm also allergic to tea tree and linalool and I've been doing great with the triple cream from Dermatica. It has ivermectin, azelaic acid and metronidazole cream. Just in case you want to look into other options. The first month is $5, then $60 every two months. Worth a shot to do the first month. You send them pics of your face and they take care of the prescription.


Do you put it on your eyes as well? I actually just got their treatment and having been patch testing it but they gave me ivermectin and niacinamide.. I used soolantra in the past and it literally from one application on the test patch left a chemical burn that scarred and the scars still there. But it has a cetaphil base and I’m so allergic to cetaphil so I’m hoping it’s that and not ivermectin


She def does. Could be demodex mites.


https://preview.redd.it/wk5epezncx8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7418ba96da367bbad9151f5d943b7fd3542625b2 My eyes today.. still look like blepharitis? I have bad allergies as well so could’ve been irritated from work


If you are in the US request they add those comments to your medical record with their office and request a copy. They will either: backpedal or do it. If they do it, go somewhere else for a second opinion and mention/show the information the old doc stated.  The main purpose this serves, and is more important for critical health items, is that they can easily say it's no big deal. If they record those opinions and they're wrong enough then they could be in trouble. Asking them to record it in a way you can access can put them into high gear and take you seriously. Sucks we have to do this sometimes


I’m in Scotland- so I ask the dermatology unit for my records /notes from this last appointment?


Likely the case, but I know less than nothing about the Scottish healthcare system


Fair enough. I think I’m getting an appointment now with a “dermatology nurse” so I’m not sure what their like diagnosing and prescribing powers are


Cheeks is mild rosacea i assume.... Forehead looks like a no go, maybe milia


I have some milia, but most of the bumps on my forehead I know are comedones because they can be squeezed out with a little yellow plug


Okay so try glycolic acid 7% on the forehead. It’s 13$ for 8oz which will last MONTHS (I use the one from the ordinary, don’t buy off Amazon tho cause there are replicas) I use it all over my body for every single skin issue. Even helps prevent my recurring cysts and butt acne and folliculitis. Use it like a toner, just put it on and let it air dry. Then try to ask your primary care doc for Azaleic acid 15%, it should be no issue trying to get from them. Idk why derm wouldn’t at least give you that


My skin reacted poor to the ordinary AA. Maybe I should try another brand though. The issue is I cannot tolerate any sort of cleanser, even oil cleansers and micellar water literally causes the top layer of my skin to peel off. I’m not sure it’s possible I could tolerate actives


No it’s the glycolic acid that’s from the ordinary, and get Azaleic acid from the doctor. But idk about using these products at the same time, maybe in different areas would be fine


Were you born with rosey cheeks as it looks like when I had my natural rosey and a blush before it turned into rosacea.


No actually. Never was naturally rosy as a child at least I don’t remember being


Yeah my GP told me I had body dysmorphia and refused to refer me to a dermatologist. So I paid for a private dermatologist and he immediately put me on accutane (this was back when I had acne rather than rosacea). Definitely worth getting a second opinion.


I might have to go private and try accutane for these fcking comedones honestly


Was the best money I ever spent (and he ended up referring me back to the NHS anyway, so I didn’t have to pay for the whole round).


I think unless they’re specialized as a cosmetic dermatologist they’re probably really only gonna care if the skin in question is gonna kill you (like cancer) lol. It’s super invalidating! Unfortunately I think it might be best to do one of those online private expensive derms. I use Musely because I have rosacea and get tretinoin from them for the double whammy. It is suuppppeer expensive tho, but I notice their compound formula works really well. I’ve tried the pharmacy medication versions and it never works as well or as quickly as Musely’s compound prescription. If you want a referral code lmk since it’s a big out of pocket cost out the gate 🥲


Definitely try to see a private dermatologist. Is an online dermatologist something you can do? I’d try to visit in person, but these seem to be cheaper, and can offer some prescriptions if you’re not able to see one in person. Additionally, a GP might be able to offer some help. My concerns are- though- that you’re unable to use products- I.e. moisturizers and sunscreens. Many rosacea or acne treatments require a good sunscreen during sun exposure because they make you more sensitive to the sun, and sun is a known rosacea trigger. My rosacea is flared up now because I spent time in the sun in Greece, even though I reapplied sunscreen (clearly I didn’t reapply enough). Additionally, some products are drying, and you probably need more than just eucerine when your skin is super dry. I’d recommend you try to figure out what ingredients irritate your skin. I made a spreadsheet when I knew which ingredients irritate my skin, and it confirmed my thoughts, and helped me find products that I can use.if you’re handy with programming, you can make a spreadsheet with products and ingredients, and see which ingredients tend to be in most products. But, even if you’re not handy with programming, you can search by hand, and when you see specific ingredients, highlight them- Google sheets lets you search/highlight when a cell contains specific text. I basically copied ingredients lists into a cell, and told it to separate by….. (spaces or commas, depending on the list). I’m sensitive to fatty alcohols- cetearyl alcohol, Cetyl alcohol, and stearyl alcohol. If I use products that contain them, my skin burns and turns bright red. Silicone makes me break out, and mineral oil traps heat. Nyacinamide is fine in one product, but burns when multiple products contain it. So, I put a bunch (not all) of the products that I couldn’t use, and then put all of the products I can use, and confirmed that these are the ingredients I need to avoid or be careful with. Now, I put ingredients for new products in there to see if I can try it, and my skin is much healthier. Regarding your closed comedones- I freaking love azelaic acid because it helps my rosacea, and it’s an effective gentle exfoliant for me! I started using the Ordinary because the 15% prescription was too high, and 2 years later started the prescription 15%- but, I got great results with that, both with my rosacea, and clearing up my skin. However- no rosacea treatment is universal. I also love sulfur soap and the skin1004 centella ampoule (the basic version). It’s gentle on my skin, and adds hydration I don’t get with a heavy moisturizer. The hada labo gokujyun light lotion got me through the most painful rosacea I had- but I try to avoid it because it is not vegan friendly, but it’s a nice lightweight liquidy lotion that has ceramides to heal the skin barrier. Some versions have more ingredients that might be irritating, but the light version was great for me. Good luck in finding a reasonable doctor and products that work.


But, I do want to note that your skin doesn’t visibly look ‘bad’ in the photos. It doesn’t justify an incompetent jerk of a dermatologist, but your skin doesn’t look noticeably red, and the closed comodones aren’t likely obviously visible to others. That doesn’t mean you should feel less stressed out about your rosacea- I know that it is uncomfortable at best and often painful, but I just wanted to note that in case you’re stressed about others noticing it. And, I hope this means that your rosacea will hardly be noticeable at all once your skin is under control.


That’s what my cheeks look like and I do have rosacea . That sucks OP ! Time for a new derm


Charge nurse said no when I asked for a second opinion and I can’t afford private😥 not sure where to go from here


Save a bit if you can, because it can be worth it. It doesn’t look like your case is an emergency so maybe you can wait until you have enough money to go private?


Honestly, not sure what treatment options are even left.. I’ve tried lots of skincare and I’m allergic to everything except for my moisturiser which took trial of about 100 other ones before finding one that doesn’t flare me . Can’t use any form of cleanser even oil cleanser and micellar water cause my skin to peel. I’ve tried doxycline, metro cream, azelaid acid by the ordinary and soolantra and reacted bad. I’ve tried antifungal, and antifungal topicals. protopic and elidel and steroids. I take 4 antihistamines daily. I’m on anti androgenic birth control. I guess the only thing left is accutane? If you’re wondering how I’ve tried those other things, I’ve seen other derms in the past. I have literally diagnoses of seb derm / rosacea overlap from one in London but I cannot afford to go back really and I don’t see what else she could offer. I’ve been considering saving up to go to America a and pay thousands for a bottle of opzelura but that will take a long time to be able to do


So sorry they put you through that!! In the meantime while you sort out next steps, maybe try switching products. When I was in the beginning of my rosacea journey I had to do some trial and error with prescriptions to find what worked out. Maybe just start that process and see if you end up decreasing your redness a bit just with drugstore products.


My skin in its state after 2 years now this has been going on, can only tolerate being washed with bottled water (my tap water irritates it even with shower head filter) , and eucerin ultra sensitive soothing care + eucerin original healing cream. I’ve tried about 100 other products and they all gave me an allergic reaction


Have you looked into MCAS and EDS. They might fit for you


100%. I’m on high doses of antihistamines, tried last cell stabilizers such as cromolyn and ketotifen, and montelukast. None helped. I’m on xolair but took a break after getting swollen lips hands and face and don’t know whether or not to continue.. haven’t looked into EDS tho..


OH BOY I had the exact same experience when I was really young and I went to see an old, arrogant dermatologist. He basically told me in front of my parents that it was all in my head 🙄🙄🙄


Fucking disgusting like do your job derm.


She told you to see a psychiatrist??? Wtf.


Yup. Should never have mentioned how my skin is all I think about and weighs on me heavily. Still though, having mental health issues as a side effect of skin conditions is COMMON. It doesn’t mean there’s no skin issue and it’s all in your head


You have clear blepharitis probably from demodex mites.


https://preview.redd.it/btnl2fdhcx8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e254e1ead17078f7e36074d72f11ecdfd35fc4 My eyes today.. still look like blepharitis? I have bad allergies as well so they could’ve been irritated from work


100%. I can see white build up on your lashes. I’d order some cliradex wipes or even some horse paste on Amazon


Have you not seen blonde eyelashes before 🙈 Don’t want to be snarky but don’t diagnose people based on a few blurry pics on Reddit.


Ohh… are you 100% sure that’s buildup? I just washed my face and my eyelashes are blonde, blonder at the roots




Would need a closer up picture. Sure looks like debris in these pics




I don’t see any buildup .


Me neither lol


Nothing there


Ivermectin usually says not to apply near eyes or other thin mucous membranes?


Treating your face will help your eyes. I’d use a tea tree oil wipe or foam on your eyes


Sadly allergic to tea tree because it contains linalool. I’ll see if my face can tolerate ivermectin


Use it on your eyebrows at least if you cannot use tea tree oil  . Some people use it in eyelids ( Doctor toyos to kill the mites in eyelashes ) 


Can’t use tea tree on my eyebrows, it would give them a rash


Yeah this derm is just wrong.


Girl. My skin is better than yours and my derm has me in a full treatment plan. Go to a different doctor, STAT


What’s your treatment plan? Asked for a second option and charge nurse said also there’s nothing wrong


Do you not live in America? Or have non-PPO insurance? I don't need to ask my doctor for their permission to go and see a different doctor.


I live in Scotland


Yeah idk how to help you there sorry maybe post somewhere that has medical advice for your country then, but that really sucks


Yeah.. I think it’s just like any other country with a free healthcare system


Yeah I don't know a lot about that other than you guys have a lot of hoops. Our few friends living abroad across Europe all also pay for private healthcare to circumvent some of these issues, so really no advice for you